ll (IN LIEU OF MSG FORM) OP IMDT L DTO: FROM :l DG BSF TO: a I , -l ioltll'' NO.R nzt FTR HQRs/ALL TRG INSTNS/ ACADEMY T/PU R/tc(HQ)FHQ WuOa- - DATE r.+t NOMTNATION OF OFFICERS FOR pOLtCE D-2 tN THE REPUBL|C OF SOUTH SUDAN ( UNMTSS) INVITED THE NOMINATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL POLICE THE POSITIONS OF POLICE COMMISSIONER COMMA 0.2 FOR UN NATIONS MISSION IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH SUDAN (U lss) FoR AN lNtTtAL PERIOD OF ONE YEAR WITIJ POSSIBILITY )F EXTENSTON (.) ELtctBlLtTy CR|TER|A FOd THE SA|D FROM PER COMMISSI (.) UNDPKO OFFICERS F ( POST IS' ) UNDER -ERS (.) EDUCATION- ADVANCED OR EQUTVALENT) tN LAW COMI COMMA LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMA CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMA BUSINESS DEGREE STUDIES ADMINISTRA CHANGE COMMA OR COMBI IN ACCEPTED (.)FORMAL coM FROM A INTERNATI REQUTRED (. YEARS IN I LIEU OF THE ADVANCED UNIVERSITY DEGREE SPECIALIZED ADVANCE TRAINING FOR NloR STAFF tS HtGt{Ly DESTRABLE (.) GRADUATTON TIFIED POLICE ACADEMY OR OTHER NATIONAL OR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING INSTITUTION IS woRK EXPERIENCE - A M|N|MUM OF '15 YEARS (17 ISENCE OF ADVANCED UNIVERSITY DEGREE) OF PROGRE AND ACTIVE POLICIIlG SERVICE/EXPERIENCE BOTH OR NATIONAL POLICE l\rtIHEADQUARTERS l-l1t-,, \{ \.rl1f\ I E, f\\) LEVEL LE V EL l\) IS REQUIRED; YEARS OF ACTIVE POLICE EXPERIENCE AT SENIOR POLICY NG LEVEL COMMA WITH EXTENSIVE STMTEGIC PLANNING D MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE IN AREAS SUCH AS OPERATIONS COMMA CRIME MANAGEMENT COMMA POLICE AT THE FI ADMINISTRA k* I ON AND POLICE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT; POLICE HU ,N AND/OR FINANCIAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENTREOUTRED (. PMCTICAL COMMAND EXPERIENCE OF RUNNING A DEPARTM OR A REGION OR A STATE LEVEL POLICE UNIT IS REQUTRED (. PMCTICAL OPEMTIONAL EXPERIENCE IN PUBLIC ORDER WITH THE USE OF CROWD CONTROL OR. FORMED UN|TS rs DESTRABLE(.) Contd...p/2 -:- 3)-' - ,:r I I I I I -02PREVIOUS UN OR INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IS AN ADVANTAGE (.) LANGUAGE- FLUENCY lN SPOKEN AND WRITTEN ENGLISH lS GUAGE IS AN REQUIRED (.) KNOWLEDGE OF A SECOND UN ADVANTAGE (.)FORWARD NOMINATION OF ELIGIBLE AND WILLINGT D-2 LEVEL) OFFICERS AT THE LEVEL OF ISG AND ADDL DG CLEARANCF ALONGWITH WILLINGNESS AND DISCA/IGILA FOLLOWING CERTIFTCATE BY 20rH JUNE 2015 POSITIVELY l(.) FOLLOW NOMINA DOCUMENTS DULY FILLED,IN ALL RESPECTS lN R/O NOMINATED (l) FORM ON (.) P-ll ONE oFFrcdRS MAY ALSO BE FORWARDED PRESCRTBED PROFORMA (.) TWO (.)UN EAC FORI\!I. (EMPLOYMENT AND i6cni Airtio*irY) (.) FivE (.) ANNEXURE-| (.) ARDNG THE FOLLOWING MAY ALSO BE ENSURED WHILE F BE ENSURED NOMTNAIONS OF OFFICERs (.) FIRSTLY(.) lr LYING FOR THE THAT THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE OFFICER FORM POST SHOULD BE PLACED ON THE FRONT PAG OF P-11 .f PLACE (.) NT PLACE ANT AND SIGNATURE IN THE LAST PAGE AT YEARS FROM SECONDLY (.) OFFICERS RETIRING WITHIN TH LD NOT BE THE DATE OF ISSUE OF THIS CIRCULAR CELL) No. NOMTNATED (.) ADVERTISEMENT OF MHA LOADED IN 2102312312O15-PMA DATED O4TH JUNE 2015 ALSO BSF WEB SITE/IPP // CURRICULU File No.' 1 I 4412015 -PERS/BSF I AL) (Pers) ll N.T.T. COPY TO :- June,2015 t?l{ 3/201s-PMA its enclosures is enclosed herewith for uploaping the same in BSF web site/lPP. I | I /,/ ,/ Do l, lD 4 rz.c p.