From the Principal’s Desk A child s learning environment is very important and greatly influences their learning. In recent years with sound financial management by our Board, our Registrar and our finance committees, together with the financial support of the P&C and some very generous parents through the School Building Fund, we have been able to do some significant upgrades and maintenance of our ageing buildings and surrounding play areas. I am sure you will agree with the help of our gardener Anthony and our cleaners Cherie, Satrio, and Monica the school is looking very neat and tidy. I would like to acknowledge their work in our school and express our appreciation for their hard work and commitment to our school. Over the three years we have been an Independent Public School we have continued to build on the theme of our mosaic mural on our library wall and we have now completed two further mosaic art works that reflect our school's history, our local environment in which we live and our school values. Our 'contemplation seat' in the courtyard outside the Administration Office has been completed this week and the students are very proud of their creative representations of our local flora and fauna. Once again, our appreciation to Paul and Lisa Petale from Workshed Mosaics who have been our 'artists in residence' working collaboratively with our staff and students to create these beautiful works of art that are enhancing our school environment. The P&C have indicated to me that in 2015 they are keen to reinstate regular school parent ‘busy bees’ held on weekends to complete minor works around our school that will improve the learning environment for our students. May I encourage all parents to support this P&C initiative and by doing so allow me to redirect school funds to teaching and learning programs rather than grounds maintenance. As we fast approach the end of the financial year I encourage parents who are in the financial position to do so to consider making a donation to our fully tax deductible School Building Fund. These donations will assist us greatly as we replace ageing carpets in some of our classrooms and do some much needed external painting on the outside of the learning blocks. Once again if we can source funding from the School Building Fund to complete these works then more funds can be redirected to staffing and classroom resources. If you can afford to make a donation through the building fund please contact staff in the front office. I look forward to meeting with all our mothers at the annual P&C Mothers Day Morning Tea on Friday 8th May. Jayne Ebsworthy 30th April 2015 Kids, a cow, paint and glue. Curious? Over the next 8 weeks Burrendah PS is bringing the farm to the classroom with the Picasso Cows program. The program celebrates one of Australia’s biggest agricultural industries, the dairy industry, and also teaches kids that milk doesn’t just come from the supermarket! The Year 2 students from Rooms 10, 11,12 & 19 will get to design and paint a life-sized fibreglass cow in one of three themes – Unbeatable Bones, Fuel for Life or Farm to Plate – documenting their findings from start to finish in a learning journal. It’s interactive fun with an important educational message! We often hear from nutrition experts that Australian children aren’t having enough calcium every day and that dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt are one of the biggest sources. Despite this, most primary school kids aren’t having enough. This program will tie in with our classroom nutrition education, teaching children about the importance of the five food groups, including dairy foods, for good health and wellbeing. And that’s not all! Our school is one of several schools in Perth participating in Dairy Australia’s Picasso Cows program, creating some healthy competition! At the end of the program there’ll be a presentation day and the winning school will be awarded $250. We look forward to keeping you updated on the program. Any ideas or suggestions you have to celebrate dairy within the school community, let us know. You can also find out more about dairy foods at: Mrs Danielle Eitzen Visual Arts Specialist & Yr2 Classroom teacher Thank you to all in our school community who went to Deep Water Point between the 27th March 12 April to view the Sculpture Walk. Cassidy May was very proud to see her art work on display. Winner of the Sculpture Walk Schools Prize: Burrendah Primary School for the artwork Many Cultures, One Voice - Nest of Maali (The Black Swan of Burrendah) Judge’s Comments: Excellent use of materials and beautifully conceived with a restrained palette, letting the colours and materials work to convey the story of the school. Workshed mosaics have