The Golden Bottle Trust and the Bulldog Trust Joint Funding Initiative 2015/16 The Golden Bottle Trust and the Bulldog Trust are seeking to make small to medium sized grants (£1,000 - £30,000 over a maximum of 3 years) to new and existing organisations to enable them to get closer to achieving their goals. For many organisations looking to finance new projects, seeking funding can be extremely difficult and in some cases, impossible. Common problems include time consuming application processes, minimum grant levels being too high, the project not fitting into a specific funding category or the organisation not meeting the strict criteria often required. This funding initiative aims to assist our applicants, right from the start of the application process by NOT requiring applicants to complete an application form but instead asking our applicants to tell us what they need. It is intended that applicants provide simple details of their organisation along with some basic figures to support their request for funding. There are no criteria, save that the project be charitable and that our funding will really make a difference and move the organisation forward. The aim of this funding initiative is for the grants to have a transformational impact on the organisation. The application process for each round is the same and is set out below. Please note that for each round there will be a cap of 300 applications. Therefore, we recommend submitting your application as early as possible to the opening date. Please check the Grant-making section of the website for details of successful applications from previous rounds. 2015-2016 Timetable and Funds Over 2015/16 funding of £300,000 will be granted in three rounds. The application rounds open at 9am. (We cannot process applications received before this time, and close as soon as the 300 cap has been reached.) 2015/16 Round One Round Two Round Three Application Opening – 9am Friday 17th April 2015 Monday 5th October 2015 Monday 15th February 2016 Funding Decisions By Friday 2nd October 2015 By Friday 12th February 2016 By Friday 23rd June 2016 All applicants will be informed of funding decisions by the indicated dates above. Background of The Golden Bottle Trust and The Bulldog Trust The Golden Bottle Trust (GBT), was established by the Partners of C. Hoare & Co Bank in 1985. The trust supports a wide range of causes including arts, community, education, environment and wildlife, health and microfinance and the developing world. As well as contributing to funding, the Bulldog Trust will manage the funding process and provide post funding support. The Bulldog Trust is a charitable trust that has given financial and advisory assistance to charities for over 25 years. The Bulldog Trust has also established the Engaging Experience Philanthropy Network which consists of business professionals willing to apply their skills and commercial expertise to charitable causes. All applicants are encouraged to consider if this network of professionals willing to offer pro bono support, might be of use to their organisation. Golden Bottle Trust 37 Fleet St, London EC4P 4DQ Registered Charity No 327026 2 Temple Place, London WC2R 3BD Registered Charity No 1123081 What we are seeking to fund We are looking to fund charities and organisations where either: -The grant will generate a result which is proportionately much greater than just the small sum of money received, or -The grant will allow the organisation to overcome a temporary hurdle, setting it on track to succeed in what it aims to do. We will be seeking to make grants that have a transformational impact on an organisation really making a difference to the organisations we support by enabling charities to take a step forward in their development and do something they were not able to do before. A few such examples include: extending the reach of an existing offering, creating a new strand of work that strengthens sustainability, developing new partnerships, or simply becoming more organised within their own operations. These examples are by no means exhaustive. Application process We request a summary proposal (in MS Word only) of the project of no more than 3 sides by email to [email protected]. Please mark the subject line GBT/BT Funding Initiative – Round One/Two/Three (delete as applicable) 2015-2016. We encourage you to use project summary documents of your organisation already available to you or update previous proposals. Please ensure your proposal includes the following information: A clear statement of the purpose of your organisation; A brief summary of the aims and background of your organisation, how it works/what it does and the results to date; How much funding you are requesting, what difference the funding will make and what it will enable your organisation to achieve; Your own, simple targets for your organisation for the period of funding requested; Your full contact details including contact name, email and postal address, alongside your registered charity/social enterprise number; Current level of reserves, distinguishing between restricted and/or unrestricted reserves; A simple summary of historic financials, including a clear breakdown of income and expenditure (maximum 3 years); A simple financial forecast of income and expenditure for the years you are requesting funding (maximum 3 years) and including a basic breakdown of the current year; You may wish to layout your financial details using the table below: Please do add further basic information of the income and expenditure within this. Year ending Historic Month-13 Historic Month-14 Actual Month-15 Forecast Month-16 Forecast Month-17 Grants & Donations Earned Income Total Income Salaries Overheads Total Expenditure Golden Bottle Trust 37 Fleet St, London EC4P 4DQ Registered Charity No 327026 2 Temple Place, London WC2R 3BD Registered Charity No 1123081 Additional Information: A copy of your latest audited accounts if available. Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by email within a week of receipt. Applicants may be invited to a face-to-face meeting or telephone conference with the Head of Grants to discuss their proposal. Decisions will be taken by a panel and applicants will be notified according to dates set out at the beginning of the document. Q &A Do I need to be a registered charity? We accept applications from registered charities, social enterprises and community interest companies (CIC) but not organisations unregistered. If you are a registered charity, please state your registered charity number on your application. Does this initiative fund charitable activities overseas? Yes, however, the organisation we are supporting needs to have a base and be registered within the UK. How much and over what time period is the funding? The funding will be between £1,000 and £30,000 per proposal and can be allocated over a 1-3 year period. If I have applied for funding from The Bulldog Trust or Golden Bottle Trust before, can I apply again? Whilst we would not advise you to resubmit the same application form, organisations are able to apply for funds in the future from this initiative. I have additional information I would like to provide over and above the 3 page proposal. Can I send this? We welcome one additional 1-2 page supporting document with your proposal, such as a newsletter or local press article for example. Please do not send more than this. If I am applying for funding for a project, should I provide financial information for the project or for the organisation as a whole? Please provide the relevant information for the project but also provide financial information of the organisation as a whole. If I am successful, what will the funders require in terms of monitoring? Recipients of funds will need to provide a one-page summary of what they have achieved during the year against their own targets set out in their proposal. This will be followed up with an annual meeting or phone call to discuss progress. We aim to provide support to the organisations we fund and not to overburden them with unnecessary reporting. How can I find out whether your 300 application cap has been reached or not? We will endeavor to keep both our website and our twitter account up to date (@BulldogTrust) as the 300 application cap on the funding round draws nearer to being reached. If you have any further queries, please contact Phoebe Gallagher at [email protected] Golden Bottle Trust 37 Fleet St, London EC4P 4DQ Registered Charity No 327026 2 Temple Place, London WC2R 3BD Registered Charity No 1123081
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