Harrison High School Scholarship Bulletin 4-2-15 http://blogs.harrisonhigh.org/college_and_career_planning/ Most applications are available online. Please note requirements and deadlines. Many Scholarships require letters of recommendation. Give yourself plenty of time! If you need counselor’s nomination please contact them immediately so they have time for process! Check with the colleges you are applying to for various scholarship opportunities they may offer!! **REMEMBER, you should never pay scholarship search or application fees! This list is not all inclusive. To search for more scholarships tailored to your interests please see the resources at the end this list. These websites also provide insight into career paths. Scholarship Information Deadline/Amount Criteria AMDA College and Conservatory of the Varying Seniors. Go to website for information. There is also a Performing Arts Scholarships Nomination Form available if you contact teacher to fill out. www.amda.edu Based on auditions. The Art Institutes Scholarships Varying deadlines Go to website and click on “Scholarship Opportunities”. http://new.artinstitutes.edu/scholarships// Varying Amounts Several different scholarships available in the arts!! College Week Live Monthly Grades 9-12. Can enter monthly, must visit three colleges of www.collegeweeklive.com $1,000 Monthly choice. See website to apply. Fastweb Scholarships Ongoing Excellent resource for scholarships. Can personalize search. www.fastweb.com National College Resources Foundation Varying Several scholarships available listed alphabetically. Great http://www.thecollegeexpo.org/index.php/a Varying resource. vailable-scholarships Scholarship Experts Monthly Grades 9-12. See website for list of monthly scholarships www.scholarshipexperts.com/apply.htx Varying Awards currently available. One essay written. No GPA required. StudentScholarship.org Ongoing Grades 9-12. Scholarships for all grades, especially seniors www.studentscholarships.org updated constantly. University Tutor Monthly Scholarship Monthly Check website for monthly qualifications. www.universitytutor.com/scholarshipcontest Varsity Tutors Monthly Scholarship Monthly 16 years old and older. Monthly essay from 200-900 words http://www.varsitytutors.com/college$1,000 on prompted question. For other rules and how to submit scholarship see website. Barbizon Scholarship Ongoing Grades 9-12. Go to website to log on and enter. www.Barbizonmodeling.com $100,000 Girl Scout Scholarships See website Senior Girls. Please see website for more information. Go to www.gsgatl.org Varying Amounts “For Girls”, “Scholarships” and several tabs for opportunities. th th Hispanic Scholarship Fund Varying Deadlines 9 -12 Grades. Latino college dollars search tool. Many http://www.latinocollegedollars.org/ & Amounts scholarship opportunities made available. H&R Block Budge Challenge & Scholarships Varying Deadlines *Must ask teacher to participate. Real-life budget decisions www.hrbds.org & Amounts in simulation. IEFA International Scholarship Search Varying Deadlines Financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for http://www.iefa.org/ & Amounts US and international students wishing to study abroad. MALDEF Varying Deadlines Scholarships and Scholarship Resource Guide. Go to website http://www.maldef.org & Amounts and then click on “Education” & “Scholarships”. CBA-Julian & Jan Hester Memorial Schol. 4-10-15 Seniors. Write essay and work through CBA member bank. www.cbaofga.com 4- $1,000 Click on “Communications” & “Hester Scholarship”. Going to GA college. Academic not financial need. Delta Community Credit Union Scholarship 4-10-15 Seniors Attending college in fall. Delta Comm member. 3.0 or http://www.deltacommunitycu.com/Scholars 3 - $5,000 higher GPA. Transcript, letter of rec, and essay. Member of hips 2 - $2,500 Delta Community. Andrew Oswald Memorial Fund 4-13-15 Seniors. Female or male lacrosse player planning on playing Andrew Oswald Scholarship $1,000 lacrosse in college. Contribution to the sport, community. 2 (Renewable for letters of recommendation. Website has info and app. three years.) American Legion Legacy Scholarship 4-15-15 Seniors. Child of Armed Services who passed away on active www.legion.org/scholarships/legacy Varying duty. More information and application on website. 