posted a new blog about our latest school mosaic project. If you click the link below to their website, you can read and view the story. News from the Science Lab This term we will be focusing on the chemical sciences in the science lab. Students will be conducting many investigations to develop and consolidate the inquiry skills of questioning and predicting, planning and conducting, processing, and analysing data and information and communicating. Year 4 students have been making sure they are conducting fair tests to investigate the properties of different materials. Lots of interesting chemical science happens while cooking. Parents can support their child’s understanding by asking their child to make predictions and discuss changes that occur during mixing and cooking in the kitchen. The year 6 students have begun with investigating the density of liquids. Sherryl Crouch Science Specialist Cyclone Pam Appeal Wednesday, 1 April We are pleased to announce that our school community raised $650.30 for this very worthy cause. This money went to World Vision, who is focusing on supporting these unfortunate people with food, water, sanitation & hygiene, education, shelter, protection and communications. The Burrendah school community has always been very generous in supporting those in need ….. and we’ve done it once again! Thank you to Allyson, Carynne and Jean on the Year 6 Fundraising Committee, who helped prepare and organise the appeal. A big thank you to everyone who kindly donated to the Cyclone Pam Appeal. It’s been a busy start to the term with the ANZAC Day assembly. Congratulations to all the members of the senior choir – you performed the “Green Hills of Albany” beautifully and you behaved very professionally on stage. Congratulations to Sienna Strle for her sensational and musical solo singing. A special thank you to Mrs Strle for organising and sorting out the choir uniforms for everyone to wear – it’s such an enormous amount of work and without her commitment the choir would not look as smart, neat and professional. Wind Band commences Week 3 - Monday the 4th May from 3.00 pm until 4:15 pm in the music room. Attendance in this ensemble is compulsory for all students in Years 5 & 6 who are learning a brass or woodwind instrument at school. Students that learn a brass or woodwind instrument outside school are more than welcome to join the Wind Band. Recorder Ensemble is a newly formed ensemble - rehearsing on Thursdays at lunch time. Any student in years 4, 5 & 6 who has achieved at least “orange belt” in recorder karate is welcome to join this ensemble. We will be learning to play some of the larger recorders – trebles and tenors. A Vocal Ensemble will be starting up this Friday 1st May at lunch time for students in year 5 & 6 interested in joining and extending their vocal repertoire. We will be singing some contemporary songs and unaccompanied songs in 2 & 3 part harmonies. All other ensembles and choirs are up and running at their usual time. Thank you all for your commitment and wonderful work. 2015/2016 Entertainment Books P&C Fundraiser EARLY BIRD OFFERS Order either Membership type before 5th May 2015, and you'll receive over $135 worth of Early Bird Offers which you can use straight away! https:// orderbooks/87198f Does a teacher at your school always go the extra mile for their students? A Day Made Better gives parents and students the opportunity to recognise exceptional teachers. If a teacher from your school is chosen as one of our 10 winners, they’ll win a surprise event from the A Day Made Better Team, prizes valued at $2,000 and an Apple iPad for their classroom. What’s more, winning teachers will enjoy nationwide recognition for themselves and their school. We are encouraging parents and students to nominate an exceptional teacher today. Nominate today #nominate-teacher Jenny Coleman Music Specialist Early Childhood Parent Workshop 13th May 2015 A workshop will be held on Wednesday 13th May for all interested parents of children in K, PP and year 1. It will run for approximately one and a half hours. This workshop will provide parents with valuable information about how to assist their child at home in English and Mathematics. The workshop will be presented by some of our current Early Childhood teachers. Registration details and times will be out soon. As referred to in our previous school newsletters and as recommended by our School Board our Principal will be responding to comments and questions from our 2014 Parent Survey. Nepal DISASTER RELIEF Friday 1st May Survey Response : Can we improve the communication about school events and happenings to parents, and in particular can the school website be improved ? Nepal has been struck by a devastating