A reminder that the school newsletter can always be accessed from our website at www.buninyongps.vic.edu.au DATES TO REMEMBER Term 2, Issue 1 15th April 2015 WELCOME BACK April 16th Gr 6 Mount Clear Transition Day 9.30 - 1pm 20 - 24th April BOOK FAIR 20th April School Council 22nd April Prep & P-2 Scotsburn Gymnastics 23rd April 3 - 6 Cross Country Cyber Safety Forum 7 - 8pm 29th APRIL P-2 Scotsburn Gymnastics District Cross Country 3 Way Conversations 1:30 - 6.00pm STUDENTS ARE DISMISSED AT 1:00pm 30th April Gr 6 Leadership conference at Creswick 1st May Japanese Day 6th May Prep & P-2 Scotsburn Gymnastics 3 Way Conversations 4:00 - 6.00pm 7th May Grade 3 Camp BYOD Parent Training Session Grade 1 Fizzics show Welcome back to everyone and we hope the break was kind to you. Thanks again to everyone for the support we received with the fete. In the next couple of weeks we will have a final profit figure for you. We have lots to look forward to and plenty to keep us busy this term, including: School Assemblies April 17th Whole School Assembly April 24th P - 6 Assembly, Special Anzac Day Assembly 1st May 3 - 6 Assembly 8th May Whole School Assembly Upcoming Excursions/Incursions EXCURSION AMOUNT Payment and Permission slip Due Date Gr 3 Camp $158.00 24th April A Book Fair all of next week The Canteen is back in business from next week (Thursday) First Aid Training for our grade 3-6s A Japanese Theme Day and 3 Way Conversations in week 3 Open mornings for prospective families in week 6 Our grade 3-6 Cross Country next week (April 23) Camps for our grades 3s & 4s Woorabinda Camp for some of our grade 5s A Leadership Conference for some of our grade 6s School Photos on May 14 & 15 Grandparents and Friends Day on May 25 NAPLAN for our grade 3s & 5s…not sure the kids are looking forward to that, but it is an important feature of the annual calendar A number of other day excursions for various year levels. A copy of the events schedule for this term appears later in this newsletter. Change of date for pupil free day Please note we have had to change our report writing day from Thursday 21st May to Thursday 28th May. We do hope this gives everyone enough time to change their plans for that day. BOOK FAIR IS COMING! MONDAY 20TH APRIL THROUGH TO FRIDAY 24TH APRIL EACH DAY 8.30AM – 9.00AM and 3.30— 4.OOPM Further information on page RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY GRAND RE-OPENING OF THE CANTEEN The canteen has been sorely missed by many families, but the wait is almost over as the canteen is back in business as of next week. Ballarat Specialist School have been working away behind the scenes preparing for this new venture and we look forward to the partnership that is being forged between our schools. As of next week, the canteen will be open for lunch orders on Thursdays. Parents will need to order online using Qkr. Orders will close each week on the Wednesday at 1:30pm If you need any help getting set up with Qkr, give the ladies in the office a call. A copy of the new menu appears later in this newsletter, but can also be found on the school website, school app and on Qkr. A big thankyou to Helen Humphrey, April Wakefield and Tracey Coats who have volunteered to come in each Thursday to manage the process of sorting and distributing the lunches once they arrive. We are keen to hear from anyone else who might be able to help between 12:15 and 1pm on Thursdays… doesn’t have to be every week. Canteen – 2015 Arrangements Attached to this Newsletter on page 11 & 12 is information for parents regarding the use of the Qkr! App which you will now use to make purchases from the Canteen. If you have already registered, there will be no further action required – except to ensure that your student details are up to date (such as year level). For those families that do not have a smartphone or tablet, there is a website version at https:// qkr.mastercard.com/store where all the features of the Qkr! App are available. Of course Qkr! is not just for the Canteen, but any payment that you need to make to the School can be done through this App! CROSS COUNTRY On Thursday April 23rd we are running a 3-6 School Cross-Country event. The running course will be around the school, Gong & Botanical gardens. · There is a 2km course for anyone who is turning 8,9 or 10 this year · There is a 3km course for anyone who is turning 11 or 12 this year. The top 4 runners from each group will qualify for the BPSSA Cross Country Championships. If there are any parents, grandparents, PLP’s who could help with being a marshall on the course could you let your classroom teacher know. Course starting times: 8,9 & 10yr 11yr 12yr 2:10pm 2:20pm 2:35pm All parents welcome to come along to cheer on the children. Thanks Daniel O’Kelly RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY BOOK FAIR IS COMING! BOOK FAIR IS COMING! MONDAY 20TH APRIL THROUGH TO FRIDAY 24TH APRIL EACH DAY 8.30AM – 9.00AM and 3.30— 4.OOPM COLOURING COMPETITION We have purchased a futon for our quiet reading corner and to help us provide some bean bags for additional seating for this area we are running a colouring competition during Book Fair. We are asking $1.00 per entry and will have three sections: Prep-2 3-4 5-6 The prizes will be a book of the winners’ choice from the Book Fair Colouring sheets are available from the Library and if children wish to come in at lunchtime the week before Book Fair