^/) 'GG-d lc (Pers) BSF .;;;;q t,;1\ FAX/URGENT/AToNcE e, offL ro^UM o", n, ::,:". ;r: rq'o { r l r 11 : rhe c h ief seclffi ii lq'p._"f fli_"J.:.1 -' '" " :. ---' 11,' - . 2.1' I -3.r /' ^r (trer$ l, 1. 5. -V\; -sgF:l^y Directors - tB/cBUSVp pA/spGiNEpA/NtcFS/cFSU DCPWNCRB. DsG - BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/NSG/RPF/BPR&D/SSB /NCB/NlA/Assam Rifles (Through LOAR) Commissionerof Police Delhi. Ur Division, MHA _t_UUtafS Dated (_92::ill!-11!1i!':Y ".'/ the 046June,2015 Subject :- Vacancy announcement : Police Commissioner, D-2 for United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS). of lndividual UNDKO through PMI to UN has sought the nomination Police Officers for the positions Police Commissioner, D-2 of for United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) for an initial period of one year with possibility of extension. :Number of Not mentioned. Level of D-2, [sG/Addl DG] UNMISS 12 Months (extendible) Job Opening 2015-UNMI(SS-82326-DPKO QUALIFICATIONS post Post Organization Duration : : : : number : Education: Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in law, police management, law enforcement, security studies, criminal justice, business or public administration human resources management, change management (preferably in law enforcement), or related area. A first-level university degree in combination with modifying experience May be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. Formal specialized advance training for command/senior staff is highly desirable. Graduation from a certified Police Academy or other national or international Law Enforcement Training lnstitution is required. Wgrk E{perience: A minimum of.15 years (17 years in absence of -aciive unin-ersity . degree)_ of progressiie ina poiiling service/experience both at- the'field oi nalional police headquarters leve-l is required; 8 years of active police experiencd at senior p'olicy making tdvanced level, with extensive strategic'planning' and management'experience ii areas such as. operations, Crime management, poli-ce adminidtration and police training'.and development; policdhuman ind/or financial resources Manageme.nt - requ.ired. practical cornmand experience of running a , -F, department or a region. or a state level police unit is required. practical ci 4r4, ' Xn operational experience public order management with the use of crowd - control 0r formed policein units is desirable. ?revious uN or international ,J-61(; *experience is an advantage. et ,F Wffi I ,r',i',,,,1 i .^-re ligo so1>.( i -ilb\\' I rola_ryr- .t-'Q "\ Lanouaqe: Fluency in Spoken and written English is required. Knowledgb -to 6tffifrdqualified UN languag'e is an advantage. Pieference will be qiven women candidates. equallv 2. lt is requested that nomination of eligible and willing ofiicer of the level of lsG/Addl DG (D-2) may be submitted to this Ministry by 10h July, 2015 along with the following documents duly completed in all respect:- i. United Nations Personal History Profile (PHP) form (P.11) duly completed and signed by the nominated candidate. ii. iii. United Nations Employment and Academic Certffication lattachment to personal history profile (P-1 1)] Form duly completed and signed by the nominated candidate as well as the relevant local authority. Personal details as per AnnexureJ. 