A reminder that the school newsletter can always be accessed from our website at www.buninyongps.vic.edu.au Term 2, Issue 2 22nd April 2015 DATES TO REMEMBER 22nd April Prep & P-2 Scotsburn Gymnastics 23rd April 3 - 6 Cross Country Cyber Safety Forum 7 - 8pm 28th April PUPIL FREE DAY 29th APRIL P-2 Scotsburn Gymnastics District Cross Country 3 Way Conversations 1:30 - 6.00pm STUDENTS ARE DISMISSED AT 1:00pm 30th April Gr 6 Leadership conference at Creswick 1st May Japanese Day 6th May Prep & P-2 Scotsburn Gymnastics 3 Way Conversations 4:00 - 6.00pm 7th May Grade 3 Camp BYOD Parent Training Session Grade 1 Fizzics show School Assemblies April 24th P - 6 Assembly, Special Anzac Day Assembly 1st May 3 - 6 Assembly 8th May Whole School Assembly Upcoming Excursions/Incursions EXCURSION AMOUNT Payment and Permission slip Due Date Gr 3 Camp $158.00 24th April Japanese Theme Day $8 (only if you haven't paid Excursion Levy) 24th April Gr 2 Sovereign Hill $8 (only if you haven't paid Excursion Levy) 8th May Gr 4 Camp $170 29th May On Friday 24th April we will have a special assembly dedicated to the Centenary of the ANZAC landing, beginning at 9:05am. As always, everyone is welcome and we encourage you to attend. The program will include a guest speaker, Peter Innes and members from the local RSL, who will address the students. This assembly will conclude with the planting of a Gallipoli Oak in the School grounds. This seedling has been gifted to us through the Gallipoli Oak Project. For more information about the Gallipoli Oak Project, go to the link: http://gallipolioaks.org ANZAC DAY COMPETITION The winners from the ANZAC Day Competition will have the honour of helping local RSL members plant the Gallipoli Oak. The winners will be announced Thursday after being judged by our local RSL members. All entries will be displayed at the front of the school. Date: Thursday 23rd April Time: 7:00 - 8:00 Where: Mr McGlynn’s room, BER Change of date for pupil free day Please note we have had to change our report writing day from Thursday 21st May to Thursday 28th May. We do hope this gives everyone enough time to change their plans for that day. RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY SCHOOL COUNCIL 2015 On Monday night we had our Annual General Meeting. Darren Holland was elected into the role of President and will be supported by Peter Mees as Vice-President. Gareth Smith has taken on the role of Treasurer and Jarrod Sing is our new Secretary. A reminder that other School Council members for the next 12 months are: Student and Class Materials & Services $150.00 Additional educational items for use in the classroom $70.00. (This includes a Science and Art materials charge of $15.00) Photocopying of additional curriculum texts (booklets) $50.00 Specialist Maths & Literacy Programs $30.00 (This includes Mathletics and Spelling Mastery for Grades1-6 and specialist Literacy and Numeracy programs for Preps) Parent Reps - Ange Stock, Mick Durham, Michael Till, Pauline Rogers & Melanie Coffey Teacher Reps - Cindy Armstrong, Steve Skilbeck, Wendy Hines and Bernie Conlan We would like to remind parents who purchased their own classroom pack for their children that an amount of $150.00 is still owing for the additional educational items used in the classroom as shown above. For us to continue to provide your children with the best we can School Council will continue to meet on the offer it is important that parents pay this additional amount. If you are experiencing any financial difficulty 3rd Monday of each month. If there is please do not hesitate to contact our Office so that anything you’d like considered by School arrangements can be put in place for you to pay this off. Council, feel free to contact Bernie or any of the other members of the team. Don’t forget you can always send payments through Our school’s Annual Report for 2014 was Bpay which goes straight through to your account. This endorsed at the AGM on Monday night, a is a great way to pay small amounts whenever you are copy of which will be uploaded to our able to and you would be surprised how quickly things website soon. are paid off and you end up in credit. Also if you provided your child with their stationary pack can you please send the packet of copy paper and box of tissues to the office. We will ensure that your name is marked off and you are not bothered further with requests for these items. CROSS COUNTRY On Wednesday 29th April we are running a 3-6 School Cross-Country event. The running course will be around the school, Gong & Botanical gardens. · There is a 2km course for anyone who is turning 8,9 or 10 this year · There is a 3km course for anyone who is turning 11 or 12 this year. The top 4 runners from each group will qualify for the BPSSA Cross Country Championships. If there are any parents, grandparents, PLP’s who