An Example-Based Exploration of Design Patterns in Measurement P A D I

PADI Technical Report 8 | June 2005
An Example-Based
P A D I Exploration of Design
Patterns in Measurement
PADI | Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry
Robert Mislevy
Angela Haydel DeBarger,
of Maryland
Michelle M. Riconscente, University of Maryland
with Alissa L. Morrison, Patricia Verdines-Arredondo, University of Maryland
Joy Barnes, Kia Johnson, René Lawless, Duanli Yan, Educational Testing Service
Report Series Published by SRI International
SRI International
Center for Technology in Learning
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493
PADI Technical Report Series Editors
Alexis Mitman Colker, Ph.D. Project Consultant
Geneva D. Haertel, Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator
Robert Mislevy, Ph.D. Co-Principal Investigator
Klaus Krause. Technical Writer/Editor
Lynne Peck Theis. Documentation Designer
Copyright © 2005 SRI International and University of Maryland. All Rights Reserved.
An Example-Based Exploration of
Design Patterns in Measurement
Prepared by:
Angela Haydel DeBarger, SRI International
Michelle M. Riconscente, University of Maryland
Alissa Morrison and Patricia Verdines-Arredondo, University of Maryland
Joy Barnes, Kia Johnson, René Lawless, and Duanli Yan, Educational Testing Services
PADI is supported by the Interagency Educational Research Initiative (IERI) under grant REC-0129331 (PADI
Implementation Grant).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry (PADI)
3.0 Design Patterns
4.0 Examples of Design Patterns
4.1 DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS (by Alissa Morrison)
4.2 DP-2: Understand and Apply Rate, Time, and Distance Concepts in Word Problems
(by Duanli Yan)
4.3 DP-3: Scientific Investigation—Establishing Experimental Controls (by Joy Barnes)
4.4 DP-4: Selected Math Items from the Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) I
(by Kia Johnson)
4.5 DPs-5A, 5B, 5C: Portfolios for Performance Assessments (by Patricia Verdines-Arredondo)
4.6 DPs-6A, 6B, 6C, 6D: AP Studio Art Portfolio and Other Hypothetical Design Patterns
(by Michelle Riconscente)
4.7 DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade 8
Mathematics (by René Lawless)
5.0 Discussion: Benefits of Design Patterns
5.1 Facilitation of Decision-Making about Assessment Design
5.2 Explication of the Assessment Argument
5.3 Flexibility
5.3.1 Psychological Perspective
5.3.2 Level of Generality and Interdependence
5.3.3 Scale
6.0 Summary
7.0 References
Figure 1. NAEP Mathematics Item Used to Develop DP-7
Figure 2. NAEP Mathematics Scoring Guide Used to Develop DP-7
This paper extends the work conducted by the Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry (PADI) project to
investigate more deeply the application of assessment design patterns. By using examples of design patterns
in several domains, such as science, mathematics, and studio art, this paper describes their role in
assessment development. Three key benefits of design patterns are discussed and illustrated with the
examples: (1) design patterns facilitate decision making about assessment design; (2) design patterns
explicate the assessment argument; and (3) design patterns afford flexibility in usage for assessment design.
In addition, the examples show how design patterns can vary in their generality, in their scale, and in the
psychological perspective that they represent.
1.0 Introduction
Recent advances in cognitive psychology and learning, statistics, measurement, and
technology can substantially enhance our ability to develop complex assessments of
student learning. The Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry (PADI) project is defining
and implementing a set of structures to facilitate the orchestration of these areas of
expertise in service of high quality operational assessments. PADI design patterns are
schemas for organizing information about some aspect of knowledge in terms of
assessment arguments.
The primary purpose of this paper is to describe the role that design patterns play in the
assessment design process through a series of sample design patterns from several
domains. These examples of design patterns apply to multiple content areas and
assessment formats and thus illustrate the adaptability of the PADI system. As an
introduction to these examples, we first sketch the work of PADI and the origin of design
patterns. We then describe their role in assessment design and provide the rationale for
their creation and use in assessment development. For additional information about
design patterns, the reader is referred to the PADI Technical Report 1, Design Patterns for
Assessing Science Inquiry (Mislevy et al., 2003)
2.0 Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry (PADI)
The work of PADI is guided by an evidenced-centered design (ECD) framework (Mislevy,
Steinberg, & Almond, 2003), which articulates the interrelationships among substantive
arguments, assessment designs, and operational processes. ECD embodies a conception of
assessment as reasoning from the particular things students say, do, or make to more
broad inferences about what students can say, do, or make, as suggested by Messick
A construct-centered approach would begin by asking what complex of knowledge,
skills, or other attributes should be assessed, presumably because they are tied to
explicit or implicit objectives of instruction or are otherwise valued by society. Next,
what behaviors or performances should reveal those constructs, and what tasks or
situations should elicit those behaviors? Thus, the nature of the construct guides the
selection or construction of relevant tasks as well as the rational development of
construct-based scoring criteria and rubrics. (p. 16)
PADI goes beyond Messick’s description by identifying structures that capture
commonalities across a set of problems or situations at different stages of the assessment
process. These structures afford the design and implementation of assessments that may
vary greatly in terms of surface features, but retain an underlying assessment argument
that links the inference of interest to the evidence garnered in its support. Among these
structures are design patterns, a term first used by architect Christopher Alexander
(Alexander, Ishikawa, & Silverstein, 1977). Alexander et al. (1977) stressed the importance of
structures that emerge naturally through population growth, such as health centers,
accessible greens, roads and paths, and formalized a way of describing these patterns of
building and community designs in a “pattern language.”
Principled Assessment Designs for Inquiry (PADI)
3.0 Design Patterns
A design pattern addresses both a problem that occurs repeatedly in the environment and
the core of the solution to that problem—but at a level of generality in which the solution
can be applied repeatedly without being the same in its particulars. For example, in
architecture, the design pattern perspective can be applied to the structure of a city
(patterns for a park and a transportation center), a building (patterns for a museum or a
restaurant), or a single room (the schema of a work triangle for a kitchen). More recently,
software designers have crafted design patterns to develop sophisticated software
applications based on commonalities across development processes, as well as across
software packages themselves (e.g., a design pattern for an “object generator”).
PADI uses design patterns as a schema or structure for conceptualizing the components of
assessment arguments and their interrelationships. The role of design patterns is to
rationalize the assessment argument by identifying in narrative form the student
knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs), potential observations, work products and rubrics
that test designers may want to use, as well as characteristics and variable features of
potential assessment tasks.
The rationale for the use of design patterns in assessment starts from a need to extend
thinking from individual assessment tasks to prototypical ways of obtaining evidence
about the acquisition of various aspects of knowledge. Thinking through a task at the level
of a design pattern grounds the subsequent detailing of the operational elements, or “nuts
and bolts”, of assessments, such as psychometric models, evaluation procedures, and
specific stimulus materials. In addition to supporting the identification of aspects of
knowledge that are similar across content areas or skill levels, this approach affords the
identification of reusable schemas for obtaining evidence about such knowledge. Further,
echoing Alexander et al. (1977), design pattern structures are considered useful in the
discussion of and planning for assessments among both content experts and
measurement experts, rather than representing top-down conceptualizations imposed on
the actual processes and kinds of information that contribute to the creation of
assessments. The structure and content of design patterns are expected to emerge
naturally from assessment development processes as they evolve.
Thinking at the level of design patterns is integral in the development of complex
assessments because it enables content and measurement experts to share a coherent
view about the substantive argument needed to create a principled assessment. Design
patterns can advance the current approaches used by subject area specialists in designing
assessments by incorporating the advances in cognitive psychology and learning,
statistics, measurement, and technology. Subject matter specialists using such design
patterns gain access to these newer approaches to assessment rather than being
constrained to familiar item formats and simple measurement models.