3. The nominated officers may be advised to send the above document as address ruSp43@dSjn or [email protected]) per the format enclosed through electronic mail at e-mail 4. No modified format other than the soecimen enclosed dulv tvped will be ente,lainedlaccepted as it invites lot of observations from UN HQ (UNDPKOI while finalizino the nominations. Hand written PHPIEAC will not be entettained/accepted. lt may be ensured that the photographs of the officer applying for the post should be placed on the front side of P-1 1 form and signature in the last page at relevant place. 5. lt may please be ensured that the nominees are clear from Vigilance angle. ,@' /6.tC (Dinesh Mahur) Director (Pers) 8:23092933 B:23093750/2398 rA:[email protected] '-l Copv to 1. . Commissioner of police M u m bai, Korkatta, chen na i and Ba nga is requested to forward the I ltnominations of and willing eligible rore II :il:t'-":: :l J::t, State Govemment I ofticers though *::"j:,: J ?. so (rr), MHA onty. With the request to upload the above communication on MHA V-/ s'fru'$ (Dinesh Mahur) Director (Pers) 8:23092933 B:23093750/2398 €:[email protected] -) Annexire TA PROFORMA Recent passport size photograph 5. ln the case of offtcers of deputation with other (a) Name of Parent organization. .(b) Name of organization presently employed. (c) Date of deputation (d) Expected date of repatriation to parent 6. Date of Birth 7. Education/Qualification 8. Date of Joining Police Service 9. Service/Cadre/Batch 10. 11. EducationalQualification Previous UN experience Telephone No. a. Office b. Residence c. Mobile No d. Fax No. e. E-mail id I hereby certify that, I fulfill the eligibility requirement notified for the post applied for. (sis of the applicant) e ' (_) t)rc United Nations Post title Dnd levgl Polico Comnrlrsiqnor, D-2 Orguaizutiopnl UDit Urritcd Natioss Mission (rlNrvrrss) Jubi' Du[r. Strtion ltcppiliug.to ' DulAtloh iu Op Rcpqbtic of South Sudsn SDerirl Roprcseatntirc ofthc Sccrctety Geaeia! in UN!trSS 12 Mouth (cxtqndiUc) 2{ ,Iuly 2015 201s-UIIMISS-82.i26-DIKO ' Dertdlioe for applicatign Job Opcuiug tqrnber Unibd Natlonr eore Valqer; lirtegrily, Prlfqaslonallgm and Bg6pest for Oiversity RESPONSIBILTTIBS: qriih thc miaeion mand4te 4nd ttOCer thc sup0ryision and subutantivo gtrirJaloe of thc SPeciaI :Rcprcscotttivc of thc-Sirp.tasy Q,cncral (SRSG), the ttolicc Cornmissioner will birtsponsttc foi &o operational qvc6ig[:l of llie. llN l'olice componear's activiries reJated to the Missibn mafiilate iaplenre,rtatiorl ald will; ll qqflir*" r . .' r o . ' ars the principal advisor to ths SRSS <trr oll pcrtiocnt prilicipg uxtters irf tle suppart of functiUu.. tho.Eandatcj Direot oll eff. orts of ttc UNPOL compoacnt of thc Missiol in Protection of Civiliiins, in parricular Dctcr.yioli:aqc. aEaiio-lt thc civiliau5; undertiikc.a complctc_rcview ofIINPOT. aCtivity in particulor. proaotiye deploymcnt aorive patroUirtg in PR)rccrion oti (;livilians (pOC) site5 -aad OvCrsia thE cotrttibutiun of I.INPOL io the inrplcrncflration of the Missi"u wiae Early Warninp Stmtcry. irtcludirp a coorditrarcd appxtach to i.uJorcratio.n g{he-ring, moailoriug, ,-irifi.,ti"[ carlyrrruuiug rnri tespolse mcchanisns inclutiiug prcparatiolior.rir.tit potioti{?ttuol" ng.r.ri UN pcrsonnel ud fi.rcilides. Sufrelise and facilitate pubtic safbty.wi&rin the IJ.NMISS pOC sitcs u<I ensurc thcir general scciriity. Ovetsde'thc. crcatlou aud implcmeutatibn of stnttcgiqs to lixtcr. sicurr crvirrnmcnts for the .sat! - : ; ' aqd voluntary rctum ofthc_ intemally di.splaccd perionS (IDps) an,1 rrfugc"s. . . h'nstllp pperatlOtral. coordination with thc South Sudiur Nitionrrt Prjlitr Servtcc (SSNSp) in rclcva imd lrOC rctal€d tasks. . S.ufp.Ot't ttc Ilurnq RiChts.Divj$ion in rhc ruouitoring, ilvc:riglrtion and veriticarion of abuses uf I{uma4 liglrts and Interaotibnal Humanitarian o lrrfaiatain situatioual ar}.