Grade 4 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 1-8 (Quarter 1 = 44 Instructional days) Number and Operations in Base 10 Domain MAFS Standard Description Focus 4.NBT.1.1 Recognize that a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. Read/write and compare two multi-digit numbers. Use place value understanding to round multi-digit numbers. Fluently add/subtract multidigit numbers. Model the 10-to-1 relationship among placevalue positions in the baseten number system. Read/write and compare two multi-digit numbers. Round a whole numbers to any place. Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison. Determine whether an equation is true or false. Determine the unknown whole number in an equation. Multiply and divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison. Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison. Determine whether an equation is true or false. Determine the unknown whole number in an equation Solve problems involving multiplicative comparison and additive comparison. 4.OA.1.3 Solve multistep word problems. Use a variable for unknown value. Represent and solve multistep problems using equations. 4.NBT.2.5 Multiply a whole number of up to 4-digits by a 1-digit number. Use different strategies to multiply multi-digit number by a 1-digit number. 4.OA.1.3 Solve multistep word problems. Use a variable for unknown value. Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a onedigit whole number. Use different strategies. Use the strategy draw a diagram to solve multi-step multiplication problems. Use place value and multiplication properties to multiply by tens. Estimate products by rounding or by using compatible numbers. Solve multistep word problems. Use a variable for unknown value. Use remainders to solve division problems. Solve multi-step multiplication problems. Use various strategies to find quotients and remainders. 4.NBT.1.2 4.NBT.1.3 4.NBT.2.4 * 4.OA.1.1 a, b (This is a new standard) 4.OA.1.2 Operations and Alg. Thinking & Number and Operations in Base 10 Operations and Alg. Thinking 4.OA.1.1 4.NBT.2.5 4.OA.1.3 Add/subtract whole numbers and check solutions. Essential Questions How can you describe the value of a digit? How can you read and write numbers through hundred thousands? How can you compare and order numbers? How can you round numbers? How can you rename the whole number? How can you add/subtract whole numbers? How can you use the strategy draw a diagram to solve comparison problems with addition and subtraction? How does a model help you solve a comparison problem? How does understanding place value help you multiply tens, hundreds, and thousands? How can you estimate products by rounding and determine if exact answers are reasonable? How can you use expanded form to multiply a multi-digit number by a 1-digit number? How can you use regrouping to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number?? What strategies can you use to estimate products? How can you use place value and partial products to multiply 2-digit numbers? How can you use regrouping to multiply 2digit numbers? How can you find and record products of two 2-digit numbers? Resources Go Math – Chapter 1 Place Value, Addition/Subtraction to One Million Lessons 1-8 Pacing 1 day intro + 8 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 11 days total Assessments Diagnostic (not graded) – Show What You Know Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 1 Test Form B Go Math- Chapter 2; Multiply by 1Digit Numbers *(Check for addition resources on Think Central for the new standard) Lessons 1-12 Pacing 1 day – introduction 12 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 15 days total Assessments Diagnostic (not graded) – Show What You Know Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 2 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 3 Multiply 2digit Numbers; Lessons 1-7 Pacing 1 day intro + 7 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 10 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 3 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 4 Divide by 1Digit Number; Lessons 1-6 SPLIT Pacing 1 day – introduction 6 days –instruction 1 days- assessment 8 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Operations and Alg. Thinking Number and Operations in Base 10 How can you use remainders in division problems? How can you divide numbers through thousands by whole numbers through 10? Find whole-number quotients 4.NBT.2.6 How can you use compatible numbers to and remainders with up to estimate quotients? four-digit dividends and oneHow can you use Distributive Property to digit divisors using various find quotients? strategies How can you use partial quotients to divide by 1-digit divisors Quarter 1 Formative Assessment will include chapters 1-3 (Performance Matters) *Note - Chapter 4 will be tested in 2nd Quarter Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 4 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 9-16 (Quarter 2 = 46 Instructional Days) MAFS Number and Operations Fractions Standard Description 4.OA.1.3 Solve multistep word problems. Use a variable for unknown value. 4.NBT.2.6 Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and onedigit divisors. Investigate factors and multiples. Determine whether a given number prime or composite Generate a number or shape pattern. Identify apparent features of the pattern were not explicit in the rule itself. 4.OA.2.4 **Amended 4.OA.3.5 4.NF.1.1 Explain and generate equivalent fractions. 4.NF.1.2 Compare two fractions with different numerators and denominators, 4.NF.2.3 (a – d) a) Addition and subtraction of fractions b) Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator c) Add/Subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. d) Solve word problems involving fractions. 