As they have evolved in PADI, design patterns are essentially a set of attributes that, when
completed, represent an assessment argument. Each design pattern has a Title, Summary,
and Rationale, which provide an overview of the target inferences addressed by this design
pattern, as well as a rationale for using certain kinds of information about student
Design Patterns
performance as evidence of the targeted Focal and Additional KSAs. Table 1 contains an
exhaustive set of design pattern attributes with brief descriptions of each.
Table 1. Attributes of a PADI Assessment Design Pattern (continued)
A short name for referring to the design
An overview of the kinds of assessment
situations students encounter in tasks that
are instantiations of this design pattern
and what one wants to know about
students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities
Explanation why this item is an important
aspect of scientific inquiry.
Focal KSAs
The primary KSAs targeted by this design
Additional KSAs
Other KSAs that may be required by this
These could be nuisance skills, for
design pattern.
example, background knowledge the
student must be provide, or knowledge
intended to be assessed jointly with the
focal KSAs. Additional KSAs make
assessment designesr aware that other
KSAs beside the focal one are often
addressed by an assessment task and that
determining which ones to include is a
design choice that should be made
Potential observations differ from work
Some possible things students do that
would give observable evidence about the products (below) in that work products are
what students produce, while
observations are qualities that assessors
discern and evaluate in work products.
Potential work
Modes, like a written product or a spoken
answer, in which students might produce
evidence about KSAs.
Potential rubrics Some evaluation techniques that may
These may include links to relevant
scoring rubrics and procedures
(algorithms, guidelines, and/or examples
of ways to ascertain values of observations
from student work products).
Aspects of assessment situations that are
These are features of situations (tasks) that
likely to evoke the desired evidence.
are required so that students can provide
evidence of the KSAs of interest. If a focal
KSA is problem-solving with algebraic
representations in ill-structured problems,
then a characteristic feature of tasks to
assess this KSA would be that the situation
must present a problem that is amenable
to algebraic representation and solution—
possibly several different ones—but the
approach and the representation must be
developed by the student rather than
provided by the assessor.
Design Patterns
Table 1. Attributes of a PADI Assessment Design Pattern (continued)
Variable features Aspects of assessment situations that can
Given that all the tasks that might be
be varied in order to shift difficulty or
generated from a given design pattern are
alike at some level in terms of
characteristic features, variable features
specify ways in which they might vary to
increase or decrease difficulty, focus of
information, put more or less demand on
various additional KSAs, etc.
I am a kind of
Associations to other objects (“my
parents”) which are more abstract or more
general than this object.
These are kinds
Associations to other objects (“my
of me
children”) which are more concrete or
more specialized than this object.
These are parts
Associations to other objects that contain
of me
or subsume this one. For example, an
automobile contains a windshield.
Associations with (potentially shared)
Educational standard objects.
Associations with (potentially shared)
template objects.
Exemplar tasks
Associations with (potentially shared) task
These may include links to sample
exemplar objects.
assessment tasks that are instances of this
design pattern.
Online resources Relevant items that can be found online
These items may illustrate or provide
background for this design pattern.
Notes about relevant items, such as
academic articles.
A variety of approaches can be used to create a design pattern. One is to start from an
existing assessment and work backwards to extract a more general design pattern that may
be used to generate similar kinds of assessments. Another strategy consists of beginning
with a set of learning outcomes to be included in the Student Model and proceeding from
there to identify appropriate Potential Observations, Work Products, and Rubrics. As we
become involved in creating tasks that provide a context for eliciting those learning
outcomes (and later as we field test the assessment with students), we often develop new
insights into their nature and limitations. These insights may in turn lead to modifications
of the KSAs, Potential Observations, Work Products, or other design pattern attributes.
Because all design pattern attributes are related, the creation of design patterns is an
iterative process that involves cycling through all of the attributes (perhaps multiple times)
to ensure that they cohere.
Design Patterns
4.0 Examples of Design Patterns
The assessment design pattern (DP) examples presented here were created by graduate
students in a course on cognitive psychology and assessment taught by Robert Mislevy at
the University of Maryland in Fall 2003. As part of their course work, students were charged
with the task of analyzing an existing assessment of their choice (e.g., National Assessment
of Educational Progress [NAEP], university degree program portfolio system) through the
perspective of design patterns. Students were invited to contribute their design patterns to
this technical report. The examples that follow are presented as submitted by the students,
with minor editing. These design patterns, largely reverse-engineered from previouslyexisting tasks, reflect a range of domains (e.g., mathematics, science, art) and assessment
formats and thus vary accordingly in their detail, focus, and formatting.
Each design pattern is presented with a brief overview. In the final section on “Benefits of
Design Patterns,” we provide integrative comments and discussion to tie these examples
together. Although PADI is focused on science inquiry, design patterns are not limited to
this area; the range of examples below demonstrates how characteristics of design patterns
are viable across domains and purposes. As with the science inquiry design patterns crafted
in PADI, the present examples illustrate how the use of design patterns supports the clear
articulation of the assessment argument and facilitates subsequent development of
assessment tasks capable of providing the necessary evidence to inform the claims of
interest regarding student KSAs.
List of design pattern examples:
DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS (Alissa Morrison)
DP-2: Understand and Apply Rate, Time, and Distance Concepts in Word Problem
(Duanli Yan)
DP-3: Scientific Investigation—Establishing Experimental Controls (Joy Barnes)
DP-4: Selected Math Items from the Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) I (Kia
DPs-5A, 5B, 5C: Portfolios for Performance Assessments (Patricia VerdinesArredondo)
DPs-6A, 6B, 6C, 6D: AP Studio Art Portfolio and Other Hypothetical Design Patterns
(Michelle Riconscente)
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade
8 Mathematics (René Lawless)
DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS (by Alissa Morrison)
A major goal of the BioKIDS: Kids’ Inquiry of Diverse Species project (Songer & Wenk, 2003)
is to support and study student learning of complex science data. Building on the rich
foundation of research on how children learn (i.e., Bransford, Brown, and Cocking, 2000),
the pedagogy of poverty in urban classrooms (Haberman, 1991), and how scientists study
Examples of Design Patterns
real-time events, the BioKIDS project is developing, testing, and organizing inquiryfocused, technology-rich science programs in biodiversity and other content areas to span
from Grades 5 through 8.
One important development in science education has been the recognition that students’
lack of ability to reflect on their own progress and to look critically at their thinking,
reasoning, and final work product is partly responsible for their inability to grasp
complicated scientific content knowledge. White and Frederiksen (1998), in their attempt
to develop an instructional theory and materials to make science inquiry available to a
wide range of students, emphasize the importance of developing metacognitive
knowledge and skills. They describe a process of Reflective Assessment in which students
reflect on their own and other’s inquiry processes. This self and group reflection process is
also an important component of the BioKIDS project. For example, when students are
asked to swap their data sheets with other groups and critique their work, they are not
simply looking for mistakes or errors; students are evaluating what good work should look
like and at the same time developing and reinforcing such habits in their own work. A
design pattern that identifies the key attributes of reflective assessment at a more general
level would be an important tool for task development in the BioKIDS curriculum. Such a
design pattern is sketched below. Although the design pattern is based on research in
science inquiry, the pattern for reflective assessment could be applied to other subject
areas as well.
DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS (continued)
Reflective assessment
Students are introduced to a process in
which they learn to evaluate and assess
their own and each other’s research
Reflective self-assessment helps students to
develop the ability to simultaneously
monitor and improve their own learning as
well as acquire the subject matter.
Additionally, understanding the criteria by
which their work will be evaluated enables
students to better understand the
characteristics of good performance.
Focal KSAs
Metacognitive skills
Examples of Design Patterns
Reflective assessment directs learning
as students begin to think more
carefully about the qualities to strive
for in a performance or product.
Learning to monitor the quality of
one’s thought and the product of
one’s effort. The implicit overall goal
is teaching how to think about
thinking. The metacognitive skills
should compliment each other and
be applicable to a wide range of
cognitive contexts.
DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS (continued)
Focal KSAs
Understand instructional objectives
Reflecting on what they have learned
raises new questions.
