The Bungonia Times Community Grape Vine Incorporating the Marulan District Circulation: 496 Est. Readership: 1,100 Volume 25 Issue 4 May 2015 Fire Season has now ceased but you still need to inform Yass & neighbours. Bungonia now has its own Facebook page. Find us at FIRE SEASON HAS NOW CEASED The Long weekend Friday ( last month ) saw the Bungonia Hall open for a light meal ( pancakes, tea / coffee ) and that toilet break for visitors passing through the village on their way to their various destinations. We were open between 9am - 2pm and this proved successful and will, no doubt, be repeated for future long weekends. The Rock n’ Roll afternoon at Bungonia Hall a couple of weeks ago was another successful event, even though it clashed with Windellama’s Auction date but still saw around 80 people turn out for the afternoon to listen to some great music. ANZAC Day Saturday 25 April saw another large turnout of people to remember those who served their country at Gallipoli, and other theatres of war, 100 years ago. The Service was followed by the Commissioning of the Gallipoli Grove garden area of Bungonia Park were the names of those local Bungonian’s are inscribed and mounted in local granite boulders to be forevermore remembered. Congratulations must go to the Park Trust on having the War Memorial and the Park looking so great. Both the Ceremony and the Memorial and the Commissioning of the Gallipoli Grove were very well attended and it was especially moving to have Kira Broadhead and Gretel Ayre unveil the Gallipoli Plaque. Both had ancestors who were at Gallipoli. Sister Stella Broadhead was a staff nurse at Gallipoli whilst Private Leslie Leonard Broadhead & Charles Ayre took part in the landing together with Private Albert Victor Ayre and Lance Corporal George Herbert Ayre. We were honoured to have representatives from the New Zealand High Commission and the Goulburn Mulwarree Council and a contingent from the Windellama S.E.S. in attendance. Come along to Judy’s Kitchen Table $5 per person and you will be treated to magnificent coffee, tea and scrumptious food which are home made. All monies raised go towards the Bungonia Hall Supper Room construction. 10.30am — noon May dates: Wednesday 13th & 27th 2015 at Bungonia Hall Bungonia Hall Hire Present Fees are: Supper Room Per day or evening: 1/2 day $ 40 $ 20 Hall Govt. Or business Per day or evening 1/2 day Others O/night / accom. for schools etc per day or evening 1/2 day Cleaning / Damage dep. $180 $ 90 Enquire here The Progress Assoc. Policy is to make the Hall facilities available to locals at affordable prices. There is no caretaker, and maintenance is the responsibility of members. Cleaning is less of a problem since the ceiling has been installed but most hirers sweep the Hall and remove rubbish and clean the kitchen after use. If, however, we have to employ a cleaner, then the fees will be increased. $150 $100 $ 50 $200 returnable All charges include GST BUNGONIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Next meeting: Wednesday TBA 2015 @ 6pm at Moira’s. BUNGONIA RURAL WATCH Next Meeting: Monday 18 May 2015, 6.30pm at the Hall. Contacts: Moira McGinity 4844 4266: Diana Moran 4844 4234 If the Constable is not available at the Marulan Police Station ( 48411516 ) when you ring, your call will be transferred to Goulburn Police Station ( 48240799 ). Daryl Riches is the Rural Crime Investigator and deals with matters relating to stock theft or stolen equipment or chemicals. Claiming the dates: June Long Weekend: Giant Book sale at the Hall. Books, video cassettes, vinyl records etc. All at bargain prices. Proceeds go towards the kitchen modernization. Contact Pauline Dickson: 48444202 or Moira McGinity 48444266 * * * 24 November - Council Out- Report any theft no matter how small as it reach meeting at the Hall. may build up a picture of a wider ring. 6.30pm Always report to the police any sighting of vehicles hanging about. If possible give the registration number, colour, make etc. This gives the Police information to work on if there are any incidents in the area. BUNGONIA PARK TRUST Next Meeting: Wed. 6 May 2015 @ 7.30pm @ the Hall. BUNGONIA PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Next Meeting: Monday 11 May, 7.30pm @ the Hall. Kitchen: The new stove is installed and there is hot and cold water over the sink, much to the joy of the ladies ( and one bloke ) who works in the kitchen. It is also appreciated by all who use the Hall. A new acquisition is a large urn with nice clear temperature markings. Cals cooked up a storm at the Country Music afternoon and his specialty, “ Hot Dogs “ were very popular. Country Music afternoon: A solid crowd or around 80 people were entertained by an afternoon of excellent music and they also enjoyed the fare from the kitchen. A special thanks to Loz & Mike who did the organizing and to the musicians who generously donated their time and efforts to benefit the Bungonia Community. Market Day: It was a cold wet day and so not