earthquake. World Vision urgently require our assistance to provide critical aid items to those in need. Mrs Ebsworthy’s Response: Our donation to World Vision will help provide much needed relief to the people suffering the devastation in Nepal. It will help assist with immediate needs including: Towards the end of last year our website was reviewed and updated. If you visit our website at you will find a wealth of information that is being updated for you. There is calendar of events and you will also find the school newsletter and copies of all notes sent home. At the end of the term you will have access to a link on our website that will allow on line bookings for our end of semester parent teacher meetings. We do try to send notes in a timely manner and we are now increasingly sending notes and information via email. We encourage you to open and read all email communications and also check your child’s school bag. SMS messages are also sent to your phone to remind you of special events. Please ensure your phone and email details are always up to date so you don’t miss out on these important communications. We welcome your feedback and suggestions in regards to communication from school to home. Shelter (tarpaulins, blankets, sleeping mats & mosquito nets) Hygiene kits (with items such as soap, toilet paper & toothbrush) Household emergency kits Access to child friendly spaces Students have been asked to bring a gold coin donation into their classroom tomorrow and to make a stack of coins. Thank you for helping those in need. Welcome to the first of our maths puzzles. You may be able to work them out yourself or you can talk about them and ask for help. Don’t just ask for the answer! Write your name, room number and your answer(s) clearly on a slip of paper and post it in the labelled box in the library. The first correct entry drawn from each box at the faction assembly wins a prize. Years K - 3 If all even numbers are green and all odd numbers are red what colour is an even number plus an odd number? Years 4 - 6 To find the answer to each riddle, solve the problem with a calculator. Write the number then turn the calculator upside down, you will have the answer to the riddle. Write the numbers and the words on your entry. 8 = B, 7 = L, 6 = g, 3 = E, 5 = S, 0 = O, 1 = I and 4 = h What do you use to keep that wet look? __________ Find 8 times the difference of a century and a decade increased by one fourth of 76. Mary and John have flown across the ________________. John has flown the product of 3 and 714 kilometres. Mary’s journey is thirty-three cubed. Find the total km flown by John and Mary. Harry ordered 200 cases of strawberry jam for his supermarket. There were 48 jars in each case. On delivery, Harry found that one third of his order was broken. He was very upset as jam began to _______out of the boxes. How many jars were broken? Friendly Schools Plus Health Program At Burrendah Primary School we use the ‘Friendly Schools Plus’ program from Foundation to Year Six as a whole school approach to teaching Health Education. There are four Key Areas these are: Self-Awareness, Willetton Senior High School A Leading School Celebrating Achievement Specialist Basketball Program 2016 Willetton SHS is offering current Year 6 to Year 11 students with proven basketball talent the opportunity to develop their potential through expert coaching and intensive tuition. Selection will be based on students having academic record, good personal character references, athletic talent and a commitment to basketball. The Prospectus and application forms can be found on our website: Self-Management The closing date for application is Wednesday, 24 June 2015. The program is available to any eligible student throughout Western Australia. Relationship Skills Extension Art Program Year 7 for 2016-2019 Social Awareness Posters are being displayed around the school to remind the students of the process to follow, when faced with a challenging social situation. In future newsletters we will highlight these posters so you can talk about these with your children at home. Willetton Senior High School operates an Extension Art Program for students within the Local Intake Area for Willetton Senior High School. Selection will be based on a drawing skills test and demonstrated enthusiasm and talent for art. The Prospectus and application forms can be viewed and printed from the Willetton Senior High School website: The closing date for application is Monday, April 1, 2015 The program is available to students who live within the Willetton SHS Local Intake Area or those who have gained enrolment via another program TRIPLE P - POSITIVE PARENTING PROGRAM SEMINAR SERIES The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program