ADMISSION I{OTICE - 2015 BSF POLYTECHNIC, STS, TIGRI. NEW DELHI 1. - 110089 ADMTSSTON I{OTTCE 2015-16 Admission in three year Diploma Course in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) and will be canied out on the basis of marks obtalned in Science and in class 10b of 10+2 pattem (Grading system as adopted by CBSE) or equivalent If two or more candidates have obtained same percentage (Science & Maths) then the Compfcer Engineering (CE) Mathematics e)@minaUon, preference wlll be given to the candidate having better total aggregate percentage' 2. DTPLOiIAOOT RSES / BRAI{CHES Following Diploma Courses are conducted at BSF Polytechnic, ST5, 1i9ri, New_Ddhi - 110080. 60 Seats Diploma in Electronics & CommunicaHon Engineering 60 Seats Diploma in computer Enqineering ii) allotted course wis€ ls as under Details of Delhi TOTAL BSF CRPF ITBP ssB CISF Course i) Police 45 05 02 01 02 05 .^am',^i-.+i^h r Etr^irraarind'l srrlrrrrvv!trry \,lrl I ll llur trwlrv. (Computer EnS{E9I!.!9L 35 in Oiotoma 05 05 05 05 05 oftoma in lelectronics a 3, 60 60 BESEBUIItr9N-OE-SEAE l)15%andTohseatsarereservedforSCandsTcandidatesrespectivelyinalldiploma courses. li) each course' One seat is reseryed for the ward of BSF widow in 4. a)candidateshouldbewardofserving/retired/deceasedBsFpersonnelandwardofEducation fund emPloYees' b)candldateshouldhavepassedlOuclassofl0+2pattemorequlvalentwithaminimum Maths but not les than 339o or 4lo/o or equivalent grade (c2) in Science and aggregate of diiuitent gtaUe il each subject i.e' science & Maths in one sittjng' fill min' marks eligibility who is XII (12u) passed or equivalent and doesn't tull basis of mark .rilii. u"r"a on x (ros) ctass, tre may be considered for admission onorthe c2 grdde in PcM min.4tc,6 obtained by him in )cI (12!') ciass provided he has secured (Phr6lcs, Chemistry & Maths) in 12h Oass' The upper age limit will be relaxed by d) cardidate should be below 21 years as on 01* Aug2015. c) -' If a candidate 5yearsincaseofsc/sr/PHcandidatesand2yearsforwomencandidatsforlosbased flve years. e) will, however, not exceed courges' Maximum age relaxation given to any candidate other than those specified above. r,ro ug; r.r;uuon is Jdmissible to the candidates obtained minimum Pass percentage in Candidates belonging to SC and sT category who have Science and Maths can apply for admission in Diploma Contd... p/2 Courses' c 5. CRITERH AND MEBIT llSTS a) Admission to both the courses will be purely on merit basis of the ma*s obtained in Class 10s of 10+2, Grading sysGm or equivalent examination. b) If seats in SC/ST quota remain vacant due to non availability of candidates in partjcular qesg.y, then it may be interchanged from sc to sr and vice-versa and then 'by wards of widows if seats still remain vacant. c) If the sufhcient numbers of eligible applications from different reserve category are not received then these seats would be filled up from the General candidates. CERTIFICATES/DOCUTI{EI{TS REOUIRED AT THE TIME OF COUI{SELTNG Candidates selected for admission shall have to produce following testimonial in original at the tme of counseling. a) Mark sheeB of Class 10s and 12d' as the case may be, along with provisional certificate of having passed the concerned class issued by the school concerned, b) They should bring their transfer certificate from their respective school/college last studied. (Provisional certificates/Migration certificates will not be accepted), c) Certificate of health issued by Medical fficer or Registered Medical Practiuoner stating that candidate is not suffering from any chronic disease. d) Character and antecedent certificate issued by the school/college last attended. e) AfEdavit from parents ofall the students regarding AntFRagging. 