Maurice Glazer MBE Memorial 37th BRITISH NAYBC CLASSIC SINGLES TOURNAMENT YOUTH TEAM ENGLAND JUNIOR TEAM ENGLAND AND JUNIOR BTBA TOUR EVENT Sanction No:36/0087 ALL DIVISIONS 8 GAMES QUALIFYING ON SATURDAY 6TH JUNE - SQUAD A: 9 am; B: 1.30pm SUNDAY 7TH JUNE - SQUAD C: 9 am (overflow); D: 1.30pm SATURDAY 13TH JUNE – SQUAD E: 8.30 am; F: 12.45pm FINALS: 5.30 PM - FOLLOWED BY THE PRESENTATION CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: 31st May 2015 TO BE HELD AT CHARRINGTON BOWL TOLWORTH Kingston Road KT5 9PB The Prize Fund will be supported by Prizes are based on 36 entries per division. Prizes will be awarded pro-rata to the number of entries in each division. TOURNAMENT RULES 1. The Tournament is sanctioned by the B.T.B.A. and their General Playing and Tournament Rules will govern this Tournament together with the following special rules. 2. The Tournament Manager reserve the right to accept, re-rate or reject any entry and their decision on all matters will be final subject to appeal to the B.T.B.A. Protests must be lodged with the Tournament Manager within 30 minutes and confirmed in writing prior to trophy presentation. A provisional ball must be rolled if a dispute relating to pinfall cannot be resolved immediately. 3. The Tournament is open to all members of Youth Bowling Clubs, which are registered with National Associations that are affiliated to the British Tenpin Bowling Association and are members of their National Association. Junior Team England (JTE)/BTBA Tour Competitors must be under the age of 18 years at 1st September 2014. Youth Team England (YTE) Competitors must be born between 1 st January 1995 - 31st December 2002. 4. Competitors will be forbidden to smoke or consume alcoholic beverages during match play or lane change time; non alcoholic drinks may be consumed outside the players area. Any breach of this rule will result in IMMEDIATE disqualification of the individual from the Tournament. Bad language, abuse of bowling equipment or machinery, or bringing the game into disrepute, may also result in disqualification by the Tournament Manager. We respectfully ask that only food and drink purchased on the premises is to be consumed within the premises. No food and drink is allowed in the players’ area during tournament play. 5. Competitors who, in the opinion of the Tournament Manager, are not dressed in presentable manner (i.e. correct bowling attire in the playing area) will not be permitted to bowl. Shirts MUST have collars and bear the name of the YBC or individual. Sponsors (EXCLUDING ALCOHOLIC OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS) names will be permitted on shirts. DENIM CLOTHING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. SHORTS OF ANY DESCRIPTION MAY NOT BE WORN; HEAD GEAR MAY ONLY BE WORN AT TOURNAMENT MANAGERS DESCRETION. Mobile phones, iPods and MP3 players must be switched off in the playing area. 6. Only competitors, Tournament Officials and 1 Licensed Instructor/Coach will be allowed in the playing area rule 333 applies. Licensed Instructors/Coaches must be presentably dressed and must not wear denim. LICENSES MUST BE DISPLAYED AT ALL TIMES. 7. All entrants must produce either a current B.T.B.A. membership card or national card at registration. In order to qualify for your YTE/JTE Tour points you must produce your YTE/JTE Membership card. NO OTHER FORM OF PROOF OF MEMBERSHIP WILL BE ACCEPTED. Non-production of card will result in a fine of £2.00. Points will be awarded on the bowlers finishing position after the 8 games qualifying. Subject to them having current valid BTBA membership cards on the day of the tournament YTE/JTE and BTBA ranking points will be awarded in line with the current 2014/15 YTE/JTE and BTBA tournament criteria which details of the ranking points system can be obtained from the NAYBC website. 8. On each day of the Tournament, practice will NOT be permitted on unused lanes in the centre by any competitor. 9. There will be 8 divisions as follows: JTE Tour bowlers will be expected to bowl in divisions 1 – 4 in line with JTE tour qualifying averages unless their current JTE average is lower. All YTE bowlers must bowl in Divisions 1 – 4 to obtain YTE ranking points. Division 1 Boys 190 Average and above Division 2 Girls 175 Average and above Division 3 Boys 160 -189 Average Division 4 Girls 145 -174 Average Division 5 Boys 130 - 159 Average Division 6 Girls 120 - 144 Average Division 7 Boys 129 and below Division 8 Girls 119 and below 10. All Divisions will bowl 8 games scratch to qualify for the finals. Changing lanes after 2 games. All bowlers during the qualifying rounds will have the opportunity to bowl for a high game award; there will be one for each Division. Tardy players will commence play at the frame in progress as directed by the Tournament Manager. The top three in each Division will be presented with a range of bowling equipment prizes based on how many entries in each division and age relevant. 