4.NF.2.4 (a-c) Apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication to multiply fractions by a whole number. Number and Operations – Fractions Fractions Oper. & Alg.Thinking OA & NBT Domain Focus Use remainders to solve division problems. Solve multi-step multiplication problems. Use various strategies to find quotients and remainders. Understand the relationship between factors and multiples. Generate a number pattern and describe features of the pattern. Use models and different strategies to show equivalent fractions. Write and identify equivalent fractions in simplest form. Compare fractions using benchmarks and creating common denominator. Compare and order fractions. a) Addition and subtraction of fractions b) Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator. c) Add/Subtract mixed numbers with like denominators. d) Solve word problems involving fractions. Multiply a fraction by a whole number to solve a problem. Essential Questions How can you use remainders in division problems? How can you divide numbers through thousands by whole numbers through 10? How can you use Distributive Property to find quotients? How can you use partial quotients to divide by 1-digit divisors How can you use models to find factors? How can you tell whether one number is a factor of another number? How can you use the make a list strategy to solve problems with common factors? How are factors and multiples related? How can you tell whether a number is prime or composite? How can you describe patterns? How can you use multiplication to find equivalent fractions? How can you write a fraction as an equivalent fraction in simplest form? How can you write a pair of fractions as fractions with a common denominator? How can you compare fractions? How can you order fractions? When can you add or subtract parts of a whole? How can you write a fraction as a sum of fractions with the same denominators? How can you add/subtract fractions with like denominators using model? How can you add/subtract mixed numbers with like denominators? How can you add fractions with like denominators using properties of addition? How can you write a fraction as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction? How can you use a model to multiply a fraction by a whole number? How can you multiply a fraction by a whole number to solve a problem? How can you use the strategy draw a diagram to solve comparison problems with fractions? Resources Go Math – Chapter 4 Divide by 1Digit Number; Lessons 7-12 SPLIT Pacing 6 days –instruction 1 days- assessment 7 days total Assessments Summative: Chapter 4 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 5 Factors, Multiples and Patterns; Lessons 1-6 Pacing 1 day intro + 6 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 9 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 5 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 6 Fraction Equivalence and Comparison; L 1-8 Pacing 1 day intro + 8 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 11 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 6 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 7 Add and Subtract Fractions; Lessons 1-10 Pacing 1day intro + 10 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 13 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 7 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 8; Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers Pacing Lesson 1-5 1 day intro + 5 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 8 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 8 Test Form B Quarter 2 Cumulative Assessment will include chapters 1-8 (Performance Matters) Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 4 Math Curriculum Map 17-24 (Quarter 3 = 43 Instructional Days) Domain MAFS 4.NF.3.5 Fractions 4.NF.3.6 4.NF.3.7 4.MD.1.2 Geometry 4.OA.3.5 4.G.1.1 4.G.1.2 Measurement and Data 4.G.1.3 4.MD.3.5 a, b 4.MD.3.6 4.MD.3.7 Measurement and Data Measurement and Data 4.MD.1.1 4.MD.1.2 ** Amended 4.MD. 2.4 4. MD.1.3 Standard Description Focus Express a fraction with denominator 10 and 100. Use decimal notations for fractions with denominators 10 or 100. Compare two decimals to hundredths. Solve problems that include fractions and decimals. Add fractions when the denominators are 10 or 100. Use decimal notations for fractions with denominators 10 or 100. Compare two decimals to hundredths. Solve money word problems by using different strategies. Generate a number or shape pattern. Draw lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular and parallel lines. Classify 2-D figures. Identify right triangles. Identify and draw lines of symmetry in 2-D figures. Relate angles and fractional parts of a circle. Relate degrees to fractional parts. Measure angles in wholenumber degrees using protractor. Sketch angles. Determine the measure of an angle separated into parts. Know relative sizes of measurement units including km, m, cm; kg, g, lb, oz; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Solve word problems with fractions and decimals. Make a line plot to display data. Solve problems involving fractions. Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems. Use the strategy act it out to solve pattern problems. Draw lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular and parallel lines. Classify triangles by the size of their angles. Identify and draw lines of symmetry in 2-D figures. Understand that an angle that measures 1° turns through n/360 of a circle. Use protractor to measure an angle and to draw an angle with given measure. Determine the measure of an angle separated into parts. Use benchmarks to understand the relative sizes of measurement units. Solve problems involving mixed measures. Make and interpret line plots with fractional data. Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems. Essential Questions Resources How can you record tenths as fractions and decimals? How can you record hundredths as fractions and decimals? How can you relate fractions, decimals and money? How can you use the strategy act it out to solve problems that use money? How can you add fractions when the denominators are 10 or 100? How can you identify and draw points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles? How can you classify triangles by the size of their angles? How can you identify and draw parallel lines and perpendicular lines? How can you check if a shape has line symmetry? Go Math – Chapter 9 Relate Fractions and Decimals Lessons 1-7 Pacing 1 day intro + 7 days –instruction 1 days- assessment 9 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 9 Test Form B How can you relate angles and fractional parts of a circle? How are degrees related to fractional parts of a circle? How can you use a protractor to measure and draw angles? What strategy can you use to solve angle measurement problems? How can you use models to compare customary units of length, weight and volume? How can you make and interpret line plots with fractional data? How can you use models to compare metric units of length, mass, liquid volume? How can you use models to compare units of time? How can you use a formula to find the perimeter of a rectangle? How can you use a formula to find the area of a rectangle? How can you find the area of combined rectangles? How can you find an unknown measure of a rectangle given its area or perimeter? Go Math – Chapter 11; Angles Pacing Lesson 1-5 1 day intro + 5 days –instruction 1 days- assessment 7 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 11 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 12 Relative Sizes of Measurement Units L 1-11 Pacing 1 day intro + 11 days –instruction 2 days- assessment 14 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 12 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 10 2-D Figures Lessons 1-9 Pacing 1 day intro +7 days –instruction 1 days- assessment 9 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 10 Test Form B Go Math – Chapter 13; Perimeter and Area Lesson 1-5 Pacing 1 day intro + 5 days –instruction 1 days- assessment 7 days total Assessments Formative: Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Summative: Chapter 13 Test Form B Quarter 3 Cumulative Assessment will include chapters 1-13 (Performance Matters) Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) testing window March 23rd – April 10th Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 4 Math Curriculum Map Weeks 25-32 (Quarter 4 = 46 Instructional Days) March 23rd – 27th, 2015 March 31st – April 3rd March 31st – April 10th Spring Break Review Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) Getting Ready for 5th Grade (Student edition -Standard Practice Book-page 259.; Teacher edition – Planning Guide page 80) Lessons Concept Assessments (Standard Practice Book) Add Dollars and Cents Quizzes: (located in student practice book) 1 Checkpoint #1 (pg. 269) Subtract Dollars and Cents 2 Checkpoint #2 (pg. 283) Order of Operations 3 Checkpoint #3 (pg. 295) Divide by Multiples of Ten 4 Checkpoint #4 (pg. 305) Model Division with 2-Digit Divisors 5 Place Value Through Millions 6 Tests: (located in Assessment guide) Decimals and Place Value 7 Test #1 Lessons 1-11 Form A (AG.251) Round Decimals 8 Test #2 Lessons 12-20 Form A (AG. 265) Place Value to Compare Decimals 9 Decompose Multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 10 Number Patterns 11 Add Related Fractions 12 Subtract Related Fractions 13 Compare Fraction Products 14 Repeated Subtraction with Fractions 15 Fractions and Division 16 Locate Points on a Grid 17 Area and Tiling 18 Multiply 3 Factors 19 Find Area of the Base 20 *Go Math program does not provide a lot of resources for the Getting Ready lessons. Please feel free to use other resources that you see fit with the concepts above. Here are some suggested resources: (basic skill review) Other ________________________________________________ Quarter 4 Assessment will include Lessons 1-20 (Performance Matters) Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014 Grade 4 Math Grading Guidelines Category Quarterly Assessments Chapter Test Form B Mid-Chapter (Quiz)/Teacher created quizzes Classwork Homework Teacher assigned projects Weight Multiplier 6.0 4.0 1.0 0.50 0.10 Not to exceed 4.00 depending on rigor and length of the project. Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS) Clarifications In Grade 4, standards OA.2.4 and MD.1.2 have been amended (slightly changed) and two new standards have been added: OA.1.a & OA.1.b These changes will be reflected in the online version of the Go Math program only. The print resources will be updated in 2015-16 school year. New Standards MAFS.4.OA.1.a - Determine whether an equation is true or false by using comparative relational thinking. For example, without adding 60 and 24, determine whether the equation 60 + 24 = 57 + 27 is true or false. MAFS.4.OA.1.b - Determine the unknown whole number in an equation relating four whole numbers using comparative relational thinking. For example, solve 76 + 9 = n + 5 for n by arguing that nine is four more than five, so the unknown number must be four greater than 76. Amended Standards MAFS.4.OA.2.4 - Investigate factors and multiples. a. Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1–100. b. Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number. c. Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1–100 is prime or composite. MAFS.4.MD.1.2 - Use the four operations to solve word problems1 involving distances, intervals of time, and money, including problems involving simple fractions or decimals2. Represent fractional quantities of distance and intervals of time using linear models. (1See glossary Table 1 and Table 2) (2Computational fluency with fractions and decimals is not the goal for students at this grade level.) Flagler County Public Schools 2014-2015 Updated July, 2014
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