{u!\css rcgar<iinpl allLaw. aslructs ofl SSNpS activir.v and prcvibus ttNpOL agility sirtruld ttrc Vlission Should thc UNMISS ruaudate oh1.ge, thcilirnri the pr6r,isiou of a4vice "r,ioc.. to SSNpS ^""ii"t ona asriili,"u leadqrshil, in the-d;vcloprnet , ru-[ sh.rt, rnc<rirmr and Lr,,g^term_ pl'ns .thc rcfom. rostnloturirlg and lhc strenEorsdng of the r:aprciry of S"SNPS in"r"a;ng'i" ""d t"gr"rn-;;; ii]rsi;,rin( its l\)o!1 terrn-strgtcgiCreriJrrus,basedotplanning,budgctinganclDcf.formance,ri.n",,r",,,.i,*.' Assist ssNpS ir dever.p:ng ovcrsight anr'r .ccounicbirity nr""hnnis*r.ro ,rs ru ,r..ngrr,., 1"sri. conlidenec in' rlo SSNPS' in-c"-,t uf"r"r"iu,. in-Yqlv-€rncDt to facilitato ITNPOI-, M.issiori. ' ' "f,*fl-Ji^' _ tr _ ]q C} . When tnandatc with other ,c co[rponel.rts nnd EttBrrrc "** *--""rrffi- .mlmlcn . Providc dcdcssary opqlaliqnAl oveiqiglit on all. ,UNPOL autivities r91a{9d ro grandtrte inrplcntntalion and ltesults Rased Budgeling inoltrding dcvctopment of wolk.pl'erLs amd Result Frumcwdrks in line lvith thc mission speoifii matrdrtc implemenotion plans, an'd ehsurc rimt:ly subn:issiou of rnorrtbly. bi-innual and a;tuol progress reporis ofthc polici conrponent anct follow'- . up on rcqotndlerldat-iuirsi . iihisor with (he t.lN Military, DSS ilnd othef re.lev;qrrr componetrts of thc rulss-ion regardi4g the safi:ry aprl securily nf r}c .flN i'otice and liaise with SSNPS countelpafs in .cga..tfto thi sa{Ety and seclriTy ofall.LlN Police, .includirgihose coJocated witli thc SSNpSi Pcrfdt|l any other dttie-s an"d assutne other rcspoasibiHties as rgari bF UirEotetL by thc SRSCT in Ensure ' gOIr{PI}:TENCTFS: Professionalism: Shows plide Lr work qnd trchicvcrEentsi dernansratc.s professional comp€tericc arr..l (ua6[ery oI subject nlatter; is iorisciairtiorrs nn<l o.Cficient in mcctirg colnftitrqctrts, gbseriing deadliles an{ achieving resblrsi is motivated }y- prof:essionai ratltet than pergorial codcej:ml Bhows pcrsistcnCc whcn faced rvith ttifficult probl€m€ or clslldhgcsa ri:D:r{irls calm in skcssfir.l situatious. Takes respo.nsililiry frlr iucorporating gcnllci pdrspictivqs ontl oisru'ilg the equui plrticipoiion of lvolrte-n qrrtl m*ri^in :ru ueas ot rvork. In-dcptl knowledge of policc prrocdures and nla,raEcmcilr; strong qrganizstional skills and a de,)1or$trdtc(l ability to cstnhtisb. priorities aria r.r plan, coordinate, a1d -mon'itor tho wnrk oI. others. (Indcrstonds llreories, cotceFts .r\hd approa'che'-\ rcicvant to dcmocratic policing, lalq inforce[:ent. Possessos .abitity to gpply tec-hniger .exlerrisc 'to rcsolvc potrici: rerated isiucs arrl rllallcnges. Stroug m:r:rageriel srd dualyticnlskills combincd with _qood jtrdgruJ,nt. Plannlng sEd organldng: Develops clcar gools thol..arc consistcnr with ag6ccil stratogics: idc-.rlrifics pnonty actrvrtrcs rt,ld assighlhcnlsl a<ljusts prioritics as rcquired; alloCet y Bpptufriatd amount of timc and rc_sourccs Ibr completitrg $rrbr.k; f,orr:sias dits. !d.allows.