NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS ARTICLE I MEETINGS SEC 1 SEC 2 Regular Meetings of this Branch shall be on the second (2nd) Thursday of every month at 6:30pm. The Meeting may be changed if the Membership so desires and votes to this effect. This should be done if it conflicts with some other event or unforeseen circumstance. SEC 1a If the Regular Branch Meeting falls on a Holiday, then the Branch Meeting will be held on the Wednesday prior to the Holiday. SEC 1b Special events such as Hamburger Fry, Retirees Night can be held earlier. Twenty (20) Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE II OFFICERS SEC 1 The Officers of the Branch shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-At-Arms, Health Benefits Representative, Mutual Benefits Representative, and three (3) Trustees. The position and duties of Recording Secretary and Financial Secretary will be consolidated and fulfilled by the Branch Secretary. SEC 2 In addition to the Officers of this Branch elected at the regular Meeting in November, every three (3) years, the President shall appoint all Committee Members and a Branch Scribe, the duties of which shall be determined by the Branch President. SEC 3 The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected Officers. The Secretary shall act as Secretary of the Executive Committee. SEC 4 The Branch Council of Administration shall consist of the President, VicePresident, Secretary, and Treasurer. BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS Page 1 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS ARTICLE III NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS SEC 1 Elections will be held in accordance with the NALC Regulations governing Branch Election Procedures, unless altered or further clarified by the following By-Laws. SEC 2 Nominations for Officers shall be made from the floor at the regular Meeting in October every third (3rd) year. SEC 3 The Election of Officers shall be held every third (3rd) year in the month of November. Shall be balloted upon by secret ballot on the day of regular Meeting at the Letter Carriers hall only. SEC 4 Absentee ballots must be requested in writing by members in good standing who are unable to attend. These requests must be made to the election committee, following the nominations, but at least 14 days before the Election. Ballots must be received by the election committee, no later than the election date. SEC 4a Any ties for a Branch Officer position will be decided and governed by the NALC Regulations Regulating Branch Elections. SEC 5 All Election results shall be printed in the next Branch paper published. SEC 6 Branch 182 NALC will elect Delegates to the National and State Conventions in accordance with the By-Laws, except that the Branch will send no more than thirty (30) Delegates receiving Branch funds to either State or National Conventions. SEC 7 Delegates to the State and National Conventions shall be nominated from the floor at the regular October Meeting of each year prior to the State Convention. SEC 8 Delegates to State and National Conventions must have attended at least nine (9) regular Branch Meetings during the calendar year prior to the year of the convention to receive Branch funds for expenses. The eligibility will be established from January 1st to December 31st, of the previous calendar year of the convention. It will be the responsibility of each member to sign the attendance sheet in a legible manner at each regular meeting of the Branch, to establish eligibility of who will receive Branch funds to attend the convention. Delegates willing to pay their own expenses can attend without meeting the required nine (9) Meetings. SEC 9 Delegates shall be balloted upon by secret ballot at the regular Meeting in November of each year prior to the State Convention and the thirty (30) candidates receiving the greatest number of votes and meeting all Branch requirements will receive Branch funds. Ties shall be decided by a flip of a coin or a draw of a high card. BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS Page 2 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS ARTICLE IV FEES, DUES AND ASSESSMENTS SEC 1 New Members who sign an application for Membership (Form 1187) will not be required to pay an initial fee. The application shall be read at the next regular Meeting. SEC 2 The Dues of this Branch shall be a Minimum dues structure, which shall consist of the following. Each member shall pay minimum monthly dues, as established by National, equal to two (02) hours of base pay for a Grade 1, Step D Letter Carrier (hired prior to 12 January 2013) employed by the U.S. Postal Service plus $4.00 per pay day. The president every third year beginning in 2010 will appoint a committee to review and report on the dues structure and the financial condition of the Branch. SEC 3 Branch Dues may be increased by a majority vote of the Members attending and voting at a regular Branch Meeting. No Dues increase will be voted on until the Membership has been notified one (1) month in advance, either by mail or Branch newspaper. Voting will be by secret ballot. SEC 4 Dues for retired members will be $3.00 per month. SEC 4a Direct paying retirees shall pay in advance annually a sum of $36.00. The Branch Secretary will send out notices in November/December. SEC 5 The Branch shall have the right to levy assessments upon its Members when the condition of the treasury makes it necessary. This will be accomplished by secret ballot of the regular members in good standing at a special or regular meeting after reasonable notice has been given that this question will be before the branch meeting. SEC 6 Any current member in a Leave Without Pay (LWOP) status, to include OWCP LWOP, for more than six (06) consecutive pay periods will pay union dues semi-annually. These membership dues will be payable on 31 January and 31 July of each year. Checks will be made out to NALC Branch 182. BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS Page 3 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS ARTICLE V FULL-TIME OFFICERS SEC 1 The President of this Branch shall be a Full-Time Officer. SEC 2 The duties of a Full-Time Officer will include visits to offices and cities represented by Branch 182. SEC 3 The President shall be the Chief Steward for the Branch, and may delegate such authority to other Members. SEC 4 The Vice-President shall replace the President when on Leave of Absence in a Full-Time Status. SEC 4a The Secretary shall replace the President and VicePresident when both are on Leave of Absence. ARTICLE VI SALARIES AND BONDS SEC 1 The President of Branch 182 shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate (40 hours per week) of a Level 2 Step O Letter Carrier plus 15%. This salary will be paid bi-weekly. Fringe benefits must be paid as normally paid by the Postal Service for a Career Postal Employee, which include any COLA’s or Salary increases paid to regular carriers. SEC 1a BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS The president will accrue leave at the rate of eight (08) hours annual leave and four (04) hours sick leave for every two week pay period. There will be an account(s) established where monies for this leave will be placed. Each year on pay periods 7, 13, 20 and 26 monies will be placed for all leave not used during the previous pay periods. If this accrued annual or sick leave is not used, these monies will remain until one of these two events happen; (1) at the end of each 3 year term or if the president leaves office early, the monies will be paid out or (2) the president can withdrawal these monies quarterly or at any time following pay periods 7, 13, 20 and 26. If the president is reelected for another 3 year term, it will be the responsibility of that President to invest/save these monies for any future long term absence. Page 4 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS ARTICLE VI Continued SEC 1b There shall be a leave book ledger maintained by the Branch Treasurer and audited by the Branch Trustees to ensure accurate accounting of the president’s leave. SEC 2 The Vice-President of this Branch shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate for a Grade 1 Step 0 Letter Carrier, provided that he/she must work on Union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. SEC 3 The Secretary of this Branch shall receive for his/her services the sum of the hourly salary rate for Grade 1, Step 0 Letter Carrier. Provided he/she must work on Union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. SEC 4 The Treasurer of this Branch shall receive for his/her services the sum of the hourly salary rate for a Grade 1, Step 0 Letter Carrier. Provided he/she must work on union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. SEC 5 The Health Benefits Representative shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate for a Grade 1 Step 0 Letter Carrier, provided that he/she must work on Union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. SEC 6 The Trustees of this Branch shall receive for their services the hourly rate for a Grade 1 Step 0 Letter Carrier, provided that they must work on Union business on their non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position SEC 7 Chief Stewards shall be compensated for any lost time or downtime at his/her current hourly rate. In addition, a one-time yearly salary of three hundred dollars ($300.00) will be paid in December. SEC 8 The Officers of Branch 182 shall be bonded as prescribed by the National Labor Relations Act. The Trustees shall see that all Officers are bonded. BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS Page 5 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS ARTICLE VII SHOP STEWARDS SEC 1 The President of Branch 182 shall appoint all Shop Stewards and Alternates for each Station, Branch, and merged cities. ARTICLE VIII BOARD OF MANAGERS SEC 1 The Board of Managers shall consist of the Treasurer and the Trustees. SEC 2 Should a vacancy occur on the Board of Managers, the President shall follow the National Constitution Article IX, Section 1c for the filling of the vacancy. SEC 3 The Trustees will report to the Membership at a regular Branch Meeting at least once every six (06) months on the condition of Branch finances. ARTICLE IX FUNERAL EXPENSES SEC 1 The President or designee shall provide a memorial service upon request. ARTICLE X DEPOSIT AND WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS SEC 1 The Treasurer shall deposit all funds in the name of the Branch, in such depository as approved by the Board of Managers. SEC 2 Funds drawn on such depository shall be signed by authorized Officers. BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS Page 6 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS ARTICLE XI RULES AND REGULATIONS SEC 1 It shall be the duties of the Trustees to file charges against any person failing to account for money due from the sale of tickets, etc., sold for the benefit of the Branch. SEC 2 These By-Laws shall not be repealed, revised or amended except by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the Members present and voting at a regular Meeting. Dues and initiation fees may be increased only by majority vote by secret ballot of the regular members in good standing at a regular or special meeting after reasonable notice has been given. SEC 2a Proposed amendments and/or revisions shall be presented in writing signed by at least three (3) Members in good standing and acted upon at the following regular Meeting. SEC 3 Rules and Regulations inconsistent with the foregone Rules and By-Laws are hereby repealed and rendered void. SEC 4 These By-Laws shall take effect when approved by the Branch and the Committee of Laws (National Association). BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS Page 7 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 B BY Y--L LA AW WSS RULES OF ORDER RULE 1 The Presiding Officer shall preserve order, and shall pronounce the decision of the Branch on all subjects. He shall decide questions of order without debate, subject to an appeal of the Branch, on which appeal no Member shall speak more than once, when the question before the Branch shall be: “Shall the decision of the Presiding Officer stand as the judgment of the Branch?” RULE 2 Any Member who shall misbehave in a Meeting of the Branch or disturb the Order of Harmony thereof, either by abusive, disorderly or profane language, shall be admonished of the same by the Presiding Officer, and if said Member(s) offends again, he shall be excluded from the room for the evening and afterward dealt with as the Branch may decide. RULE 3 If any Member, while speaking, be called to Order by the Presiding Officer, the Member shall take a seat until the question of Order be determined, when if permitted, may proceed. RULE 4 No Member shall be allowed to speak more than twice (2) on any question and not to exceed five (5) minutes for the first time and three (3) minutes for the second time, without the consent of the Branch. RULE 5 Before putting the question, the Presiding Officer shall ask, “Is the Branch ready for the question?” If no Member rises to speak, he shall rise and put it, and after he has risen no Member shall be permitted to speak upon it. While the Presiding Officer is addressing the Branch, silence should be observed in the Meeting room. RULE 6 The person first named on a Committee shall act as Chairman until another is selected by the Committee. RULE 7 No Committee can be finally discharged until all debts contracted by it have been paid. RULE 8 On call of a quorum present the yeas and nays shall be called. When the question is decided by yeas and nays each Member shall vote, and the manner of voting shall be recorded in the minutes. RULE 9 Roberts Rules of Order shall be the authority on all parliamentary points not already provided for. BRANCH 182 BY-LAWS Page 8 of 8 NALC FILE NO: 15-681-8 5 JUNE 2015
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