BROOKWATER HOME OWNERS CLUB CTS 29222 MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING FOR BROOKWATER HOME OWNERS CLUB CTS 29222 HELD AT THE SALES OFFICE, BIRCHWOOD CRESCENT, BROOKWATER QLD 4300 AT 6:30 P.M. ON MONDAY 23 FEBRUARY, 2015. Present Tony Russell Francois Wethmar Victoria Sheward Rob McLellan Andrew Bell Chairperson (Brookwater Ridge) Secretary (Brookwater Grange) Ordinary Committee Member (Brookwater Augusta Point) Ordinary Committee Member (Brookwater Greens) Ordinary Committee Member (Brookwater Vista) Apologies Paula Kopp Alan Burley Treasurer (Brookwater Augusta) Ordinary Committee Member (Brookwater Heights) In Attendance – Body Corporate Representatives Michael Hewitt Brookwater Fairways West (arrived 6:45 p.m.) Nick Kostellar Springfield Land Corporation (arrived 6:45 p.m.) Stuart Milford Brookwater Panorama Lea Patterson Brookwater Crest Trevor Davidson Brookwater Sanctuary In Attendance Matthew Joosen Karen Dyson Paul & Naomi Sankey Kathryn Kummerehl Prudential Body Corporate Management Pty Ltd Prudential Body Corporate Management Pty Ltd Brookwater Augusta Brookwater Classic Chair The Chairperson declared the meeting open at 6:40 p.m. and advised a quorum was present. The Chairman welcomed the non-committee members. The meeting accepted the attendance noted above and the apologies and granted leave to Paula Kopp and Alan Burley. RATIFICATION MOTION Unanimously Resolved that the below flying minute dated 27 January, 2015 be ratified. “Motion 1: That, in accordance with Section 38 of the Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulation 1997 the casual vacancy for an ordinary member on the committee caused by the passing of Mr Peter Napier be filled by Mr Alan Burley. Motion 2: That, in accordance with Section 38 of the Body Corporate and Community Management (Standard Module) Regulation 1997 that the casual vacancy for the position of Chairman on the committee caused by the passing of Mr Peter Napier be filled by Mr Anthony Russell. Explanation th As Committee members would be aware the Chairman, Peter Napier, passed away on Monday 26 January 2015. Consequently it is necessary to fill the position of Chairman of the Brookwater Home Owners Club. Tony Russell has consented to take the position of Chairman and Alan Burley has consented to fill the consequent vacant committee position.” Moved – Rob McLellan Seconded – Francois Wethmar Tony Russell BHOC Chairperson informed the meeting there were visitors attending the meeting and asked if there were specific concerns they would like raised. The visitors were attending as observers only. Unanimously resolved that Standing Orders be suspended to allow Tony Russell to read a tribute to Peter Napier former Chairperson of BHOC. Moved – Rob McLellan Seconded – Andrew Bell 23.2.15 A TRIBUTE TO PETER NAPIER The Chairman read a prepared tribute to the former Chairman of the Brookwater Home Owners Club. News of the recent passing of the Chairman of the Brookwater Home Owners Club has deeply saddened the Committee and the close community in which Peter Napier resided. The Committee of the BHOC and the residents of Brookwater would like to formally acknowledge the hard work and commitment of Peter Page 1 Napier over the many years of his tenure. Since its foundations, Peter served the Brookwater community in various capacities leading up to his role of Chairman. Many residents were familiar with Peter’s skillful leadership as he attended each subsidiary Body Corporate AGM, fielded comments and concerns from residents and liaised with Springfield Land Corporation on behalf of our community. Although of quiet demeanor, Peter was tenacious, wise and reasoned. In short, Peter was a champion of Brookwater for those years. To his wife Linda and children Andrew and Danielle, the Committee wishes to express our deepest sympathy. We want them to know however, that Peter’s legacy to our community is visible every day. Not only is it represented by the safety afforded by our security cameras, it is on show as we drive home from work into the relaxing surrounds of our beautiful estate, or take the kids to the well equipped parks, or catch up with neighbour’s for a friendly bar-b-que on the weekends. Our community owes much to his guiding light. Vale Peter Napier. THE COMMITTEE OF BHOC AGENDA 1. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Unanimously resolved that the minutes of the committee meeting held on 19 January, 2015 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. Moved – Vicki Sheward Seconded – Francois Wethmar 2. MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS BHOC COMMITTEE MINUTES The Chairman noted that the bins are being cleaned by Skyline Landscape Services. It was noted rubbish had been left in the vicinity of the bins as the bundles of rubbish were too big to fit through the slots and consequently birds have been scavenging through the rubbish causing the bin area to become untidy. Trevor Davidson advised the meeting Skyline staff were not cleaning the bins according to the contract and when he had approached the Skyline staff he was advised that the bins are only to be cleaned when they are smelly or full. The meeting did not accept this explanation and the Chairman undertook to authorise Greg Lowe, the Landscape Maintenance Supervisor to look into the matter. Tony Russell informed the meeting that the BHOC Executive Committee will use a golf buggy to tour the estate on Sunday 8 March, 2015 for the purpose of conducting a mini gardens and grounds audit. Andrew Bell requested the BHOC Executive Committee notify each subsidiary Chairperson as a courtesy informing them the BHOC Committee will be carrying out a mini audit. Stuart Milford has offered to play the part of the Easter Bunny on the day of the Easter Egg hunt. 3. SAFETY AND SECURITY SUB – COMMITTEE Andrew Bell enquired with Peter Napier’s passing who would be the first point of call when the police request footage from the CCTV cameras. Nick Kostellar will arrange for the staff of Springfield Land Corporation to hand Tony Russell’s contact details to the police when they require a copy of the footage. Tony will then notify Alarm Innovations (the current security camera contractor) to release the footage to the police. Andrew also noted the CCTV cameras will require an upgrade in the near future. It was agreed this matter be further discussed by the Safety and Security Sub-committee. 