knows all parents have different needs. That’s why the Triple P program has developed many different ways for you to get your parenting help. So you can choose what will sit you and your family best. Is this you? Most of the time, parenting is great fun. You know you are doing a good job. But there are times when things get a little t ricky. Like when your toddler won’t eat his/her dinner. Or your six year old won’t pick up their toys. Maybe your child never seems to listen. If only someone could give you some ideas to make those times easier! If this sounds like you, then Triple P Seminars may suit! What are Triple P Seminars? Triple P Seminars are for a large group of parents – perhaps 20 or more. They’re informal presentations, a little like a public forum. There are three seminars in the Triple P Seminar Series. You can choose to attend one – or attend all of them. They deal with the most common parenting issues we all face. Burrendah Primary School Would like to invite you to the following seminars: When: 12th May - Seminar One: The Power of Positive Parenting 26th May - Seminar Two: Raising Confident Competent Children 2nd June - Seminar Three: Raising Resilient Children Time: 12.15 for 12.30 start until 2.30 Venue: Burrendah Primary School Hall Cost: Free Parents of children aged between three and ten years are welcome to attend. Limited Places – Register Now Please contact the school office to register, 9332 3700 FRIDAY 8th MAY To celebrate Mother’s Day and all of the wonderful women in our Burrendah Primary School community, the P&C will be hosting their annual Mother’s Day Morning Tea in the School Hall. There will be some special treats to eat, door prizes to be won and a Chinese noodle cooking demonstration from one of our EAL parents. Come along to share this special occasion and meet some of the other Mums, Grandparents and Carers. You may even pick up a great new recipe, handy cooking tips and have a yummy taste test! Please keep an eye out for the flyer with further information & return slip. Make sure you put this date on your busy calendar’s. BURRENDAH PRIMARY P&C MEETING The next P&C meeting will be held Monday 4th May at 7pm in the school hall. All parents are welcome to attend. During this meeting you will hear all about our fundraising activities for the year. I look forward to seeing you there. David Cherry - P&C President SAVE THE DATE Friday 15th May P&C Special home cooked canteen lunch. Flyers and order forms to follow. EAL Parent Network Group Dates for Term 2 Friday 1 May All parents are invited to the EAL Parent Network st Friday 15 May Group, which starts again tomorrow: Friday 1 Friday 29 May May, at 9.00am in the EAL Room. This term we Friday 12 June will be looking at “Friendly Families”, a parent’s Friday 26 June guide to go with the “Friendly School Plus” Program which is in School. The Program helps children to build effective social and emotional skills. We encourage you to bring a friend along to join us, particularly if you know of any new parents in School. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow for a “cuppa” and Anzac biscuits in the EAL Room. Chris Tweddle & Margot Evans 1st May Dental Screening - Yrs PP, 3, 6 4th May P&C Meeting 7pm (school hall) 8th May Mothers Day Morning Tea 11th - 15th May NAPLAN Testing Week 15th May Rooms 24 and 26 Assembly 18th - 29th May Interm Swimming Please see Term 2 planner attached to this newsletter for further dates WEEK 1 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 20th April 21st April 22nd April 23rd April 24th April ANZAC CEREMONY 2 27th April 28th April 29th April 30th April 1st May DENTAL SCREENIG YRS PP, 3, 6 ANZAC DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY FARM INCURSION 3 4th May 5th May 6th May 7th May 8th May P&C MOTHERS DAY MORNING TEA Board Meeting YRS 5&6 INTERSCHOOL 4 11th May 12th May 13th May 14th May RMS 24 AND 26 COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY NAPLAN 5 INTERM SWIMMING 6 IN TERM SWIMMING 7 18th May 19th May 20th May 21st May 22nd May 25th May 26th May 27th May 28th May 29th May 1st June 2nd June 3rd June 4th June 5th June WA DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 8 15th May 8th June YRS 5&6 INTERSCHOOL 9th June 10th June 11th June 12th June PIRATE DAY FUNDRAISER YRS 5&6 INTERSCHOOL 9 15th June 16th June 17th June 18th June 19th June FACTION CROSS COUNTRY RMS 3 AND 4 COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY YRS 5&6 INTERSCHOOL 22nd June 10 23rd June 24th June 25th June 26th June YRS 5&6 INTERSCHOOL P&C HIGH TEA SEMESTER ONE REPORTS GO HOME 11 29th June 30th June SCHOOL CLOSURE 12PM PARENT/ TEACHER INTERVIEWS 1st July 2nd July 3rd July
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