News and information from the Buller District Council - Te takiwä kaunihera o Kawatiri Issue #82 - April 2015 Long Term Plan 2015-2025 2 Funding for Local Arts 2 Buller Libraries 3 Solid Energy Centre 3 NBS Theatre 3 Livestock Movements 4 Bylaw Notes and Notices 4 Rural Town Water Supplies 4 ANZAC Day Celebrations 2015 25 April 2015 marks 100 years since the first New Zealand soldiers were deployed to Gallipoli in World War One. This is a significant time in our history. If you are wishing to attend one of the Anzac Day services, the times and locations are: • 6am Dawn Parade – Granity War Memorial • 9am Service – Waimangaroa War Memorial • 11am Parade and Service – Westport Gates of Remembrance Youth Celebrating ANZAC Day what’s inside... the ‘Freedom of the District’, which was first granted in 2009. Buller REAP youth team have been working with four Media Study students from Buller High School, facilitating and brain storming the production of a short film, called “Remember the ANZAC”. The students have been interviewing members of the public from different age groups, indicating their understanding of ANZAC. Buller REAP collaborated with Buller High School and Tai Poutini Polytechnic to produce a short documentary. The students’ requirement was to produce and design a media product to gain NCEA Credits Level 3. Buller High School developed an Internal Assessment to gain these credits, while Tai Poutini Polytechnic has given the resources to edit and finalise the footage. This short film will be played in the ART Hotel after the ANZAC parade and service on 25th April. Alternative Education students have produced a banner that shows their interpretation of ANZAC day, which will also be on display. ANZAC Day Public Holiday Monday 27 April 2015 Ship’s Badge The ship’s badge is a Kotiati (hand held weapon) and her motto is Kia Toa (be brave). The street march will begin at 4.30pm along Palmerston Street, with the main formalities of the parade being carried out in front of the Clocktower. All members of the public are welcome and encouraged to come along to observe. Part of the formalities includes the Mayor granting the crew the ‘Freedom of the District’. This is a traditional custom; however in modern times the granting of the ‘Freedom of the District’ is a means whereby the civic authority (Council) expresses the community’s close relationship with a military organisation. The granting of a freedom is a privilege not given or accepted lightly and involves obligations as well as privileges. It is a custom that recognises, cements and fosters the intimate association between the “District” and a regiment or ship. During this ANZAC day period, which commemorates 100 years since Gallipoli, the HMNZS ‘Hawea’, which is affiliated to the West Coast, will be stationed in Westport. Upon the granting of the freedom, the crew have the right to march through the streets with drums beating, colours unfurled, swords drawn and bayonets fixed. These elements had major significance in the past. The drum was the main method of conveying orders on the battlefield (and at sea), the colours designated the location of the Commander, and the weapons were ready for combat. On Monday 27 April 2015, the crew from ‘Hawea’ will march through Westport exercising The street march is expected to take 30-45 minutes. This year will be the first time that we observe the “Mondayised” public holiday for ANZAC Day. Long Term Plan 2015 to 2025 Consultation and Engagement Process In past years Councils were required to consult on their 10 year plan by producing a Long Term Plan (LTP) that ran to several hundred pages. The Long Term Plan usually included a shorter “summary”. This latest Ten Year Plan is the first to be produced under recent amendments to the Local Government Act. Instead of relying on the very detailed and voluminous LTP and summary, Councils are now required to consult with the public by producing a “Consultation Document” that focuses on the key issues facing the Council, how the Council proposes to deal with these issues and explains what that means for rates. The Consultation Document will also include a summary of the Council’s financial and infrastructure strategies. That does not mean the LTP document disappears. As in the past, the Council still needs to work its way through all the necessary detail involved in the full LTP process. In practical terms, this Consultation Document replaces the old summary. Should you wish to know more, all key documents will be made available on our website ( Having a current LTP remains a legal requirement of all Councils in New Zealand. Council’s latest LTP lays out the direction for Council for the next 10 years. It is also a way for ratepayers and residents who want to look up all the detail to find out about Council’s activities, financial status and work priorities. The timeline shows the key dates for the Long Term Plan process. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our Draft LTP for 2015-2025. Council will be holding Roadshows throughout the district during the Long Term Plan Consultation period. They will be held in the following locations as shown – with times and venues to be confirmed. 11 May 2015: Punakaiki 12 May 2015: Reefton 13 May 2015: Westport 19 May 2015: Karamea 20 May 2015: Ngakawau Please keep a look out for further information of a Roadshow being held near you. Funding for Local Arts Applications for financial assistance under the Buller Creative Communities Scheme are now being invited. Funding assistance is available for groups and individuals to assist with projects taking place in the Buller District that focus on participating in the arts. Applicants must be able to show that their projects will be of benefit to the Buller community. Application forms and further information are available from the funding page of our website or at either of the Council offices in Westport or Reefton. Applications close at 4.30pm on Monday 4 May 2015. Tell us what you think Have your say before the end of May What’s new @ Buller Libraries W I N D OW ST O R E A D I N G . . . Parents: Do you read to your children? Reading to your children carries significant benefits – for them and for you. Reading exposes children to words, rhythm, and