BHARATI VIDYAPEETH DEEMED UNIVERSITY, PUNE (INDIA) YASHWANTRAO MOHITE COLLEGE, PUNE-38. REVISED SYLLABUS FOR Ph.D. ENTRANCE TEST (PET) SUBJECT: ZOOLOGY UNIT- 1 Biosystematics, Taxonomy and Evolution Fundamentals of systematic: Definition and basic concepts of biosystematics & taxonomy, Biological classification, Hierarchy of categories and higher taxa. Taxonomic characters: Procedures and keys. Species concepts: species category, subspecies and other infra-specific categories, different species concept. International code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN): operative principles, interpretation and application of important rules, formation of scientific taxa. Kingdoms of Life: General outline of kingdom including Monera and Protista, Broad outline and diversity in kingdom Animalia. Evolution: Concept of evolution and theories of organic evolution with an emphasis on Darwinism, Neo Darwinism concept. Population genetics: Hardy Weinberg Law of genetic Equilibrium. UNIT-2 Biodiversity Concept and principle of biodiversity. Use and importance of biodiversity. Causes for the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation methods. Role of NGO’S in conservation activities, conservation and sustainable development. Endangered and threatened animal species. National Parks and Sanctuaries. Wild Life Protection Act. UNIT-3 Cell Biology An overview of cell, cell shapes and types. Plasma membrane, Mitochondria-Structure and function. Sub cellular organelles: - E.R-smooth and rough, Golgi complex, Lysosomes, Nucleus-Structure and function. Cell cycle-Phases of cell cycle. UNIT-4 General genetics Review of Mendelian and Non Mendelian Inheritance. Monohybrid and Dihybrid Inheritance, Types of dominance. Multiple alleles, Inheritance related to sex. Applications of genetics. Human genetics: karyotypes, genetic disorders. UNIT-5 Economic Zoology Scope and importance of fish culture. Scope and importance of Vermiculture. Scope and importance of Apiculture. Scope and importance of Sericulture. Scope and importance of Pearl culture. UNIT-6 General Parasitology Parasitism Study of parasites with reference to Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenecity and control measuresPediculus humanus Entamoeba histolytica Plasmodium vivax Ascaris lumbricoides. Immune system-innate and adaptive immunity, Applications of immunology. UNIT-7 Ecology General principles of Environmental Biology with emphasis on ecosystems. Abiotic and biotic factors of ecosystems. Communities of the environment, their structure & significance. Energy flow in environment- ecological energetic. Concept of pollution- Important characteristics of Pollutants, Local and global effect of pollutants, Population increase, Production and natural resource consumption. Kinds of environmental pollution and their control methods. UNIT- 8 Biochemistry Biomolecules-Characteristic features. Proteins- Structure and function. Carbohydrates- Structure and function. Lipids- Structure and function. Nucleic acids- Structure and function. Enzymes-Concepts of enzyme units, classification, nomenclature, properties and functions. UNIT- 9 Tools and Techniques Fundamentals of optical microscopy. Microscopes-Types and Applications. Principle, Technique and Application of: pH meter, Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Centrifugation, Chromatography, Electrophoresis. Histological techniques: Principles of tissue fixation, microtomy, staining, mounting. UNIT- 10 Quantitative Biology Importance of statistics in Biology. Measures of central tendency-Mean, Mode, Median. Sampling types, standard error (SE), standard deviation (SD), significance Test, student t- test, Chi-square test-assumption, importance & example. UNIT- 11 Animal care and use Animal ethics – Introduction, concept, organizations and associated laws and issues for use of laboratory animals. Animal Protection Act. Animal care and management of laboratory animals. Laboratory animal models and applications. UNIT-12 Toxicology Basic concepts, principles and scope. Toxicity testing principles, hazards, risks and their control methods. Various types of toxicological agents. UNIT-13 Bioinformatics History, scope and bioinformatics in research. Bioinformatics in India- current status and future implication. Reference books : 1. Text Books of Zoology. Vol.11, Invertebrates, 1982, A. J. Marshall And W. D. Williams, ELSB And Macmillan, Hongkong. 2. Life of Invertibrates, 1980, S. N. Prasad, Vikas Publishing Co. Sahldabad. 3. The Invertebrates, Echinodermata Vol- IV 1992, L.H. Hyman, International books and periodicals supply services Dehli. 4. Invertebrate Zoology, 1982, R. D. Barnes, Saunders College, Philadelphia. 5. Text Books of Zoology, Invertebrates Vol- II, 1992, T.J.Parker and W.A. Haswel, Edited by Marshall and Williams, CBS publications and distribution, New Dehli. 6. Invertebrates Zoology, E.L. Jordon and P.S. Verma; S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Dehli. 