-thr conl.ingpncidihi" ffm"i"gi -onitors and Urljusts ptans and actions as necqssary; nscs tirne efficientty. . Aecouutablllt5,: Take.s owncrs[lp of nll pqponsibilities and honors comrnilm€Dls; dclivcrg, outprtts fci has respolrsibilig. within prtscribid timc, cosir and quality stana:uds; y_llfh i" o-ipti:,n"c "* with oigslrzatioocrl regulqtions and rulcs; srlppqrts $u[iorc]inu(cs, ,piovides";cm6" oversigln an6 t:rkes r-csponsibilirv fbr delegarcd as$ign$enrji rakcs pc;;,nal respoiriit it,ity'tii?;j"ih; thosc of the work udl" wf,e.re .ipflic8hle. ";-;f;ton;lngs an.i _ Leadelship: Sen c-s aS :t role mod'cl thal. other. pcople rvant to tbll.ow; eIripowcr3 Othcrs to lrauslrllc visi(,u inlo results; is pr,oautive in dcveloping stratcg.iei to accomplish objectivrs; ti.t., rtirl maintains reLrtii:rxhips widr.n brond rangc of peoiire (g uhdirr:staird e.Eoi an* gain supporu ""tut o!.ticilarr;ud resolves coDflicls by pursuing mutualy agree;rb)e s.rlrrtions;. ddves for cliaugi snri iriprovcment; do." .,ot the siatus quo;. shows tlre c(ruruge to tnke unpopulnl. sl3, ds. "r".pt J-udgrrrqr{,/Decislon-msldng: ide'ntifies the key isstres in B cornplen sitrietion,.and comes to the heort of the probicm quickry; .gatbcrs rercvanr. inlbrmatior befors. n,,,kirlg a a".i"i."; Dosi(ive aud negarive, impacrs of decisiors prior ro makiag them; tokcs rtecisiori "onriJ"rs ;tL ;;;'i ;"-fi;'i6;., on orhers Olg,"oi4rtion; ptoposcs a couxsc o? action or lr.rnkes a. te.qnrmerrdalion bascrl on all available I,l1]1-:l_"rnrorrnfluoni cjf,cstc .Lasunphous agairst .lacts; dcleftrines thal the actioDs proposed u.ill s.lfisfy thc cr,1:rcssed and udeilying ,ccds {i:r.thc decision; rrrakes toirgtr decirions ,rli, ncJ&iil; .' OUAI,I!,ICATIONS: Education: Advancct universitl'. d.egrcc (Mastcrs or eql)ivarent) i' laq poricc moDngcn*rt, law e.fon:cmcnt, sccr.rritv studics. trinrin--at ;u=i;.*;';;. prrril"'.aiJri.i.";;^1nff1 iuiticc, resoruccs manogculel)t, dhange rnhnagemc.nt furefbrably jn laiv- errforccrneut). or itla[iid arca. ,q nr"t-l.vcl ru o-i t I I I :''. - ltoiversily degree in combirration,with aU*lityiag expcricnce may bc acccptcd in lieu of ,lr. "dr"".; /ll universigr dggrce. Formd :spEgialized advancc lraiuing for command/scliq staff is Itohly tlcsirablc. Graduatiou fronr a coriificd P:olicc Acad<any or. othql.uatiolal or inrCnrutionbl Lavi EnforcJnient Training institutiort is rtquircrl. Work F,xDerieo.fa: A Drinimum of 15 yg.rIs (17 yeors iu lbsen(,e of advancgd uni.vcrsity dogrcc) of IrrogresSivp and e€riv-e pplicing se*icer/irx,lrcr.ience both af th. fi"ld or tutionol p6'lice headcltrldsrs lcvel _ requircd; 8 y.oars of active poli<;o cxpcricnoc at scnipr policy ntaking tcvoi, rvht exteusivs $rrategic planaing ond mana{qmcnt qatp. ericn'cc in urcas such' a.i t pcrati rru. urlu," .*.uga.m.rt, policc adnrirlistrutiol 4q$ poliue truining.qnd dgvclopmenq porice humai rrnd/or dnancial resourc"ei **ug"or.o, - rgquircd. Pr.acJicil commsnd e.r:pc.rie.nce of nuuring a depalhrenl or a 6gioh or a ststo lcvcl polce tutit .;;;ui control or.ryquircd. Practical operation:r.i e:pericncc in publi<i order rrunagement iiith th" u"" "f Prcv.ious uN or ititeroatioual exiiderce is a, trdvantage. !r-:a ry.u:"-.1*f is desirqbrc. Sl?,ainJcldenr of polic(.. potioe Corltnissioner, F)enrrty ia.-r.irt*4 rnspecror. P-*:,4-1t:.I.1:j:: Qc{raral. equlvalqrl. to seldor q)lonal/gc.nr5al in the hilitary or highcr rank. Lrrrrguage: Fluemcy in spd!