0 ORATE GENE BORDER SEC lADMmSTRATIVE,REC No 43/SSS/111/Bヽ VWA/` 2615/`′ ITY FORCE し ク53´ つ 7´atcd,ぬ C―-2「ぶこき,2015 S O P FOR SUPPORT STUDY GROUP Ш ИPARTING TUI「 QNt,wARDS OP BsFrTRSoNNEL FOR Introductlor:BSF.is a the- premier border guarding Force of the Countn, where majority of man-power is often deployed on the remote boider ar-eas where basic education iacitities are lacking. Bn Her and Bops a-re rocated away r.o- or"G"i-i""a educational facilities a.re often rudiraenta{v due to which BSn U"*."" eua.rters where f""f fr..ai""fp"j to provide education to their wards. Dueio nature of deplo5rment, tfre pareuB a.re not in eosition to properly supefl.ise the education oi tt.,;r ..Iarj..--f ('f codching becomes impcrtant. *lc, the rr ,ortance 4is:- 2. The aim of openinr the Support Study G.oup at all over BSF c€mpuses is to provide Insriturionalised Acaaeui isupp..t ." .trr"'"rriiai"-ii'e-si personnet insae the campus for a better future at a.reasontr;le ":st by weff quJnJ facuf ty. It wilt not only benetit the children in their ac,rderni: pur",rits"Uui wii-J"o-iitp tfr"i, fathers to perfor'r the* operaticoa.l duties without or *r"i, *"ra.""v'*r-ity "t""i'fr"1"t]aie"l Ad.abbtsa$on:- 3' Head of the Jlfice in BsF-campus w,l be the chairmaa and he wi., be smootl runnins of tre'suppon d*d; ;;;";-'"hairmaa of the :::ryi.+bh..f:. respecuve Hers are ernDowerF.t to estab[;h S"ppoJ st"l/ c.oup as per thcir deplo).rnent and strength of children. A Planlhs Pteparauon a!1 _EggC&! 4. ";; "ffi;;.";;; i"J[r" iilir"a uy "or,".*"a :- Now-a-days the tuirion fee .haiged by private tutors is subject wise a-nd ranees 1OOO/_ on as per the locality rom Rs. 5OO/- to Rs. increasing This wiu teepln g..a""xy.- r."r!;"ri".31-.ut"tugt "ro,",goia-,...iL'"';';^#..o:fj"jfl,.i.i.T.*fff at,,sor:rlaces.neJiaes 5. All out efforts should be made by Head of OI[ce to find suitatje tutors within tie campuses or nearbv a-reas keeoin€ in mind their e)cperience and by conduc.-ing trial crasses "a"""-,i""i.,,"":incetior,, work atter conducting intervie, ttne-table may be prepared keeping in mind *re school tirninss 輔 │ *tti *iq"ir"a sit_g ;:-r.i"; numt.r or cu#ei";;;; ,i-."1 uliJrr II ror: .roorh or available spaces td atso be ensured that maximum 。ふ d“ ers avdlaЫ e■Om OutSde deputcd as pttdF:ギ an iT:=F.Tl撃 hOnoranum Od OFtte c“ n lttt譜 lぶ n feF ,,1月 卜 _■ _^" _ te shぃ shOu鳳 腱餞 ed ^^ as __pcr stand轟 1「 語 1藻道i'■ 崎lζ 署器 itぐ hっ 、 バぃ __^」 ____`│ ● its ha、 強 g800d ^」 ∼ cducal …^ q`Ⅲ i尋 T』 :: 1● . ^月 Л :`=^^ `_ ` FII話 ― m配 m to thar。 ^o● uⅢ Iξ 5:罵 、 ,、 ● ■ to boost up ^=______'― ^●their mora]e. '五 よ lperc posted as per their ′ )ARY 「等 L. ● “ こ こ 」 。 高 Ⅲ譴品と ξ′ ξ 高 ∬凝 ∬ 盲ど 狙 ‰ ξ慇理 dy ma′ also orgarrise coaching classes for students froE class IX to / 4`¨ Teachillg Aids '窯 階 雷:』 製職 螢i糖 ギょ鰍 為壁協 結 器肝 拙 桜 『 織 職 譜 基鍛 脇 監:吼 批甜懺盤糧 T“ た “ 拙 乳i識詭 1:∞ a品呂 燕 器l:駕器騒ⅢⅢlnternct&prOJecdOnぬ may歯 ∞be tlstalled シ :lぶ 12 clllザ ■。 Pcr Cash b00k oF supp。 ■study GrOup should be mtttaned 蹴乳 機 器:踊ξ ギ 場∬ど蠍鞘 Ⅲ 畦 翼蹄 buぶ 鼠徘 Coュ ●lu● 10n mγ 甜聰ξ 職緊譜批翼轟滞籠 ξ 9蹴誌 of the Hers i cer,.re. dhお ぼDG B鉗 { Ъ GBsF ︶ 2 34 a Z OЦ 8 , , 鐵 肥讐 PS to ADG(o,s/HQ〕 ops/HQ〕 酬電 戦111甲 Ъ 魚 整 LtittGメ Ⅲ l濾 摂 晨 J:sc 輝摯l■ fセF031cよ │ぶ恵 l,r卜 Ⅲ │ i「 句 pSC 騨黎fⅢ 砥:蕉 ¨Crctav 聴 J3進 11■よ ,oF BI就 ユ Q ゝ 2‘ ﹂E‘ 詈 輝顎 _輩 sぬ 。 。 lト 『 se鞘 灘驚霧職緩
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