could help with being a marshall on the course could you let your classroom teacher know. Course starting times: 8,9 & 10yr 11yr 12yr 2:10pm 2:20pm 2:35pm All parents welcome to come along to cheer on the children. Thanks Daniel O’Kelly RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY Emergency Management On Tuesday 5th May at 11:00am our school will be holding an emergency evacuation drill. All children will be informed by their teachers prior to the event. On the day Bernie or Sue will announce the drill and sound the alarm. All teachers are aware of the procedure and will bring the children to the evacuation area as calmly as possible. Everyone will be accounted for, the children will be addressed by Mr Oellering and then taken back to class by their teachers. Please feel free to discuss this with your child prior to this event. BOOK FAIR IS HERE! BOOK FAIR IS HERE! TUESDAY 21ST APRIL THROUGH TO TUESDAY 28TH APRIL EACH DAY 8.30AM – 9.00AM and 3.30— 4.OOPM COLOURING COMPETITION We have purchased a futon for our quiet reading corner and to help us provide some bean bags for additional seating for this area we are running a colouring competition during Book Fair. We are asking $1.00 per entry and will have three sections: Prep-2 3-4 5-6 The prizes will be a book of the winners’ choice from the Book Fair Book club - issue two If your child has not received the book they ordered through last term’s Book Club Issue 2, could you please advise me. If you have a copy of your order that would be even better particularly if you ordered on-line. Kathleen Cassell - Library RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY THREE WAY CONVERSATIONS Early each year we hold 3 way conversations, involving parents, students and teachers. The aim of this conversation is to – allow the student to discuss their learning goals and display the work they have achieved so far this year. provide parents with the opportunity to discuss how their child is going provide teachers with the opportunity to have a conversation with you regarding your child’s needs. We have allowed 15 minutes for the conversation so the student, parent and teacher will have approximately 5 minutes each. We will be holding these conversations on Wednesday 29th April and Wednesday 6 th May Children will be dismissed from school at 1.00pm on the Wednesday 29th only. They will not eat lunch at school on this day. You are invited to attend a conversation with your child and teacher at a chosen time between 1.30 pm - 6.00 pm on Wednesday 29th April, or Wednesday 6th May between 4.00pm – 6.00pm. Where possible would parents please try and leave a 15 minute break between appointments. We have found in the past back to back appointments can become problematic. If you have specific concerns you would like to discuss for a longer period of time please arrange a meeting time at a later date with your child’s teacher. Specialist teachers will be available if anyone wishes to make an appointment to see them. BOOKINGS OPENED Thursday 16th April at 9am, BOOKINGS CLOSE Monday 27th April at 9am Go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au Enter THIS school event code. Then follow the 3 simple steps. BSYLU When you click finish, your interview timetable will be emailed to you automatically check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. You can return to www.schoolinterviews.com.au at any time, and change your interviews - until bookings close. For parents that don’t have access to the internet at home, at work, at a friend’s house or on their phones, use of a classroom computer will be available, so that parents can still make their own bookings. Parents may send a note to school with the approximate times they require, or phone the school on 5341 3560. Interviews are strictly 15mins and spaces are limited. Parents can change their interview bookings, any time prior to the closing date, by re-visiting the www.schoolinterviews.com.au website, and using the event code. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date, should contact the school directly on: 5341 3560 RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY SCOTSBURN NEWS Scotsburn Parent Helper Program Cyber Safety Talk Last week many of our parent helpers attended the Scotsburn Parent Helper Program. It outlined important issues such as confidentially and how best to support teachers in and outside of the classroom. It was well received and certainly something to add to the annual calendar. If you were unable to attend but are planning on helping at Scotsburn this year, please drop in and see Shaun to collect a copy of the handout. A visitor book along with badges can also now be found in the old building. This needs to be filled in whenever you are volunteering at Scotsburn. Don’t forget to sign out on your way home too. Lunch Order Roster Lunch