many stalls outside but inside the Hall it was business as usual except there were fewer customers. One thing you can’t control is the weather. Thanks to all who did turn up. Goulburn Evening Penny Post Thursday 31 January 1884 page 4 of 4 BUNGONIA. THE peacefullness of our little township has been greatly disturbed by a series of melancholy events which have taken place during the last week. On Tuesday last, a son of Mr. James Armstrong's tripped while running, and falling on one arm broke it at the elbow. The little fellow was immediately taken to Goulburn, where the limb was set by Dr. Morton, and I am pleased to say the patient is progressing favourably. The fatal gun accident which happened to Mrs. Dorman, an accurate account of which was given in your edition of Saturday last, continues fresh in the minds of the people here, and everyone sympathises with Mr. Dorman in his sad bereavement. On Sunday morning about 11 o'clock an infant daughter of Mr. James Armstrong, died. The poor child was six weeks of age and had been ailing almost since her birth. Owing to the continued dry weather and scarcity of good water, many persons here are suffering from diarrhoe ; colds also ale prevalent in consequence of the sudden change which took place in the atmosphere. They are NOT grey hairs ! They are Wisdom Highlight !! I just happen to be extremely WISE ! 2 Advertising charges Bungonia CWA WEATHER FACTS - 2015 Jan. 143.8 mm over 12 days For Sale/Wanted $ 5.00 (Max. 3 lines ) Feb. 30.4 mm over 13 days Business Card Size $ 8.00 - $80 per annum. Mar. 33.8 mm over 8 days Quarter Page $15.00 - $140 per annum. Apr. 77.2 mm over 15 days to 25th APRIL 2015 Half Page $20.00 - $200 per annum. May mm over days Full Page $40.00 - $400 per annum. June mm over days We all gathered at Bungonia Hall for Community Service Special Rate: 33⅓% off July mm over days our meeting after our Easter break and a normal rates. Aug mm over days big thank you to everyone who supLoose leaf inserts subject to quote. Sept mm over days ported our stall at the markets. Thanks BUNGONIA TIMES DEADLINE: Oct mm over days again. 12 MD 20th of each month. Nov mm over days Please ensure that all contributions mm over days The ladies were really happy to see the Dec are received by the above time and YTD: 285.2 mm over 48 days changes in the Supper room at the Hall date. 2014 total over 109 days = 695.4mm and are really looking forward to using the new appliances and the lovely comHome Delivery by Mail: Send your fort of the room. Well done Bungonia mailing details to Cal, 70 Blakes Bvd, Bungonia Heights Progress and their supporters. Bungonia, NSW, 2580 with a cheque for UHF Repeater frequency $20.00 to cover the cost of postage stamps We all were still celebrating our success and envelopes for one year (11) issues. If The private frequency for Bungonia has you wish to have Bungonia times emailed at the Group Handicraft Competition now been turned off. to you, please email your name & address which we won again and Jade Kinder had the highest marked item, Vickie Channel 8 UHF CB will be the local UHF to: Cardiff- Kinder had the best Crochet CB Repeater channel to use locally. [email protected] item and we won best Branch display. If you are close enough to speak directly All expressions of opinion are published by the Both Jade and Vickie have items going with someone, you can use channel 38 Bungonia Times (Volunteers) on the basis that to State Conference and I know they ( simplex ) car to car, car to portable, but if will do well. Vickie also scored a First they are not to be regarded as expressing the you need to utilise the Repeater function, Prize at the Royal Easter Show and the official opinion of the publishers unless exuse channel 8 ( duplex ) for all of your scarf was exhibited in the Standard of pressly stated. The Bungonia Times radio needs ( depending on the terrain and Excellence Case. I am in awe of the (Volunteers) accept no responsibility for the distance you are in from the repeater ) accuracy of any of the opinions or information talents of the Ladies. Congrats. contained in this edition and readers should rely on their own enquiries in making decisions touching their own interest. We celebrated Shirley’s and Lorraine’s birthdays this month with a cake supplied by Colleen. Cheers This newsletter is COMPILED and DE- Ladies and thanks Colleen. LIVERED by volunteers as a service to the community. If you have any questions regarding this publication or its delivery, please feel free to phone one of the contacts and we will endeavour to help you. [email protected] Bank details: BSB: Acnt: Name: Bank: 802101 74973 Bungonia Times BDCU Condolences to family & friends Home Educators to Meet at Bungonia Each Thursday from the 23rd of April, home educating families from Goulburn and surrounds will be meeting at the Bungonia Hall. ALL ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY PAYMENT. Cheques to be made payable to: THE BUNGONIA TIMES Copy and payment can be placed