Recognize the progress being made
toward these objectives
A critique of the process itself.
Students can be given the means to
understand how to do well in their
Diagnose particular strengths and
Reflective assessment makes
students aware of the strengths and
weaknesses of their current system
or model. Self-evaluation encourages
continual change and improvement,
thereby discouraging unexamined
models and ideas.
Often the simple task of rating
oneself can lead to reflection about
what one really knows or can do and
what areas are in need of
improvement or better
Communication and collaboration
May or may not be required,
depending on whether the designer
wants to encompass collaborative
activity around reflective assessment.
Subject area knowledge
Some tasks may require a strong
knowledge of the subject area, as
understanding one’s performance in
that domain may not be measurable
outside of the metacognitive skills.
Explanation of rationale of process.
For instance, a student explaining
what s/he is doing when assessing
own or group’s products or
Identification of next step in a thinking
Recognizing and resolving contradictions
between one’s own and a standard work
Potential work
Applying generally stated qualities of a
rubric to the specifics of own or group’s
For instance, being able to map one’s
own work into the framework of
Self-assessment questionnaires
Designed to be completed by the
student to assess performance on a
certain task.
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS (continued)
Potential work
Critiquing a flawed experiment/project
For instance, practicing reflectiveassessment skills with work other
than one’s own, as a precursor to
evaluating one’s own work
Critique of audio or video recordings/
transcripts of own or group’s work
Allows the student to record a
sample of behavior for subsequent
self-analysis, off-line of having to do
it while doing the work. Can be used
as a form of scaffolding.
Student produced rubrics for selfevaluation
Asking students to develop the
rubric will highlight that they
understand the processes they are
looking for.
Students recognize the cognitive
requirements of a task
[detailed rubrics could be
Student identifies strengths and
weaknesses in their own performance
[detailed rubrics could be
A shared understanding of “guidelines for
judging work”
Work for which the guidelines are
Typically one’s own or group’s work
Formality of assessment
Reflective assessment can be more or
less formal or informal. To highlight
certain behaviors a more formal
method is required, although more
informal reflection can be
encouraged for nearly any task. A
more informal assessment may
involve a conversation with the
student about what steps they took,
whereas a formal assessment could
involve a questionnaire,
presentation, etc.
Group vs. individual reflective assessment
Assessment can be a social process
where students can see how multiple
perspectives can be applied in
viewing one’s own and others’ work.
Starting off as group work can also
help students to practice, model for
others, and internalize habits of
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS (continued)
Amount of substantive knowledge
Some tasks may require a strong
knowledge of the subject area, as
understanding one’s performance in
that domain may not be measurable
outside of the metacognitive skills.
Formative vs. summative assessment
Some tasks may have several stages,
allowing students the opportunity
for reflection and improvement.
Specificity of metacognitive skills to
particular task
Some skills, such as checking one’s
work, are more general cognitive
skills, as opposed to some subject
areas that require less generalizable
Amount of prompting/cueing
In the initial stages of self-reflection,
students will need to be prompted to
look for certain criteria in their own
work. This scaffolding may be
removed as students develop more
metacognitive skills; at this point
selecting the appropriate selfmonitoring skill may be more
I am a kind of
These are kinds
of me
These are parts
of me
Exemplar tasks
White, B. Y., & Frederiksen, J. R. (1998).
Inquiry, Modeling, and Metacognition:
Making Science Accessible to All Students.
Cognition and Instruction, 16(1), 3-118.
I am a part of
Inquiry cycle
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-2: Understand and Apply Rate, Time, and Distance Concepts in Word Problems
(by Duanli Yan)
NAEP Mathematics is a part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, a
congressionally mandated project of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center
for Education Statistics, NAEP publishes The Nation’s Report Card, which contains the
results of periodic assessments in mathematics and other content areas. The purpose of
this document is to inform the public about the nature of students’ comprehension of the
subject; to inform curriculum specialists about the level and nature of students’
understanding; and to inform policy makers about factors related to schooling and its
relationship to students’ proficiency in mathematics. This design pattern reflects the NAEP
1996-2000 Mathematics for Grade 8 assessment from the information processing theory
(schema knowledge) point of view and focuses specifically on one of the five content
strands addressed by NAEP: Number Sense, Properties, and Operations.
DP-2: Understand and Apply Rate, Time, and Distance Concepts in Word Problems (continued)
Understand and apply rate, time, and distance
concepts in mathematics word problems
This assessment is based on a set of beliefs about the
kinds of tasks or situations that will prompt students
to say, do, or create something that demonstrate the
important KSAs in mathematics.
Since explicit schemas are posited to be useful for
word problems, this design pattern targets the
assessment of schema knowledge on both how
knowledge is stored in the schema (structure
properties) and what knowledge is stored (content
properties), though the design pattern does help on
getting at the KSAs, and we want to ensure that the
students acquire those schemas.
Focal KSAs
Mathematical Abilities: Conceptual Understanding,
Procedural Knowledge, and Problem Solving
The knowledge and ability to understand the
situation expressed as a word problem
The skills to recognize the constraints for the
schema including ratio and proportional thinking
The skills to plan/set goals about the responses or
actions, and the skills to execute the
steps/procedures to carry out the plan for task
The skills could be focused individually for each
schema component or combined to assess the
schema contents together.
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-2: Understand and Apply Rate, Time, and Distance Concepts in Word Problems (continued)
Focal KSAs
Number Sense, Properties, and Operations
The knowledge about the definition of rate, time,
distance, and the relationship among them
The skills to extract the necessary information from
the situation, such as recognizing the features of the
rate, time, and distance components of the schema,
including the definitions and relationship among
The knowledge about arithmetic elements in each
of the components of the schema such as numbers
(whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers),
properties and operations involving those numbers,
estimations and use of ratios, and proportional
thinking to represent situations involving quantity
and their application to real world situations
The means to carry out the computations indicate
Mathematical Power (Reasoning, Connections, and
The overall ability to gather and use mathematical
knowledge through exploring, conjecturing, and
reasoning logically; through solving nonroutine
problems; and through communicating about
mathematics as said earlier. It is a function of
students’ prior knowledge and experiences and the
ability to connect that knowledge in productive
ways to new contexts
The knowledge and ability to reason in settings
involving the careful application of concept
definitions of rate, time and distance, relations
among them, or representations of either
The skills to understand and write in English
Correctness of responses to Feature Recognition
tasks, such as definition of rate, time, and distance
(e.g. rate is 8 miles per 10 minutes, distance is 8
Correctness of responses to Constrain tasks, such as
the relationship among rate, time, and distance, and
difference in distance if two cars (e.g., distance =
rate × time, the starting time and ending time,
starting place and ending place, the difference in
distance of two cars at the end time)
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-2: Understand and Apply Rate, Time, and Distance Concepts in Word Problems (continued)
Appropriateness/Correctness of responses to the
Planning tasks, such as the formulations of lines of
attack on problems and the way in which students’
reason through situations
Correctness of responses to the Execution tasks,
such as written arithmetic expressions or
explanations, or drawings or diagrams to illustrate
their reasoning, or computations of rate, time and
distance, conversion of units (time, distance)
individually or combined
Potential work
Written explanations
Numeric responses to tasks assessing individual
feature recognition for the components of the
schema or mathematical expressions for the
relationship among the components
Drawings or tables of the traveling distance(s)
Conversion results for the components of the
schema produced by students
Correctness by matching a key, but maybe
additionally whether the responses are plausible but
incorrect, or implausible (e.g., tasks that assessing
only feature recognition schema component)
Rubrics for evaluating written explanations,
drawings, or tables if for comparison of distance at
different rates
Instructions asking students to enter numeric
responses for easy tasks, such as those to assess
feature recognitions of the schema alone, or asking
students to write/draw/explain their reasoning by
steps to show their thinking
Illustrations of the tasks for instructions, and
illustrations or partial illustrations which students
are required to complete
Examples of Design Patterns
Tasks are word problem
questions designed to ask
students to make explicit
their understanding of the
concept of rate, distance,
and time, the relationship
among them, their
reasoning, as well as elicit
features of their schema
knowledge and connections
in this domain.