starts we have colouring pencils there as well. THREE WAY CONVERSATIONS Early each year we hold 3 way conversations, involving parents, students and teachers. The aim of this conversation is to – allow the student to discuss their learning goals and display the work they have achieved so far this year. provide parents with the opportunity to discuss how their child is going provide teachers with the opportunity to have a conversation with you regarding your child’s needs. We have allowed 15 minutes for the conversation so the student, parent and teacher will have approximately 5 minutes each. We will be holding these conversations on Wednesday 29th April and Wednesday 6 th May Children will be dismissed from school at 1.00pm on the Wednesday 29th only. They will not eat lunch at school on this day. You are invited to attend a conversation with your child and teacher at a chosen time between 1.30 pm - 6.00 pm on Wednesday 29th April, or Wednesday 6th May between 4.00pm – 6.00pm. Where possible would parents please try and leave a 15 minute break between appointments. We have found in the past back to back appointments can become problematic. If you have specific concerns you would like to discuss for a longer period of time please arrange a meeting time at a later date with your child’s teacher. Specialist teachers will be available if anyone wishes to make an appointment to see them. HOW DO I BOOK???? All you need to know appears on the following page. RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY Dear Parents Parent/Teacher/Student interviews will be held at 1.30pm – 6pm on Wednesday 29th April and 4.00pm – 6.00pm on Wednesday 6th May. You can now book interviews at times that suit YOUR FAMILY BEST. Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and follow these simple instructions. BOOKINGS OPEN Thursday 16th April at 9am BOOKINGS CLOSE Monday 27th April at 9am Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au Enter THIS school event code. Then follow the 3 simple steps. BSYLU When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. You can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au at any time, and change your interviews - until bookings close. For parents that don’t have access to the internet at home, at work, at a friend’s house or on their phones, use of a classroom computer will be available, so that parents can still make their own bookings. Parents may send a note to school with the approximate times they require, or phone the school on 5341 3560. Interviews are strictly 15mins and spaces are limited. Parents can change their interview bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and using the event code. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date, should contact the school directly on: 5341 3560 RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY SCOTSBURN NEWS Watering the Garden and Feeding the Chooks Thank you to the families that helped out during the holidays watering the garden and feeding the chooks. Special thanks to Naomi for arranging the roster. Weekly newsletter Please keep an eye out for the weekly newsletter. It is the main way that we inform and remind families what is happening at Scotsburn. The newsletter can be provided as a paper copy or sent via email. Casserole tea Thanks to all of the families for coming along at the end of last term for our casserole tea. It was so great to see so many people braving the cold night but enjoying each other’s company. We look forward to more opportunities to do this throughout the year. Grade 5 camp During the last week of Term 1, the Grade 5 students participated in a camp at Halls Gap. The students all had a wonderful time and benefited greatly from the experience. Monday Rotations Our first rotation for the term will be next week on the (20th April), our groups will be doing the following: Cooking – Group 1 (Parent helper – Naomi Moore) ICT – Group 2 Gardening – Group 3 (Parent helper – Marita Williams) Please remember to pay the $15 for this semester or $30 for the year to the office at Buninyong for the cooking program. Teddy Bears Picnic Permission Notes During the last week of Term 1, the preps from Buninyong came up to join our P/1 class for a Teddy Bears Picnic. They participated in a variety of fun activities such as Duck Duck Teddy, What’s The Time Mr Teddy and also produced some chalk drawings of the teddy’s. It was great fun and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Please ensure that any permission notes for gymnastics, excursions or camps are returned ASAP. Important Dates (Term 2) Bunnings BBQ This term we have a Bunnings BBQ to coordinate on the 31st May. Last year our Bunnings BBQ raised quite a lot of money for the Scotsburn campus. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for more details and a roster for parent helpers. RESPECT OPTIMISM 15th April - Parent Helper Program , 9.15am 16th April - Grade 6 Mt Clear Transition 16th, 23rd, 30th April and 7th May Gr P-3 Sporting Schools Program, Football 22nd April – 20th May - Gr P-2 Gymnastics (Wednesday’s for 5 weeks) 28th April - PUPIL FREE DAY, report writing day 29th April & 6th May - 3 way conversations 1st May Japanese Theme Day 7th & 8th May - Grade 3 Camp COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY Premier’s Reading Challenge The Premier’s Reading Challenge is on once again in 2015. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to read or experience books both at home and school. Students must have a permission form completed and returned to the school in order to receive a certificate of completion and their name on the online Honour Roll at the end of the challenge. All students will be given a permission form this week. It would be wonderful if they can be signed and returned to the classroom teacher as soon as possible. Sincerely Nicole Healy (PRC Coordinator) Cyber Safety As parents and teachers we are all concerned about the safe use of technology. There are many aspects of social media that are easily accessed by everyone. At Buninyong we have been made aware of the inappropriate use of Instagram by a number of students from Grades 3-6. Instagram is recommended for students over the age of 13. As a school we recommend that all parents do not allow their children to use this form of social media. Des Hudson, a police officer, will be at our school this week to talk to all our Grade 3-6 students about the correct use of social media from a legal perspective, as well as pointing out the dangers and inappropriate use of social media in general. Des is also happy to run a parent session for us on Thursday 23 rd April from 7.00pm-8.00pm. He will inform you all of what he has discussed with our students and answer any questions you may have. Guess the Number of Easter Eggs in the Jar As this photo suggests, Thomas Campbell was pleased to discover that he had won close to his body weight in Easter eggs as the winner of the Guess the Number of Easter Eggs in the Jar. Congratulations to Thomas and a big thank you to Lisa Cressey for donating the Easter eggs. RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY Amazing Buninyong Child Our winners for this week are: PBA Annabel Sullivan PEB Charlotte Sandwith PNP Nikita PNS Seth Richards BM SCOT Luke Valent 1CA Ellie Bence 1SC Zia Smyth 1HM Zane Walter 1RS Luke Tant 2PG Lachlan McVeigh 2WH Rowie Donald 2NJ Harriet Hodge 2JO Charlie Coates 3HA Damon Pompe 3JB Zoe Kierce 3DS Scarlett Pope SO SCOT Josh Edmunds 4SD Amie Goodson 4JT Ella DiDomenico 5SM River Charlton-Graham 5JS Adam Lovett 6RG Riley Bowd 6KG Alex Randich 6MM Zac McGregor 6PW Zoe Rowland Specialist Cooper Sholer RESPECT OPTIMISM Charlie Stock 4SD Charlie has really gone out of his way to ensure that a new student in his class this term has settled into life at Buninyong Primary. COLOURING COMPETITION $1.00 per Entry Pick one up from the library COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY Cluster Orientation Day – Mount Clear College Parents please note that this Thursday April 16th is the Mount Clear College Transition Day for all grade 6 students. Students will travel by bus to the college. The day begins at 9.30am in the Mount Clear College Theatre and will include tours of the school and various activities. A BBQ lunch will be provided for our students from 12.30pm- 1pm where sausages, vegie burgers and drinks will be on offer. Students will return back to school around 1.30pm. The Grade 6 Team RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY 日本 祭 Nihon Matsuri Friday 1st May 2015 Keep this date free We are holding our Japanese Festival on Friday 1st May 2015 (week 3). Come dressed in a Japanese inspired costume. There are many great artists visiting our school and many cultural activities students will be involved in, including: TAIKO DRUMMING, MANGA DRAWING, JAPANESE DANCING, JAPANESE STORY TELLING, SHADOW PUPPETS, WORKSHOPS AND MORE... So much to look forward to! RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY NEW SMOKING BANS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS AND AT SCHOOL ENTRANCES QUESTION Name something that you can buy at the Japanese stall at the Fete. THE WINNER IS: Claire White 4SD As of 13 April 2015, smoking has been banned within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school grounds, under an amendment to the Tobacco Act 1987. A similar ban applying to the entrances and grounds of Victorian childcare centres and kindergartens has been introduced at the same time. While smoking was banned on the grounds of all Victorian Government schools by the Minister for Education in 2009 via a Ministerial Ban Order, the new bans are enshrined in legislation and will also apply to Catholic and independent schools in Victoria, thereby ensuring a consistent approach across the government and non-government sectors. In the near future you will notice the installation of ‘No Smoking’ signs at the entrances to our school. That is now a legislative requirement for all schools. Our very own Vanessa Belsar has taken on the massive and exciting adventure that is playing the lead role of “Kim” in BLOC’s 2015 production ‘Miss Saigon’. The show runs from the 7th to 17th of May at Her Majesty’s theatre and is looking to be an incredible show that should not be missed. Based in early 1970’s Vietnam, ‘Miss Saigon’ tells the tale of a Vietnamese girl and an American GI who fall in love and struggle together through the torments of war. The production contains some language, violence and mild adult themes and is not suitable for young children. Showcasing some of Ballarat’s best talent, you’ll be thrilled by incredible vocals, costuming and even a helicopter onstage! Book your tickets at hermaj.com RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY
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