Therapy Assistant Positions with Early Intervention Specialists

Specialists, LLC
P.O. Box 14
Clinical Director: Elizabeth Grevey, PsyD, BCBA-D
Graham, WA 98338
FAX: 360-879-5108
[email protected]
We are currently looking to fill the following positions:
Boy in Edmonds
Managed by Ali Anderson,
LMHC, BCBA, Supervised
by Elizabeth Grevey, PsyD,
2 yrs
Boy in West Seattle
Managed by Ali Anderson,
LMHC, BCBA, Supervised
by Elizabeth Grevey, PsyD,
3 yrs
Boy in Lynnwood
Managed by Ali Anderson,
LMHC, BCBA, Supervised
by Elizabeth Grevey, PsyD,
3 yrs
Boy in Kirkland
Managed by Ashley
Rizzuto, M.Ed, BCBA,
Supervised by Elizabeth
Grevey, PsyD, BCBA-D
2 yrs
In June, looking to fill evening hours
Monday-Friday from 5:00-7:00. Team
nd th
meetings are the 2 /4 Mondays of the
month from 9:00-11:00.
3 yrs
In August, looking to hire 2-3 people.
Hours and team meeting still to be
determined, but sessions likely M-F 4:006:00 and then some mornings.
3 yrs
In June, Mondays-Fridays from 9:00nd
11:00. Team meetings are the 2 and 4
Thursdays each month from 9:00-11:00.
Boy in Kirkland
Managed by Ali Anderson,
LMHC, BCBA, Supervised
by Elizabeth Grevey, PsyD,
Girl in Redmond
Managed by Ali Anderson,
LMHC, BCBA, Supervised
by Elizabeth Grevey, PsyD,
Position 1 is open now: Thursdays 8:3011:30 or 12-3 and either Fridays or
Saturdays 8:30-11:30. Then come June,
all of the following hours will be open and
will need to be filled by 2 people. In June:
Mondays 9-12 or 10-1, Tuesdays and
Thursdays 2 sessions anytime each 3
hours, Fridays either 2 2-hr sessions or 1
3-hr session, Sat 3-hr morning session.
The 2 /4th Tuesdays of the month are
team meetings from 1:30-3:30.
Thursdays and Fridays from 3:15-5:15 and
possibly Saturday mornings if interested.
nd th
Team meetings are the 2 /4 Thursdays
of the month from 9:30-11:30.
Position 1 is open now: Mondays
through Fridays from 12:00-2:00.
Position 2 opens in June: Mondays
through Fridays 4:00-6:00. Team
nd th
meetings are the 2 /4 Fridays of the
month from 12:30-2:30.
This family is located just 10-15 minutes
north of Green Lake so these are great
positions for Seattle area students. He is
adorable, the family is great, and he is
responding very well to intervention!
Child has two therapy assistants in place, but
we need a third person to cover the
remaining hours.
Child is receiving the Early Start Denver
Model. He displays significant language
impairments, but is very endearing and
rewarding to work with. His morning hours
are currently open and come summer his
afternoon hours will open as well.
He has a wonderful disposition and has
grown so much since starting the Early Start
Denver Model. His family is very supportive
and his current team adores working with
this little guy!
This family is very organized and hoping for a
smooth transition as he exits a research
study. Goal is to shadow current team in
August and then transition fully by the end of
the month.
We just hired someone short-term who can
only work until June. We’d like to find a
replacement who can start training in May.
Boy in Maple Valley
Managed by Elizabeth
Grevey, PsyD, BCBA-D
Boy in Fir Crest
Managed by Elizabeth
Grevey, PsyD, BCBA-D
3 yrs
3 yrs
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays for
two-hour sessions anytime after 3:30.
Team meetings 2 and 4 Wednesdays
Monday through Friday 4:00-6:00. Team
meetings are the 1 Monday 3:30-5:00
and 3 Monday 8:30-10:00 each month
You would learn the Early Start Denver
Model and get to work with a great team and
a very dedicated family who has gone to
great lengths to get services.
He is receiving the Early Start Denver Model.
Family is very kind and invested in getting
him quality services.
We are looking for individuals who are:
EDUCATION: Currently enrolled in or have completed an education program in Education, Counseling,
Psychology, or related fields.
EXPERIENCE: Previous ABA experience is not required though beneficial. Similarly, experience working
with children and/or individuals with special needs is helpful.
Someone who is kid-friendly, energetic, responsible, and passionate about serving children
with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families.
Our goal is to provide quality Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder that is informed by current research
and meets standards for best practice. Our main focus is to provide early intensive behavior interventions such as the Early Start Denver Model.
Consequently, all new clients are 3-years-old or younger.
It is also our mission to partner with parents soon after they have received a diagnosis. We want to walk with parents through the early stages of
learning what autism is, what autism means for their child, and what they can do to help their child reach his/her fullest potential. We want to
empower parents to take active roles in their child’s therapy, to teach them how to make daily routines therapeutic, and to provide them with up-todate information regarding autism and evidence based interventions so that they can be their child’s strongest advocate. We will serve our families for
as long as their child’s needs fit within the scope of the services we provide.
Elizabeth Grevey, PsyD, BCBA-D at: [email protected]