MO Orientation & Induction Test Dr Toh Hong Chuen Consultant Acute and Emergency Care Center, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Singapore Adjunct Assistant Professor, Clinical Senior Lecturer Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore Program Director Alexandra Academy for Clinical and Emergency Sonography 42 SAQ Passing Mark 380/420 NOTE: 1. Write your answers on a blank A4 Paper 2. Write legibly as it will be marked 1 A 87 yr old Chinese lady presented with fever and bed sore from nursing home. 1. State two other common source of infection in this group of patient (2) 2. If she is hypotensive, is she in septic shock? (1) 3. What is the amount of initial fluid challenge? (1) 4. What do you give if she is still hypotensive after fluids and vasopresors?(1) 5. State 5 things you must document in your clinical notes if this patient is for DNR (5) 2 47 Ch Female presented with abdominal pain and fever. 1. State the 3 reason for ordering a supine AXR. (3) 2. How many air-fluid level level can a normal person have on erect AXR? (1) 3. State the most obvious pathology that you see here (2) 4. What is the most likely diagnosis (2) 5. What bedside investigation should be done for her? (2) 3 You see this set of vital signs for an A&E patient breathing room air. 1. What is the perfusion pressure of this patient? (2) 2. Which blood does the SpO2 measure – Arterial, capillary, venous or mixture? (2) 3. Can you significantly increase the oxygen content in this patient’s blood by giving high flow oxygen via nonrebreather mask? Why? (2) 4. Calculate the MAP for this patient based on the systolic & diastolic BP that you see here (2) 5. Why does your MAP reading differ from the one shown here? (2) 4 This 58 Malay lady presented with right foot pain. 1. What is the most important past medical condition to ascertain in her? (2) 2. What pathology did you find on this Xray? (1) 3. What physical finding do you expect to find on clinical examination? (1) 4. What is your diagnosis (2) 5. Why do you think she is breathless but has clear lungs and Spo2 of 97% on room air? (2) 6. If she needs to be intubated, what is the initial respiratory rate that you set? (2) 5 You saw this Xray that your friend ordered for a patient that was handed over to you. 1. What is the name of the splint that we have in the A&E for this fracture? (2) 2. State 4 physical findings would require an operative repair for this injury (4) 3. Do you need to NBM this patient if he is planned for surgery? (1) 4. What else is wrong with this Xray, other than the fracture? (2) What should you do to rectify this? (1) 6 A 68 Chinese male vomited out this material in front of you. 1. What PAC should he be assigned? (1) 2. If you can only sent one blood test, what would you send? (1) 3. Other than esophageal varices, state 3 other common causes of this condition. (3) 4. State two other drugs that you will give IF you suspect esophageal varices , on top of what you would give for the 3 causes you listed above (2). 5. What are the doses of these two drugs? (3) 7 This patient came in for SOB and you have just intubated him. 1. What does the size of ETT refers to? (2) 2. What is the appropriate minimal size of ETT for a male? (1) 3. What is the formula for depth of ETT placement? (1) 4. Can a CXR confirm airway placement? How? (2) 5. What is the choice of secondary confirmation of airway placement? (1) 6. What is coming out from this ETT? (1) 7. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s respiratory distress? (1) 8. How would you improve this patient’s oxygenation other than setting a high FiO2? (1) 8 You see this on the ECG monitor of a sick patient. 1. What is your diagnosis? (3) 2. What immediate bedside test must you do? (1) 3. What is the most important drug to give if the bedside test confirms your diagnosis? (2). How do you give it? (1) 4. State 3 other drugs/route that you can give (3) 9 This 64 Chinese male came in drunk. While still under the influence of alcohol, he complained of lethargy and muscle ache. 1. What abnormality do you find on this ECG? (3) 2. What is you ECG diagnosis? (2) 3. What bedside test would you do to confirm your ECG diagnosis (1) What is your treatment? (2) 4. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s muscle ache? (1) What bedside test would you do to suggest your diagnosis? (1) 10 This lady was brought over from nursing home for “talking abnormally” and “pain on eating”. 1. What is the most significant physical abnormality on her? (2) 2. What is the most likely diagnosis? (2) 3. What investigation would you order? (2) What is the purpose of this investigation? (2) 4. After you have solved her problem, what and what advice would you give her/nursing home staff before you discharge her? (2) 11 54 Ch Male presented with vague chest pain at rest for only one day last week. There was no other symptoms and no CVRF. Came to ED after his wife bugged him to. He was completely well on presentation. The vitals, CXR and first Trop T are completely normal. 