DP-2: Understand and Apply Rate, Time, and Distance Concepts in Word Problems (continued)
Selection of the variable categories for rate (same
for time and distance) with the variation of numbers
(from integers to fraction, or decimals) to vary the
difficulty of the tasks
Selection of a variable categories for time unit with
hour, minute, second, day, month, or year
Selection of the variable categories for distance unit
can include miles, meters, kilometers, yards, or feet
Selection of more than one car for comparative
reasoning, such as the example (compare the rate
for two cars) with different variable units for
different cars
Substitution of a variable for car with airplane, train,
or boat would change the situation that evokes the
desired evidence, but it may or may not affect the
difficulty of tasks
I am a kind of
Design pattern for Number Sense, Properties, and
These are kinds
of me
Design patterns for arithmetic operation
These are parts
of me
Design patterns for understand and apply rate only,
for time only, for units (time, distance) conversions
Exemplar tasks
I am a part of
Design pattern for NAEP Mathematics
DP-3: Scientific Investigation—Establishing Experimental Controls
(by Joy Barnes)
This design pattern is based on the Maryland State High School Assessment (MDHSA) in
Biology. The MDHSA in Biology is an end-of-course assessment designed to evaluate how
well students decode the language and evidence of life science as a discipline. It
recognizes the interrelatedness of other science content (math, physical science) and seeks
to incorporate universal scientific content with life science applications. The MDHSA is a
70-item assessment administered as a field test from 2000–03; it became an operational
test starting in 2004. With every administration of the test, approximately 55 items are
released via the Internet to the public as a tool for curriculum development (in the case of
Examples of Design Patterns
educators) and for improved public relations (in the case of families). All of the items that
have been publicly released are available online at the Web site
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has established five science core
learning goals: 1) Skills and Processes, 2) Earth/Space Science concepts, 3) Biology
concepts, 4) Chemistry concepts, and 5) Physics concepts. The Biology High School
Assessment is designed to measure goals 1 and 3. The MSDE format for evaluating the
national standards utilizes a system with three convergent descriptors: the goal is the
umbrella; the expectations form the ribs that support the goal. The indicators are akin to
the stitches that keep the spokes attached to the umbrella. Indicators are the assessment
limits from which all test material may be generated. This design pattern specifically
addresses items that evaluate goal 1, expectation 2, and indicator 6 (1.2.6): “The student
will identify appropriate methods for conducting an investigation and affirm the need for
proper controls in an experiment.”
DP-3: Scientific Investigation—Establishing Experimental Controls (continued)
Scientific investigation—establishing
experimental controls (MSDE 1.2.6)
Identifying realistic parameters for
Demonstrate science habits; communicate
scientific thinking.
Focal KSAs
Scientific method
Additional KSAs
Science equipment identification/usage
Experimental conditions (plant-soil
properties, animal behaviors, concentration
Logical/appropriate use of terminology
Logical/appropriate use of
Potential work
Drawings, tables, calculations, graphs
Potential rubrics
BCR Scoring Rubric—MDHSA 2000
Rubrics available at
Experimental conditions known at all times
for one set of data. Known set has predictable
result. Variable sets have at least one unique
condition apart from the known set.
Instruments/equipment used is appropriate
for size, time, resource constraints of the
materials being investigated.
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-3: Scientific Investigation—Establishing Experimental Controls (continued)
Variable features
Description of physiological properties of
materials being investigated
I am a kind of
These are kinds of
These are parts of
Exemplar tasks
Online resources
I am a part of
DP-4: Selected Math Items from the Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) I
(by Kia Johnson)
This design pattern is based on the mathematics section of the SAT I. The SAT, a well-known
college entrance exam, is among one of the most important and controversial tests of a
high school student’s career. The test, combined with high school transcripts,
extracurricular activities, and recommendations, is given considerable weight in admission
to most colleges and universities. Unfortunately, there are concerns about the fairness of
this assessment.
By addressing the assessment from a sociocultural perspective, the design pattern structure
makes visible those aspects of SAT mathematics questions that potentially contribute to an
unfair examination. In particular, additional KSAs, Potential Observations, Characteristic
Features and Variable Features highlight aspects of the test questions that are not related
to mathematics knowledge but that may influence students’ performance. Students who
do not possess certain additional KSAs, such as vocabulary skills, may not perform well on
certain math problems. Scratch work in students’ test books, such as the underlining of
text, may reveal vocabulary words that were confusing for students. In addition, features of
the mathematics assessment items (e.g., number of multiple-choice items) or features of
the assessment (time pressure) may favor boys. If these aspects of the assessment are not
considered when making inferences about students’ mathematics proficiency, it is possible
to make an inaccurate judgment about what some students know and can do in
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-4: Selected Math Items from the Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) I (continued)
Math section of the SAT I
Using a sociocultural perspective, this design
pattern underscores considerations for avoiding
bias in the math section of the SAT I.
The intended use of this problem was to test a
student’s ability to comprehend a “real-world”
arithmetic word problem and apply
ratio/proportion skills to the problem in order to
reach the key.
Focal KSAs
Arithmetic word problem
Additional KSAs
Familiarity with structure of SAT (e.g., knowledge
about difficulty ordering of test items)
Familiarity with SAT test-taking strategies
(e.g., knowledge about process of elimination)
Since lack of vocabulary could
lead to inaccurate examinee
responses that do not reflect
math proficiency, it is important
to structure items appropriately
and incorporate opportunities
to rule out this kind of
alternative hypothesis in
interpreting responses.
Familiarity with the SAT
structure and test-taking
strategies relate to the impact
of coaching and ability to
attend SAT prep courses. Lack
of familiarity with SAT structure
represents another alternative
hypothesis in interpreting
Correct answer filled in on bubble sheet
Underlined words in test book
Eliminate wrong answers by crossing them out
Students’ scratch work in their
test booklets is one source with
potential to reveal which
vocabulary words were
challenging and which
strategies students used to
solve the problems.
Potential work
Multiple-choice answer
Short-constructed response
Written explanation of problem situation
Think aloud solution
Written explanations of the
problem situation and think
aloud solutions are potential
work products that could
improve the quality of inference
about student math proficiency.
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-4: Selected Math Items from the Standardized Achievement Test (SAT) I (continued)
Potential rubrics
Answer key
Multiple-choice items
Short-constructed response items
Problems requiring arithmetic skills
Problems requiring geometric skills
Problems requiring combined arithmetic and
geometric skills
Length of time allotted for examination
Number of problems requiring arithmetic skills,
geometric skills, and combined arithmetic and
geometry skills
Paper-pencil vs. computerized
Testing context
Performance on tests also
depends on the context in
which the task is administered:
the classroom environment, the
attitude of the test
administrator, the cultural
climate of the school, and
societal messages about the
relationship between ethnicity
and mathematics ability.
I am a kind of
These are kinds
of me
These are parts
of me
Exemplar tasks
I am a part of
DPs-5A, 5B, 5C: Portfolios for Performance Assessments
(by Patricia Verdines-Arredondo)
The following design patterns are based on the features and attributes of two portfolio
assessments used in graduate courses at the University of Maryland College Park. DP-5A
reflects the course “Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Communication Research,” in
which students are required to design and develop a portfolio as a means of assessing
their understanding of basic knowledge on qualitative research methods in
communication science. DP-5B reflects the course “Collaborative Instructional Design and
Evaluation,” in which students design and develop a portfolio that is used to assess their
ability to apply their knowledge on instructional design theory and the instructional
Examples of Design Patterns
design process. After analyzing the features of the individual portfolio shown in DP-5A and
the collaborative portfolio shown in DP-5B, A Generic Design Pattern for Portfolio
Assessment was derived from both portfolio specifications, as shown in DP-5C.