orders are about to kick into full swing from this week. Thank you to the parents that have offered to bring them up to Scotsburn each Thursday by 1pm. We also have Marita, Marg and Sarah helping in the canteen during Term 4, but we still need 3 more helpers. Please let Shaun know ASAP if you can help on the days that are not filled in yet. Date Parent Helper 23/4 Marita Williams 30/4 Marg Coulson 7/5 Liz Lucas 14/5 Naomi Moore 21/5 Report Writing Day Canteen Help Date Parent Helpers 19/11 Marita Williams 26/11 Marg Coulson 3/12 Sarah Palmer 4/6 Des Hudson from the Victorian Police took our Grade 3-6 students through a fantastic Cyber Safety session. Des spoke about what cyber bullying is and how it occurs. He spoke about how it makes people feel and the ways in which we can respond to this type of behaviour (through growing our own voice). The students learned a lot from this session given our increasing exposure and use of technology. Bunnings BBQ (31st May) This term we have a Bunnings BBQ on Sunday the 31 st May. Last year our Bunnings BBQ raised quite a lot of money for the Scotsburn campus. We have a number of parents already putting their hand up to help out on the day which is great, but we still need more. If you can help between 8.30am – 4pm, please contact Shaun at school or Marita Williams who is organising it at [email protected] or 0457520765. Thanks Heath & Amanda Scotsburn would like to thank Heath & Amanda (friends of Mrs Murphy) for the making of and donating of our new KerPlunk game. The children have thoroughly enjoyed playing it during break times outside. 11/6 18/6 25/6 Jenny Edmunds Sarah Palmer School Football Program 3 Way Conversations A great opportunity presents for families to come along to Scotsburn for the upcoming 3 way conversations (29th April & 6th May). Information on how to book an appointment is available on the previous page. If one of the days does not suit, please catch up with your child’s teacher to make an alternative time. The P-3 School football program is underway. The students are having a great time practising their football skills. Special thanks To Brad who is taking the students during the sessions. Evacuation Drill Japanese Theme Day The Japanese Theme Day is coming up on the 1st of May. Students will join the grade that they eat their snack and lunch with each Friday. Please note that students will start and finish the day at Buninyong. On the 28th April, the Scotsburn students will practice an evacuation drill. We do this each term to ensure that we all know what to do in case of an emergency. Gr 3-6 Cross Country The Gr 3-6 students will be participating in the cross country at Buninyong on Thursday 23rd April from 2.10pm. A bus has been arranged to transport them down and students will need to be collected from Buninyong at the end of the day. After school buses will run from 3.30pm as per usual. RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT (Continued on page 6) COMPASSION HONESTY Monday Rotations Come one come all Our next rotation for the term will be on the 27th April, our groups will be doing the following: Cooking – Group 3 (Parent helper – Chrissy Tischler) ICT – Group 1 I am writing to you to encourage you and others to attend the Buninyong Town Hall on the 21st April Council will be conducting an open session to seek Please remember to pay the $15 for this semester or $30 feedback on Budget options across Ballarat based on the following options. for the year to the office at Buninyong for the cooking Gardening – Group 2 (Parent helper – Liz Lucas) program. BUT it will also be a great opportunity for you to raise Buninyong specific issues with Councillors and Senior Council Staff. Important Dates (Term 2) 16th, 23rd, 30th April and 7th May Gr P-3 Sporting Schools Program, Football 22nd April – 20th May - Gr P-2 Gymnastics (Wednesday’s for 5 weeks) 28th April - PUPIL FREE DAY, report writing day 29th April & 6th May - 3 way conversations 1st May Japanese Theme Day th th 7 & 8 May - Grade 3 Camp 12th 13th & 14th May - NAPLAN 15th May - School Photos Please share this email with your colleagues and see if we can have a great turn-up for Buninyong. So Buninyong Town Hall 4.00 – 7.00pm Tuesday 21 April Graeme Kent / Community Engagement Officer Students with Anaphylaxis This is just a reminder to everyone that where food is to be shared e.g. Class parties, birthdays, all parents will be asked to notify the class teacher in advance that they plan to bring food to share, which will allow parents of children with severe allergies to be notified in advance and provide the opportunity to send alternative food. Parents of children with severe allergies may also choose to leave a small supply of allergy safe food for their child with the class teacher for their child to have at times where advance notice is not given to the class