For Students Entering Grades 7-12 Together with our families and community, we will inspire students to be passionate learners, creative thinkers, and innovative leaders who enrich our world. Brown Deer School District Summer School 2015 Middle/High School Schedules June 24-July 22 Sunday Monday Tuesday 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/28 6/29 7/5 (no class on 7/3) Wednesday Thursday Friday 6/25 6/30 6/24 First Day of Summer School 7/1 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 Last School Day 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/2 6/26 Saturday 7/3 NO SCHOOL 6/27 7/4 Meals are provided by Taher food service at regular menu price or free/reduced price for eligible children. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB CLC A continuation of the free CLC program will run from 12:00-5:00pm following the summer school calendar. Please contact Mr. Tollefsen for information on CLC Brown Deer Middle/High School Summer School Purpose: To provide an opportunity for students who have failed BDMHS courses to earn required credits for a timely graduation. Eligibility: Students must meet the following eligibility criteria: 1. Students were enrolled at BDMHS at the conclusion of the 2014-15 school year. 2. Students failed a required course at BDMHS and must earn the credit for their graduation requirements. 3. Middle School Student that failed one or both semesters of math or English. Format: The Summer School session runs Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. beginning Wednesday, June 24th and ending on Wednesday, July 22rd. (Students may only make up 1 semester of a math course. If a student fails an entire year of math the student must retake the entire course the following school year.) Courses are provided either via direct instruction, on the computer, or using various workbooks. Courses that are not direct instruction are self-paced with each student working independently with their written or on-line material. Teachers and aides are available upon request to assist students individually during daily sessions. Dates: Wednesday, June 24th – Wednesday, July 22rd: No Summer School on July 3rd Time: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Short monitored breaks will be provided. Students are advised to stay on site and not leave the grounds during breaks. Attendance: Direct instruction and middle/high school courses require daily attendance for the entire 4-weeks. Students who are 20 minutes late are considered as absent. Students who are absent for more than two days are subject to termination from the program with no refund of fees or credit earned. Independent courses require daily attendance until the student has completed his/her course and has earned the credit. Once a student has completed and earned the credits needed they need not attend anymore. Students who leave early in the day are considered absent. Students who are 20 or minutes late are considered as absent. Tardiness: Students are expected to be on time for Summer School. Any student who is more than 20 minutes late is considered as absent. Location: Classes are assigned on the first day. Students should go directly to the IMC to receive their class schedules and locations. Cost: Registration cost is dependent on the course(s) selected by the student. Consult the Summer School sign-up sheet at the end of this packet for total cost of courses. Behavior & Attire: All district policies and school rules apply to Summer School. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times on campus. Regardless of weather or temperature student attire must be school appropriate. Students who do not report to school in appropriate attire will be sent home and considered tardy/absent. If a student is terminated for poor behavior, he/she will earn no credit (no fee refund) and will need to retake the course(s) during the regular school year. In most cases, this could result in the student not earning promotion to the next grade. Supplies: Students are responsible for bringing their own supplies in accordance to what is necessary for their course. Computer equipment and Internet access are provided as needed for the requirements of the course(s) taken. Registration: Register for courses failed during the school year from 8:00-3:00 in the BDMHS Counseling Office until Thursday, June 18. Then, you may register on Monday, June 22nd and Tuesday, June 23rd in the IMC from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. A completed Summer School registration form must be submitted with the course fee upon registration. Questions: Contact the BDMHS Counseling Office at 371-7030 until Thursday June 18th. Then, beginning Monday, June 22, please call 371-7059 with questions. SUMMER SCHOOL RULES / DISMISSAL POLICY Student participation in summer school is not required in the same way it is during the regular school year. If behavior and attendance rules are broken during the summer term, the summer school principal can dismiss a student from summer school. If a student violates summer school and classroom rules and must be removed from the classroom, the parent/guardian will be contacted. In the case of a second violation of the rules, a student will be dismissed from the rest of the summer school program. Non-Credit Courses – Learning for Fun Bigger Faster Stronger Mon.