GEM CITY 10 MONTH PUBLICATION NALC BRANCH 182 APRIL 2015 IMPORTANT DATES ♦ Sunday APR 5th EASTER ♦ Monday APR 6th 7:00PM AUXILIARY 138 MEETING ♦ Thursday APR 9th 6:30PM CARRIER MEETING ♦ Thursday APR 16th 9:00AM RETIREE’S MEETING ♦ Thursday APR 16th 6:30PM STEWARD’S TRAINING ♦ Thursday APR 30th 8:00AM JEWEL CREW IN THIS ISSUE NBA Region 11 1 President’s Page 2 VP’s 2-Cents 3 BY-LAWS Proposal 4-10 HBR Report Flower & Sick 11 Health & Safety 12 Legislation/COLCPE 13 FOOD DRIVE 14 MDA Korner 14 Auxiliary 138 14 GEM CITY JEWEL CIRCULATION 1400 MONTHLY DAYTON, OHIO Volume 3-15 NATIONAL BUSINESS AGENT Along with the change of seasons, we are experiencing our own changes in Region 11. Effective March 2, 2015, NALC National President Fredric V. Rolando appointed RAA Ron Adams, Br. 134 Syracuse, NY on detail as a Regional Workers’ Compensation Assistant. In Ron’s new position, he will be able to assist and provide members in direct OWCP representation in complicated cases as well as appeals of adverse OWCP decisions. He will also be advocating arbitration cases involving OWCP issues. Although Ron has been assigned to work out of Syracuse, NY and will no longer be a part of the day to day contractual issues at the Regional office, he is still an integral part of representing the members of Region 11 with OWCP. Along with assisting Region 11, Ron will also be helping members in Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan. Ron has worked out of the NBA’s office out of both Schenectady, NY and Lorain, OH for the past nine years. I had the privilege of working with him side by side as we faced many challenges. Ron will certainly be missed in the office. I assure you Ron will continue to provide the best OWCP representation to the members in Region 11. I wish him all the best in his new position. President Rolando appointed John Collins, Br. 63 Zanesville, OH as a Region 11 RAA to fill the vacancy created by Ron’s appointment. John brings extensive experience to Team 11. He was Branch 63’s President for nearly 25 years. He also served as a Primary B Team member and worked at NALC headquarters in the CAU department for the last four years. With all the above changes, I am looking forward to working with John and I am certain the members in Region 11 will find John responsive to their needs. Another major change going on within PAGE 1 the Region is the CDRAAP. This is the latest round of alternate joint route adjustments. At the time of my last article, we were in the phase of seDAN TOTH lecting zones for the process. Currently, we are evaluating the 7 random weeks along with entering the jointly selected eighth week. During this eighth week, management may inspect a route no more than three days. It is very important that our local contacts are ensuring that the agreed to 3999 process is being followed. We have already experienced numerous challenges over this eighth week due to the extreme weather conditions experienced this winter. We have also faced challenges in coming to agreements during several initial steps of the process. At this time I would like to thank our District Lead Team Members along with the Route Evaluation Teams and our COR Technicians. It has been a contentious start, but I am confident in our NALC representatives to adjust all the selected routes to near eight hours as possible. We are also gearing up for our annual legislative lobbying trips to Washington, DC. I can’t understate the importance of this year’s lobbying trip. We are facing plant closures, change in delivery standards and constant attacks on 6 day and door to door delivery. You can be assured that the members of the OHSALC and NYSALC associations will deliver the message to our elected officials. As a reminder, winter is coming to an end and the warm weather is upon us – let’s make sure we are being safe not only at the workplace, but also at home. R E G I O N 11 APRIL 2015 THE PRESIDENT’S REPORT D ear Brothers and Sisters, I hope this edition of the Gem City Jewel finds you and your family well. You will find this edition of the Jewel contains several proposed Branch 182 by-law changes. I would encourage you to review each of these changes. This is your Branch and it is up to the members to become inJOHN J. OROSS formed of the proposed changes and vote for either approval or disapproval of said changes. We will be discussing these changes and then voting on them at our next general membership meeting held on April 9, 2015 beginning at 6:30. MARCH 1970 “THE GREAT POSTAL STRIKE” Please remember that March 18th was a huge day in postal history. It marked the 45th anniversary of "The Great Postal Strike". The U.S Postal Strike was a groundbreaking two-week strike by federal postal workers in March 1970. The strike was unique both because it was against the government and because it was the largest wildcat strike in U.S. history. President Richard Nixon called out the United States Armed Forces and the National Guard in an attempt to distribute the mail and break the strike. The strike influenced the contents of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970, which transformed the Post Office into the more corporate United States Postal Service and guaranteed collective