rhyme. It develops and deepens their vocabulary and helps them describe their world. Reading to babies and very young children helps them to recognise familiar objects and to discover new objects. Stories stimulate imagination and encourage the early development of problem solving skills. Reading together is a positive social experience, a time of nurturing and strengthening of the parent/child bond. A child who is read to frequently will go to school with an understanding of language, vocabulary and story structure. Reading to your children will help them understand the direction that words travel in a sentence, the direction that pages are turned, and that words and pictures are separate and carry separate meaning. Listening to a story will encourage the development of longer periods of concentration. Reading is fun! Fun for you and for your children. If your children see books and reading as fun, they will have a great foundation when they begin school. The library has a range of books with information about reading to your children, and also a wonderful selection of books to read to your children. Shows: April – 30th Mel Parsons “DRYLANDS” NZ Release Tour with special guest Chrisof – a dutch folk musician and rising star of the UK folk scene. Tickets on sale now. Shows coming to your Theatre soon... May – 2nd and 3rd Best of the West Country Music Awards – 6th “Turn Up the Heat” Kevin Greaves – Nashville Recording Artist and New Zealand Award Winning performer is joined by two of Australia’s premier music talents, chart-topper Paul Costa and Country Music Channel star duo Baylou for a night of great music and comedy. Tickets on sale now. Upcoming Movies: - The SpongeBob Movie – ‘Sponge Out of Water’ - The Vatican Museums 3D - The Book of Life - Fast & Furious 7 PLUS LOTS MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Keep a look out for school holiday times! For more information ring NBS Theatre 789 4219 or see our website Livestock Movements Bylaw Buller District Council has a Livestock Movements Bylaw. The purpose of this Bylaw is to improve the control of movement of livestock across and along public roads. The main priorities of this Bylaw are to protect the safety of all road users, including those who are involved with moving the livestock, protect services of the roads and protect public and private structures. Also to reduce inconvenience, nuisance and potential hazard for all road users. The Bylaw covers many aspects of stock crossings and movements which include • movements across a road and for a distance of less than 250m along the road, • along a road for more than 250m, and • if the size of the mob to be shifted was more than 500, written permission is required from the Council. There are exemptions to this Bylaw, those being • Livestock having to be moved along public roads as a result of an emergency, such as flooding, fire, landslide and damage to fences or similar • Where livestock are moved on to a road to graze it and are securely contained by temporary fencing or similar measure to ensure that no animal intrudes onto or across the carriageway. However, specific Council approval is required prior to grazing any road sides. Any person who fails to comply with the Bylaw or breaches any condition of a written approval granted, commits an offence under section 239 of the Local Government Act 2002 and is liable to a fine not exceeding $20,000 under section 242(4) of the Local Government Act 2002. The full Bylaw can be viewed on Council’s website – under Publications / Bylaws. Notes and Notices You are warmly invited to attend the Council meetings listed below. COUNCIL 22 April 2015, starting at 5pm Location to be confirmed 27 May 2015, starting at 5pm Council Chambers, Palmerston Street, Westport If you have any enquiries regarding the above Council meetings, or would like to indicate your interest in speaking during the public forum, please contact Linda Pablecheque, [email protected] on 788 9642. INANGAHUA COMMUNITY BOARD 9 June 2015, starting at 4pm Reefton Visitor Centre Meeting Room, Broadway If you have any enquiries regarding the above meeting, or would like to indicate your interest in speaking at the public forum, please contact Mary Wilson, [email protected] or 788 9618. Public Notices RURAL TOWN WATER SUPPLIES The Buller District Council wishes to advise and/ or remind all consumers on the rural town water supplies at Little Wanganui Subdivision, Mokihinui, Ngakawau/Hector, South Granity, Waimangaroa and Inangahua Junction to boil all drinking water and water used for food preparation for at least three minutes. These water supplies are untreated and originate from bush catchments where there is always a potential for the water to be contaminated from a variety of animal and bird life. FINANCE & AUDIT COMMITTEE 15 April 2015, starting at 5pm Location to be confirmed 13 May 2015, starting at 5pm Location to be confirmed 22 June 2015, starting at 5pm Location to be confirmed DATES TO REMEMBER 25 April – ANZAC Day celebrations throughout the district 27 April – Street march by crew members of HMNZS Hawea 28 April – Long Term Plan Submissions open 4 May – Arts funding round closes 29 May – Long Term Plan Submissions close WESTPORT address ph fax free phone Brougham Street PO Box 21 Westport 7866 03 788 9111 03 788 8041 0800 807 239 REEFTON address ph fax free phone 66 Broadway PO Box 75 Reefton 7851 03 732 8821 03 732 8822 0800 808 821 Solid Energy Centre address Corner Pakington and Domett Streets Westport ph 789 8316 NBS Theatre address 105 Palmerston Street Westport ph 789 4219 Sue Thomson Casey Memorial Library address Palmerston Street Westport ph 788 8030 fax 788 8147 24 Hour Noise Control Services ph 788 9115 24 Hour Animal Control Services ph 788 9111 After hours Operations emergencies Westport ph 788 9119 Reefton ph 732 8092 - cemeteries- roading - sewerage- rural fire - stormwater- water - refuse- council property Buller District Council [email protected] The Buller Community Newsletter is produced by Buller Printing for Buller District Council. For circulation enquiries, please contact Buller Printing on ph 789 8858. For editorial enquiries, please contact Buller District Council on 788 9111.
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