DP-5A: Design Pattern for an Individual Portfolio (continued)
The Qualitative Researcher Portfolio
A portfolio is used in this course as a means to assess
students’ performance regarding the formulation of
research questions, the design of a qualitative
research project, the interpretation of qualitative
data, and as a means for students’ ability to reflect on
the qualitative research process and their role as
qualitative researchers.
A portfolio as a means of performance assessment
provides the students not only with an opportunity
to understand the epistemology of qualitative
research and the nature of qualitative methods but
also with an opportunity to reflect about the role of
qualitative researchers in a research project.
Focal KSAs
Conceptual knowledge about:
The epistemology of qualitative research
Qualitative research methods
In-depth interviews
Participant observation methods
Qualitative data analysis
Procedural knowledge about:
In-depth interviews
Participant observation methods
Qualitative data analysis
Self-evaluation skills
Self-reflection skills
Additional KSA(s)
Conceptual knowledge of research topic in a
specific domain
Verbal ability
Quality of data analysis as shown in the transcripts
Depth and breath of self-reflexivity as shown in the
Quality and structure of ideas as shown in the
portfolio organization
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-5A: Design Pattern for an Individual Portfolio (continued)
Potential work
Understanding of in-depth interview design as
shown in the interview protocol
Understanding of participatory observation
method as shown in the observation field notes
Understanding of the process of open coding as
shown in the coding scheme
A portfolio with:
Research questions
Researcher assumptions
Interpretation of research results
Interview protocol
Interview transcripts
Observation field notes
Coding scheme
Self-reflective memos
Potential rubrics
Correct use of language
Portfolio organization
Academic integrity
Individual portfolio work
Individual practice during class hours
Portfolio topic selected by student
Portfolio work developed over the course of one
Variable features
Research topic selected by student
Conceptual knowledge of research topic in a
specific domain
I am a kind of
Performance assessment tool
Learning tool
These are kinds of
These are parts of
Exemplar tasks
Online resources
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-5A: Design Pattern for an Individual Portfolio (continued)
Syllabus of the course “Introduction to Qualitative
Methods in Communication Research” (COMM-714)
I am a part of
DP-5B: Design Pattern for a Collaborative Portfolio (continued)
The Instructional Design Team Portfolio
A collaborative portfolio is used in this course as a
means to promote and assess the students’
collaboration skills and performance regarding the
design of an instructional unit.
A collaborative portfolio as a means of performance
assessment provides the students not only with an
opportunity to understand the nature of instructional
design theory, but also with an opportunity to design an
instructional unit for a specific audience, while reflecting
about the role of instructional designers in educational
Focal KSAs
Conceptual knowledge of instructional design theory
Conceptual knowledge of instructional design models
Procedural knowledge of the instructional design
Self-evaluation skills
Self-reflection skills
Collaboration skills
Additional KSAs
Conceptual knowledge of information literacy
Verbal ability
Consistency between instructional goals and
Consistency between objectives and instructional
Self-reflexivity as shown in self-evaluation forms
Collaboration skills as shown in team-evaluation forms
Quality and structure of ideas as shown in the
portfolio organization
Understanding of instructional design theory as
shown in the instructional sequence
Understanding of the instructional design process as
shown by the content of the portfolio work products
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-5B: Design Pattern for a Collaborative Portfolio (continued)
Potential work
Self-evaluation forms
Team evaluation forms
Portfolio with instructional sequence
Collaborative presentation and discussion during class
Correct use of language
Effective organization
Effective use of media
Intellectual integrity
Collaborative portfolio work
Team meetings during class hours
Portfolio topic selected by each design team
Portfolio work developed over the course of one
Number of team members (2, 3 or 4)
Content of the instructional unit selected by each
design team
Conceptual knowledge of the topic selected for each
design team
I am a kind of
Performance assessment tool
Learning tool
These are kinds
of me
These are parts
of me
Exemplar tasks
Syllabus of the course “Collaborative Instructional
Design and Evaluation” (LBSC-742)
I am a part of
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-5C: A Generic Design Pattern for Performance Assessment (continued)
The Portfolio Project
A portfolio assessment can be used as a means
to promote and assess the students’ deep
understanding of new concepts in a given
context. A portfolio can also foster the
development of the students’ self-evaluation,
self-reflection, and collaboration skills.
A portfolio as a means of performance
assessment provides the students not only
with an opportunity to understand new
concepts and methods in a given domain but
also with an opportunity to develop their
collaborative skills, and to reflect about their
role in the portfolio development process.
Focal KSAs
Conceptual knowledge of the domain
Procedural knowledge of the domain
Self-evaluation skills
Self-reflection skills
Additional KSAs
Conceptual knowledge in topics related to
the domain
Collaboration skills
Verbal ability
Consistency between portfolio work
products and objectives
Self-reflexivity as shown in presentations or
written documents
Collaboration skills as shown in teamevaluation forms
Quality and structure of ideas as shown in
the portfolio organization
Understanding of concepts shown in the
portfolio work products
Understanding of procedures and methods
as shown in the portfolio work products
Potential work
Portfolio with samples of a student’s work
Portfolio with samples of the work of a group
of students
Discussion of portfolio content in class
Presentation of portfolios in class
Team evaluation forms
Self-evaluation forms
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-5C: A Generic Design Pattern for Performance Assessment (continued)
Potential rubrics
Correct use of language
Portfolio organization
Academic integrity
Portfolio topic selected by student(s)
Portfolio work developed over the course of
one semester or a year
Variable features
Individual or collaborative portfolio
Individual or collaborative instruction and
Practice during class hours or after class
Conceptual knowledge required for the
portfolio work
Procedural knowledge required for the
portfolio work
Number of team members (2, 3 or 4) in
collaborative portfolios
Content of the portfolio selected by each
student or design team
I am a kind of
Performance assessment tool
Learning tool
These are kinds of
The Qualitative Researcher Portfolio
The Instructional Design Team Portfolio
These are parts of
Exemplar tasks
Online resources
I am a part of
Examples of Design Patterns
DPs-6A, 6B, 6C, 6D: AP Studio Art Portfolio and Other Hypothetical Design
Patterns (by Michelle Riconscente)
The Advanced Placement (AP) Studio Art Program is a national assessment developed and
administered by the Educational Testing Service for the College Entrance Examination
Board, with the aim of indicating a high school student’s level of competency in the visual
arts with respect to expected achievement of students completing their first year of postsecondary art instruction (College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), 2001). In its current
implementation, portfolios are accepted in three categories: Drawing, 2-D Design, and 3-D
Design. A participating student submits a portfolio of original works consisting of three
sections focused respectively on quality, concentration, and breadth. Distinctive of the AP
Studio Art program is its success in applying a set of criteria with high interrater reliability
to a broad range of works (Myford & Mislevy, 1995). A network of several design patterns
were created to describe the AP Studio Art assessment. The overarching design pattern
(DP-6A) considers the entire portfolio and includes descriptions of the individual sections.
A finer-grained design pattern is considered based on the contents and evaluation criteria
for the Quality Section of the AP Studio Art portfolio (DP-6B).
By using the AP Studio Art design patterns, it is possible to sketch a hypothetical design
pattern for a parallel assessment in another domain; for example, writing is considered, and
a potential design pattern is generated (DP-6C). Although the substantial work involved in
attaining agreement around a set of criteria is not represented in the design pattern, it
shows the potential for such a framework to apply to the assessment of writing. Taking the
overall AP Studio Art design pattern as a starting point, it is also possible to design “up” a
level and consider what a design pattern might look like for a domain-free portfolio
assessment (DP-6D).
DP-6A: AP Studio Art Drawing Portfolio Design Pattern (derived from College Entrance
Examination Board, 2001 and Educational Testing Service, 2002) (continued)
AP Studio Art
The AP Studio Art assessment indicates the
qualifications of a student based on a comparison of
a portfolio of original art work to expectations for
students completing their first year of college.