bargaining rights (though not the right to strike.) I will not go into it in depth here, but please take the time to "Google" it and you can then appreciate the historical significance of this landmark event. And mark your calendars, our 23rd Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive will take place on May 9th. Thanks to YOU over One Billion pounds of food has been collected and delivered since it's inception. This is the largest one day food drive in the nation! See you at the meeting on April 9th, and bring a Brother or Sister. Yours in Brotherhood, John J. Oross GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 2 FROMEDITORSKIP Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. APRIL 2015 Are you a 10%er? A Slacker, a Loafer, a Shirker, a Lazybones, a Freeloader? Well, upper Management in the Dayton Installation thinks there’s a bunch of you out there and they want the Union to HELP!!! Upper Management in the DayJIM BROWN ton Installation has asked the Union to help root out these parasites, spongers, slouches and kick them in the behind and let these carriers know “We’re mad as hell, and we’re not gonna take it anymore!!”. Silly isn’t it? At a recent Labor Management meeting the Dayton Postmaster personally asked me to name the 10%ers at the Beavercreek Station. The under achievers who just aren’t living up to Management’s expectations. My answer to him was that not all carriers are going to case mail like a demon and walk like the wind while on the street. There are a lot of carriers who are just average or maybe a little less than average (a.k.a. the 10%er). I personally consider myself in the average range (I don’t need the pressure of having to put up two or three routes a day and carry a whole route and maybe a boost). I just want to come to work and feel at the end of the day that I did a “good” job. Of course, that may not be Management’s desires. I could be on their 10%er list. Management could be watching me right now, trying to figure out how they can get me to work harder. Personally, I am just going to come to work and do my job and if Management is not happy, so be it. I can live with being a 10%er because no matter how hard we all work there will always be a 10%er list. Of course, I asked Management during this meeting to name who they thought was the 10%ers. Management either didn’t want to or couldn’t answer that question. Maybe, Management just wanted the Union name names. Maybe, it was a trick to see if they could get us to throw a couple of carriers under the bus and if we did, then we would have fallen into their trap. The next step would have been for management to convince the Union to work on those few and then they would ask the Union to put the screws to those carriers. That’s not the Union’s job or responsibility. Management could not understand why we did not go along with this idea. We should all strive to do our best every day and not believe what Management may try to get us to believe about our effort. Ben Franklin once said, “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid” and Forrest Gump followed up and said, “stupid is as stupid does”. THE VP’S TWO CENTS Management will try and divide us and clump us into groups against each other. Don’t allow Management to pit one carrier against another. Every carrier is different, some are fast and some are slower but we are all out there doing the same job in the same conditions. Stand up for your 10%er brothers and sisters and don’t allow Management to denigrate them. I know there are carriers out there that bust their ass every day and I can appreciate that for what it is but that does not mean that every carrier has to give 120% to keep Management happy. What’s wrong with being “average” or even being a 10%er? Because no matter how hard everyone works, there’s always going to the 10%ers, the ones who just aren’t working fast enough to measure up to the rest. Does that mean that I or the Union need to point these under achievers out? Maybe Management should just try to motivate “ALL” employees to do a good job, so we can all go home every night satisfied that we have done our part. Like I said at the beginning of this article, Management has asked the Union to help ferret out the 10%ers. I do have one suggestion. Maybe all the 204Bs should hang up their aprons and come back to the carrier craft and show us they can actually carry mail. Of course, we do have a lot of 204Bs and, if they all come back to craft that might create a 20%er list. I don’t think Management would like that. But seriously, the Union would like to ask all 10%ers to try and reach for the sky and go for it. All 10%ers should strive to be an 8 or 9%er, heck try and be a 7%er. Who knows, maybe the management will come out and pat you on the back. Now that’s something you can take home to the wife and kids. Whew!, that was tough, I hope it was enough. In the coming pages are By-Laws changes that myself, Roger Martin and Michelle McQuality have submitted to the Branch for acceptance. Please read and come to April’s regular branch meeting to discuss, voice concerns (if any) and vote on. See ya there. DAYTON CITY LETTER CARRIER JOSE CENTENO Daytonview Station On March 15th Jose ran in the American Heart Association “Run for a Cure” half Marathon (13.1 miles) in Cincinnati in honor of his cousin, Tina. His time was 2 hours and 5 minutes. And on March 22nd he ran in the Breast Cancer “Find a Cure” marathon (26.2 miles) in Atlanta, Georgia. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 3 APRIL 2015 GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 4 APRIL 2015 BY-LAWS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 ARTICLE I MEETINGS SEC 1 Regular Meetings of this Branch shall be on the second (2nd) Thursday of every month at 6:30pm. The Meeting may be changed if the Membership so desires and votes to this effect. This should be done if it conflicts with some other event or unforeseen circumstance. SEC 1a CHANGE TO If the Meeting falls on a Holiday, then the Meeting will be held on Wednesday. Prior to the Holiday. SEC 1a If the Regular Branch Meeting falls on a Holiday, then the Branch Meeting will be held on the Wednesday prior to the Holiday. This change was needed to clarify wording. SEC 1b SEC 2 Special events such as Hamburger Fry, Retirees Night can be held earlier. Twenty (20) Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE II OFFICERS SEC 1 The Officers of the Branch shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sgt-At-Arms, Health Benefits Representative, Mutual Benefits Representative, and three (3) Trustees. CHANGE TO The Officers of the Branch shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-At-Arms, Health Benefits Representative, Mutual Benefits Representative, and three (3) Trustees. The position and duties of Recording Secretary and Financial Secretary will be consolidated and fulfilled by the Branch Secretary This change was needed and recommended by National to abide by the NALC Constitution. SEC 2 In addition to the Officers of this Branch elected at the regular Meeting in November, every three (3) years, the President shall appoint all Committee Members and a Branch Scribe, the duties of which shall be determined by the Branch President. SEC 3 The Executive Committee shall consist of all the elected Officers. The Secretary shall act as Secretary of the Executive Committee. SEC 4 The Branch Council of Administration shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. ARTICLE III NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS SEC 1 Elections will be held in accordance with the NALC Regulations governing Branch Election Procedures, unless altered or further clarified by the following By-Laws. SEC 2 Nominations for Officers shall be made from the floor at the regular Meeting in October every third (3rd) year. SEC 3 The Election of Officers shall be held every third (3rd) year in the month of November. Shall be balloted upon by secret ballot on the day of regular Meeting at the Letter Carriers hall only. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 5 APRIL 2015 BY-LAWS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 SEC 4 Absentee ballots may be requested in writing by those eligible Members incapacitated or whose work schedule prohibits attendance at the Election. These requests shall be made following the nominations, but at least two (2) weeks before the Election. Ballot must be returned to the Election Committee at the Union Hall by the Friday preceding the Election. CHANGE TO Absentee ballots must be requested in writing by members in good standing who are unable to attend. These requests must be made to the election committee, following the nominations, but at least 14 days before the Election. Ballots must be received by the election committee, no later than the election date. ADD SEC 4a Any ties for a Branch Officer position will be decided and governed by the NALC Regulations Regulating Branch Elections. This change and addition was needed to clarify the actions that need to be taken with Branch elections. SEC 5 All Election results shall be printed in the next Branch paper published. SEC 6 Branch 182 NALC will elect Delegates to the National and State Conventions in accordance with the By-Laws, except that the Branch will send no more than thirty (30) Delegates receiving Branch funds to either State or National Conventions. SEC 7 Delegates to the State and National Conventions shall be nominated from the floor at the regular October Meeting of each year prior to the State Convention. SEC 8 Delegates to State and National Conventions must have attended at least nine (9) regular Branch Meetings during the calendar year prior to the year of the convention to receive Branch funds for expenses. The eligibility will be established from January 1st to December 31st, of the previous calendar year of the convention. It will be the responsibility of each member to sign the attendance sheet in a legible manner at each regular meeting of the Branch, to establish eligibility of who will receive Branch funds to attend the convention. Delegates willing to pay their own expenses can attend without meeting the required nine (9) Meetings. SEC 9 Delegates shall be balloted upon by secret ballot at the regular Meeting in November of each year to the State Convention and the candidates receiving the greatest number of votes being declared delegates. Those receiving the