May 30, 2015 Erg start at 7 AM and race starts at 8:30 AM Race Purpose: After costs are paid, the monies will be used to pay for Conshohocken Youth to attend the 2015 Summer Rowing camp. Conshohocken Boys and Girls ages 10 to 17 can attend a one week rowing camp to introduce them to the sport. Location: THE CONSHOHOCKEN ROWING CENTER, 307 WASHINGTON ST, CONSHOHOCKEN, PA, 1942 Awards: Overall Run and Run & Erg combined time for age groups, top 1 in each age group, 17 and under, 18 to 35, and 36 and over for the fastest 5K and the fastest combined 5K and 2K erg time (Erg time is multiplied by 2.5 to give a 5K time). Entry: Price before May 10th $25 for 5k run and $30 for 5K run and 2K erg Price after May 10th $30 for 5K run and $40 for 5K run and 2K erg Day of Race‐ $35 for 5K run and $45 for 5K run and 2K erg Amenities: The Course will start at the Conshohocken Rowing Center and follow the Schuylkill trail and end on Washington Street. Parking at 227 Washington St. Race Results: Race will be professionally timed by the Bryn Mawr Racing Co.; Results will be found at Questions: Contact: Race Director – contact info Our Mission Statement/other info: "By indicating your acceptance, you understand, agree, warrant and covenant as follows: I know that running is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter or run unless I am medically able & properly trained. I also know that there will be traffic, debris, poor footing and other hazards on the course and assume the risk for running on it. I also assume any or all other risks associated with running or attending the race including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, the conditions of the roads and getting lost, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Knowing these facts, and in consideration of your accepting my entry fee, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, covenant not to sue, and waive, release and discharge the organizers of this event, all municipalities in which the all owners of properties through which the race crosses, the race committee, volunteers, the Bryn Mawr Racing/Running Co., all other organizations directly or indirectly associated with the race, any or all sponsors including their agents, employees, assigns or any‐one acting on their behalf, or anyone else associated in any way with this race, from any or all claims or liability for death, personal injury or property damage of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of, or in the course of, my participation in this event This waiver extends to all claims of every kind or nature whatsoever; foreseen or unforeseen, known or unknown. Signature ____________________________________________________ If under 18, Parent Guardian Signature) Name: Date _________________________ Email: Address: _____________________City: ________________________ State: _________ Zip:_____________ Phone: ______________________ Gender: M F Shirt Size: S M L Age on Race Day: _____________ XL Make check payable to “Conshohocken Rowing Center” Mail payment with this form to: CONSHOHOCKEN ROWING CENTER, 307 WASHINGTON ST, CONSHOHOCKEN, PA, 19428 We would like to have 2 sign ups with different color bibs (1 fofr 5K and 1 for the 5K and 2K). For people who sign up for the 2K please add: * By signing up for the 2K erg I confirm that I will have completed at a minimum of ten 2K ergs during April 2015 and May 2015. By signing up you understand that the 2K requires experience using the machine. Do not compete in this event if you are not able to complete ten 2 kilometer pieces in the two months leading up to the race. Or register online at (click on the Race Calendar) Parking CRC
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