“Provides a national standard for performance in
the visual arts” (CEEB, 2001, p. 5). “Allows students
to earn college-credit and/or advanced placement
while still in high school.” (CEEB, 2001, p. 5).
Focal KSAs
Ability to produce high quality works of art
(concept, composition, execution) that involve
directly making marks on a surface
Expertise in a particular concentration area
(particular visual interest or problem
Possession of breadth of ability (formal, technical,
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-6A: AP Studio Art Drawing Portfolio Design Pattern (derived from College Entrance
Examination Board, 2001 and Educational Testing Service, 2002) (continued)
Additional KSAs
Facility with particular medium in which student
Overall quality of each portfolio section
Potential work
Three portfolio sections, representing quality,
breadth, and concentration
CEEB process for assigning overall score based on
individual section scores
Three portfolio sections, each containing original
works of art according to requirements described in
CEEB, 2001
Media in which the work is rendered
I am a kind of
Studio Art portfolio assessment
These are kinds
of me
2-D design, 3-D design
These are parts
of me
Quality portfolio, concentration portfolio, breadth
portfolio, individual piece assessment
Exemplar tasks
AP Studio Art Web site
I am a part of
Portfolio assessment; performance assessment;
large-scale assessment
DP 6B: AP Studio Art Drawing Portfolio Quality Section Design Pattern (derived from College
Entrance Examination Board, 2001, 2002) (continued)
AP Studio Art: Quality section
Student’s portfolio of five drawing works is assessed
for excellence, focused on concept, composition,
and execution.
Demonstrated quality, including the realization of
the artist’s intentions, is a fundamental aspect of
excellence in studio art.
Examples of Design Patterns
DP 6B: AP Studio Art Drawing Portfolio Quality Section Design Pattern (derived from College
Entrance Examination Board, 2001, 2002) (continued)
Focal KSAs
Possession of sense of excellence in studio art
(specifically with regard to concept, composition,
and execution)
Additional KSAs
Technical skill in working with media of choice (e.g.,
paint, pencil, etc.)
Degree to which works demonstrate excellence in
concept, composition, and execution
Potential work
Five actual works of art (flat)
Scoring criteria for the Quality section (CEEB)
No time or location restrictions for producing
Students have access to exemplars (AP Studio Art
Artwork on flat paper, canvas board, or
unstretched canvas
Maximum dimensions: 18 in. × 24 in.
Works may or may not be related to each other
Works can take a wide variety of forms (drawing,
paintings, prints, diagrams, plans, collages,
montages, etc.)
I am a kind of
Art Portfolio section
These are kinds
of me
Breadth section, concentration section
These are parts
of me
Assessment of individual pieces (drawing, painting,
Exemplar tasks
College Board Web site
I am a part of
AP Studio Art Portfolio
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-6C: A Hypothetical Writing Portfolio Design Pattern (for Breadth section) (continued)
A hypothetical writing portfolio: Breadth
Student’s portfolio of six written works is assessed
for quality as well as successful use of a range of
styles and structures.
Demonstrated breadth and quality of writing is a
fundamental aspect of competent writers.
Focal KSAs
Ability to produce quality writing across a range of
Additional KSAs
Language proficiency
Degree to which works demonstrate quality and
taken together demonstrate competence across a
range of forms
Potential work
Six written works
Scoring criteria for the Breadth section
Six written works completed
I am a kind of
Writing Portfolio section
These are kinds
of me
Quality section, Concentration section
These are parts
of me
Assessment of individual pieces (short stories,
prose, exposition, plays, comedy sketches)
Exemplar tasks
I am a part of
Hypothetical Writing Portfolio
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-6D: A Hypothetical Domain-Free Portfolio Design Pattern (continued)
A hypothetical domain-free portfolio
Focal KSAs
Additional KSAs
Potential work
Student’s portfolio within a domain is assessed for
overall competence comparable to that of a student
completing the first year of college study in that
Demonstrated competence in a domain for a year of
college credit and placement.
Ability to perform or produce quality work in a
given domain
Abilities and skills germane to specific domains
Degree to which work products and process
demonstrate competence in a given domain
A collection of works demonstrating quality,
expertise, and range (breadth) of ability
Scoring criteria for elements of a given domain
Variety of works related to a given domain
Domain-specific characteristics; time and
space/resource constraints; feedback processes
I am a kind of
These are kinds
of me
These are parts
of me
Exemplar tasks
I am a part of
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP
Grade 8 Mathematics (by René Lawless)
Like DP-2, this design pattern focuses on a subset of the NAEP Mathematics content strand,
Number Sense, Properties, and Operations. This design pattern is based on an item (Figures
1 and 2) that addresses three key features of this content strand: (1) ability to “represent
numbers and operations in a variety of equivalent forms using models, diagrams, and
symbols”; (2) ability to “compute with numbers (i.e., add, subtract, multiply, divide)”; and
(3) ability to “use computation in applications.”
Figure 1. NAEP Mathematics Item Used to Develop DP-7
Note. From U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics,
National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], 1996 Mathematics Assessment
Examples of Design Patterns
Figure 2. NAEP Mathematics Scoring Guide Used to Develop DP-7
Scoring Guide
Maria will win the game.
The following reasons may be given:
a. The largest possible difference for Carla is less than 100 and the smallest possible
difference for Maria is 194.
b. Carla will only get a difference of 91 or less but Maria will get several larger differences.
c. Carla can have only up to 143 as her top number but Maria can have 435 as her largest
d. Carla has only 1 hundred but Maria can have 2,3,or 4 hundreds.
e. Maria can never take away as much as Carla.
Any combination of problems to show that Maria’s difference is greater.
Scoring Guide
In this question a student needed to use number skills to understand place value and
compare numbers. Since Carla placed her number 1 tile in the hundreds place, the greatest
number she could have after subtracting would be less than one hundred. Maria could
have used the number 2, 3, or 4 tile in the hundreds place and her difference would always
be larger than Carla’s. For an extended response, the student needed to answer “Maria”
and demonstrate understanding of place value by generalizing a comparison of the
possible differences that Carla could obtain to the possible differences that Maria could
obtain. (“Generalize” means that the student indicates that since Carla placed her number
1 tile in a place so that she could never win, Maria would always win, no matter how she
placed her 2, 3, or 4 tiles.) For a satisfactory response, a student needed to demonstrate
understanding that Maria could make a larger top number than Carla, but the response did
not generalize Maria’s and Carla’s possible differences. For a partial response, a student
had to provide an explanation that was only partially correct; however, those types of
responses did recognize that Maria would have the greater number after determining the
difference. A minimal score was earned by responses that indicated that Maria would win,
but did not offer an explanation for how Maria would win the game.
Student answers Maria and gives explanation such as a or b, or an appropriate
combination of the other explanations.
Student answers Maria and gives explanation such as c, d, or e.
Student answers Maria with partially correct, or incomplete but relevant, explanation.
Student answers Maria and gives sample such as in f but no explanation or Maria with an
incorrect explanation.
Incorrect response
Note. From: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics,
National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP], 1996 Mathematics Assessment
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade 8
Mathematics (continued)
Reasoning to maximize the difference between
two numbers
Items based on this design pattern seek to
measure whether a student knows how to use
number skills to understand place value and
compare numbers in such a way that when
provided with two different scenarios, he/she
can determine which combination of numbers
will provide the largest difference.
These types of items may lend
themselves to automatic item
This design pattern uses an extended-response
format (for arithmetic number sense, properties,
and operations) that connects with three
psychological perspectives:
The trait perspective—by examining the
correctness of the student’s mathematical
The situative perspective—by examining the
student explanations to determine if the
student recognizes and understands what the
item is asking, applies the correct schema to
solve the item, and provides the reasons why
his or her solution is correct. Further, this type
of item places the numerical issues in social
situations that the student can relate to in
his/her own experience.