next highest vote, being declared elected alternates. Ties shall be decided by a flip of a coin or a draw of a high card. CHANGE TO Delegates shall be balloted upon by secret ballot at the regular Meeting in November of each year prior to the State Convention and the thirty (30) candidates receiving the greatest number of votes and meeting all Branch requirements will receive Branch funds. Ties shall be decided by a flip of a coin or a draw of a high card. This change was needed to clarify wording. ARTICLE IV FEES, DUES AND ASSESSMENTS SEC 1 New Members who sign an application for Membership (Form 1187) will not be required to pay an initial fee. The application shall be read at the next regular Meeting. SEC 2 The Dues of this Branch shall be a Minimum Dues Structure, which shall consist of the following. Each Member shall pay monthly Dues equal to two (2) hours base pay for a Grade 1, Step D Letter Carrier employed by the U.S. Postal Service plus $4.00 per pay. CHANGE TO The Dues of this Branch shall be a Minimum dues structure, which shall consist of the following. Each member shall pay minimum monthly dues, as established by National, equal to two (02) hours of base pay for a Grade 1, Step D Letter Carrier (hired prior to 12 January 2013) employed by the U.S. Postal Service plus $4.00 per pay day. This change was needed to clarify exactly how our dues are determined. This will in no way change current dues paid. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 6 APRIL 2015 BY-LAWS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 The president every third year beginning in 2010 will appoint a committee to review and report on the dues structure and the financial condition of the Branch. SEC 3 SEC 4 Branch Dues may be increased by a majority vote of the Members attending and voting at a regular Branch Meeting. No Dues increase will be voted on until the Membership has been notified one (1) month in advance, either by mail or Branch newspaper. Voting will be by secret ballot. Dues for retired members will be $3.00 per month. SEC 4a Direct paying retirees shall pay in advance annually a sum of $36.00. The Branch Secretary will send out notices in November/December. SEC 5 The Branch shall have the right to levy assessments upon its Members when the condition of the treasury makes it necessary. CHANGE TO The Branch shall have the right to levy assessments upon its Members when the condition of the treasury makes it necessary. This will be accomplished by secret ballot of the regular members in good standing at a special or regular meeting after reasonable notice has been given that this question will be before the branch meeting. This change was needed and recommended by National to abide by the NALC Constitution. ADD SEC 6 Any current member in a Leave Without Pay (LWOP) status, to include OWCP LWOP, for more than six (06) consecutive pay periods will pay union dues semi-annually. These membership dues will be payable on 31 January and 31 July of each year. Checks will be made out to NALC Branch 182. This addition was needed to ensure that all members contribute to the well being of the Branch. ARTICLE V FULL-TIME OFFICERS SEC 1 The President of this Branch shall be a Full-Time Officer. SEC 2 The duties of a Full-Time Officer will include visits to offices and cities represented by Branch 182. SEC 3 The President shall be the Chief Steward for the Branch, and may delegate such authority to other Members. SEC 4 The Vice-President shall replace the President when on Leave of Absence in a Full-Time Status. SEC 4a The Secretary shall replace the President and Vice-President when both are on Leave of Absence. ARTICLE VI SALARIES AND BONDS SEC 1 The President of Branch 182 shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate of a Grade 2 Red Circle Letter Carrier. This Salary will be paid bi-weekly. In addition, the President shall receive three hundred and seventyfive dollars ($375.00). Fringe benefits must be paid as normally paid by the Postal Service for a Postal Employee, which include any COLA’s or Salary increases paid to regular carriers. CHANGE TO The President of Branch 182 shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate (40 hours per week) of a Level 2 Step O Letter Carrier plus 15%. This salary will be paid bi-weekly. Fringe benefits must be paid as normally paid by the Postal Service for a Career Postal Employee, which include any COLA’s or Salary increases paid to regular carriers. This change was needed because there is no “Grade 2 Red Circle” letter carrier and to clarify the pay structure of the president. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 7 APRIL 2015 BY-LAWS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 SEC 1a There shall be an account established and funded to pay all accrued leave. Leave will be paid by same formula as an active carrier. All excess leave will be paid at end of term. CHANGE TO SEC 1a The president will accrue leave at the rate of eight (08) hours annual leave and four (04) hours sick leave for every two week pay period. There will be an account(s) established where monies for this leave will be placed. Each year on pay periods 7, 13, 20 and 26 monies will be placed for all leave not used during the previous pay periods. If this accrued annual or sick leave is not used, these monies will remain until one of these two events happen; (1) at the end of each 3 year term or if the president leaves office early, the monies will be paid out or (2) the president can withdrawl these monies quarterly or at any time following pay periods 7, 13, 20 and 26. If the president is reelected for another 3 year term, it will be the responsibility of that President to invest/save these monies for any future long term absence. ADD SEC 1b There shall be a leave book ledger maintained by the BranchTreasurer and audited by the Branch Trustees to ensure accurate accounting of the president’s leave. This change and addition to make the issue easier for the Branch to handle financially and to clarify President’s leave. SEC 2 The Vice-President of this Branch shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate for a Step 0 Letter Carrier. Provided that he/she must work on Union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. CHANGE TO The Vice-President of this Branch shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate for a Grade 1 Step 0 Letter Carrier, provided that he/she must work on Union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/ or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. This change was needed to clarify wording SEC 3 The Secretary of this Branch shall receive for his/her services the sum of the hourly salary rate for Grade 1, Step 0 Letter Carrier. Provided he/she must work on Union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. SEC 4 The Treasurer of this Branch shall receive for his/her services the sum of the hourly salary rate for a Grade 1, Step 0 Letter Carrier. Provided he/she must work on union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. SEC 5 The Health Benefits Representative shall receive for his/her services the sum of the hourly salary for a Grade 1, Step 0 Letter Carrier, provided that he/she must work on Union business, which will be eight (8) hours a month plus any downtime and expenses. This is to be paid monthly. CHANGE TO The Health Benefits Representative shall receive for his/her services the hourly rate for a Grade 1 Step 0 Letter, provided that he/she must work on Union business on his/her non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position. This change was needed to bring this position in line with other Branch Officer pay structures. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 8 APRIL 2015 BY-LAWS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 SEC 6 In the event the Vice-President, Secretary, Health Benefits Representative, or Treasurer works for the Postal Service at a rate higher than the above rates, he/she will be paid at their existing Salary for their Union services. DELETE SEC 6 In the event the Vice-President, Secretary, Health Benefits Representative, or Treasurer works for the Postal Service at a rate higher than the above rates, he/she will be paid at their existing Salary for their Union services. All duties performed by Branch Officers should be paid at the same rate (with the exception of the President). SEC 7 The Trustees of this Branch shall receive for their services the sum of eight dollars ($8) per month. This is to be paid annually at the December Meeting. CHANGE TO The Trustees of this Branch shall receive for their services the hourly rate for a Grade 1 Step 0 Letter Carrier, provided that they must work on Union business on thier non-scheduled day, and/or another day. In the event that person does not work on Union duties, then that person would not receive any pay. There will be no monthly salary paid to this position This change was needed to bring this position in line with other Branch Officer pay structure. SEC 8 Shop Stewards shall be compensated for any lost time or downtime at his/her current hourly rate, in addition to a yearly of One Hundred Twenty dollars ($120.00) per year (paid yearly). CHANGE TO Chief Stewards shall be compensated for any lost time or downtime at his/her current hourly rate. In addition, a one-time yearly salary of three hundred dollars ($300.00) will be paid in December. This change is recommended and needed to reimburse steward for work done. SEC 9 The Officers of Branch 182 shall be bonded as prescribed by the National labor Relations Act. The Trustees shall see that all Officers are bonded. ARTICLE VII SHOP STEWARDS SEC 1 The President of Branch 182 shall appoint all Shop Stewards and Alternates for each Station, Branch, and merged cities. ARTICLE VIII BOARD OF MANAGERS SEC 1 The Board of Managers shall consist of the Treasurer and the Trustees. SEC 2 Should a vacancy occur on the Board of Managers, the President shall follow the National Constitution Article IX, Section 1c for the filling of the vacancy. SEC 3 The Trustee will report to the Membership at a regular Meeting twice (2) a year on the condition of finances. CHANGE TO The Trustees will report to the Membership at a regular Branch Meeting at least once every six (06) months on the condition of Branch finances. This change was needed and recommended by National to abide by the NALC Constitution. ARTICLE IX FUNERAL EXPENSES SEC 1 The President or designee shall provide a memorial service upon request. ARTICLE X DEPOSIT AND WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS SEC 1 The Treasurer shall deposit all funds in the name of the Branch, in such depository as approved by the Board of Managers. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 9 APRIL 2015 BY-LAWS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS GEM CITY BRANCH 182 SEC 2 Funds drawn on such depository shall be signed by authorized Officers. ARTICLE XI RULES AND REGULATIONS SEC 1 It shall be the duties of the Trustees to file charges against any person failing to account for money due from the sale of tickets, etc., sold for the benefit of the Branch. SEC 2 These By-Laws shall not be repealed, revised or amended expect by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the Members present and voting at a regular Meeting. CHANGE TO These By-Laws shall not be repealed, revised or amended except by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the Members present and voting at a regular Meeting. Dues and initiation fees may be increased only by majority vote by secret ballot of the regular members in good standing at a regular or special meeting after reasonable notice has been given. This change was needed and recommended by National to abide by the NALC Constitution. SEC 2a Proposed amendments and/or revisions shall be presented in writing signed by at least three (3) Members in good standing and acted upon at the following regular Meeting. SEC 3 Rules and Regulations inconsistent with the foregone Rules and By-Laws are hereby repealed and rendered void. SEC 4 These By-Laws shall take effect when approved by the Branch and the Committee of Laws (National Association). RULES OF ORDER RULE 1 The Presiding Officer shall preserve order, and shall pronounce the decision of the Branch on all subjects. He shall decide questions of order without debate, subject to an appeal of the Branch, on which appeal no Member shall speak more than once, when the question before the Branch shall be: “Shall the decision of the Presiding Officer stand as the judgment of the Branch?” RULE 2 Any Member who shall misbehave in a Meeting of the Branch or disturb the Order of Harmony thereof, either by abusive, disorderly or profane language, shall be admonished of the same by the Presiding Officer, and if said Member(s) offends again, he shall be excluded from the room for the evening and afterward dealt with as the Branch may decide. RULE 3 If any Member, while speaking, be called to Order by the Presiding Officer, the Member shall take a seat until the question of Order be determined, when if permitted, may proceed. RULE 4 No Member shall be allowed to speak more than twice (2) on any question and not to exceed five (5) minutes for the first time and three (3) minutes for the second time, without the consent of the Branch. RULE 5 Before putting the question, the Presiding Officer shall ask, “Is the Branch ready for the question?” If no Member rises to speak, he shall rise and put it, and after he has risen no Member shall be permitted to speak upon it. While the Presiding Officer is addressing the Branch, silence should be observed in the Meeting room. RULE 6 The person first named on a Committee shall act as Chairman until another is selected by the Committee. RULE 7 No Committee can be finally discharged until all debts contracted by it have been paid. RULE 8 On call of a quorum present the yeas and nays shall be called. When the question is decided by yeas and nays each Member shall vote, and the manner of voting shall be recorded in the minutes. RULE 9 Roberts Rules of Order shall be the authority on all parliamentary points not already provided for. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 10 APRIL 2015 HEALTH BENEFITS REPORT TO ALL THE NEW CCA HIRES, you must apply for the Post Office Health Care Plan in your first 60 (sixty) Days! If you wait until after this time period, you will have to wait until Open Enrollment season which is in November—December to enroll in their plan. After you have 360 (three hundred sixty) days of service, you may then enroll in the NALC Plan. Please call me at (937) 414-8695 and I will try to answer your questions. To your good health, Kenny KEN HOSKINS MEASLES INFORMATION Measles is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by a virus. It spreads through the air through coughing and sneezing. Measles starts with a fever, runny nose, cough red eyes, and sore throat, and is followed by a rash that spreads all over the body. About 3 out of 10 people who get measles will develop one or more complications including pneumonia, ear infections, or diarrhea. The U.S. experienced a record number of measles cases during 2014, with 644 cases from 27 states reported to the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD). This is the largest number of cases since measles elimination was documented in the U.S. in 2000. • The majority of the people who got measles were unvaccinated. • Measles is still common in many parts of the world including some countries in Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and Africa. • Travelers with measles continue to