in the locked post box in front of the Hall or send your copy to: EMAIL: VALE: Ailsa Roberts of Quialigo. We are celebrating our Branch Birthday of 87 years next month and we are meeting at the Workers Club on the 14th May come and join us if you like. Until then keep safe and warm Cheers Leanne Families will come together to offer friendship and support, share ideas and skills and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Bungonia. The group will meet from 12 - 3pm. For more information please call Jeanelle on 48447239 or 0401845280 or email on [email protected] Inside every older person is a younger person wondering “what the hell happened” 3 Statutory FIRE SEASON STARTED 1 OCTOBER 2014. A fire must be supervised at all times. FIRE DANGER RATINGS Yass Zone MUST be notified at least 24 hours before you light the fire, during business hours ( 9am - 5pm ) or 3.30pm on Friday. Phone 62263100 Your immediate neighbours must be notified before you light any fire. Notify the local RFS Brigade, as a courtesy, to circumvent the false alarms of smoke being reported by others. groups/404964652948232/ For your survival, leaving early is the only option. Leave bush fire prone areas the night before or early in the day - do not just wait and see what happens. Make a decision about when you will leave, where you will go, how you will get there and when you will return. Homes are not designed to withstand fires in catastrophic conditions so you should leave early. Catastrophic Extreme Leaving early is the safest option for your survival. If you are not prepared to the highest level, leave early in the day. Only consider staying if you are prepared to the highest level - such as your home is specially designed, constructed or modified, and situated to withstand a fire, you are well prepared and can actively defend it if a fire starts. Phone Craig 0407 718607 [email protected] Mandatory Bush Fire Season has now ceased but you still need to inform Yass Zone and neighbours at least 24 hrs prior to burning. Severe Leaving early is the safest option for your survival. Well prepared homes that are actively defended can provide safety – but only stay if you are physically and mentally prepared to defend in these conditions. If you’re not prepared, leave early in the day. Safety suggestions for the quad bike Very High, High High, Moderate - Low Review your Bush Fire Survival Plan with your family. Keep yourself informed and monitor conditions. Be ready to act if necessary. Usually, fire details are locally updated on the Bungonia Facebook page when circumstances permit. Suggestions include: Use the quad bike strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Leave all safety guards in place. If your quad bike needs accessories, make sure to use the manufacturer’s equipment or their recommendations. Fit accessories properly. Don’t ‘customise’ the fit or you may compromise the quad bike’s stability. Strictly observe the load ratings. Keep the quad bike in good mechanical repair. Perform a safety check each time before you ride. Avoid travelling up or down steep inclines. Don’t ride in terrain beyond your riding ability. Bungonia’s UHF CB channel. Channel 8 ( repeater ) / 38 ( simplex ) is now up and running from Bungonia Hts. If you have a uhf cb radio, you can now take advantage of these channels for your daily communications needs - if your radio / location is suitable. Safety suggestions for riders Suggestions include: Treat the quad bike the same as other work machinery, not as a recreational vehicle. Don’t attempt riding irresponsibly or attempt stunt riding, like performing ‘wheelies’. Don’t allow untrained people to ride the quad bike. Caution children about the dangers and do not let them use the quad bikeuntil they are properly trained and supervised. Make sure they keep well clear of the quad bike at all times when someone else is riding it. Never allow passengers on the quad bike. Carrying a person on the back limits the rider’s ability to shift weight appropriately. Always wear appropriate protective gear – for example, a helmet meeting Australian standards (wear goggles if your helmet doesn’t have a visor), boots, gloves, heavy-duty trousers and jacket. The next Bungonia RFS meeting will be the 2 June, starting with a normal meeting at 7pm followed by the AGM at 7.30pm at the fire shed. Ride at an appropriate speed at all times. Slow down before turning a corner or braking. BUNGONIA NOW HAS A FACEBOOK PAGE: FIND US AT: Why can’t mosquitos suck FAT instead of blood ??? 