4-2-15 Kathleen C. Spicer Scholarship Fund See Mrs. Lyons in Admin 1 after 12:30 WellStar Cobb Hospital Auxiliary 2015 Schol. WellStar Cobb Hospital Application Senator Lindsey Tippins Scholarship Senator Lindsey Tippins Application 2015 Percy Julian Award – American Chemical Soc. http://cambridgeguidance.files.wordpress.co m/2013/08/2014-percy-julian-high-schoolaward-application.pdf 2015 Student-View Scholarship Program http://www.studentview.com/ScholarshipWmap.html Georgia Trial Lawyers Assoc. (GTLA) th 7 Amendment Scholarship www.gtla.org/scholarship Georgia PTA 2015 Scholarship http://www.georgiapta.org/newsevents/calling-all-seniors-georgia-ptascholarship-application/ Calvin Johnson Jr. Scholarship http://calvinjohnsonjrfoundation.org/2015Sc holarshipApplication.pdf Alpha Iota Delta of Chi Psi / GA Tech Oscar Virgil Bryan Memorial Scholarship Oscar Virgil Bryan Application Digital Responsibility E-waste Scholarship www.digitalresponsibility.org/scholarships The Morgan Thomas Scholarship Fund http://www.cobbfoundation.org/currentfunds/morgan-thomas-scholarship-metromarietta-kiwanis/ All About Education Scholarship www.scholarshipexperts.com/apply.htx Athnet Sports Recruiting Scholarship http://www.athleticscholarships.net/scholars hip-contest.htm Beth Hale Memorial Scholarship Cobb Cty Legal Professionals Assoc. Beth Hale Memorial Application Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Heineken USA Performing Arts Scholarship www.cbcfinc.org/cbcf-scholarships.html Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Visual Arts Scholarship www.cbcfinc.org/cbcf-scholarships.html Empire Beauty School Scholarship Go to Empire location/Career Planning Rep Marietta Lodge #2607 Joseph H Lonati Memorial Academic Scholarship http://www.orgsites.com/ga/italians/_pgg10. php3 Nordstrom Ten 4 U Scholarship http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/nordstrom- 4-2-15 4-15-15 4-15-15App & Tran 5-27-17 Ref. Back $2,500 4-16-15 1 each: $500, $750, $1,000 & $1,250 4-16-15 $250 Book Scholarship/ Membership in ACS 4-22-15 1-$4,000, 2-$1,000 10-$500 4-24-15 $1,000 Grand Prize $500 Runner Up 4-25-15 Several Scholastic excellence and achievements. Cobb County resident. Seniors. Show acceptance to a GA College and pursuing a degree/certificate in healthcare profession. See application for details. GPA of 3.0 or higher. Seniors. Demonstrates successful academic career, work ethic and good character. Min GPA 2.5. 1 Letter of Rec. 20 scholarships to be awarded to 5 Cobb Schools – 4 to be awarded to Harrison students. 1 Male/1 Female Senior. Geared toward under-represented minorities who plan to major in chemistry, biochemistry or a chemical science. 3.5 or higher. Leadership and cultural understanding. See application for details Seniors. Plan to attend 4 year college, community/jr college or career school. No minimum SAT/ACT score or GPA, No essay, no applications. Just a survey!! Seniors. Awareness of the societal and judicial value of the Constitutional Right to Trial by Jury & Ga’s Civil Justice System. Essay 750-2,250 words. No GPA. Seniors. PTA member, college bound in Fall 2015, good character, 2.4 GPA or higher, and has not received a full scholarship. Essay, letters of rec, and transcript. 4-27-15 Varies Seniors. Attending college/univ. in fall with no more than a partial college football scholarship. At least 2.5 GPA 4-30-15 $1,000 Senior male entering GA Tech in fall who exemplifies the community service and leadership Bryan did. Application and references. All Grades. 140-character statement that completes this sentence: The most important reason to care about e-waste is... Seniors. Enrolling or accepted to college in US. Financial need, with a leaning toward the average or slightly above that is overlooked. 2.5 or higher, 3.0-3-5 preferred. Activities, community, essay. Go to website for more info and app. Grades 9-12. 250 Words or less essay, “How will a $3,000 scholarship for education make a difference in your life?” Seniors. Write a 400-500 word essay describing how the lessons you’ve learned through playing sports have positively impacted you as you pursue your college education. Seniors. Awarded on basis of scholastic achievement, leadership and prospective legal education. B or above. Financial assistance. Seniors. Students pursuing a career in the performing arts. 4-30-15 $1,000 4-30-14 Varies yearly (7 awarded last year) 4-30-15 $3,000 5-1-15 $1,000 5-1-15 $1,000 $500 5-1-15 Varies yearly 5-1-15 Varies yearly Seniors. Students pursuing a career in the visual arts. 5-1-15*Enrolled by $1,000 5-1-15 $1,000 Seniors. Submit application at Career Planning Specialist at Empire location which you have enrolled by May 1. Seniors. American citizen of Italian descent. Not based on financial need or athletics, based on academics and community service. GPA, SAT/ACT scores required. Lodge will sponsor. Open to a few Cobb & Cherokee schools. Juniors live in state with a Nordstrom’s, 2.7 or higher, volunteer in community or extracurricular. Plan on attending 5-1-15 $10,000 to 80 cares-scholarship-us-puerto-rico The Brian Jordan Foundation www.brianjordanfoundation.com students 5-4-15 $1250/yearly 4yrs HeritageBank of the South Scholarship https://www.eheritagebank.com/files/Schola rship_Guide2015.pdf Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm 5-8-15 6-$1,000 Southern Association for College Admission Counseling Extend the Dream Scholarship http://www.sacac.org/extend-the-dreamscholarships Suntrust Off to College Scholarship www.offtocollege.info 5-15-15 $1,000 Several Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Education