bring the disease into the U.S. • Measles can spread when it reaches a community in the U.S. where groups of people are unvaccinated. Measles can be prevented with the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine. One dose of MMR vaccine is about 93% effective at preventing measles if exposed to the virus, and two doses are about 97% effective. In the United States, widespread use of measles vaccine has led to a greater than 99% reduction in measles cases compared with the pre -vaccine era. Since 2000, when measles was declared eliminated from the U.S., the annual number of people reported to have measles ranged from a low of 37 people in 2004 to a high of 644 people in 2014. Most of these originated outside the country or were linked to a case that originated outside the country. 121 cases and 1 outbreak of Measles are reported between January 1 and February 6, 2015 among 17 states. This represents 85% of reported cases this year. States include: DC, AZ, CA, CO, DE, IL, MI, MN, NE, NV, NJ, NY, OR, PA, SD, TX, UT & WA. Measles is still common in other countries. The virus is highly contagious and can spread rapidly in areas where people are not vaccinated. Worldwide, an estimated 20 million people get measles and 146,000 people dies from the disease each year—that equals about 400 deaths every day or about 17 deaths every hour. FLOWER & SICK As I started to write this article, the TV had the brackets for the NCAA Basketball Tournament. They call this time of year “March Madness” and I truly enjoy the games. Then I realized only one team can win this tournament. The winner will be different than last year’s champion. Now let me say, this is my favorite time also because of our Scripture. We all have an everlasting victory in Christ’s Resurrection. We all can share in the Victory He won over death. He Is Risen!!! Only one school can win the NCAA, but all believers in Christ Jesus can claim an Eternal, Everlasting Victory. Whether you believe or not, the Victory is for all, even those who persecuted Him. He said, “Father, Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. All I’m saying is celebrate March Madness, but don’t forget to celebrate the greatest event for mankind! Resurrection Sunday (Easter) HE LIVES!!! The NCAA Championship players will change from year to year, but our Savior changes not. Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever. Happy Resurrection Sunday1!! (EASTER) May God keep us in His love and blessings! Kenny T HIS M ONTH’ S S CRIPTURE LUKE 24:6,7 “He is not here, but is Risen; Remember how He spoke unto you when He was yet in Galilee, saying, the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.” GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 11 APRIL 2015 HEALTH & SAFETY REBECCA THOMAS The snow is gone for now and the temperatures are arising. This means that children are back outside and playing. All of you should have been read at your morning service/safety talk on or about March 10 or 11 about and accident that occurred on March 9th. A letter carrier was pulling away from a mailbox and a 6 year old little girl ran in front of his LLV from the left. The Carrier did not see this little girl and ended up dragging her 10-15 feet, before parents stopped the carrier. The little girl is alright, with no major injuries. We all are very aware as to just how quickly things change around us. Especially, when the weather is as great as it has been, and children are playing outdoors. They can be in their yard one minute and running after a ball, their pet, or racing to the mailbox after we have delivered mail the next. This is why it is so important to be very aware of the area around you. Don’t try and speed up to make up lost time because you got stuck behind a trash truck, or because you had to go around the block twice to find a place to park. Don’t skip on safety. Make sure that your mirrors are adjusted correctly before leaving the station. Check them once every four seconds as you are driving and when you are pulling away from a curb. Use your turn signals when you are pulling away from a curb, changing lanes and in advance of making a turn. As I tell those I train, let the people behind you, and around you know what you are going to do by using your signals, break lights, and flashers. If you are turning make sure that your flasher are off until after you complete your turn then turn them back on. If you leave your vehicle for a break, to deliver a package, or a certified, before getting back into your vehicle take a walk around your vehicle. Look for any changes that may have occurred while away from your vehicle. Balls; skateboards; or trash cans that may have been blown next to the vehicle from the wind. Check for children that were out playing, are they all account for? Ask children to step back until you pull away if you feel they are too close to the vehicle. All stations should have a mirror station. If yours is faded or you do not have one, ask your station manager to put in a work request to have one placed somewhere in your parking lot that is accessible so that you can check your mirrors each day. This is a great time to get that done while the weather is nice. Have them site that this