-Fri. 20 days Students entering grades 9-12. Bigger, Faster, Stronger is a class designed to improve agility, speed, power, and strength for enhancing an individual’s overall health. Participation in this class will prepare student-athletes for improved performance, injury prevention, and overall competitiveness in their perspective sport. June 22 – July 31st – Monday-Friday ( no class on Thursday, July 3rd) Welcome 7th Graders! Dates TBD th th Welcome 7 graders! Incoming 7 graders interested in having fun while learning more about middle/high school, building relationships, and developing skills during the summer should consider this seminar opportunity. This seminar will focus on a healthy transition to middle/ high school through teambuilding, study skills development, life skills practice, and career exploration. Open to students entering grade 7. Program put on by student mentors Date to be determined - Students will receive information in the mail. High School Band Camp Dates TBD This class is an option for all band students. Band Camp will prepare students in marching fundamentals, maneuvers, and techniques. Time will include music preparations and exciting team building activities. Dates to be determined – Mr. Jupp will contact students/families by mail Credit Acceleration/Recovery- Credit Courses (Mon.-Fri., 20 days) (Meets June 24-July 22 from 8:00-12:00) The following courses are 20 days long and 2-4 hours daily. Students cannot miss more than 1 day of class or their grade will be affected. 9th Grade Phy. Ed/Health (½ Credit) Mon.—Fri. 20 days The saying goes, “If you have your health you have everything.” In this course you will learn about wellness, the importance of nutrition, your growing body and changes over the life cycle, the impact of alcohol and other drugs, and communicable and non-communicable diseases. This class will also cover introduce the principles of health education through nutrition, aerobic fitness, and mental, social, and emotional wellness. The course includes discussion of values, peer pressure, and decision-making. The course includes: First Aid and CPR, mental health, stress management, nutrition, and alcohol and drugs. This is essential knowledge for everyone and particularly for young adults who are establishing health habits that will last a lifetime. 8:00 – 12:00 English 9 (½ Credit) Mon. – Fri. 20 days English 9 for make-up credit in summer school is designed to meet the .5 credit requirement for students who have failed either first semester, or second semester of English 9 during the normal school year. Students will read a variety of genres of literature, write related to literature and their own lives, study literature terms and learn vocabulary. Students will need paper and pens/pencils. A binder would also be very helpful. Students that need to remediate the entire year must attend the entire morning. Hours vary 8:00-10:00 or 10:00-12:00 English 10 (½ Credit) Mon. – Fri. 20 days English 10 for make-up credit in summer school is designed to meet the .5 credit requirement for students who have failed either first semester, or second semester of English 10 during the normal school year. Students will read a variety of genres of literature, write related to literature and their own lives, learn vocabulary and study analogies. Students will need paper and pens/pencils. A binder would also be very helpful. Students that need to remediate the entire year, must take this course along with Oral Interpersonal Communication. Hours vary 8:00-10:00 or 10:00-12:00 20TH CENTURY U.S. HISTORY (½ Credit) Mon. – Fri. 20 days Studies include the industrial Period, the growth of America as a world power, the Golden Twenties, World War I, the Depression, World War II, the Cold War and Social Change, Civil Rights, and Vietnam. The course looks at the problems that existed and attempts to analyze their effects on us. Reading, writing, and conceptual skills will be emphasized throughout the course. WORLD HISTORY (½ Credit) Mon. – Fri. 20 days This course will focus on the major political, economic, religious, and social accomplishments of man during ancient, medieval, and modern periods of history. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (½ Credit) Mon. – Fri. 20 days This upper level course deals with how the federal government operates in the United States today. Additional study will be on elections, political parties, and the Constitution. Required course for 12th graders and graduation. ECONOMICS (½ Credit) Mon. – Fri. 20 days This upper level course helps each student formulate his/her own value system, develop a sound decision-making procedure based upon his/her values, evaluate alternatives in the marketplace and get the best buys for his/her money, understand his/her rights and responsibilities as a consumer in our society, and full his/her role in directing a free enterprise system. Required course for 12th graders and graduation. Algebra 1 (½ Credit per session) Mon. – Fri. 20 days Get back on track with your math classes! This class is being offered to those students who did not pass Algebra during the school year and wish to make up that class during the summer. Hours vary 8:15-10:15 or 10:15-12:15 Algebra 2 (½ Credit per session) Mon. – Fri. 20 days Get back on track with your math classes! This class is being offered to those students who did not pass Algebra during the school year and wish to make up that class during the summer. Hours vary 8:00-10:00 or 10:00-12:00 Geometry __________(½ Credit) Mon.— Fri. 20 days Get back on track! This class is being offered to those students who did not pass Geometry during the school year and wish to make up that class during the summer. Hours vary 8:00-10:00 or 10:00-12:00 Biology __________(½ Credit) Mon.— Fri. 20 days Students of Biology will gain a fundamental understanding of the life processes and how the wide range of living things perform these processes. The scientific process, chemical make-up of living things, cells as units of structure and function, and ecology will be studied. The processes of inheritance, the structure and function of viruses, microorganisms, plants, and animals will be studied. Successful completion of this course will result in half (.5) a remedial credit to help fulfill the life science requirement for graduation. Hours vary 8:00-10:00 or 10:00-12:00 (COMPASS ONLINE LEARNING) Middle School Non-Credit Offerings- Learning for Fun BASIC SKILLS, DRILLS, and GAMES Mon. — Fri. 20 days This is a class for both boys and girls to have fun while practicing and improving physical skills. The class will meet at the middle school gym. Students should bring change of clothes and tennis shoes. Students entering 7-8th grade – 8:00-10:00 or 10:00-12:00 Art Projects Mon. — Fri. 20 days Students continue to develop their understanding of the elements and principles of design. Projects may include drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking, fibers, and crafts. Students entering 7-8th grade – 8:00-10:00 or 10:00-12:00 Reading & Language Arts (7th and 8th Grade) __________ Mon. — Fri. 20 days Students will be enrolled in this course based on teacher recommendations. Students will work on reading comprehension skills and strategies as well as writing. Reading & Language Arts - Open to all 6th grade students Mon.