0 Affidavit from students staying in hostel regarding Anti-Ragging. g) Afhdavit from parents of students staying in hostel regarding Anti-Ragging. obtained NOTE : - The candidature of a candidate wilt not be anadered, if he fails to podue att oiginal documen8 at the time of @uneling, 7. HOSTET FACILITIES / Hostel Facilitles will be provided only to eligible male candidates except those candidates whose parenE or guardians have been provided with rnarried accommodation or granted out-living permission in Delhi subiect to the availability of accommodation. The wards of such parent/guardian will be admitted in the Institutjon as Day Scholars. Messing charges of the students of Diploma Courses will be borne by the parents, inespective of their rank except for the wards of widows. Note: - /vo hostel facility is available for fur accommodab'on. Eis. Gltf student have to make tlreir own affangemeng Contd.... P/3 -3- 8. FEEAl{DOTHERCHARGES a) Fee and other ciarges of the Diploma Crurses per Annum will be as follovns:- FEE SERVING OFFICER fuiUon Fee / RMRED SOs PERSONNEL ORs SROUP'D' WIDOW WARDS STAFF WARDS CIVIL WARDS 15400 14300 13200 12100 ixam Fee 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 Sports Fee 700 700 700 700 660 660 700 Sec. Money 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Library Fee 1100 1100 1100 1100 730 730 r100 -abfrvksp s200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 s200 Computer 2000 2000 2000 2000 1600 1600 2000 Pupil Fund 404 404 404 404 400 400 404 Total Fee 282cF. 27L04 26004 24904 11990 11990 29304 16500 TulUon Fee :- will be charged from Widow Wards who are getting admission in Diploma course after passing 10b Class at the rate of 50% in comparison of tuition fee of serving personnel for initial two years and for 3ro year tuition fee will be fully exempted. Also tuition fee only will be fully exempted for widow wards those who are getting admission in Diploma course after completion of 126 Class. :- fee is exempted to Widow wards of Ors/Group- D employee. SporG b) OTHERCHARGES PARTICULARS SERVING OFFICER / RETIRED PERSONNEL SOs ORs GP-D CML WARDS Annual Development Charqes 1500 1500 1500 1s00 3000 Reqistration Fee 500 500 500 500 1000 Admission Fee 2000 2000 2000 2000 10000 Maintenance Fund 200 200 200 200 200 Registration fee and Admission fee will be charged only once at the time of initial Admission in the Polytechnic in any class. Widow Widow Widow PARTICUI.ARS Staff Wards Wards Wards Wards Officers SOs Ors/Gp-D Annual Development Charges 1500 750 750 750 Registration Fee 500 500 500 500 Admission Fee 2000 1000 1000 1000 Maintenance Fund 200 200 200 200 Registration fee and Admission fee will be charged only once at the Ume of iniual Admission in the Polwechnic in any class. Contd....P/4 /- -4- c) REVISED HOSTEL CHARGES MTES (Per Month) Wards of retired NOMENCLATURE Messinq charqe Hostel Charges Ltv Ward of serving person (all ranks Wards BSF Personnel and Staff) On the basis of actual expenditure as fixed from time 2300 Per Month Officers - 2300 PM - 2300 PM 3000 Per - 1150 PM Month Rs. 200/- Per Month for all categories SOs ORs Room Water & Electrical Charqes d) The collectlon of fees from the Widow Wards to time. 1150 PM students will be on semester basis (i.e, 6 Montfis) in July and January of wery calendar year, e) Rs. 2,000/- (Refundable) as Security Money from all the fresh students (Hostlers & Day Scholars) and Rs, 2,000/- (Refundable) as Mess Security advance from the hosders will be charged at the time of admission. f) , Incase withdrawal of shrdents after admlssion or fee 6or one semester (six months) will be drarged S) In addition to i) iD an the mld-sesslon ftom institub above, training & Placement fues will be as under :- II nd year III rd year - Rs. 500/- per semester Rs. 10OO/- per semester. UI{IFOR"Ti:. Following prcscribed uniform will be reguired for the Boys and Girls student of Diploma Courses at BSF PolyEchnic, ngri, New Delhi. FORGIRIS:Light blue kameez, white salwar, white dupatta and black shoes, blue blazer or siweater in winter, Steel gray aprcn for labs. EQB-EOIS:' Ljght blue shifi navy blue trouser, navy blue tie and black shoes, blue blazer or s:weater in winter, Steel grey apron fur Lab. Contd....P/5 -5- 9. Applications for admission to above Diploma Course in the prescribed Peforma mentioned in i'A" duly countersigned by the Commandant/Head of the Establishment should reach to the Appendix - Chairman BSF Polytechnic, Signal Training School, Tigri, New Delhi -110062 latest by ''t tr June'15 along with all necessary documents. A sum of Rs, 200/- should be deposited directly as fee of application form in favour of DIPLOMA FUND, BSF, Account No. 10207278683, State Bank of India, Ambedkar Nagar Sect.