4. COMMUNICATION & PUBLIC RELATIONS SUB – COMMITTEE Stuart Milford noted that the former Chairman was involved in the establishing of the BHOC Website and enquired as to its status. Stuart offered his services to work on the Website as a replacement for Peter Napier. Tony advised the meeting that Nick and Paula have been working on the BHOC Website with Michael and the basic content has been completed. Items available on the Website will be the Logo, BHOC By-Laws, Covenants, BHOC Committee members, BHOC Committee minutes and Events (Easter Egg Hunt) pertaining to the Brookwater Estate. The Website is based on the SLC Imagery and is used through word press. Once the Website is up and running BHOC will disassociate itself from the BHOC Face book page and all communications will be through the Website. It was noted that in the view of the majority of committee members the current Facebook site was being misused and the BHOC should not actively involve itself in the Facebook site. It was further noted that any user misuse of the Website will result in the removal of the offending user. Nick Kostellar informed the meeting that the misuse of the face book page had inflamed matters resulting in Springfield Land Corporation staff being subjected to improper complaints and abuse. Page 2 Rob McLellan also noted the personal comments and allegations made through the Facebook page were inappropriate and inflammatory. He further noted that the site had been established for the benefit of owners not as a forum for abusive and unsubstantiated comment. Tony informed the meeting the Brookwater residents will be advised once the Website is on-line and that the BHOC will no longer participate in the Face book page. Tony Russell presented a proposal from Michael Schmidt in the amount of $2,500.00 to provide a fully functional Website. (refer pages 6-11) The proposal from Michael Schmidt was unanimously approved by the BHOC Committee. Moved – Andrew Bell Seconded – Vicki Sheward 5. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SUB – COMMITTEE (LMC) Tony Russell LMC Chairperson presented a report from the Greg Lowe Brookwater Landscape Maintenance Supervisor (LMS) in relation to the maintenance of the Brookwater Estate. (refer pages 12-16) Upon completion of the Report Francois Wethmar commented on the detail and thoroughness of the report and the outline of work completed on the Brookwater Estate. Matthew Joosen will contact Ipswich City Council in relation to the Shade Sail Funding Agreement. Tony advised there were lights not working at Augusta Entry and Mahogany Rise Parkland and these will be replaced with LED flood lights. Andrew Bell informed the meeting the lights at Mahogany Rise Parkland had been replaced 12 months ago. Tony advised the lights were in need of repair due to vandalism and will have Greg Lowe look into the matter. A water leak was reported on the road at the bottom of Scoparia Avenue near the district park; the water leak needs to be capped, Greg Lowe is to attend. The drainage at Pardalote Drive and Scoparia Avenue Golf window is not good. It was suggested Greg Lowe reduce watering the area from fortnightly to monthly. Michael Hewitt will meet with the Landscape Maintenance Sub-Committee, Greg Lowe and Skyline Landscape Services Pty Ltd to discuss what maintenance has to be completed at Brookwater Fairways West. Rob McLellan informed the meeting he had seen a number of complaints on Face book in relation to the levy notices not being received by mail. He suggested the levy notices be emailed to all owners; Matthew Joosen advised Prudential Body Corporate Management has been looking into this avenue for approximately 6 months. The emailing of levy notices is not currently available. Rob McLellan informed the meeting that random people are using the golf course as a thorough fair. Nick advised the meeting there will be gates installed with a key pad to keep people off the golf course. All members and social members of the golf course will be given the code to access the gates. It was also noted they golf buggies have been seen driving on the District Park and some of the drivers appeared to be intoxicated. The meeting resolved that any such sightings should be referred to the Police. Andrew Bell asked when the area on the right hand side of Brookwater Vista will be cleared and what plans SLC have for this area. Nick Kostellar advised that clearing the area was not a problem however the replanting of the area presented problems. The topography of the area presented issues which would make the replanting difficult, he further explained that he understood that the BHOC did not want to inherit an area which had not been properly planted and landscaped or an area which required expensive ongoing maintenance or upgrading. Andrew suggested the tree line be maintained and that the planting design used at the Redbank Plains State School may be an appropriate point of reference. Andrew also stated that the finished effect should be to the standard of Forester Avenue and Grangewood Avenue. Nick Kostellar advised that he understood the concerns being expressed and wanted the area to look appealing. He further advised that he will discuss the matter with the appropriate Springfield Land Corporation staff and Skyline Landscape Services. Page 3 6. 