4 Gardening in April Start preparing for the coming winter, rake up fallen leaves and compost to male rich mulch for the spring. Start moving or covering frost tender plants to a sheltered position. Order bare rooted roses , trees and shrubs now to establish before the really cold weather. Plant tulips and iris if this has not all ready been done. Plant garlic now in an area that was not planted the previous year, in full sun and free draining. Harvest when leaves die off.. Pick remaining apples and pears, clear fallen fruit from under trees to prevent the spread of disease. Place sticky bands around the trunks of apples, pears, plums and cherries to trap wingless winter moths. These can be made from greased brown paper. Also plant bare rooted berries while the soil is still moist and warm, this will enable the plants to establish before the really cold weather sets in. Don’t forget to clean the flue of wood burning heaters before lighting to prevent them catching on fire, bring in the fire wood ready for the first cold day. Stay warm and cosy. 18/4/2015 to 20/04/2015 Between 13:00 on Saturday 18 April 2015 and 07:20 on Monday 20 April 2015 Offender/s have gained entry to a rural farm supplies store in Goulburn Street Crookwell. The offender/s have gained access by removing roof panels and cutting a hole in the roof of the business. Once inside offender/s have moved through the rooms and at the time of report it appears approximately 20 chainsaws have been stolen. On the same weekend males have been noted acting suspiciously at a chainsaw supply shop in Mittagong. Police will view CCTV and enquiries are continuing. We have good Sydney and local enquires for small farms, land and residential homes. Anything from a house to humpy!! We sell from Bungonia to Big Hill and Towrang to Tallong We offer you an honest and accurate market appraisal an internet marketing programme strong local print advertising an extensive data base excellent photography regular market updates and knowledge of your area Call John Everett for an obligation free appointment 4841 1500 or [email protected] 5 ST. PATRICK’S MARULAN Mass is to be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Marulan on the 2nd and 4th. Sundays of the month at 8am. Dates for Sunday Sunday Please St Michael’s - Bungonia May 2015 10t h 24th n o t e t h e c h a ng e o f t i m e s f o r M a r u l a n & F a t i m a Mass times in Goulburn are: Saturday vigil Mass: 6pm at St. Peter & Paul’s. ( SUMMER time table ) Sunday: 7am at Fatima, North Goulburn Sunday : 10 am. at Sts. Peter & Paul’s. Parish Priest: Fr. Dermid McDermott Assistant Priest Fr. Sijo Jose Parish Office & Presbytery Secretary Sharon Hickey. Phone 4821 1022 Office hours 8.30am - 12.30pm. ST. MICHAEL’S BUNGONIA Every two weeks I attend the Goulburn Blood Bank in Auburn St, and donate plasma which takes about 1.5 hours for the process to complete & can produce 17 different life saving products from that one donation. I used to attend and donate whole blood but you can only do that every 12 weeks which saves 3 lives. The girls down at the Blood Service are absolute crackers and you will thoroughly enjoy your time down there with them, have a few milk shakes and snacks before leaving and you know that your donation will be directly used in a life saving situation. It is a great feeling to know that you are helping people that you might not even know with the aid of your blood. The new opening hours are now: Monday Tue Wed & Thu Fri Sat Closed 7.45am - 2pm 11am - 7pm 9.30am - 3.30pm Closed Thursdays 7pm - Rosary. 100 SCHOLARSHIPS TO BOOST YOUNG REGIONAL ARTISTIC TALENT artistic talent and I want our youth developing the skills they need to reach their full potential.” Deputy Premier and Minister for the Arts, The NSW Liberals & Nationals Government Troy Grant, said the new scholarships would has created new scheme to develop young help unlock the potential of young artists artistic talent through a regional scholarship and arts workers living in regional areas. program. Member for Goulburn Pru Goward said they were proud the NSW Government has invested in 100 scholarship grants valued at $10,000 each, available for 18-to-25 year olds living in the regions. “There is fantastic artistic talent in all parts of our State and the NSW Government is making it easier for youth in regional areas to connect to arts organisations and training opportunities to nurture their skills and future careers,” Mr Grant said. “Applications for 25 NSW Young Regional “The NSW Liberals & Nationals GovernArtist Scholarships are now open until 11 ment is committed to investing in our next June 2015,” Ms Goward said. generation of artistic and cultural talent.” “I urge our talented local artists and arts workers from any art form, including dance, design, digital arts, history, Aboriginal arts, literature, music, theatre, screen and the visual arts to apply for this terrific opportunity. For the purpose of this Scholarship, Regional NSW is defined as Local Government (Council) Areas (LGAs) outside the metropolitan and metropolitan fringe of Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. For more information or to apply for a NSW Young Regional Artists Scholarship, “The scholarships are available to fund ac- visit: tivities including mentorships or internships, residencies, short-term courses and workshops, travel and the creation of new work. “The Goulburn Electorate has enthusiastic THIS ISSUE WAS PRINTED BY Cals’ Rock