M A R C H Official Publication of Assembly No. 1839 Sterling Heights, Michigan 2 0 1 5 3777- Eighteen Mile Road - Sterling Heights, MI 48314 Website: http://www.bvm1839.org PROVINCIAL WEBSITE MICHIGAN DISTRICT #1 WEBSITE OFFICERS OF THE ASSEMBLY Worthy Master [email protected] SK John Hundiak, PGK, PFN, FDD (248)652-3433 Faithful Friar SK Rev. Steve Koehler From the Navigator Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree: Vivat Jesus! Faithful Navigator SK Michael Gray [email protected] (586) 566-.0242 Faithful Captain SK Bogedin, Robert [email protected] (248) 225-4614 Faithful Admiral SK Deacon James Gery PFN Faithful Pilot SK Mario DiDonato Faithful Comptroller SK John Corbat PGK Faithful Scribe Faithful Purser SK Edward Glowniak Jr. [email protected] (586) 446-9350 (586) 977-2774 [email protected] (586) 979-8754 VACANT [email protected] (586) 536-6021 Faithful Inner-Sentinel SK James Jaczkowski Faithful Outer-Sentinel SK John Roland Faithful Trustees 1 Yr SK Jim Morrison PGK, PDD [email protected] 2Yr SK Michael Krotche, PGK [email protected] 3Yr SK John Morgan [email protected] Appointees Color-Corps Commander SK Lawrence Sulikowski [email protected] Color-Corps Lt. Commander SK James Jaczkowski www.hennepinprovince.org www.michigandistrict1.com (248) 585-2324 Joanne and I pray our Sir Knights and Ladies are surviving this frigid winter. Due to the cold weather in February there were only 13 Sir Knights at the business meeting and LOTA cancelled their meeting. We have five candidates scheduled for the Spring Exemplification set for March 7, 2015. I hope they will be at our March 19th meeting, along with their ladies. Please welcome our new members to BVM and LOTA. On a sad note, Connie Connor Past First Lady and widow of SK Joe Connor, PFN passed away January 23, 2015. SK Joe and Lady Connie for several years hosted the BVM picnic at their home and were very active members. Connie suffered a stroke and had been confined to a nursing home the last several years. We had a poor turnout for Connie’s rosary. I would like to encourage our members to participate in the services for a deceased member, even if you did not personally know the deceased. Our first Texas Hold Em’ event is scheduled for June 3rd -6th, 2015 at Big Beaver Tavern from 6pm- 2am. Again, with the help of the BVM membership volunteering to work a time slot, it will make it easier for all. We are required to have THREE members of the BVM on site each day during our time periods. These events are our major fund raisers, please consider working this event. (586) 264-7608 (586) 247-0334 The annual BVM summer picnic will be Friday August 7 at Raintree Park in Troy. Also arrangements are being made for the Flag Retirement Ceremony in September. Fraternally (586) 383-4263 Michael Gray COMMANDER NEWS My fellow Sir Knights, Thank You, Sir Knights for your participation in the Investiture Mass for the Squires at SS Cyril & Methodius. A good portion of the 101 (or so it seems) Altar Boys are now wearing a Squires patch. We also had a pretty good turnout for the Corporate Communion at St. Ephrem. The new pastor Fr Craig Giera who studied under Fr. Ben is very much pro Knights and has allowed the display of swards in church. Thank You Fr Craig. The uncertainty about the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade is over; we have our marching orders issued on Feb 18th by the Master. Officially we meet at 6th Street and Porter. Last year we were in the first staging area, but that may change. The Parade Marshals have the final say and we may not know that until we show up. Please come out to the Assignments whenever you can we need your support. Upcoming