The cognitive perspective—to measure the
student’s mathematical ability to correctly
solve the problem and award partial credit for
the student’s ability to solve the problem,
even if it is partially incorrect. In this case, the
student is given credit for using different
levels of correct reasoning.
By utilizing an extended response format, the
assessor has the opportunity to examine student
learning through the combination of his/her final
solution as well as his/her rationale.
The extended-response format
may also provide more
information about the cognitive
processes that the student used
to reach his/her solution.
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade 8
Mathematics (continued)
Focal KSAs
This design pattern is concerned with
measuring number sense, properties, and
operations. Specifically, it is concerned with
measuring students’ understanding of
numbers, using arithmetic operators
correctly, and applying this understanding to
a real-world situation.
Students are also expected to demonstrate
their ability to generalize from numerical
patterns and verify the results that they
Students are expected to read, write, order,
and compare numbers.
Students are expected to compute with
numbers and describe the effect of
operations on size and order of numbers.
Students are also expected to verify solutions
and be able to determine the reasonableness
of results in the real-world situation
presented in the items.
Additional KSAs
Student must have an ability to understand
written English.
Students must also be able to communicate
the reasoning that they used to either
construct the problem or justify why their
solution is the correct one.
Students may display their ability to construct
arithmetic expressions and/or diagrams to
communicate their thoughts.
Students may provide one of the following written
reasons to explain why their solution is correct:
Reasons indicating the largest possible
difference for one scenario as compared with
the smallest possible difference for the other.
Examples of Design Patterns
This NAEP mathematics
assessment has many KSAs.
However, evidence of many of
these is only implied and cannot
be directly measured. The only
KSAs measured in the statistical
model are those of a very coarse
grain-size, i.e., each of the five
categories classified as
dimensions in the Content
Strands. Thus, in NAEP, only
overall mathematical
classifications are measured and
reported. The student model
variables found in the
Mathematical Abilities are so
highly correlated that they
cannot be isolated and
measured individually.
However, inferences can only be
made from student work
products as to whether, in fact,
the students have the attributes
that we are interested in
The reasons that a student
might produce could provide
clues regarding their targeted
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade 8
Mathematics (continued)
Potential work
Reasons indicating the smallest possible
difference in one scenario as compared with
multiple larger solutions in the other.
Reasons indicating the largest possible
numbers for each scenario before subtraction.
Reasons comparing the size of the numbers
that are being subtracted in each scenario
and demonstrating it in the matrices
provided in the item.
Reasoning demonstrating the differences
through the completion of the matrix.
Any combination of problems to show that
the second scenario has a greater difference.
Solution in the provided space, answering the first
part of the item. In the second part of the item:
Written explanations by students describe
their reasoning behind the answer that they
provided to the first part of the item.
Numbers filled into one or both of the
matrices provided in the item.
Drawings of the matrices with numbers filled
into each cell of each matrix.
Equations showing student work.
Diagrams or arrowed comments used to
emphasize the contents of each (or both)
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade 8
Mathematics (continued)
Potential rubrics
Each student work product is compared to the
scoring guide to ascertain at which scoring
level it is an exemplar. The first part of the item
is compared to the key to determine whether
the student arrived at the correct solution.
Then, the student’s explanation is compared to
the potential observations and benchmarks to
decide the appropriate scoring level that
should be awarded. Each scoring level carries a
point value that will be counted as part of the
total score. It should be assumed at this stage
that the raters have already been calibrated
using the benchmarked student solutions and a
small, random sample of unscored, student
As previously mentioned, there
are many student model
variables built into the
framework. Thus, although the
types of evidence sought have
been identified, it is difficult to
clearly accumulate evidence for
many of those variables. This is a
result of the implied nature of
these variables and their high
intercorrelation. Hence, these
variables cannot be isolated and
measured individually. However,
the evaluation rules (evidence
rules) used to score the example
assessment are consistent and
therefore inferences may be
made based on the observable
work products, particularly in
the case of extended openended items, in terms of the
quality of the student’s
See Figure 2 for the scoring
guides (and rationales) used for
the example item. In the case of
new items, appropriate variable
names would be substituted.
Instruction: Word problems prefaced with
instructions (to students) indicating that the
problems have multiple steps. These
instructions should indicate that not only
should the student show their work but also
make sure that their answers are clear enough
that another person reading their solution
can understand what the student is thinking
in the problem. Further, students should be
encouraged to use drawings, words, and
numbers to help illustrate their reasoning.
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade 8
Mathematics (continued)
Illustrations: Word problems should have
accompanying diagrams and/or graphics to
illustrate the initial conditions of the numbers
and objects to be manipulated to attain the
final solution.
Matrices: The items should contain matrices
containing the initial state of numbers and be
further clarified using the applicable
arithmetic operator and total line. It is
intended that through the use of these
matrices that the students will be prompted
to use the correct schema when solving the
presented item.
Variable features
To change the focus of the items the following
may be altered in order to induce different
schemas and/or change the difficulty of the
The positions of the numbers within each
The actual numbers within each matrix.
The arithmetic operators of the matrices, i.e.,
for addition, subtraction, multiplication, or
The surface features of the word problems,
i.e., the names of the children, games using
tiles with numbers, playing cards, dominos,
The objective of the situation is to be
manipulated to demonstrate different goals,
i.e., a game is being played and you need to
identify the biggest difference, the smallest
difference, the largest sum, the largest
product, or a common divisor; a person is
going to a store in a foreign country with new
currency and must determine differences,
sums, or products, in order to buy something;
a farmer is planting a field with different
vegetables—each plant yielding a different
number of vegetables, etc.
I am a kind of
Abilities necessary to understand how to
perform arithmetic number sense, properties,
and operations
Examples of Design Patterns
DP-7: Reasoning to Maximize the Difference Between Two Numbers for NAEP Grade 8
Mathematics (continued)
These are kinds of
These are parts of
Exemplar tasks
Online resources
I am a part of
NAEP Grade 8 Mathematics
Examples of Design Patterns
5.0 Discussion: Benefits of Design Patterns
In this section we discuss three key benefits of using design patterns in the assessment
development process. Design patterns facilitate decision-making about assessment design,
explicate the assessment argument, and afford flexibility in usage for assessment design.
These benefits of design patterns are illustrated with the examples of assessment design
patterns. In addition, we use these examples to show how design patterns can vary in their
generality and scale and in the psychological perspective they represent. Table 2
summarizes how these design pattern examples reflect these characteristics.
Reflective Assessment
NAEP Math Word Problems
Scientific Investigation
SAT I—Math
Performance Assessment
AP Studio Art
NAEP Math Reasoning
Table 2. Design Pattern Benefits and Examples Matrix
Facilitation of DecisionMaking
Explication of the Assessment
Psychological Perspectives
Facilitation of Decision-Making about Assessment Design
The development of assessments requires a series of decisions which, like a funnel, start
from broad possibilities and arrive at specific items or tasks by progressively adding
constraints. Given the complexity and range of decisions that may be required to create
even a single assessment item, one value afforded by the design pattern structure is that of
identifying for the assessment designer which decisions already have been made and
which still need to be made, thus providing a framework for documenting those decisions.
By explicating these decisions within a shared schema, many assessments can
subsequently be generated by designers without having to retrace those decision paths.
Although it could be taken for granted that assessments are designed with the purpose of
the assessment in mind, in practice, other factors may drive the form or shape of the
assessment, resulting in compromised inferences about student understanding or ability.
The attributes in design patterns are essential in scaffolding thinking and decisions about
Discussion: Benefits of Design Patterns
the purpose of the assessment. In the absence of a framework like design patterns,
however, it is likely that the decisions explicit in this report may not be considered or
intentionally determined. The value of design patterns results in strengthening the
assessment argument, which in turn maximizes the quality of inferences made about
Explication of the Assessment Argument
In laying out the design decisions, a crucial consideration is the assessment argument, the
line of reasoning that will ultimately connect the assessment item or task to the inferences
we wish to make about student KSAs. Design patterns prompt assessment designers to
articulate the assessment argument by eliciting information about the KSAs, Potential
Work Products, Rubrics, and Observations, as well as the features of tasks themselves.