teacher. All teachers have a clear understanding of the process they need to follow if an epipen or any other medical emergency should occur. Thank you all for your support and care in this matter. Sue Deans RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY 3 - 6 First Aid Training St John Ambulance visited our school last Tuesday to deliver free First Aid in Schools training to our 3 –6 students. Through the First Aid in Schools program, trained St John presenters led students through tailored sessions on the importance of First Aid and what to do in the event of an emergency. Our grade 3 and 4 students learnt about how to identify when there is an emergency, keeping themselves safe and how to call for an ambulance. Our grade 5 and 6 students learnt about delivering CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and the things they can do to assist in an emergency. All of our participating students received a certificate. A very well worth while session that our students enjoyed. Thanks to St John Ambulance. Students were given a special piece of homework for parents to complete. If you haven’t already, please ‘do your homework’ and go online with St John to see how much you know about First Aid. Are you First Aid READY? More information about the St John First Aid in Schools program can be found at: www.stjohnvic.com.au/schools RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY Amazing Buninyong Child Our winners for this week are: PBA Charlie Deeble PEB Scarlett Taylor PNP Kade Hoffman PNS Flynn Almeida BM SCOT Cameron Lucas 1CA Ben Paterson 1SC Candy Mauseth 1HM Sophie Jones 1RS Charles Smyth 2PG Charlotte Crimeen 2WH Zac Sharp n 2NJ Thomas Freeman 2JO Lucy Baldwin 3JB Jack Spielvogel 3HC Tayg Thorne 3DS Scarlett Pope SO SCOT Scarlett Menhenett 4AC Luca Ranieri 4SD Hamish Richardson 4JT Jordan Frantz 5SM Lily Wearne 5JS Andrew Campbell 6RG Jordy Walton 6KG Sam Reynolds 6MM Ethan Gorfine 6PW Lillian Hull CM SCOT Alice Lepair Specialist Tamara Petrov RESPECT OPTIMISM Ambrose Forsyth 4SD Ambrose went out of his way last term and without being asked he helped a student who had dropped the contents of their bag. COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY 日本 祭 Nihon Matsuri Friday 1st May 2015 ONE MORE WEEK TO GO…! *Come dressed in a Japanese /Asian inspired costume* *Order some sushi for lunch* *Participate in workshops, cultural activities and watch some demonstrations* Families who have not paid the excursion levy, please make sure that your payment of $8 is to the office by Monday 27th April in order for your child/ren to participate. RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY STATE SWIMMING CARNIVAL CANTEEN Last Wednesday Lucy and Hamish Richardson competed at the State Swimming Carnival. Hamish competed in the 9/10 50m backstroke and came 8th and Lucy competed in the 9/10 50m breaststroke and came 3rd. Well done to both and good luck to Lucy who now has the opportunity to try out for the state team. Our Canteen will open this Thursday 23rd April for the first time this year. Parents will need to order online using Qkr. Detailed instruction for QKR are in last weeks newsletter which is available on the website and/or the Buninyong Primary School app. Orders will close each week on the Wednesday at 1:30pm If you need any help getting set up with Qkr, give the ladies in the office a call. A copy of the new menu appears later in this newsletter, but can also be found on the school website, school app and on Qkr. RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY Is your child bright? Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program 2016 Applications Closing soon! Mount Clear College’s SEAL Program offers students a unique approach to learning that supports their academic strengths and challenges them to think creatively. Students currently in Grade 6 are invited to apply for a place in our Year 7 SEAL Program for the commencement of 2016. Applications for the 2016 program Close Friday 24th April at 3:30pm Please note to be eligible for a place in the SEAL Program students must: Complete and return an application form by Friday 24th April. Sit a Higher Ability Selection Test at the Earth Ed Centre, Mount Clear College on either Saturday 2nd May or Friday 15th August from 9:00am – 1:00pm. For more information and to obtain an application form, please contact Trudi O’Callaghan [email protected] at Mount Clear College 5330 1500, Information is also available on the College Website https://www.mtclearsc.vic.edu.au. Mount Clear College is the accredited SEAL (Select Entry Accelerated Learning) provider in Ballarat and only member of TAASS (The Academy of Accredited Seal Schools). RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY RESPECT OPTIMISM COMMITMENT COMPASSION HONESTY
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