Assignments: March 7th Saturday 8:30AM Check in for 2015 Spring Exemplification @ DeCarlos Banquet Center (6015 East Ten Mile Warren MI 48091) Color Corps Exemplification activity ends just before Dinner at 12:30 PM. Color Corps will attend Mass at 4:00 PM at Our Lady Queen of Families (formerly St Clements (25252 Van Dyke Ave, Center Line, MI) Mar 14th Saturday 8:00AM 18th Annual Lenten Symposium with Arch Bishop Allen Vigneron @ SS Cyril & Methodius (41233 Ryan Rd. Sterling Heights on Ryan Rd just North of 18 Mile Rd.) Mar 15th Sunday 12 Noon Detroit St Patrick’s Day Parade (6th Street between Porter & Bagley Streetdetails are upcoming – Arrival time is 11.00 AM dress out at your car) Last year we lucked out and got into a school type building lobby (to defrost) just outside of our staging area. Mar 28th Saturday 4:00PM St. Anastasia Council # 13453 Corporate Communion @ St Anastasia (4571 John R. Rd Troy MI 48085) Apr 2nd Thursday 7:00PM Holy Thursday Mass & Procession @ St Rene (35955 Ryan Rd. Sterling Heights 48310) It is important that all Sir Knights from BVM attend – I was informed that we are to only Assembly assigned for this affair. Apr 19th Sunday 11:00AM Mob Mass @ St Hyacinth (3151 Farnsworth Detroit 48211) The Color Corps is requested to arrive at 10:00 AM to dress out. Apr 22nd Wednesday 7:00PM Mass for the Basilica Re-Designation @ National Shrine of the Little Flower (2100 12 Mile Rd. Royal Oak – North East Corner of Woodward at 12 Mile Rd.) Please mark your calendars for these upcoming assignments. Important: All the times are actual event start times. Please be there at least ½ hour before event start or at the time that is specified in the assignment. Please check out the 4th Degree Blessed Virgin Mary Assembly web site (http://www.bvm1839.org) or the 4th degree link at St Nicholas Council web site (http://kofc7011sterlinghgts.org/) and attend the meetings to keep up with the latest requests. Please leave your Name, Current Phone Number and E-Mail addresses so that we can contact you in case of any changes. If you have any questions about any assignment call me at Home (586) 7565147 or Cell (586) 383-4263 or E-Mail [email protected] SK Larry Sulikowski CAPTAIN’S CORNER Like the weather Brother Sir Knights, of the BVM 1839 Assembly Vi v a t J e s u s ! State Chaplain Tribute Dinner: DeCarlo’s Banquet Center, 4:00 PM Mass March 7, 2015 4th Degree Spring Exemplification March 7th: De Carlo’s Banquet and Convention Center [6015 East Ten Mile Road (E. of Mound Road), Warren 48091. All Sir Knights are encouraged to ask a 3rd Degree member from their Council to become a Sir Knight before this coming Spring March 7th, 2015. March 8, 2015 Daylight Savings Time Begins March 15, 2015 (tentative) St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Detroit – Color Corps check with our Faithful Commander, Larry Sulikowski" at [email protected] March 25, 2015 K of C Day of the Unborn March 29, 2015 Founders Day Annual BVM 1839 Picnic – Raintree Park –Pavilion August 7@5PM: Brother SK Bob Bogedin has obtained at Troy’s residential rate, the scheduling of the City of Troy, Raintree Park Pavilion Friday, August, 7th, 2015 NEW 2015 $60. Pavilion, $25 Beer / wine rate. New 2015 beer in cans are now allowed. Residential rate for Raintree Pavilion w/beer / wine also, stamped hands requested per City. Hours 4PM – 10 PM. Requesting any type of stamp that can be used Please bring this evening. This year’s BVM 1839 Picnic is expected to start at 5 PM - 10 PM and left clean. Friday Sept. 25th, 2015 Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony Date requested in lue of our original requested dates, which have met with us being