*r and rvritlen Lnglistr is reqrired. tciowtedge.ofr socond uN la'ggagc qn is advant3gc. Prcferdnco.ivlll Dc glved fb qu8[y quitifcd tyomDr cor.ti.tr({$, .Dttc of t$uarcq 0l Ju[c 20t5 rll ru,oTl.3rryo {111[9llav Potity oI l(lqran_ Righrs ,screeuitrg of ult porsornol qlt iuilivid-irll! ryho seek to set'vc wlth. q" yrJS Natioxs are 'rcqncsrc(t t;mrrke .rsctf:r-rae.r"t-"ii Ju"-i"r'.n11oro.itt.a s't.rious ,i"i crlnrfiul o'lfelccs eud ias not bccn iovolve{t in r.ioletiou of iatcrladoaoi *.,, bril-"-;;gtrl';. irliurnatlond humalitariaa Iuw.TLo auct warrtin;Ar-ilruuit fieudonod folicy. The fmaf dbci.rion on tne setection of "itr'fi;o.ls "rdlfi;;;;;;iof;rhcirborc ir,tiriarrrt to sswe with ttri Ulitca Nafious niu also beJul{act lo -! , huee! rightq sch€orlng. "u o APPLICATIONPROCEDI'RESITORPItOBE&SIONAI,C'i*"O"'O' P9SI.I'IONS IN II.IYJTEI, NATIOIY*S,PoLICT CoMPoIYhI.vrs IN P,I!:Acr,KJ!I'[vc OPE{RATIoNS oR SPECIAI., PoLIll.C:AL MLssioNs REoIITRiNG SECONDMICNT FROM NATIONAL (|('VI'RNMEI.ITS OFUN II,IEMBA,R S.I'ATES <rr.rrir,,tr- T.T "/I( b qx*liqcd-belorv Rrs the ptoccdures to t . futt.rw"a by pormantmt.MGsio;s lor rhc prcscnta(ipn .f cahdid8tcs to proli:55ionat psstg lgqsiriug secondlno( l'roo'rctive policc scrviics, wt ici a-re olrrn for rdcruitriie-nt.yriithin IItrI peacekieping operatious or spcciol potitiCat misiio,rs. ltr .thc inbrost (r{prcmoting an order.Jy process and io ivoid dclay in rtc consiclcratitrrr uf applrcatlonst Pcmrancnt Missioos arc n:spccd.rlly rcqu*Lc-d to adhero cloilly.lo these Irmcbdurss. I. Ibe nbpvc nrc6iotrcd postsarE rqrjcrvcd only for can<tidates rccotnmcldod by Mombcr stalc:r tlrrorrgh tleir Penounent Missions ro lhc UDiGii Ns,tio s. (":aBdidates aiplying irrdcpcndently vlll nor. brrqonside:.od. tt is'rcq""sGi: ttratlpnii*ti.o,t. .ut mitted as sr'ron-:s possiblc but tror latel ihtrn dcadlino specifred in caib Job opcning Applications rcccivsd Bfter,rhe dcar ine rvitt not bc considercd. o-,oun""a*r. .All.ipplications iT)usr hc {(rbmitted in a duly completed t}ped (ncjt hand_$witlen) n[d '''-sigred ilnihd Nariors ?ersonat History [orm (p.'i t) utooi nriti, ,toaden icnnJ F,ntpl(ymcnt C:crrifrcation !'orm (attarchmer:tto p-t i form), Appliootloris using othcr fbnnnts will nor be accepted, bur additionsl information mnv bi att to t[I p. I I. l..or the cottveaicnce qfllre P.ermansnt Mission, n p:l I &nn aad athrohnrclt "hcdale enr:losetl as samplcs to: be plrotocopied:as needed. Siclcclion tbr scrvicc with the Unitbd Narion$ is ltxliie,on e crrmpctitive basis. .lt is thereforo esscn{lot rhd all tri;.fu;;...r tl}e pcmonol Hffir,j.-rffi:;;; Fornr:s bc ooiriplotrii rrzirh a viuw t Histrli 1gy "l h1'-p;:-.:::^j1"r pFSCnting prtscnting the caxdidrtcs caxdidrtcs qttalilic{tions ancl cxptrricnces as thEi to the rcquircrncnts as set out in thc rclcvant Job 6pening- Ill thc cveilti pefluuuun( wlslcs [o rccommend a candidatc ior several po"$ a ;epa._"fg fCfsonal-i f'ortt| $hould be submittcd for cach post. ".1fiffiil:ri?TiJili" ln ocoordauce with the llcw Fr:lic.y on flurrrufi Rights Scteani,ng Of LIN t cr(onncl. ,r.ll individu:ils rvlu seeti r. sr:rve witir rh" Unirca Na}ot r, are .seit: o;..'q;;Jt rcquexted to rnatc ,;J;::;lir" att!:shtiori'r th1t s/.l_r$ has not mmmittcd any sirious ciimina! iiffeiiccs and:fras nqr becn ric.lrs or interinationar huinafirarian la*. ..,]:"Yj y viul.rions of irrrcr^atio,nt hunranp_lr-foan the u"a *iit"i" u* rouowing vo,ai,,g: ,r9::11*:1,.