evsjv‡`k d‡UvMÖvwdK †mvmvBwU BANGLADESH PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Estd. 1976 mv‡niv UªwcK¨vj †m›Uvi, i“g 27, †j‡fj 6 (5g Zjv), 218 Gwjd¨v›U †ivW, XvKv-1205 Sahera Tropical Center, Room 27, Level-6 (5th floor), 218 Elephant Road, Dhaka-1205 m`m¨c‡`i Rb¨ Av‡e`bcÎ Freelance/Professional MEMBERSHIP FORM Amateur Corporate Honorary Photo Passport Size (1 copy) Stamp Size (1 copy) Name bvg (evsjvq) Mother's Name (gvZvi bvg) Father's Name (wcZvi bvg) Spouse Name (¯v^gx/ ¯x¿i bvg) Present /Mailing Address (eZ©gvb wVKvbv) Permanent Address (¯’vqx wVKvbv) Date of Birth(Rb¥ ZvwiL): E-Mail(B-‡gBj): Web(I‡qe): National Id/Passport No(RvZxqZv mbv³KiY/cvm‡cvU© bs): Phone No(†dvb bs): Blood Group(i‡³i MÖ“c): Profession(‡ckv): Nationality(RvZxqZv): Publication, Experience / Training(cÖKvkbv, AwfÁZv / cÖwk¶Y): Use Seperate Paper, If Necessary(cÖ‡qvR‡b Avjv`v KvMR e¨envi Ki“b): Avwg wbgœ ¯v^¶iKvix evsjv‡`k d‡UvMÖvwdK †mvmvBwUi mvaviY/AvRxeb m`m¨ c‡`i Rb¨ Av‡e`b Kwi‡ZwQ| Avwg †mvmvBwUi mKj wbqg Kvbb y gvwbqv Pwj‡Z eva¨ _vwKe| I, Undersigned hereby apply for the General/Life Membership of Bangladesh Photographic Society(BPS) and agree to abide the rules & regulations of the society. Date(ZvwiL): Applicant's Signature (Av‡e`bKvixi ¯v^¶i): Introducer's Name(cwiPq`vbKvixi bvg): Membership No(m`m¨ bs): Introducer's Signature(cwiPq`vbKvixi ¯v^¶i): For Office Use(Awdm KZ„©K ci~bxq): General Membership Granted(mvaviY m`m¨ Kiv n‡jv) Membership No(m`m¨ bs): Life Membership Granted(AvRxeb m`m¨ Kiv n‡jv) President (mfvcwZ) E-Mail: [email protected] Office Seal (Awdm mxj) Secretary General (mvaviY m¤úv`K) Website: www.bpsbd.org we. wc. Gm. m`m¨ nevi myweavw`: (1) evsjv‡`‡ki cÖL¨vZ Av‡jvKwPÎx I AbyivMx‡`i mv‡_ †hvMv‡hvM ivLvi my‡hvM _v‡K weavq d‡UvMÖvdx wel‡q wb‡Ri `¶Zv hvPvB Ges †hvM¨Zv e„w×i m¤¢vebv| (2) ‡h‡nZz, we wc Gm Avš—R©vwZK d‡UvMÖvwdK ‡dWv‡ikb (FIAP) -Gi Aš—f©~³, †m‡nZz, Avš—R©vwZK A½‡bi d‡UvMÖvdx wel‡q mg¯— Z_¨ GLv‡b cvIqv hvq| (3) ‡mvmvBwU n‡Z d‡UvMÖvdx wel‡q civgk© Ges cÎ-cwÎKv cvIqv hvq| (4) ‡mvmvBwUi cwiPqcÎ I e¨vR e¨env‡ii myweav| (5) ‡mvmvBwU Av‡qvwRZ gvwmK, evwl©K I RvZxq Av‡jvKwPÎ cÖwZ‡hvMxZvq AskMÖn‡bi my‡hvM| (6) ‡mvmvBwUi cvVvMvi, WvK©i“g e¨env‡ii myweav| (7) ‡mvmvBwU ‡_‡K †ckv`vix †hvM¨Zv mb` jv‡fi my‡hvM, hv PvKzix‡Z mnvqZv Ki‡Z cv‡i| (8) wbe©vP‡b AskMÖnb K‡i ‡mvmvBwU cwiPvjbvi ¸i“ `vwqZ¡ MÖnb Kivi my‡hvM| Membership Benifit (1) Opportunity of maintaining contacts with reknown Photographers of Bangladesh, where you can share your works and its improvement. (2) BPS is affiliated with International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP). As a member, you can get recent all news regarding international photography including competitions. (3) Use of Library, DarkRoom. (4) An identity card will be issued. (5) Society Badge can be used. (6) Facility to participate Monthly, Annual and National Photography Competitions arranged by Society. (7) Facility of obtaining Professional Qualification Certificate from the society, which may benifit to get job. (8) By taking part in elections, you can get the right to run the society. Membership Criteria Applicant must submit his/her 5(five) different work or Any Training on Photography. Av‡e`bKvix‡K Aek¨B dg© Gi mv‡_ Zvi wb‡Ri †Zvjv 5(cuvP)wU Qwe A_ev d‡UvMÖvdx welqK †Kvb wWMÖx ev Kg©kvjvi mvwU©wd‡KU Rgv w`‡Z n‡e| For Office Use(Awdm KZ„©K c~ibxq): Received Application Seal Admission Fee(fwZ© wd): Yearly Fee(evrmwiK wd): Identity Card Fee(cwiPqcÎ wd): Total Taka(†gvU UvKv): Receipt No(iwk` bs): Treasurer (‡Kvlva¶¨) Office Secretary (Awdm mwPe) Date: Date:
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