is for safety reasons, to ensure that carrier’s mirrors are adjusted properly. GEM CITY JEWEL I will also speak with our District Safety to see what I can do about ensuring that each station has a mirror station. Correctly Adjusted Mirrors I know that all this “get your route up and get out on the street,” and “make sure you are back by …” plus they add on the “and be safe” can be very stressful at times. Then you add on the factors of whatever may be happening in your personal life and sometimes this can be very overwhelming. If you are having stress in your life and you need some extra help in dealing with it don’t forget you have a place you can turn to EAP. April is EAP month, take advance of it if you need it. It is always confidently, just call 1-800EAP-4-YOU. Hope everyone had a great St. Patrick’s Day. Have a great month. See you at our next meeting on April 9 at 6:30 at the Union Hall. PAGE 12 APRIL 2015 LEGISLATION & COLCPE LEGISLATION Rep Mike Turner DAN WOLFF (202) 225-6465 Rep John Boehner (202) 225-0600 Get ready to support positive postal reform and voice opposition to bad postal reform. We will need every single one of us to stand up for our jobs, benefits and dignity when the time comes. Get on board e-activist, go to and sign up! Get on board COLCPE so that we can advance workers rights and our future with all elected representatives. Honestly for far too long we have relied on far too few to advance our agendas. If we cannot get a whole lot more people involved in this process we will all be sitting here wondering "well just what could I have done?" If every postal employee would get involved we would not have a single thing to worry about. But the fact is when we have roughly 10% of the people involved, well we will have some serious problems. So lets all get involved and take a pro active approach for what we all know is the best course for our country. A strong, vibrant and involved postal service who's mission is to serve the American public. In Solidarity, Dan Wolff 937-681-1009 GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 13 APRIL 2015 MDA KORNER KENNY WILLIAMS th We will have a raffle at the May 17 Union Meeting. I will have five to ten prizes and the tickets will be $1.00 for one, $5.00 for six or around the waist or open arm length for $10.00. So bring your cash and support Jerry’s Kids because only we can “Deliver the cure.” AUXILIARY 138 NOTES SANDI WILLIAMS nd March 2 meeting was called to order by President Sandi Williams. The first order of business was to pay the per capita to the National Auxiliary and we will pay for the members that have paid their dues to date. We had several members missing due to illness and surgeries and we send a speedy recovery and hope to see them soon. Pat Votaw passed out the 2015 Calendar and stated she will send calendars out with a reminder letter to those that had not paid their due to date. 50/50 Raffle was won by Pat Votaw and she donated it back to the auxiliary. Next the attendance prize and Gary Goes name was drawn and sorry Gary must be present to win. Our next meeting is April 6th at the Union Hall at 7:30pm. The trustees will audit the books prior to the meeting. We welcome visitor to come and learn about the auxiliary. 2015 FOOD DRIVE REBECCA THOMAS This year’s Annual Food Drive is quickly approaching. It is less than 2 months away. Our food drive cards were ordered in early January. On February 24, an e-mail was sent out to everyone from National notifying us that sponsors who were going to help us with the cost of printing the food drive cards pulled out. John immediately contacted our Food Bank and they unselfishly donated the $2,000 so that we could get our cards printed. So we will have Food Drive Cards. When our Food Drive Cards arrive I will notify you and will be asking for assistance. Each year when the cards arrive we have to break them down into stations and into routes. We will need your help in getting this done as quickly as possible in order to get them to the stations. Any help will be appreciated. Our T-shirts have been ordered and hopefully will be here sometime the week of April 20 so that everyone will get their shirts earlier this year than last. And, as every year, we are asking for help the day of the Food Drive, May 9, at the Food Bank to unload the trucks. Any help you can give that day will be helpful, even if it is only an hour. Let’s make this year a great year for our “Stamp Out Hunger” Food Drive. Let’s give back to our community. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 14 APRIL 2015 GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 15 APRIL 2015 National Association of Letter Carriers BRANCH No. 182 Recording Secretary 1860 Radio Road Dayton, OH 45431 Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Dayton, Ohio Permit Number - 108 Address Service Requested PLEASE DELIVER TO: To Subscribe To Our Newsletter Or To Advertise Call (937) 252-0891 WEBSITE: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK DISCLAIMER: ADS AND ARTICLES OF THIS NEWSLETTER ARE THE OPINION OF THE SUBMITTER AND NOT NECESSARILY THE OFFICERS OF NALC BRANCH 182. GEM CITY JEWEL PAGE 16 APRIL 2015
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