*.:ll 1n:^:h*.ro I attesf that I lrave Tl'l1b: rot coDmittedn.lnvi.ra.l Of, -^ttr been h3e1 cgnvi:led nor prosccuted for, n;y ^-^-^; ofiejce. rstg.s! ttrf I rrovo^fi.t t"''"rl L,,r,"a, rri. .y of hr .ornissiotr,i:i,::fg_lilrf in any riblation hrtd:tu iight) la1+ br inicrnaiiolat hurnanitaria it:iriarr i:iry. .llre,appllca(ion5 .syittrorr!,sGnctt ili ::*?:j :d indi','.idunl sc l f-attcstations willrrotbc;iil",j: "i .5.. .Pe,nnQnerit Mission atru rcqucsted to pr€sr t thcit:c.lndidatas. in onc singlc submission, in accoicltnce with the dcadline ciatc spccified iil the iL Opsling, ilnder qrvcr. ot,a noLe verbale.ligring thc nartrcs ol:the candictutcs, poil title(g) tir{;aii lorrrilatul fbr.and rftc corresponding vuu[cy 0,lnouhqc[cnts. 6, .A.pjricrrtiolls must be hau<l-dclivererl by pcnnuncnt Missien to 1he pol igc D vision Selection and Recruitmcnt g'ccrioni. Ofh* Sccurity Iusrimrions, Deportmenl. of peaccl.cninu O..peratir.," "f,n t" "i,q-ffiairt i ifX ii;il,or, oC t _o776,i1 accordancc rvirh tlre spc.ifi Jdiiectio'o i' "ttfr"rof""riilirt, . fio[', 7. 8. ror. Vlioofe. Ilpon delivoryofthe- opplications. the Sclcctions and Recruirrnent Secjlon ackuolvlcdgs the reccip( to rhc indiv;.fud r"ut i.rg tha .ritivl;i' will (:onurunicatio' regarrliur this proccss will be uo*gh thc t crmsncnt lVission onty. Thc lvill n,rt cntcrtiin ;:ciso,r^t q,,r.i"r Rilii iiriir"i'rppfi""n"- Secrcrar.iat , pecembcr 2014 ,l G \_ -) --.]UNIT.ED NATIONS 1,, Eniploymcnt $ud Academic Ccrtification Atloalmcot to ]cr,olli, Ui{ort frofitc (pt I) TO BE COAITETED BY CANDII'^1'T:: FGr..oD.l Dltr; Family Nourc: Scrvisa [}tort ccrr) or drtc or'colisruunv"rrrrair1yGGiGliorEiiiiiiEEl: t0 nell1 AND *iis ,Iiurl cbnUrkie addrcr:. Olc Siatf/-War Cpllego 9r ' Pollic A.ad(rny (ar(or simllbr laly cnlbrccoort' inrti&rdou) I '--]----.r-: m,if Eol""rca n*irelre.i rmk drrtc i.ofrii ii I IitpcriCnce in f eic.kcclirrg opurrlions: (Milot); HQ StnU. C0or,{1, iI ioyers! older .| t I l*:Ttt".l' o**re trther rr"u [.'rcu kc.pirla oplr.tioirr' rrrrttns ,.,lur your mor r.c.n t .r(pcricn.c .rrd .,:. e .Q,-) I lto , I lns'ututtoll t_l I _t __l , !!,.uJ, lg..nc sLaarlllnlt rur.e!n.5 mr'oc m.rdc Dy by tu! tur.i!! !a llulryir llurdar to thc fn?cEoil|g qll$t;oB ,I;a;iffi irc r'G cnntpt.t. c""'ptrtJ {lrd .cL I snd.rraoad c""rcr-i iria co onacriraad tiaf rhai ELrtPrc!'nlrtlo! or btlariiLl DtairiiLl oEis5iou.tuarle odis5iou tuad. oo rx lrrrorrrt rcrsoirl H-irtoii"i. or'o|,hcr ,r."rrucor ilor$rucot r(q raqucrtld u..r.d "i "tn"t by by.thc ihG r;; r;;---l irrgruizrtion orStuiarion runaex r.n.Ier I l^o:1r:.!?!t-lr_Y::*l?!,ilU, orbeina vlotauons (dtiving fihile ,rtiitii rc, this pu,pose). t .redarc that have not beii inuotwd, bi;A ;;;;ir;br, i; i;;;;;i;i;i-Li'i:ii-iirti* t Yt4attult a e' lntenadodal human ignF bw'ot lntematio"at liuiiiiilii En.'':"" " ''t' bebn convicled ol and an not cunciity undet ia/estrlation ghts, civil actjon or ds:cittlhtary offence,'vtlh lho exceoY1on lnbxtaated oidoigplous oicarelii'irioni ao not constderea nri,tu trarc ws@uw rcr ry'flqhal' hunan t I am not Datg a oto atlast:lo I oimaoiiom, I I i I tha ppireedtnp paa7dplts.lor ,,...........,...- the fo owhlg reasons: ..........,.........-.. signrn,e............ I I N'B' You will ld rcqulol'cdlo supply doctrocfirr!, evidelcc which supporrs lhc staternrns yo, hflv! nr.dc rbovc. Do not, howcvcr, tGT d ooy doctincrEl'Y'cvidqrcc urtil }iu Lrrvc bccn askea ii?o so b:, rrre orgnruization urd, in rny event, do not q.h'nit the orisinal tc.sls ofrcfcrcoc..4tr t eti-,i,ii"r-'""r"Jt/ii."""u-.L .ui"in"o-ir?iuliiiiii ,i* iiit I lboJi.f#.i] I i I I r-I To DE covl,Lbt'til ByTHE RELE\ANI t.oul/lgT?Oft y: I I I I ii]:j:,llg:l;;;;;;;.. .. .. .........rcerrir,rrhirthci,ro,tnario,rpn,vidcdty......,....... ! I I I ,,,::,::r:-:^?!,!,r:rat tv,!,vt ewtoty t'tdt tthee nomtnatco nominatcd candidale can(tidate has has never never beett been cottvic co,tvicted <)f, ot Detng prosecuted lor, being tot, any ciminat or or tliscipllnary tli;"ipttrrary i civll action Or disciplitary I The Governmet Governfie, ot of ollence- ofienc.c, ur ir'u',)u un)/ "froi,ci, is nqt cu el riolution, oilnt"ri, nn"*"*r*l under iavasdgal*tn cv Ml hun:an ian nghts nghts tew, le\ I adarasr.flre ,iii"i,ziJi'ilJilJhz"@:,i?'