1. What is the door to ECG reading time? (1) 2. State 3 ECG abnormalities (3) 3. What is your main ECG diagnosis? (1) 4. Is this patient suitable for chest pain protocol? (2) 5. The patient (a VIP) has self ordered a treadmill at a private hospital. Should he go for it and why? (2) 6. Would you start aspirin for him? (1) 12 A patient was brought into the ED after her maid found her “blue”. Paramedics gave the report that she was asystolic at scene. 1. What are the 10 causes of cardiac arrest? (5) 2. What is the most likely cause of cardiac arrest in this patient? (1) 3. You have a known diagnosis for cause of death. Can she be signed up as a noncoroner’s case? (2). 4. Why? (2) 13 Good quality CPR is a class I recommendation in patients with cardiac arrest. 1. How would you perform the Chest Compression for it to be “Good Quality” (5) 2. How would you perform the Bagging (using BVM) for it to be “Good Quality” (1) 3. Other than calling off resuscitation, state the TWO occasions (there are only 2) when you can STOP chest compression. (4) 14 A patient comes with the clinical diagnosis of stroke <2hours. You are managing bases on department protocol: Thrombolysis is contraindicated in (state true / false) 1. SBP 200mmHg 2. Seizure at scene 3. Hematuria 1 week ago 4. Mass effect on CT 5. Dabigatran 6. Pure sensory stroke 7. Isolated facial weakness 8. Age 82 9. NIHSS score 23 15 A 56 yr old male presents with left sided weakness <1hours. You think that pt will benefit from rTPA and intend to start therapy. 1. Who can give the authorisation to start r-TPA? (1) 2. What is the risk of ICH post rTPA? (1) 3. What SBP and DBP do you aim? (2) 4. How often should BP be monitored in the ED? (1) 5. What is the blood sugar above which you’ll treat? (1) 6. Do you start aspirin for this patient? (1) 7. Should you routinely catheterize/NGT the patient? 8. What should you do if patient complain of severe headache (2) 16 45 man with chest pain. 1. Which level is the ICS located in KTPH? (1) 2. What is the main ECG findings? (2) 3. State the drugs and doses that this patient needs at the A&E (2) 4. Which arm do you set the IV line and why? (2) 5. What is the number to call to activate ICS? (1) 6. What is the ideal door-toballoon time? (1) 7. Do you have to wait for the ICS team to arrive at ICS before transferring the patient? (1) 17 A 34yr old lady presented with vomiting and diarrhoea. She is still lethargic looking after IV rehydration. The following are exclusion criteria for the GE protocol (state true/false) (8) 1. Recent abdominal surgey 2. Renal transplant 3. Bloody/mucoid stools 4. Cr >200 (baseline 82) 5. Na 112mmol/L 6. Multiple co-morbidities 7. B-cell lymphoma on treatment 8. Hypocount 32 9. Who can admit a patient to EDTU? (1) 10. Who can discharge a patient to EDTU? (1) 18 This 27 Chinese man presented with syncope while watching football. He is otherwise well at the ED with normal vital signs and physical findings. 1. What piece of information in the family history must you obtain? (2) 2. Describe the main ECG abnormality (2) 3. What is your ECG diagnosis? (2) 4. How can you increase the sensitivity of this finding on ECG? (2) 5. What is the treatment of choice? (2) 19 This Bangladeshi man slipped and hit his head. He has no LOC, amnesia or disorientation. Complain of right sided headache and bleeding from right ear with material as shown. 1. Can you use the Canadian CT head rule for this patient? (1) Why? (1) 2. Describe what you see on this picture (1) 3. State your diagnosis (2) 4. What clinical sign will support your diagnosis?(1) 5. Does he need prophylactic antibiotics? (1) 6. Does he need prophylactic anticonvulsant? (1) 7. His GCS is 15. Can he be discharged? (1) 8. Why is the lower limbs not used in assessment for the MOTOR component of GCS? (1) 20 A 42 yr old patient presents with abdominal pain and vomiting for 3 days. An AXR is done for the patient. 1. Is the patient male or female? (1) 2. What abnormalities do you see on this AXR? (3) 3. Based on this AXR, what is the most likely cause of the patient’s problem? (1) 4. What 3 results from point of care test would help gauge the severity of her condition? (3) 5. How often does AXR pick up this pathology definitely? Give in terms of % (1) 6. How often does AXR miss this pathology completely? Give in terms of % (1) 21 36 Ch Male fell off his bike and twisted his ankle with deformity as shown 1. What is the Ottawa ankle rule? (4) 2. Which part of the knee must you palpate to exclude a concomitant fracture? (1) If the concomitant fracture is present, what is it called? (1) 3. What makes this ankle injury a true emergency? (2) 4. The patient has NO malleolar tenderness. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis? (2) 22 You are shown this ECG. 1. Explain why is there “Asystole” on lead II (2) 2. Is the amplitude calibration correct? (1) 3. Is the speed calibration correct? (1) 4. State the position of the following leads: V1, V3, V7, V8, V9, RV4 (6) 23 This patient came in for severe SOB at 4am. BP 190/100mmHg, PR 123, RR 30, SpO2 92% on NRM. Has some heart problem but no other medical/surgical history. 1. What is your diagnosis? (1) 2. What drug would you first give for this patient? (1) How do you give this drug? (2) 3. How would you position the patient? (2) 4. Would you catheterise the patient immediately? (1) 5. Is morphine indicated? (1) 6. State 2 contraindications to NIV in this case (2) 24 26 Malay man fell while playing soccer. Hit his head with LOC 2 mins, but woke up and vomited twice. Complain of headache and neckache. GCS 14, BP 150/98mmhg, PR 72, RR 16. 1. What is you CT diagnosis? (1) 2. Is CT neck indicated? (1) 3. How would you describe this CT to the neurosurgeon? (2) 4. His GCS drops to 11 after you put down the phone. You have decided to intubate. What pre-treatment drugs would you give? (2) State dose (2) 5. How should you position the bed post intubation? (1) 6. Is he a candidate for lung protective ventilation? (1) 25 1. State the THREE reasons for securing a patient’s airway (clue: mnemonic: ABC) (6) 2. State the 3 predictors of a difficult laryngoscopy in this patient (3) 3. Would you attempt apneic oxygenation in this patient? (1) 26 26 Indian foreign worker started work in Singapore 3 weeks ago. Complain of progressive SOB and cough since arrival. BP 120/78mmHg, RR 16, PR 96, Temp 36.7. 1. State 2 scoring system for community acquired pneumonia. (2) 2. State the main CXR findings (2) 3. Does this patient need a chest tube inserted emergently at the A&E? (1) Why? (1) 4. What abnormality do you expect to find on ECG? (1) 5. What is the most likely organism? (1) 6. His lactate is 1.9mmol/L and vitals remained stable. What is your disposition? (2) 27 RSI is commonly performed in the A&E. 1. What sequence is rapid in RSI? (1) 2. State the dose of succinylcholine (in mg/kg) for routine RSI (1); myasthenia gravis (1); 7yr old child (1); 7 month old child (1) 3. State the induction drug of choice and dose in a hypotensive patient (2) 4. State 3 situations that exclude the use of pretreatment drugs (3) 28 NO: 28 89 Chinese lady with dementia presented with poor appetite and constipation. Occasional crackles on the lung, abdomen is soft, bowel sounds present. 1. State the main abnormality on this Xray (2) 2. Explain the abdominal findings (2). 3. State the drugs that you would give to this patient (3) 4. Which discipline should the patient be admitted to? (1) 29 69 Indian Male present with diaphoresis and chest pain. 1. State 3 ECG abnormality (3) 2. What is your ECG diagnosis (1) 3. Would you give the patient GTN for his chest pain? (1) Why? (1) 4. What do you expect to find on lung auscultation? (1) Explain (3) 30 A 18 yr old student was bitten by this creature on her right forearm while watching TV in her hostel. Complain of slight redness and swelling. State true/false (Q1-4): 1. Most land snakes in Singapore are venomous 2. At scene: she should have suck out the blood from the bite 3. At scene: she should have applied ice to the wound 4. A Right UL IV line is contraindicated. 5. State 2 POCT that you would do (2). Why? (2) 6. Should antivenom be given? (2) 31 pH pO2 pCO2 HCO3 7.04 76 mmHg 35 mmHg 5 mEq/L Na K Cl CO2 136 mmol/L 3.0 mmol/L 90 mmol/L 6 mmol/L 1. State 2 acid base disorders ta cannot occur concurrently (1) 2. Looking ONLY at the readings in red, state the acid base disorders (2) 3. What is the anion gap? (1) 4. Looking at ALL the reading given, what are the acid base abnormality? Show your working (6) 32 A 50kg Caucasian male sustain burn injury at 5:40am at his worksite. When you see him at 7am, the burnt injury are as follow: 15% first degree burn to the back, 5% partial thickness burns to each lower limb and 10% full thickness burn to his front torso. The parkland formula is 4ml/kg/%BSA. 1. What is the most important injury to exclude? (1) 2. Calculate his additional fluid requirement due to the burns injury (i.e. on top of maintenance) for the first 24 hours (3) 3. How do you give this fluid over 24 hours? (2) What time does this fluid regimen ends? (1) 4. Do you start prophylactic abx? (1) 5. Do you give tetanus toxoid? (1) 6. Does he need to be transferred to the burns unit in SGH? (1) 33 You need to call the surgical registrar to see a patient suspected of acute appendicitis. 