BUNGONIA HEIGHTS Phone: 48447273 6 “Xavier’ – another WIRES success story! By Kay Muddiman – Publicity Officer Xavier is a Common Wallaroo joey who came into care during last September, having been orphaned when his Mum was killed on the road. He was luckier than most as it happened not far from our place and the driver was a local who knew we were in WIRES, so she brought him straight to us. Xavier weighed only 1.26kg, and although traumatised, he was still warm and hydrated, which gave him an excellent start. He didn't take long at all to adapt to the artificial teat and a 'human Mum' and thrived right from the beginning. He spent some time outdoors every day, initially in his pouch with me holding him to ensure he got his daily dose of sunshine and also to get him used to the outdoor noises of the bush. By the time a month had passed he was happy to hop around me when I took him for his daily walks around the paddock/ bush. He gradually got more and more confident, and by the time he had been in care for around two and a half months, he was permanently outside in an enclosure, and absolutely relished being in and exploring the bush. Goulburn Evening Penny Post Sat. 10 October 1914 BUNGONIA. Obituary. - A wire conveyed the news on Saturday last of the death of Mr. Bob Frost, brother of Mrs. R. A. Wood, of Jacqua. The deceased, who lived in Sydney, had been ailing for some considerable time. He leaves a family of three, one son and two daughters. Mr. Murphy Frost, late of Bungonia, and who recently went to the war, is a son. The funeral of Mr. James Reynolds, whose death I reported in last week's edition, took place on September 21st. and was largely attended. The remains were interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery, Newbridge. On Sunday last mass was said in St. Michael's Church, Bungonia, by the Rev. Father Slattery, and the prayers of the congregation were requested for the repose of his soul. The deceased was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Bungonia, and not the second, as reported by me at the inquiry. It transpired that the deceased, accompanies by his brother Charley, went to a neighbour's residence to spend the evening, and while all present were indulging in a conversation the deceased rose from his seat and exclaimed that it was about time to be making for home. The host noticed him reel and stagger, and rushed to his assistance, when the deceased fell into his arms and expired in a few moments, the cause of death being a rupture of an artery of the heart. The deceased never at any time complained and always felt in good spirits. Xavier continued to grow and do well, and at just over 8kg he was weaned and began his ‘soft release’ process. This involves gradually allowing an animal more and more time out of their enclosure to explore and become familiar with the area into which they are being released. Eventually the enclosure is left open so that they can come and go as they wish. At first they return quite often to the security of the enclosure, but gradually the time ‘away’ increases until eventu- Farewell.-- Mr. John Sheedy, who lately disposed of ally they have the skills and confidence to embrace their free- his business at the Victoria Hotel, was on Wednesday dom permanently. last given a send off by his Bungonia friends. The cere- Xavier is now almost fully independent – a wonderful out- mony took place at the Victoria Hotel, where Mr. come. Sheedy was presented for himself and wife with a hand- For advice or help with injured or distressed wildlife, please ring our Branch Rescue Number – 4822 3888. Our volunteers will be only too happy to assist. some silver teapot and silver-mounted oak tray, accompanied with an address. After the presentation the usual toasts were honoured. Mr. Sheedy, in reply, apologised for the absence of Mrs. Sheedy. He wished to thank them for their kindness extended to him during the years since he had come to live with them. He regretted very much having to leave Bungonia and all his friends. He could not find wolds to express how delighted he was and how proud he felt in receiving their valuable gift, which he would keep in memory of his Bungonia friends. He had no hesitation in saying that his successor will receive the same kindness from the people of Bungonia as he had. The war is affecting us very much and our flock owners seem in no hurry to get the clip off. Agents are going about offering to buy wool at half price. For a bale of wool worth £12 last year they offer a price equal to £6. 