11. Finals - No extra charge will be made for the finals round. Six bowlers from each division will qualify for the finals subject to sufficient entries. If less than 36 entries in a division then the qualifying number of Finalist is reduced to 4. Scores will revert to zero to find the overall winner. The finalists will play a “Round Robin” style final with bonuses as set out prior to commencement of the tournament. After the Finals the Winner in each division will be presented with the perpetual trophy and the other finalists will receive a reward either medals/trophies. 12. Entering average MUST be verified by a Y.B.C. Official or League Secretary and MUST be the highest from A. All leagues adult or junior, Sanctioned or non-sanctioned and over a minimum of 18 games. If there is no current League average, then an average from a previous league (over a minimum of 18 games) may be used provided that it is not more than 5 pins lower than the current highest average. B. Average from the current and previous National JTE & BTBA Tables over a minimum of 18 games.YTE averages will be taken from the current JTE/BTBA averages or current sanctioned leagues over a minimum of 18 games. A COPY OF THE APPROPRIATE UP TO DATE LEAGUE STANDING SHEETS MUST BE SENT WITH ENTRY FORM. 13. ENTRY FEE: £38.00 per bowler (Lineage £ 22.00; Prize Fund £ 7.50; Expenses £8.50 (includes finals lineage, £3.00 donation to the Junior/Youth International Team Fund). Entry fees will be non-refundable after squad times have been agreed. However, an entry may be sold to an eligible replacement up to the time of commencement of squad involved. Cheque Payment Please make cheques payable to “Tolworth Tournaments” and send with completed entry form to the Tournament Manager (Provisional bookings will be accepted by e-mail only if payment and full completed entry form is received within 3 working days or the closing date whichever is earlier. We regret that no entries will be accepted by telephone). All entries will be dealt with on a strictly first come first served basis. Online Payment The online instructions are as follows, please make the reference the individuals name or YBC Group:HSBC Sort code: 40-21-27 Account number: 31506625 Account name: Tolworth Tournaments Completed entry forms will be accepted for Online payments via email to the Tournament Manager but will not be valid until the payment has gone through (Provisional bookings will be accepted by e-mail only if payment and full completed entry form is received within 3 working days or the closing date whichever is earlier. We regret that no entries will be accepted by telephone). All entries will be dealt with on a strictly first come first served basis. Entries are non-refundable once squad times have been agreed 14. Bowlers from centres within 2 hours driving time will be asked to bowl in the early squads, which will commence at 8.30 or 9 am Saturday and Sunday to enable further distance bowlers to participate in the later squads. Your co-operation will be appreciated. Acknowledgement of completed entry will be by way of squad allocations as shown on the website. Please note it would be preferable not to run a squad with less than 20 bowlers; so make sure you include an alternative squad on the entry form. Saturday 6th June Registration is 30 minutes prior to these roll off times. Roll off times of Squad A: 9 am Squad B: 1.30 pm Sunday 7th June Registration is 30 minutes prior to these roll off times. Roll off times of Squad C: 9 am (overflow) Squad D: 1.30 pm Saturday 13th June Registration for Squad E is 30 minutes; for Squad F is 45 minutes prior to these roll off times. Roll off times of Squad E: 8.30 am Squad F: 12.45 pm Saturday 13th June - Finals Approximately 5.30 pm start - followed by the presentation If you are in a Finalist position after squad E scores have been uploaded onto the website Please arrive in the centre at 4.30 pm but be aware that you may no longer be in that position following the completion of the qualifying squad F. If you do not intend to return to the centre for the finals please call the Tournament Manager on 07968 050462 and leave a message 15. The Tournament Managers will be Sheila and Philip Ashton: Please send completed ENTRY FEES, FORMS AND HIGHEST AVERAGE LEAGUE SHEETS TO: 1 Daphne Drive, Church Crookham, Fleet, Hampshire GU52 0YP. Entries can be reserved by email [email protected] or telephone 01252 692940 or 07968 050462 but the actual entry form and fee must be received by post within 3 days or sooner if the closing date doesn’t allow 3 days. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES – 31st MAY 2015 CHEQUES MADE PAYABLE TO Tolworth Tournaments. Entries will be on a first come first served basis.
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