.K:i,x:#yr:,tr;tr8fJ11:f candidatm rsbn atty 1,,y" I :for any li criminul ts 0r carelc,cs I itaminated T,:;:.:::t^i.!lir:::".,,:,::,::,: ln the case oJ'tha nonrinee vho Ds truiii,i')iiiiiiiilor :'hasintematbmi bcan iwesttgatei. ncmationat humanita,tan taw. I ..)r crininur {,;:;:::*:':.:::ixili;:i::Wi:;'!i;;i;'iii,i;i!ffr":fi;";;;;,i;;;;;'f",if,::il':,:T'#!,r, *:,':::::x.i:::':!t:13.ii"-.v"ni,ioiu;;;;;i,:;;,;i;tr*"",';::,;;;;Z; the Gowrnmeht i$ ieguesrorl roprirrrtii;ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;{',:;*;;:;::;;;:;:::::1,::; 7a.g I I II I I __l q "-/ l ,rlr, I UNITED Plense eoswcr crcb quesdb[ cleatly ond co ple!€ty. TrPE Rcad qarelslly lllrJ yluNt LE(illJt.y. fellurv dl dlrr:ctioru. NATIONS crR NAL }IISTORY Se E.rry tM unrEo N rofl.l tr r.Irtrc gll8r|l tqltll(cr-trtErtru.,r tn !.y $(i ot.thC i/oru nr *I,;cI rh. (rrit oo !,our rliliry rD 19 t ,rlt ju y6lll ES Fo6p.crjw riald otwortt: dsc -y ltuiu&tl'r G) (b) Ar.ol&i lliz I'ilhitore A,s on ycru alrltiry toi.golae i.;iirn*lt VCSE NO NC) _y E -iOftic.'ltkptxrrE N.,. . ) T€lelrl|(,neNe. ( IJ. fro rou h.v. I .ry'dt?rrd.ediia\:.t vrit ra"riur,.li'o *o. E Uth6 1 {l.vir () 1 Ofrrc. [!i . Nu F-riroll: i! -raJ-. giye ria loforgll.LG.nd.. (o) yoq ulort up lrgd pq,m.ndr! rcid.mc .ta|!. ir r &,y (,v"u" ql; thun rhrr ofvou.r ||rtio,L1flryt rrr-[-- t1. ttuorrvct b 13. 1tf. aqrhli Atc .ny ol Fgr dlo6!.c .oplq rdbyo ii;C.d...t".3. rffi,i No YESE_ No T] ETN&.e l)f hr.m.doDJ OrenuEr[on 1vhl ir vou, murtdrironot OTIIER LAN(iOAGES . Uot ccrlrpulcr proArammcs you qse. --;ffi r.r, I (r{}E , -)it "1t. : I I I i I I I I I I |* I I I i , ..\,-l r I : I I. tr t-tL a) . ^\- ' l i ,.; , nlr, , ls, IL{i4i Ytlu ,r- aN y .BJEcTloNs ,1-RE YOU NOly OR I IAV n t/l) ,f 8nryrcr it "y6". WIIEN? ro U or m-M^ ( tNrj {\,(.) (,RlEs oF vol ro Uvln D!E\ A clL..sFrrv^ N.l. rffi lt! tlndorB rlili:mE nb9rs. nlio .rc ftDritlnr villt ),(nr rulstNlss c[( oCCIJPATION .coNvrcrED,FrNr:r)or It'r*", f;yr fsll Frnicrhtr lo riulpnsor,roionr:r#;i;r;'i;;:,""?'l"r:i?i;f;*;J:ilJi;X:ffXHilS" arfqrlh &a€ tti !r.ur,rt,.rt rrntaruen. trL tN -r^nrnrorsrrrvlAr vAUabLt tO ifr,Xa t U:r iEp'.SoNAL H lst ORy rORM BEiNC MAfn ; a 3.t. I ccrti& that thc rrr, brurvtedgc and belief.",u,"","urr I ,n.{ersrond thBt rn* Drisrcpresenrrtio.i or rinrcriai o,,'iurirrrr rrri-.t"-;; rcqucslcd bv erc orgooiariirn :rcnd"." n,"."ioi " -docu.nenr N.B- Y6u will be lt"r oii,Jiiri;; n",i;;; ,. o*", j;i;'; ;'il;;;iiir".iil;r'A},',, i*,iii,,Iii'^ii',il.iirj*r. requcltad ro Bupily docunrcntary ovidcnce wbicb snooorLs ilt$"";,e'#f#k11il;;il11,#"1lui:j:t*."1g,Xt*l*","";-;;1t|flli[illfxi:il":i".,"nff;#,T::tffii,' ru A.i (r.o+E ,] I' I .(.__) Qr ) Iml.Lo*idENr RtcoRt - sutl'L,tiiMEt{raRy J:,YlIy.ltP tr:r r .rorrnra oloct( rur .noh srltFjI tlorl hclud. 'lh scrvt . ;\ ,t,li wmcd lixcer ,y lrg r" *i ild *i* l' r tr( (r{r) ) i;; -a fi (J i' ,t ,LT pJvrfLoyMDNr l.r,.(:(r{t I'LEAsT I TST, #i.lo Rx.t tou _srrp"r,Er4BrrARysHF.Er IIAYE HArr. Usc r s.D.n{r il.Er- for c,.h F!rl. lrrlqdc J.r, $?vi!r h i t, ) otq ,^n ,*r- */-!9**' -o, t ,r
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