7 For Sale For sale FOR SALE Sussex chickens Australorp day old chickens to point of lay $7 - $17 each. $35 each $5 FOR THIS SPACE These are pure breed & great for breeding programs. or SMS 0473 900980 Comfortable Farm house 48447148 Rhome Farms Email Isaac on [email protected] FOR RENT Fresh chicken manure $6 @ 15kg bags Keith 48447152 0427 189381 [email protected] INFORMATION For Sale WANTED If you would like to advertise in the Bungonia Times - simply contact Cal with your advert and placement. Whether it be a quarter, half, full page advert, we can cater for your requirement. $5 FOR THIS SPACE $5 FOR THIS SPACE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 8 Private Wool Buyer Michael McDonald 72 Hume St Goulburn ( next to Shell Service Stn ) Will pay cash Monday Wednesday Friday 0429 787 046 [email protected] [email protected] Plumbers Drainers Gasfitters Servicing All Areas of the Southern Highlands and Surrounding Districts. All Plumbing Maintenance. Honest Upfront Prices Clean and Tidy Fully Stocked Trucks Friendly and Courteous 24 Hour Emergency Plumbing Phone: 4841 1446 9 Lic: 263344C RON WENBAN ** LOCAL ELECTRICIAN ** Rural * Domestic * Commercial Ph: 0428 445 259 Email: [email protected] NSW LIC. #174303C ACT LIC. #2008568 [email protected] [email protected] For Service - ask for Bill Pazvadis Mob: 0416 035907 Tobas Archery The Quickest Way to That Trophy Grahame Benson 0404 185296 02 48411800 [email protected] Proprietor Southview 159 Jerrara Rd Marulan South NSW, 2579 Come and see our range. Mathews, Prime, Bear, Predator, Blackwidow, acadianwood, Martin, Tomahawk, Longbows, Custom made back quivers. Best prices you will ever find. 10 [email protected] by insurance. If not Mr. Hogan will suffer a great loss, as the hotel was well stocked and everything within its BUNGONIA (From Our Correspondent.) The Holiwalls was up-to-date. In addition to the hotel Mr. Hogan days.- Everyone seems to have had a merry Christmas. kept a general store, a butcher's shop, and the post ofThe Progress Association held its annual ball on New fice. The last three places would alone be a great loss. Year's Night for the first time, since the war. It was a Much sympathy is felt here for Mr. Hogan and family, welcome to those who had returned as well as to friends as they have been fighting trouble for some time. who were home for the holidays. About 150 people were present, including visitors from Sydney, ParThe half-way school, which has been closed for some ramatta, Wagga, Moss Vale, Nerriga, Windellama, and time, has been reopened. Miss M. Reynolds is the Bronti with a large contingent from Marulan, and anteacher if charge. other from Goulburn, as well as the surrounding district. Mining.-The proprietors of the Jacqua copper mine The waltzing competition in which sixteen couples com- are sending away another consignment of ore for treatpeted, brought frequent applause from onlookers. The ment. first prize went to Marulan, the second was won locally, and the third was won by Goulburn. The Big Hole Mining Swindle.-Anyone wanting a good tale should read this case. The Big Hole, which is The Leap Year Waltz was also very interesting. Mr. known to a great many about here and Braidwood, is the Leslie Cooper was secretary and M.C. Mrs Jones, Goul- neck of a crater or an extinct volcano. Its proprietor once burn, supplied the music, with extras (piano) from local contested the Braidwood electorate, when he declared to players. Our local ladies supplied the supper, which was the electors here that the gold field of Braidwood was all that could be desired. The decorations of the hall was only in its infancy, as the gold was down to unknown evidence that the ladies had taken great pains. depths, and that he was introducing it to some million acres. As usual complaints have been made about missing articles. It will be a blessing when there is a cloak-room Farming.-Many farmers are still sowing, and preparing erected, and the hotel opened again, so that people can the land for the corn and potato crops. A great many have their property secured by placing it in charge of loads of corn stalk have been sent to Goulburn the last some persons. Things are now left in cars and traps. week or two to dairymen for cow feed. The Goulburn dairymen are teaching the cowboys out here a lesson, as A New Track.- During the holidays several carloads corn stalk is a valuable feed for stock. It is strange that passed through from Braidwood and Bungendore en people did not find it out long ago when tons of this route to Sydney, which reminds us of days gone by stuff were burnt in the field. July 16 when people travelled this road. Goulburn direct to Sydney shortens the route by 50 miles, striking the main * * road at Marulan. Goulburn Evening Penny Post Tue. 6 Jan. 1920 A Narrow Escape. - While Mr. Leonard Broadhead and his brother Charlie, the former a returned soldier, were going to Nerriga for Christmas they were caught in an exceptionally heavy thunderstorm. A large tree was struck a few yards from them, giving them a severe shock and sending splinter of wood all round them. * * Goulburn Evening Penny Post Sat. 20 July. 1907 BUNGONIA. (From Our Correspondent.) Fire.