— Fri. 20 days Reading strategies will be reinforced using engaging, hands-on activities that will align with our Journeys and or Collections curriculum. Strategic Math (6th Grade students) __________ Mon.— Fri. 20 days Students will be enrolled in this course based on teacher recommendations. Math strategies will be reinforced using engaging, hands-on activities that will align with our Carnegie curriculum. Spanish for fun ( 7th-8th grade students) Mon. - Fri. 20 days Through the use of art, music, movement and drama students will learn Spanish. School District of Brown Deer 2015 Middle/High Summer School Student’s Name____________________________________ Home Phone _______________ Student’s Street Address______________________________ City______________________ Parent/Guardian Name____________________________________________________________ E-Mail address (optional) ____________________________ Cell Phone ________________ Employer’s Name __________________________________ Work Phone _______________ Emergency Contacts: To serve your child in case of an accident or sudden illness, a parent will be contacted first at home or work as listed above. Please list two neighbors or nearby relatives or babysitter who will assume temporary care of your child if you cannot be reached. 1. ____________________________________________________________________________ Name Address Phone 2. ____________________________________________________________________________ Name Address Phone * Any special needs? (Please list any needs your child requires such as IEP plans, interpreters, medications, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ * Please return this form (front and back) to your child’s school office no later than Friday, May 8, 2015 * Confirmation Letters will be sent home with students in June. BROWN DEER BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB / CLC A continuation of the CLC program will be offered from 12:00pm - 5:00pm following the summer school calendar. This program is offered at no cost to parents or students. I wish for my child to participate in the Free CLC Program YES NO Please Circle One Please turn over for class choices School District of Brown Deer 2015 Middle/High School Course Selection Student’s Name____________________________________ Current Grade ______________ Course Selection: Most courses are recovery credit. There are three non-credit enrichment courses. Please notice times and any requirements. Course Name: ____________________________________________________ Course Name: ____________________________________________________ Course Name: ____________________________________________________ Course Name: ____________________________________________________ *Alternate Course Name: ________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: Middle School Students MUST take a full schedule. You will be contacted if the course your child has registered for is full, and an alternate choice must be made. Please return this completed form to your child’s school office or mail to: Brown Deer Summer School Attn: Cindy Brenard Please note that lunch will be provided by Taher Food Service at regular Menu Prices or Free/Reduced Prices. If you have any questions, please contact Andy Bauschelt at (414) 371-7004, or email [email protected] Brown Deer Middle/High School Summer School/Credit Lab Fees – 2015 Below are the approved fees for summer courses Additional coursework may be purchased upon completion. BROWN DEER HIGH SCHOOL COURSE ENGLISH – Please Circle Semester 1 or 2 Introduction to High School English – One Semester OR Full Year Comprehensive Secondary English1 Semester Comprehensive Secondary EnglishFull Year American Literature – 1 Semester American Literature – Full Year World Literature Authors of Color, Women Authors, Tech Writing, & College Composition MATH – Please Circle Semester 1 or 2 Algebra I – Semester 1 or Semester 2 Geometry – Semester 1 or Semester 2 Algebra II – Semester 1 or Semester 2 SOCIAL STUDIES World History – Semester 1 World History – Semester 2 U.S. History – Semester 1 U.S. History – Semester 2 Economics American Government PHY ED / HEALTH P.E./Health 9 – 1 Semester P.E./Health 9 – Full Year BROWN DEER MIDDLE SCHOOL COURSE th th 7 /8 Grade Spanish for Fun th 7 Grade Language Arts th 7 Grade Math th 8 Grade Language Arts th 8 Grade Math 7th/8th Grade Physical Education 7th/8th Grade Art REMEDIAL PROGRAM FEES Direct Instruction Course with Required materials packet BSHS Make –Up Packet $5 BDHS Make-Up Packet & PASS PROGRAM BDHS Make Up Packet BDHS Make-Up Packet & PASS PROGRAM BDHS Make-Up Packet PASS PROGRAM $87 Direct Instruction/ALEKS Direct Instruction/ALEKS Direct Instruction/ALEKS COMPASS PROGRAM COMPASS PROGRAM COMPASS PROGRAM COMPASS PROGRAM COMPASS PROGRAM COMPASS PROGRAM PASS PROGRAM PASS PROGRAM & Summer Make Up Class REMEDIAL PROGRAM Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction Direct Instruction $5 $5 $97 $5 $82 SEE BELOW FOR FEES $25 $25 $25 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $82/Semester $87 $5 $5 $25 $5 $25 $10 $15 Payment must be made at time of registration. Please make checks payable to: BDMHS
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