-I, New DelhFl10062 and receipt of the payment must be attached with application fiorm otherwise the form wlll not be considered if the payment slip/receipt not found with appllcaton form. n Lty. \t4ut-s ( Vlrcndra Kudar) DIG/CHAIRMAN BSF STS,TIGRICAMP NEW DELHI -110062. o Aooendk;A' ADilIS$Ot{ TO DIPLOI.IA II{ ELECTR.OI{ICS & COltlilUt{ICATION EI{GII{EERII{G/DIPLOMA IN COHruTER. ET{GII{EERII{G IN BSF FOLYTECH,NIE STS. TIGR& I{EW DELHI- llo(tao :: YEAR- 2O1s APPLICATIOT{ FOR"lf FOR. ]{ame of the Cburces 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. : i) ElecEonics & Communicafron Englneerlng (ECE) ii) Computer Engineering (CE). Candldate Name of the (In Block Lett€r) Age as on OUOS/20f5 Recent Photograph : : Years-Months Date of Erth (As per Chris0an Era) -Days. Date of deposit of application form fees : (Athch counter foll/slip bf tue deposited) Particulars of the Father/Guardlan of the candidate a) Personal Number b) Rank c) Name of employee d) Working/Redred e) HQ D Date of Retirement g) DaEofdeath oftadrcr / Unit (in case of ward of widow) belongs to S95I/ Wards of wldow/Education fund Employee. (Please attach certificate competent authority) h) Whe$er D Date of Jolnlng seMce Contd....P/2 -2- j) Permanent Home Address Phone/Mobile No.: 5. 6' If father is not alivel a) UniVHQ last served b) Name ofguardian c) Professlon d) Relationship with candidate e) Postal Address f) Proof of service g) Proof of relationshiP Whefier any other child is getting education in any other a) 7. Instifution, if so:. Name of the Child InstiMion c) Name of the Course & Year b) BSF Name of the : : grounds. whether the candidate has been debaned from an institution on disciplinary mention the name of the Institution and reasons for debaning' pafticulars of qualiffing examinations passed (Class attested copies of mark sheet. a) b) c) d) f If so, of 10+2 pattem or equivalent)' Attach Name of examination Name of School Name of board Year of passing Contd....P/3 o -3Max Marks Subject Marks Obtained Percentage of mark in Mathematics and Science Aggregah 9o Aggregate Percentaqe Gen Science Mathematics English Hindi Other Subiect 1. Other subiect 2. Other subiect 3. Grand total 9, Science + maths = If candidate does not fulfill the admission criteria on 10b basis, however their admission may consider on XII$ basis. Particulars of XII6 class a) b) c) d) Name of examination llame of schml Name of board Year of passing Max MarG Subject Marks Obtained Physics Chemistry Mathematics Enqlish Hindi Other subiect 1, Other subject 2. Grand total 10. Aggregate Percentaqe Percentage of PCM Aggregate q6 an (PCU) Physics+Chemistry+ maths and that I I, solemnly declare that the above particulars are correct to trre best of my knowledge have not concealed anYthing. Signature ofthe Place : Date : Parents/Guardian Signature ofthe Candidate attached' certified that above particulars are correct and necessary certificates are Ofncial seal Sionatqe' of the $mmandanu Head of the establlshment Contd...'Pl4 v + 1. AttesH photocopy of mark sheet of Class 1Oh Only' (if belongings SC/S[/HC category) 2, Caste Certificate 3. tor sendlng registered call letter one self-addressed envelope bearing stamps worth Rs. 221for concealing. 4. Bank draft of Rs. 2oo/- in favour of Didoma turld.lsF' payable at Sgl444f[arJegar for Sec-J, New oerrri, coae rG' ii+-i,tiFiil ns. ZOOI- in favour of Diploma fund BSF' e0i6ffi8' Irsc ruo' s8IN0004843 or IPo 5.Nameofapplicantalongwlthfathe/sname&addressonthebacksideoflPoorBankdraft. 6. Character Certificate, 7. Medical Certificate. 8. personnel' Discharge certificate in case of retired BSF 9, BSF personnel' Copy of death certificate in case of deceased 10'Photocopyofparticularsduly.attested(Pageofservicerecordofparentwhereenhyofthe name of ward has been made) tllIIE : Meeting will be ananged tentatively on 'ls#'iil[liit''i-t-"eiip"vdhtrc'Allparent/suardianmustattend of parents the same. "1t""""r' of successful student
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