- A wire was received here to-day stating that Mr. W. D. Hogan, late of Bungonia, had had his hotel and everything at Mongarlowe totally destroyed by fire this morning. It is not yet known here if the loss was covered 11 Fife’s Stock Feeds Large and small bales of hay. Suppliers of feed for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Dogs, Cats, Bird. HPM. Alpaca Mix and Scratch Mix 51 - 53 Knox St, Goulburn 4822 3111 [email protected] BRIAN’S AUTO SCREENS & GLASS • • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mirrors Showers Mirror Wardrobes Windscreens Glass Security Screens Windows 440 Auburn Street, Goulburn PHONE: 4821 2633 FAX: 4821 9133 12 Community First Responders C.F.R. / S.E.S. These blokes and women do an absolutely fantastic and critical job in responding to medical emergencies in this area and dedicate a lot of their personal time in an effort to help and protect members of this, and other, communities. C.F.R. Members are also member of the S.E.S., and are further trained in advanced First Aid techniques by the NSW Ambulance Service and could be called upon to provide advanced first aid at roadside collisions and other emergencies in areas where there is no immediate State ambulance service available or close by. C.F.R. Members also have a positive working relationship with local Police, Ambulance and other emergency services. In order to keep this vital C.F.R. Active in this community, further volunteers are urgently required. If you are interested in this line of activity - please contact Kevin Muffet on 4844 7143 who will be more than glad to explain the processes to you. Regards from Kevin Muffet Team Leader 48447143 Windellama S.E.S.& C.F.R. The C.F.R. is still in need of suitable volunteers to join the organisation as First Responders. This would be a great career step for the younger folk who are looking to get into the medical field Ambulance Service, Police Force etc. It would also be a great way for good local people to join in a winning team who are out there to help others. If you would like to join the S.E.S. / C.F.R. then give Kev a call and speak with him about it. Cal NEW BUS RUN IN OUR AREA Next ‘RUN’ DATES ARE see Calendar on p21 Due to increasing demand, Home Care Community Transport will now be operating a fortnightly Bungonia, Bungonia Heights, Windellama, Tarago Bus Run on the first & third Thursdays of the month. Service started on Thursday 20 June 2013. A fortnightly service will continue from that date & pick ups will commence from 9am, stopping along the way to collect booked clients and then proceed into Goulburn. The Bus will leave Goulburn, for the return journey, at 2pm. Please call the Community Transport office on 48240140 to book your place. This service can be utilised by anyone for your shopping, access or medical appointment needs for a small fee and they will pick you up from your property door. Home Care Community Transport 48240140 Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 4pm Use it - or lose it ! 13 SAFE DRIVER PRACTICE IN A LOW RISK ENVIRONMENT Teenage Driver Training ( from 15 years of age ) Corporate survival Training ( part of your Risk Assessment Policy ) Defensive and Advanced Driver Training Gift Vouchers Available via our Online gift shop Drive Your Street Car Track Days Marulan Driver Training Centre [email protected] 4841 1422 Meat Raffle every Thursday and Friday nights 14 [email protected] Thursday Other times by appointment GOULBURN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES 9A Victoria Ave, Goulburn ( behind Goulburn Mazda ) Ph: 4822 3788 Gas Conversions & All Mechanical Repairs All light vehicle rego, Inspections Blue, Pink & Green slips Gas bottle re-stamping & inspections arranged 15 Supply and installation of mobile, wireless broadband digital antennas, wireless routers and smart repeaters. [email protected] 16 BOB RUDD FUNERALS 73 REYNOLDS STREET GOULBURN PHONE 02 4822 4400 We are there for you 7 days a week 24 hours a day. We have Pre paid funerals, quiet Chapel and on site park- Our experienced, friendly staff are at your disposal, ready to help you and your family in your time of need. David Rudd and his sister Shane are an Australian family owned Funeral Home in Goulburn All Monumental Work – through Bob Rudd Funerals – Please call Shane on 02 48224400 Email: [email protected] Buying or Selling a House or Land? JOHNSON & SENDALL ( Incorporating Stephen J Lamond ) And Mullens SOLICITORS — CONVEYANCERS 13 Montague Street, Goulburn, 2580 Remembering those who fell in Gallipoli and other theatres of WWI Phone: 02 48211588 Fax: 02 48219850 Email: [email protected] FOR ADVICE ON ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS Partners: Morris Owen Alison Howarth Associate: Tim McGrath Consultant: Stephen Lamond 17 STIHL® For over 85 years, STIHL® have been the innovators of power tools for the land owner, with the range stretching from petrol powered to battery powered tools to help you with your gardening task. Everything is available from the Stihl® Shop Goulburn from the best in chainsaws, hedge trimmers, brush cutters, hand tools and safety equipment. For the servicing of your Stihl® products, there is No better place to take them than your Local authorised Stihl® dealer. So for a