1. State 4 main clinical interventions for this patients (4) 2. Must you always consult with the senior on shift before calling the GS reg? (1) 3. SBAR is the recommended way of communicating with the GS registrar. What does each of the alphabet stands for? (4) 4. Both the GS and Medical consultants insist it is not a surgical or medical issue respectively. Who decides on the speciality to admit to in this case? 34 In the late 1800s, Ignaz Semmelweis discovered that by washing hands with an antiseptic solution before delivery reduced childbed fever fatalities by 90%. (for Qn2-6, state true/false) 1. State the 5 moments of hand hygiene (5) 2. The hand hygiene audit in the A&E is performed by our A&E staff (1) 3. The blood culture kit must be used when taking blood culture (1). 4. Washing a wound with sterile normal saline reduces risk of wound infection compared to tap water (1) 5. Prophylatic antibiotics would prevent more wound infection that good debridement and irrigation. (1) 6. Sterile gloves should be worn during T&S (1) 35 The bag valve mask is commonly used in the A&E. (Qn1-2 answer true/false) 1. Bag-valve mask ventilation is the most important airway skill (1) 2. You can deliver FiO2 >95% with BVM. (1) 3. State the 5 predictors of difficult bag-valve mask ventilation (5) 4. How much air should you practically bag for male in cardiac arrest with an estimated IBW of 70kg and actual body weight of 100kg? (2) 5. What is the compression : ventilation ratio in an unintubated patient? (1) 36 A 8 year old child took 8 tablets of regular Panadol by mistake at 3pm. The mum realised this and rush the boy to A&E at 8pm. 1. What is the child’s estimated body weight? (1) 2. State the toxic dose of paracetamol (1) 3. Other than FBC, RP, PT/PTT and paracetamol level, what other blood test would you do? (1) 4. Can you use the Rumack Matthew nomogram in this child? (2) 5. Would you start NAC before the paracetamol levels returns? (1) Why? (1) 6. Is activated charcoal indicated? (1) 7. What do you do if patient develops an anaphylactoid reaction to NAC, other than treating the reaction itself? (2) 37 You are seeing a crying infant. There is an established mnemonic to remember the causes: (I.T. C.R.I.E.S.S) 1. State what are each of this alphabet represents? (8) 2. What drug do we have in the ED to treat infantile colic? (1) 3. The patient is noted to have retinal haemorrhage in the absence of trauma. What is the diagnosis? (1) 38 You are familiar with the IV catheters and fluids bags in the department. (For Qn 1-4, write the flow rate in ml/min, to the nearest 10thml for each of the catheter) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 22 Gauge (1) 20 Gauge (1) 18 Gauge (1) 16 Gauge (1) What needle/syringe would you choose to give an anaphylactic patient 0.3mg of adrenaline? (1) 6. Why do you discard the first 1020mls of the insulin infusion after priming, before connecting it to the DKA patient? (1) 7. What is the osmolality & approximate pH of normal saline? (2) 8. What is the Na and K concentration of hartmann’s solution? (2) 39 A 45 male has a history of right sided migraine. Wakes up with a throbbing right sided headache for 1 day. Notices the headache got worse when he tried to pass motion. There is no neurological deficit, vitals all normal. 1. What are the 2 red flags in this history? (2) 2. Other than ICH, state 4 other serious causes of headaches to consider in the ED. (4) 3. Can a BP of 175/98mmHg be the cause of headache? (1) 4. The headache completely resolves with paracetamol 1g. Does he need a CT head now? (1) 5. What is the cost of CT head in ED? (1) Who can authorise a CT head in ED? (1) 40 FAST is a commonly performed ultrasound exam. This trauma patient comes in in brief cardiac arrest with successful ROSC post intubation. 1. Where on the torso do you first put the probe for the RUQ view? (2) 2. Where on the torso do you first put the probe for the LUQ view? (2) 3. What pathology do you look for in the subcostal 4 chamber view? (2) 4. What pathology does the 2 red arrow point to? (2) 5. Other than setting 2 large bore IV for fluids/call surgeon, what other important intervention must you perform? (2) 41 A 42 Indian lady presented with syncope while trying to passing urine. 1. Define syncope (2.5) 2. Other than arrhythmia and ischemia, what are the 5 subtle ECG abnormalities you want to exclude in this case? (5) 3. You have heard of that the San Francisco Syncope rule is used more to rule in rather than rule out high risk syncope. What is the rule? (2.5) 42 45 Chinese Male presented with this ECG. 1. What is your ECG diagnosis? (1) 2. What are the 5 signs/symptoms of hemodynamic instability? (5) 3. How will you treat the rhythm if he is hemodynamically unstable? (2)? 4. How will you treat the rhythm if he is hemodynamically stable? (2) The End
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