Rather than immediately constructing a particular assessment item, the design pattern
structure facilitates a careful consideration of how the item will be measured, which skills
the items will assess, and how it will provide evidence of attainment of those skills. That is,
the assessment argument is rendered explicit by the decisions expressed in each design
pattern attribute.
In addition to the value of creating an individual assessment item or task that is based on
evidence-centered design (ECD), this explication of the assessment argument is important
for generating multiple tasks to inform a related set of inferences. Assessment items
derived from a common design pattern will consequently share an underlying assessment
argument. Therefore, although surface features of two items may be substantially
different, these items are appropriate for informing a common set of inferences about
student KSAs. All the design patterns presented in this paper are useful for illustrating how
the assessment argument is rendered explicit within a design pattern. For instance, in the
DP-1: Reflective Assessment in BioKIDS example, the Summary, Rationale, and KSAs
attributes provide a clear description of the focus and goal of assessments to be created
from this design pattern. A reflective assessment task should provide information about
students’ metacognitive skills. From the Rationale, we see that these skills are important
because they help students to “monitor and improve their learning as well as acquire
content knowledge.” The Potential Observations, such as “recognizing and resolving
contradictions between one’s own and a standard Work Product” and “applying generally
stated qualities of a rubric to the specifics of one’s own or group’s work” would provide
evidence of metacognitive skills. A Work Product, such as “critiquing a flawed
experiment/project,” could be used to elicit those skills. The assessment argument is
elaborated further as the Characteristic Features and Variable Features of reflective
assessment tasks are described.
The flexibility of design patterns is another distinguishing characteristic of PADI’s approach
to ECD. Design patterns can address a range of psychological perspectives on learning that
provide the rationale behind the development of different assessments. They also can vary
in their generality and scale.
Discussion: Benefits of Design Patterns
5.3.1 Psychological Perspective
The design pattern structure is neutral with respect to psychological perspectives on
learning. Although the framework of design patterns serves as a guide for important
decisions to make in the assessment design process, the content of these decisions
remains open to the perspective and purpose of the assessment. Recalling the ECD model,
the goal of assessment is to make inferences about student KSAs. However, the concrete
meaning of the inferences, as well as the evidence considered as valid support for the
assessment argument, will vary as a function of the designer’s beliefs about which KSAs are
important and how they are acquired (Greeno, Collins, & Resnick, 1997). For example, from
a behavioral perspective in which learning is viewed as the connection between ideas, the
correct response to a question may be most important. In contrast, from a cognitive
perspective in which learning is cast in terms of the development of mental structures,
evidence of students’ thought processes during a task would be important. Alternatively,
socioculturalists may include a focus on peer interactions and familiarity with practices
associated with a domain as a Potential Observation. Any of these perspectives can be
represented in a design pattern. The design pattern structure includes the components of a
complete assessment argument, but allows the assessment developer to articulate them.
Thus, any psychological perspective or framework used to rationalize the development of
a particular kind of assessment may be represented within a design pattern.
In attempting to ascertain which psychological perspective shapes a given design pattern,
it is helpful to examine the Focal KSAs and Potential Observations for clues. This is the case
in the NAEP Mathematics DP-2 example where we see emphasis on a cognitive view,
because schemata—a cognitive construct—are assumed to be underlying students’ work
and the Potential Observations we might make of them. Most of the design pattern
examples provided in this paper take a cognitive psychological perspective, in part
reflecting the course content from which they came. In DP-4, attention to contextual and
cultural differences suggests a sociocultural perspective has been engaged. Some design
patterns will remain open to multiple psychological perspectives, such as the design
patterns for portfolios or those reflecting a high level of generality. In these cases, later
decisions about assessment components will determine the perspective according to
which resulting assessments will inform inferences of interest.
5.3.2 Level of Generality and Interdependence
Design patterns, constrained by the scope of the selected Rationale and KSAs, will vary with
respect to their level of generality. This variation in generality is useful for conceptualizing
assessments that not only share overarching KSAs but also involve more specific KSAs.
Starting from a highly general design pattern, “child” design patterns, which may present
more specific content knowledge or inquiry skills, can be developed. An example is
presented in DP-6D, a hypothetical general domain-free portfolio design pattern. Design
patterns that are more specific instantiations of this general design pattern will reflect
tighter decision constraints and could be considered nested within the more general
design pattern.
In addition, a design pattern can draw on other design patterns rather than restating
existing assessment arguments. For example, a design pattern can be created at a high
Discussion: Benefits of Design Patterns
level of generality in a domain. Later design patterns can be generated by increasing
constraints and subsequently be considered “kinds of” the more general design pattern.
From the opposite direction, samples DP-5 and DP-6 show how general design patterns
could be educed from more specific ones. Sets of relatively specific design patterns derived
from the same general design pattern might address different areas of a given domain,
while retaining some common characteristics of the assessment argument.
5.3.3 Scale
In designing assessments and drawing valid inferences, context is a key consideration.
Assessments implemented in local, small-scale settings will have more access to
information about individual students than those designed to be administered with little
knowledge of individual students. Design patterns can be used for a range of settings
differing in scale, again by providing a framework for explicating the assessment argument
according to the scope of the assessment. For example, in small-scale, local assessments,
there are more opportunities to rule out alternative hypotheses in interpreting student
work. Thus, design patterns geared for this context may include additional detail regarding
curricular sequence, familiar notation, or materials. In contrast, design patterns targeting
assessment of students on a large-scale basis may instead take a more general approach in
terms of the materials specified. This level of generality also will influence the validity of
the inferences that can be made about students’ KSAs. In other words, local assessments
are more likely to afford rich information about the student and the instructional context,
such that inferences can be made at a finer grain size and specificity than those made on
larger scales that are based on drop-in-from-the-sky assessments (Braun & Mislevy, 2004).
The design patterns presented in this paper reflect a range of scale. NAEP Mathematics is
intended for a large-scale implementation, as reflected in the kinds of KSAs and Potential
Observations chosen in DP-2 (e.g., overall ability to gather and use mathematical
knowledge [KSAs] and correctness of responses to tasks [Potential Observation]). In DP-5
and DP-6, interrater reliability issues are implied as this form of assessment is implemented
in large-scale contexts. In DP-1, a smaller-scale assessment is implied given KSAs such as
“understand instructional objectives” and “recognize the progress being made towards
these objectives.”
Discussion: Benefits of Design Patterns
6.0 Summary
As illustrated through these examples, assessment design patterns are a tool to help
assessment developers articulate a coherent assessment argument. By making decisions
about assessments explicit in a representational form such as the design pattern, the
relationships among assessment components become accessible to others. The design
pattern structure promotes thinking about generating suites of related assessments. By
varying the components within a design pattern, new types of assessment arguments (and
ultimately tasks) can be created.
A design pattern, even when complete, still does not provide enough detail to create an
actual task. Design patterns do not include specific information about how materials will be
presented to students in a given task or about how student scores will provide evidence
about their proficiency in a domain. For specifying technical information such as this, the
PADI system provides another representational form called task templates. In a task
template, Student Model Variables, Measurement Models, Evaluation Procedures, and
student materials are described. One or more design patterns will be used to inform these
task template components (e.g., KSAs provide information about the range of Student
Model Variables to be assessed, and Potential Observations may inform Evaluation
Procedures). PADI Technical Report 3, An Introduction to PADI Task Templates (Riconscente,
Mislevy, Hamel, & PADI Research Group, 2005), describes the role of task templates in
assessment design and the structure of task templates in the PADI system.
7.0 References
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The National Science Foundation, Grant REC-0129331
Prime Grantee
SRI International. Center for Technology in Learning
University of Maryland
University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley Evaluation & Assessment
Research (BEAR) Center and The Full Option Science System (FOSS)
University of Michigan. BioKIDs