7. VACANT LOT MAINTENANCE Tony Russell informed the meeting that the vacant lot slashing had been completed and Greg Lowe (LMS) was to inspect the Brookwater Estate on 23 February, 2015 and advise Skyline Landscape Services to slash the lots requiring attention. DAP REPORT Nick Kostellar advised the meeting Steve Drake Architect will cease working for the Brookwater Design Assessment Panel (DAP) on Friday 27 February, 2015. A new Architect Marco Coheno will commence on Monday 30 February, 2015 as the new DAP Architect; it was anticipated that Marco Coheno will have new ideas and bring a fresh prospective to the position. The body corporate manager was requested to arrange quotes for the Architect position on the DAP in preparation for the Brookwater Home Owners Club (BHOC) assuming the responsibility of the DAP. It was noted that owners submitting plans can be charged an application fee which will be utilized to pay the Architect professional fee. It was further noted that, if construction of the dwelling has not commenced within 12 months, the fee will be forfeited. 8. BHOC CORRESPONDENCE Inwards Letter dated 30 January, 2015 from Barry.Nilsson. Lawyers in relation to the personal injury claim from Bede Welsh. Email dated 10 February, 2015 from Landscape Solutions in relation to the outstanding debt. Letter dated 12 February, 2015 the fee proposal for the Architects role for the Brookwater Design Assessment Panel from Steve Drake Architect (BArch. RAIA. Reg Builder) Arcstruct PL. Outwards Letter dated 20 January, 2015 to Ipswich City Council in relation to the incomplete construction of a dwelling at 8 Scenery Court, Brookwater. Letter dated 21 January, 2015 responding to the letter dated 09 December, 2014 from Mrs A Russell in relation to maintenance at the perimeter Augusta Parkway. Email dated 10 February, 2015 to Barry.Nilsson. Lawyers in relation to the invoices paid to Bede Welsh from June 2012 to November 2013. Email dated 10 February, 2015 to Landscape Solutions in relation to the outstanding debt. 9. 10. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE BHOC CORRESPONDENCE Inwards Andrew Bell enquired if there had been a response from Landscape Solutions regarding the outstanding invoice of $10,047.95 claimed by Landscape Solutions. Nick Kostellar advised there had been no formal response. A date will be set for Nick Kostellar, Paula Kopp and Tony Russell to meet with representatives from Landscape Solutions to discuss the quality of work performed by Landscape Solutions and payment of the outstanding amount. BHOC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Financial Statements as at 20 February, 2015 distributed were unanimously adopted. Moved – Rob McLellan Seconded – Andrew Bell NOTE: It was unanimously resolved for Prudential Body Corporate Management Pty Ltd to transfer $120,000.00 to a new Term Deposit. Moved – Rob McLellan Seconded – Andrew Bell 11. GENERAL BUSINESS Tony Russell informed the meeting that he has been in talks with Councillor Morrison to have a Park named in honour of Peter Napier. Councillor Morrison has spoken with Peter’s family and advised that they were in favour of the dedication of a Park and the necessary process had been commenced. He further advised that he understood the Park situated at Brookwater Drive and Scoparia Avenue may be dedicated to the late Chairman. Andrew Bell enquired if the DAP or BHOC had any success with the owner the incomplete dwelling at 8 Scenery Court, Brookwater. Nick explained that a meeting was set up with the DAP representatives and unfortunately the owner did not appear for the meeting. There has been no further response to this matter. A letter was sent to Ipswich City Council concerning the incomplete construction of a dwelling at 8 Scenery Court, Brookwater and was requested to undertake the Page 4 necessary inspections and issue any appropriate orders to ensure the structure is either completed or demolished. Andrew also noted the footpath across the road has cracks appearing; as the footpath is the responsibility of the ICC Nick will have Greg Lowe (LMS) call the council to have the crack repaired. Greg has previously had dealings of this nature with ICC and has had success in the repairs being made. 12. Nick Kostellar informed the meeting the water feature for the Grangewood Drive Entry Statement has been sorted. The problem being the base of the fountain was blocked with silt. He also advised that his duties with SLC may preclude his attendance at all BHOC Committee meetings. Tony Russell stated Nick’s presence was important at the BHOC meetings as he possessed a working knowledge of the Brookwater Estate. Lea Patterson advised the meeting there was a missing fence at the bottom of Black Teak Court. Nick Kostellar advised that a replacement fence is to be installed. Trevor Davidson enquired if SLC are responsible for the maintenance of the Linear Pathway. Nick advised the meeting he was arranging for the maintenance at Augusta Parkway to Lomandra Court. Trevor suggested that access to the Linear Pathway be restricted by people until the Linear Pathway is completed as with the current weather there was a big washout at the beginning of the Linear Pathway. Paul and Naomi Sankey informed the meeting there will be a meeting on Wednesday 25 February, 2015 to organise the Easter Egg Hunt. DATE, TIME AND VENUE OF THE NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING Monday 30 March, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sales Office, Birchwood Crescent, Brookwater. Conclusion The meeting concluded at 8:45 p.m. Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16
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