Scholarship www.cbcfinc.org/cbcf-scholarships.html B. Davis Scholarship http://www.studentawardsearch.com/schola rships.htm Coaching is Leadership Essay Scholarship www.thelockerscholarship.com 5-15-15 $1,000 5-15-15 2 - $500 Bimonthly 5-22-15 Varies Monthly 5-25-15 $1,000 5-30-15 2-$1,000 Iron Security Scholarship http://www.ironsecurity.com/scholarshipopportunity 5-31-15 $500 Aspiring Animation Professional www.animationcareerreview.com 6-1-15 $1,000 Aspiring Fashion Professional Scholarship www.fashion-schools.org/ David Skinner/GA Development Authority www.gdaonline.com Abbott & Fenner Business Scholarship www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships/ht m 6-1-15 $1,000 6-2-14 $1,500 6-15-15 $1,000 (Number given varies) Global Lift Equipment Scholarship www.usedforkliftsontario.ca Out of the Easy Scholarship http://www.us.penguingroup.com/static/pag es/forms/yr/out_of_the_easy/ BigSun Scholarship www.bigsunathletics.com Lift Parts Express Scholarship www.forkliftpartsgeorgia.com Nursing Schools Almanac 2015 Aspiring Nurse Scholarship http://www.nursingschoolsalmanac.com/ 6-15-15 $500 6-15-15 (Postmark by 6-8-15) $5,000 6-19-2015 $500 6-30-15 $500 6-30-15 $1,000 SPECIFIC COLLEGE & OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS: 4-2-15 4 yr college. Financial assistance applied for. Seniors. Going to 4yr College. 2.75 or higher, essay of 250 words or less. Financial need. Leadership in and out of school. See website for application Seniors. GPA 3.0 or higher. Active in community, essay regarding your community, teacher rec., and application. th th 11 & 12 Grades. Essay: Describe your educational career and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how this degree/major will help you achieve your goals. See website. Seniors. Based on academic achievement, community service, and financial need. 2.75 or higher GPA. Transcript, letter of rec, and two page double spaced essay. See website for more information. Seniors. One winner is chosen every two weeks from Oct. 31May 15.Free to enter, no eligibility requirements. Seniors. National Scholarship program for academically talented students pursuing full-time undergraduate degrees. th th 11 & 12 Grades. Future plans and 1,000 words or less essay. No academic requirements. See website for information. th th 9 -12 Grades. Submit a 100-500 word essay on how a coach has motivated you to succeed in life, inspired members of your sports program, and positively impacted your community. Seniors. GPA 2.5 or higher. Write an original blog about, “When was the last situation where you only had a few moments to make a very important decision and what was the eventual result of that decision?” Seniors. Pursuing an animation career path. Go to the website for information and application. Go to right side of the page for the scholarship information. Student interested in pursuing a fashion degree. Go to website for information, application on bottom of website Seniors. Pursuing college degree in agriculture or related field. Juniors & Seniors. 500-700 word essay, Describe your educational career and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how this degree/major will help you achieve your goals. No GPA required. See website to submit essay. Seniors. Short story. GPA 2.5 or higher. Go to website for more information. Click “Education” Senior. Three page essay. Essay must be submitted by entrants English teacher, or school librarian. See website for more information. Seniors. Involved in any sport at high school. Essay 500-1000 words. See website for application information. Ages 16-21. Enrolling in college in fall 2015. 3.0 GPA or higher. Essay. See website for application and details. Seniors. Students pursuing nursing in college and demonstrates academic excellence, science & math particularly. LPN/LVN, ADN, and BSN programs. Universal Technical Institute: Learn about areas of study in Auto, Collision, Diesel, Marine, Motorcycle and NASCAR. Scholarships available at www.UTI.edu/NASCAR.edu ADDITIONAL WEBSITES FOR SCHOLARSHIP SEARCHING: 4-2-15 http://apps.collegeboard.com/cbsearch_ss/welcome.jsp – College Board/SAT free scholarship search www.actstudent.org – ACT, scholarship/financial aid info www.AtlantaScholarships.com – Free scholarship search www.cappex.com/scholarships - Free scholarship search www.careercruising.com – User Name: Harrison, Password: Hoyas. Go to SCHOOLS and click on Financial Aid. Click on Scholarships. You can also click on Financial Aid and fill out a profile to get immediate scholarships suited for you. www.fastweb.com – Free scholarship search www.gacollege411.org – Financial aid info, apply for HOPE, search for colleges (2 yr, 4 yr, technical), check HOPE GPA, etc. Universal Technical Institute: Learn about areas of study in Auto, Collision, Diesel, Marine, Motorcycle and NASCAR. Scholarships available at www.UTI.edu/
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