The challenge from Bilingual /L2 children for the identification of Specific Language Impairment and Developmental Dyslexia Maria Teresa Guasti Università di Milano Bicocca Road map Where is the problem? How to identify SLI within EL2? Two approaches Clinical markers in Italian and how we can identify SLI in EL2 Italian Diagnosis in two languages What to do after the diagnosis Dyslexia and EL2 EARLY L2 AND SLI Language in EL2 and SLI ◦ Delay ◦ Weaknesses Vocabulary Morphosyntax How could we identify EL2 with SLI? Should bilingualism abandoned after a diagnosis of SLI? Two approaches Identification of language-specific markers in the L1 and L2 Computer-based implementation Identification of language-specific markers in the L2 Find out the distinct linguistic behavior of EL2 vs SLI and Monolingual Find out weakness within the EL2s alone (with Lorusso, IRCCS Nostra Famiglia) FIRST APPROACH CLINICAL MARKERS ◦ (1) 3rd person DO clitic pronouns: lo, la, le, li ◦ Lo leggerò ◦ L’ho vista ◦ (2) Non word repetition (bisdagosa, fapolo) How do EL2 perform on (1) and (2)? CLITIC PRODUCTION Cosa fa la bambina al nonno? What does the granpa to the girl? ◦ Lo bacia (she) kisses him CLITIC PRODUCTION IN SLI CHILDREN (AGE 5) CLITIC PRODUCTION IN SLI CHILDREN OUR STUDY (WITH VENDER, SORACE AND GARAFFA): SUBTRACTIVE BILINGUALISM Subjects 160 children age 4 to 6 years ◦ 40 Albanian L1 (ALB, 4;7 anni) ◦ 40 Arabic L1 (ARA, 4;9 anni) ◦ 40 Rumanian L1 (RUM, 4;8 anni) ◦ 40 Mono (MON, 4;8 anni) Measures: Language and cognitive abilities; exposure RESULTS CLITICS TARGET: LO BACIA 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 TARGET ERROR MONO NP ALB ARA OMISSION OTHER ROMA EL2 < MONO, ARA < ALB, ROM Production of clitics is predicted by cumulative load of exposure WRONG CLITIC: LA BACIA 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 TARGET ERROR MONO NP ALB OMISSION ARA OTHER ROMA EL2 > MONO, ARA < ALB Target+error more clitics than in 3 year olds (even if 3 years of exposure to Italian) CLITIC PRODUCTION IN TD CHILDREN Italian-speaking children start to use clitic around age 2;0 100 80 60 40 20 0 Target omission clitic errors 3 4 np other 5 From Arosio and Pagliarini, in prep. IRRELEVANT RESPONSES: È FELICE 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 TARGET ERROR NP MONO ALB OMISSION ARA OTHER ROMA ARA > all other Groups, ALB > MONO Other responses is predicted by cumulative lenght of exposure NON WORD REPETITION (PRCR-2) Risultati Numero di sillabe corrette 60,00 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00 SCORE ALB 49,10 ARA 45,76 ROM 48,05 MON 49,41 DISCUSSION Cumulative load of exposure accounts for poor performance in Arabic children Distinctive features of L2: wrong clitic Development clitics in L2 (N=37 children, L1=Tagalog, Arabic and Spanish) 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 L2 0,5 L1 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 I II III Development clitics in SLI 16 con DSL, 16 CA e 16 LA 18 19 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SLI VS EL2 SLI: omissions at 5 years (Bortolini et al., 2006) also wrong clitics at 5 years (Dispaldro et al., 2013). Irrelevant responses not analyzed in SLI Bad non word repetition EL2: wrong clitics or irrelevant responses no omission Good non word repetition EL2 catch up their peers at 7, SLI don’T Non word repetition is less affected by lenght of exposure Bilingui inglesefrancese 21 Message to take home Can we differentiate L2 from SLI? Yes You need to know the formal structure of language and that does come from being a compentent and fluent speaker Do we have the tools to find out SLI among L2? Likely yes Should one abandon bilingualism after a diagnosis of SLI? Franch-English in Canada (Paradis, Genesee, Crago) Bilingualism does not aggravate SLI Similar difficulties as monolingual SLI 25 Spanish-English: distinguish languages Subjects not expressed in Spanish, but expressed in English 26 6-10 year old Italian-friulan children with SLI 27 Should one abandon bilingualism after a diagnosis of SLI? Science says that it is not necessary L1 Language is vehicle of education, praising, scolding, emotion Parents may not know very well the L2 Dyslexia and EL2 Premise: Oral language is the foundation of reading Our study SUBTRACTIVE BILINGUALISM Study with 77 L2 children 6 - 11 years 37 monolingui Reading and language measures Results reading: Delay in automatization of lexical route in L2 L2 weaker than monolinguals in reading words from III grade No difference in I and II grade L2 readers better than L1 in reading nonword: compensation Exposure to oral Italian matters Early L2 (before 3) better than late L2 (after 3) in reading Morphological modification of words and nonwords (Cosimo test, Lorusso et al.) ◦ L2 worse than L1 ◦ Late L2 worse than Early L2 ◦ L2: Better in morphological modification better in reading Lexical route or morphological route in reading Message to take home Dyslexia cannot be diagnosed in L2 at the same age as in Monolingual kids Morphological intervention to boost language You need to know the formal structure of language Two approaches Identification of language-specific markers in the L1 and L2 Computer-based implementation Identification of language-specific markers in the L2 Find out the distinct linguistic behavior of EL2 vs SLI and Monolingual Find out weakness within the EL2s alone (with Lorusso, IRCCS Nostra Famiglia) Preliminary data from first approach (from Lorusso) 42 Wenzhounese-Italian children in primary school Sensitive markers for Italian: ◦ Measure of metaphonology and grammar Whenzhou: ◦ Ran, grammar We are preparing a version for MandarinItalian children 36 CONCLUSIONS EL2 are delayed (subtractive bilingualim) Exposure matters There are language measure to identify SLI in EL2 population No reason to abandon L2 after diagnosis Dyslexia cannot be diagnosed in L2 at the same age as in L2 L2 children may need specific linguistic support Technology offers us the tool for screening and science can contribute the specific markers Siti php 38 Risorse online _airipa.php La valutazione delle abilità cognitive nei bambini stranieri. Arabo e rumeno. Dislessia IRCCS Santa Lucia per monolingui me=content&pa=showpage&pid=1032 THANK XIE XIE GRAZIE
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