required to re-schedule. This date has been approved by Ss. Cyril & Methodius. Plus we have Fr. Ben’s Blessings Brother SK Bob Bogedin, Faithful Captain [email protected] 248 225 4614 Hello Ladies, Our dear Lady Joan is enjoying family with her husband down in Florida this month, and Lady Sonia has been charged with conducting meetings. Please pray for our First Lady, as she is on our prayer list. May she find healing during this month. However, interestingly enough ~ the weather was not conducive to travel for our February meeting. Schools closed and meetings were canceled. So, we look forward to March. In March, we will have our Ladies’ Tea. Please bring your favorite tea cup, tea, and (if you wish) a little something to share. We will enjoy fellowship at this annual tea party event. Also, please remember to bring canned goods for the Veteran’s Food Pantry. It will be greatly appreciated. Blessing to you all, ladies during this Lenten season. May your journey be fruitful and life changing. And… may the Lord’s face shine upon you and bring you peace. Kate Messina, editor ~ on behalf of our Lady Joan LOTA OFFICERS 2014-2015 . Ladies Celebrating March Birthdays Lady Linda Morgan Lady Marianna Welsh Lady Judi Chaffee Lady Patricia O’Brien 3-09 3-15 3-15 3-16 Many Blessings to all ladies celebrating the gift of life FIRST LADY: PURSER: SCRIBE: SGT AT ARMS: TRUSTEE: TRUSTEE: TRUSTEE: Joan VanBuren Sylvia Bieniek Sonia Honce Bernice Corbat Paula Schmidt Estelle Mandell Patricia O’Brien (586) 979-5456 (586) 739-2852 (248) 879-8972 (586) 979-8754 (586) 978-9118 (586) 979-6642 Remember us in your prayers…. Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, or in distress…. SK Jerry Schmidt SK Dan Looby SK Norman Podgorski SK Andy Lopatowski SK Denise Mercier Ladies Kathy Pawlik Lady Joan VanBuren Lady Theresa Gery Lady Anna Di Donato Lady Dee Figg Lady Denise Mercier Lady Mary Pawlik Lady Susan Rondeau Lady Kathy Staskowski Lady Marianna Welsh Lady Fran Janick Lady Diane Sulikowski Lady Beverly Baird SK Glain Guilmette SK James Stelzer SK Gino Vitale SK Decon James Gery SK Thomas Platz SK Reverend Peter Petroske SK James Crepeau 3-09 3-11 3-16 3-17 3-17 3-19 3-23 SK Joseph Bieniek 81 Years!!!! 3-26 BVM Business Meeting Pray for all our friends, extended family members, and for all the men and women serving in our Armed Forces; that they may return to their families unharmed. SAVE THE DATE Spring Exemplification Daylight Savings Time BVM Picnic Flag Retirement Blessings to all Sir Knights Celebrating March Birthdays! 3-07-15 3-08-15 8-07-15 9-25-15 March 19, 2015 7 PM LOTA Annual Tea Party MARCH WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES SK John & Linda Morgan 3-2 SK Sam & Lady Kate Messina 3-15 SK Joseph & Lady Sonia Honce 3-31 Thank you for sharing God’s love in the sacrament of marriage. Please note the editor’s new email address: [email protected] MARCH 2015 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 St. Patrick’s Day 18 19 St. Joseph, Husband of Mary 20 21 22 23 24 25 First Day of Spring BVM Meeting LOTA Tea 26 27 28 April 2 April 3 April 4 Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Vigil Annunciation of the Lord 29 Palm Sunday 30 31 April 1 Please support our advertisers ~ Thank you! Hopcroft Funeral Homes Art Hopcroft, Founder Hazel Park 23919 John R. (248) 543-6687 Madison Heights 31145 John R. (248) 585-7770 Monday-Friday 8am-6pm Saturday 9am-4pm A & A Auto Service 3951 Rochester Road Troy, MI 48083 DAVID HOPCROFT OWNER Family Owned and Operated Proudly serving the community for over 50 years (248) 619-7050 Paul Thompson: [email protected]
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