On May 19 Re-Elect Joel Buckley Conewago Supervisor Republicans – he’s on the ballot. Democrats – please write-in “Joel Buckley” Six years ago, Joel Buckley was elected to the Conewago Township Board of Supervisors. He’s been the hardest working Supervisor the Township has ever seen. Of the three candidates on the ballot for Township Supervisor: Buckley’s record of Leadership and Experience is unmatched. Joel Buckley's Record of Service in Conewago Township Government Board of Supervisors 2010-2015, Chairman 2010-2014 Municipal Authority 2010-2014, Secretary-Treasurer 2010-2014 Emergency Management Coordinator 2012-2014 Open Records Officer 2011-2014 Pension Plan Chief Administrative Officer 2011-2013 Webmaster 2010-2013 Board of Auditors 2004-2010, Chairman 2009-2010 Joel Buckley, a retired MIT graduate electronics engineer, has lived in the township for 23 years with his wife, Dr. Barbara Ostrov, and their three children. Buckley’s campaign website is www.BuckleyforSupervisor.com. Contact Info: Joel Buckley, 261 Dogwood Dr, Hershey, PA 17033 Telephone: 717-533-3858 Email: [email protected] Authorized and Paid for by Joel Buckley, Candidate for Conewago Township Supervisor Joel Buckley's Record of Accomplishments Ag Preservation Buckley honored the pledge he was elected on to preserve Conewago’s agricultural heritage. He pushed for changes to the Comprehensive plan to reduce higher density development. He rejected requests for zoning changes which would have increased development. He appointed farmer Dave Coble as Supervisor, maintaining Ag representation on the Board. Administration and Finance Did more with less. Expanded office hours from 3 to 5 days per week. Combined the Secretary and Administrator positions for $100,000+ savings over 4 years. More Grant revenue lets us keep our taxes low: $85,000 FEMA/PEMA Grant for White Pine Culvert. $132,000 County Gaming Grant for Koser Bridge. $200,000 DCNR Grant for Park Phase 2. $67,000 County Gaming Grant for Park Phase 2B. Conewago Twp remains 1 of only 2 out of 44 municipalities in Dauphin Co without a township real estate tax. Parks and Recreation Completed park land acquisition (2010) Park Phase 1: 10 acres grass field, used for Easter Egg Hunt and Movie Night in the park (2012) Park Phase 2: 12 acres for baseball field, soccer field, walking path, parking lot (2014) Park Phase 2B: add basketball court, tennis court, pavilion and tot lots (2015) Roads and Bridges Expanded road crew work schedule from 4 to 5 days per week Returned responsibility for plowing state roads to PennDOT: This resulted in township roads being plowed 2- 3 hours faster during snowstorms. Installed Traffic Light at 743 and Schoolhouse (without any township tax money) Replaced White Pine Culvert destroyed by Tropical Storm Lee. Replaced deteriorated one lane Koser Bridge with modern two lane bridge. Changed Deodate Square to 4 way stop for greater safety. The Challenge - Doing a Better Job on Roads and Bridges The township faces a backlog of over a million dollars in road and bridge repair / resurfacing projects. The township needs competent professional leadership to oversee these projects. I concluded two years ago that the task had gotten too difficult to be done by a Supervisor / RoadMaster. The hard part is persuading the other Supervisors to change long established ways of doing things. If the Roadmaster doesn’t have the technical competence to do road and bridge inspections, to draft bid specifications, to handle the bid process, provide construction inspection services, then these tasks will be farmed out to the Township Engineering firm at up to $160/hr. In the past four years, our payments to our outside engineering firm have gone from $30,000 to $85,000 per year. My proposal is for the Township to hire a professional Civil Engineer to serve as Township Engineer / Director of Public Works. This employee would assume many of the Roadmaster’s responsibilities and also act as Zoning Officer (we pay $139/hr for this now). This would be a part time position, (about 1000/hrs per year at a cost of about $40-50/hr). By moving much of the work currently done by an outside firm to an in-house engineer at 1/3 the hourly rate, we could have more professional oversight of our roads at a lower cost. Authorized and Paid for by Joel Buckley, Candidate for Conewago Township Supervisor
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