great range at a great price, come on down to the Stihl® Shop Goulburn where Scotty will look after your needs STIHL® SHOP GOULBURN 474 Auburn St Goulburn 2580 4822 2066 18 COMMUNITY CONTACTS EMERGENCY NUMBER 000 FOR MOBILES UHF CB: Channel 8 Bungonia Hts Channel 16 Bungonia Base Channel 21 Windellama Base 112 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Tom Larkin 4844 7191 Pauline O’Brien Mobile: 0458 211250 FIRECOM: Goulburn during business only 4822 2900 FIRECOM: Yass Zone (of which Bungonia is within) 6226 3100 NOTE:THESE NUMBERS ABOVE ARE FOR YOUR SAFETY IN A FIRE SITUATION President: Treasurer: Secretary: BUNGONIA PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Bill Dobbie 4844 4272 Margo Crossley 4844 4479 Di Broadhead 4844 4295 BUNGONIA & DISTRICT HISTORICAL Moira McGinity Diana Moran Anne Wiggan BUNGONIA PARK TRUST Diana Moran Anne Wiggan Margo Crossley President: Secretary: Treasurer: Editor: Treasurer: Pauline Dickson: Printer: President: Vice-President: Secretary: President: Secretary: Contact: SOCIETY 4844 4266 4844 4234 4844 4228 4844 4234 4844 4228 4844 4479 COUNTRY WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION Shirley Smith 48411976 Leanne Lourigan Colleen Cooper 4821 1856 President: Secretary: Treasurer: Automotive Brian’s Auto screens & Glass Goulburn Automotive Marulan Driver Training Centre Exhaust Fabrication 4821 2633 4822 3788 4841 1422 48410256 Farm Services BUNGONIA RURAL FIRE SERVICE UHF CB: During a Fire, UHF Ch 16 is Bungonia RFS Ground channel. Call sign: Bungonia Base. Phone: 48444460 Captain Craig White 0407 718607 E: [email protected] President: Craig White 0407 718607 Senior Dep: Terry Lewis 0408 223380 Secretary: Donna Squires 48444259 Treasurer: Johneene Tapper 48444460 Bungonia Fire Shed: 48444256 President: Secretary: Treasurer: BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUNGONIA TIMES Greg ‘Cal’ Callander 4844 7273 Email: [email protected] Pauline O’Brien 0458211250 Email: [email protected] 4844 4202 Moira McGinity: 4844 4266 Greg Callander 48447273 JACQUA CREEK LANDCARE GROUP Annabel Scholes 48 444383 Pat Miller 48 444321 Julia McKay 48 444457 Email: [email protected] Fife’s Stockfeed Southern Weed Management Private Wool Buyer Marulan Spreading Farrier - Gary Foster Shepherd’s Hill Nursery 4822 3111 0407 012 663 0429 787046 0428 417902 48217751 4841 1404 Real Estate Jordans Crossing Real Estate 48411500 Building Services Acom Design Ron Wenban - Electrician Megsy’s Painting & Decorating EXETER Plumbing Master Plumbers MJZ Building / Painting 4844 4321 0428 445 259 0414 571525 48411446 0416 035907 48410850 C J Solar Johnson & Sendall Solicitors 4849 4225 4821 1588 CFR - Kevin Muffett ( Ambulance ) Goulburn Foot Clinic Goulburn Brewery Goulburn Poultry Fanciers Bob Rudd Funerals Terminus Hotel Little Treasures - Day Care Tobas Archery Must Love Dogs animal care 4844 7143 4822 3132 4821 6071 4844 7133 4822 4400 4841 1504 48411985 48411800 48410850 Parish Office Home Care Community Transport Ambulance Bookings Goulburn Ambulance Stn SES Poisons Information Goulburn Base Hospital Police - Goulburn Police Assistance Line ( P.A.L.) Country Energy - interruptions Life Line Kids Help line 4821 1022 48240140 131 233 48270444 132 500 131 126 4827 3111 4824 0799 131 444 132 080 131 114 1800 551 800 RURAL WATCH Moira McGinity 4844 4266 Diana Moran 4844 4234 Marulan Police 4841 1516 & Daryl Riches on 4824 0799 (Goulburn Police) 19 MAY 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 31/4 Extension of Police AttestaGbn Nth PubTallong Apple Fire Season fintion Parade at lic School Fete & Festival 9a - 3p ished at midnight. Academy . Fireworks from Collector Pump9.30am 3.30pm kin Festival 4 5 Gbn Greyhound race meet from 1.30pm 6 Park Trust meeting at the Hall 7.30pm 7 1 2 3 8 9 10 Home Educators MD - 3pm at Hall Gbn Sky diving from 9a - 5p at airport. FREE Community Bus runs. See page 13 Gbn Sky diving from 9a - 5p at airport. FREE St Patrick’s, Marulan 8am St. Michael’s Bungonia. Rosary 7pm 11 Harness Racing, Gbn Paceway from 12.30pm 12 RFS Training from 7pm at the shed See page 4 13 Judy’s Kitchen Table Morning Tea. 10.30a - MD at the Hall. $5 Progress meeting. 7.30pm at the Hall 15 14 Home Educators MD - 3pm at Hall 16 Gbn Sky diving from 9a - 5p at airport. FREE 17 Gbn Sky diving from 9a - 5p at airport. FREE Gbn Poultry Fanciers Auction 9am start at Gbn showground CWA meeting at Workers Club St. Michael’s Bungonia. Rosary 7pm 18 Rural Watch meeting at the Hall. 6.30pm 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 Alpaca Show Gbn Showground from 9.30am. FREE Alpaca Show Gbn Showground from 9.30am. FREE Home Educators MD - 3pm at Hall St Patrick’s, Marulan 8am Community Bus runs. See page 13 St. Michael’s Bungonia. Rosary 7pm 25 26 RFS Training from 7pm at the shed See page 4 27 Judy’s Kitchen Table Morning Tea. 10.30a - MD at the Hall. $5 28 Home Educators MD - 3pm at Hall St. Michael’s Bungonia. Rosary 7pm 20
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