14th fully Revised Edition- 2007. 7. Invertebrate Zoology, 1991, Paul, A. Meglitch and Fedricks R. Schram, Oxford University Press, New York. 8. IGCSE Biology, D. G. Mackean, Published by John Murray, London. UK, 2002. 9. Invertebrate Zoology, Edited by D. T. Anderson, Oxford University Press, New York.Indian Edition by- A.P. Offset, Dehli, 2006. 10. Diversity of Organisms. Edited by Caroline M., Pond Biology- Form and Function. Published by Hodder and Stoughton, The Open University, London. 11. An Introduction to Mollusca. H. S. Bhamrah, Kavita Juneja. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Dehli- 110002 (India). 12. An Introduction of Echinodermata. . H. S. Bhamrah, Kavita Juneja. Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Dehli- 110002 (India). 13. Modern Text Book Of Zoology. Invertibrates. 6th Edition, 1992, R. L. Kotpal, Rastogi Publication, Merut. 14. A Text Book of Zoology, Vertebrates, Vol-II, Jeffery Parker and W.A. Haswel, Edited by Marshall and Williams, CBS Publication, New Dehli. 15. Chordate Zoology, 1982, P.S Dhami and J.K.Dhami, R.Chand and Co., New Dehli. 16. A Text Book of Zoology, 1984, R.D. Vidyarthi, R. Chand and Co., Dehli. 17. Modern Text Book of Zoology, Vertibrates. R. L. Kotpal, 3rd edn. Rastogi Publications, Meerut. 18. Chordate Zoology, E.L. Jordon. S. Chand & Co., New Dehli. 19. Organic Evolution. R.S. Lull. Light & Life Publishers. 20. Organic Evolution, 1991, T.S. Gopalkrishna. Itta Sambashivarab Publ. House, Dehli. 21. Biology, Campbell nand Reece. 7th Edn. Pearson Education in South Asia, Dehli. 22. The. Biology of biodiversity- M. Koto-Springer 23. Biodiversity- E.O. Wilson-Academic Press Washington 24. Cell and Molecular Biology By De Robertis, EDP. And De Robertis EME, Molt Saunders Inc. 25. Cell Biology By Power, CB, Himalaya Publication House 26. Cell and Molecular Biology By Dupraw I, Academic Press, New York 27. Cell Biology By avers, CJ., Addison Wesley Pub. Co. New York and London 28. Genetics By Verma, PS. And Agarwal VK., S. Chand and Co., New Delhi 29. Genetics By Gupta PK., Rastogi Publication, Meerut 30. Genetics By Sarin, C., Tata McGraw Hill, New Dehi 31. Fishes . Mary Chandy. N.B.T. India, 2005. 32. Economic Zoology, Shukla Upadhyay, Rastogi Publication, Meerut, India, 1998. 33. Fisheries Developments, K.K. Trivedi, Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. 34. Marine Fishes in India, 1990, D.V.Bal & K. Virabhdra, tata McGraw Hill Publication. 35. Fishery Management, 1990, S.C.Agarwal, Avinash Publication House, New Dehli. 36. Destructive and useful Insects, their habit and Control, 1973. C.L. Metcalf and W. p.Flint, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New Dehli. 37. A Text Book Of Entomology, 1974. V.K. Mathur and K.D. Upadhayay, Goel PrintingPress, Barani. 38. Imm’s Text Book of Entomology, Vol I & II, Richard and Owen. 39. Biology of Insects, 1992. S.C. Saxena. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Dehli.Bombay, Calcutta. 40. Bee and Bee Keeping, 1978, Roger A. Morse, Conell University Press, London. 41. The Behaviour & Social Life of Honey Bees, C.R. Ribbandas, Dover Publication inc.New York. 42. Principal of Sericulture, 1994. Hisao Arguo, Oxford & Co. 43. An Introduction of Sericulture, 1995. G.Ganga, J. Sulochana, Oxford & IBH Publication Co. Bambay. 44. FAQ Manual of Sericulture. Vol I Mulberry Cultivation, Vol II Silkworm Rearing.Central Silk Board, Bangalore. 45. Parasitology – By Ramnik sood, C.B.S. Publisher, New Delhi –1993. 46. Parasitology – By K.D. Chaterjee, Medical Pulisher Calcutta,1987. 47. Physiology of parasites – By L.S. Chapell, John, Willey & SionsN.Y. (1980). 48. Parasitology – By Hobler, E.R. and Noble, G.A. (1982) 2nd Ed.Lea & Febieger U.S.A. 49. Parasitism & Symbiology – By C.P. Read (1970) Ronald Press New York. 50. Foundation of Parasitology – By Schmidt, G.D. & Robert, L.S.(1981) 2nd Ed. C.V. Mosby Co. St. Lohis ISSR. 51. Introduction Animal Parasitology – By Smit. D.G. (19977) 2ndEd. Johns Willey Sons New York. 52. The Biology of parasitism and introduction to the study of associate organism- by White field, P.J. (1977) University Parks Press Baltimore. 53. Animal Parasitism – by Read C.P. Prenters Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 54. Helminths, Arthropods & Protozoo of domesticated Animals. By E.J.L.soulsby, ELBS publication London Ed. 1969 ed. 55. Parasitology – by Chandler and Chands, 56. A Text book of Parasitology by S.S. Kelkar and Rohini S. Kelkar, Bombay popular prakashan. 57. Ecology. Begon, M.J.L. Harper and C.R. Townsend. Individuals, 58. Populations and Communities. Blackwell Science. Oxford, UK.Cherrett, J.M. 59. Ecological concepts. Blackwell Sci. Pub. Oxford. U.K.Elseth, B.D. and K.M. Baumgartner. 60. Population biology. Van Nostrand co., New York.Jorgensen, S.E. Fundamentals of ecological modeling. Elsevier, NewYork. 61. Ecology. Krebs, C.J. Harper & Row, New York. 62. Ecological methodology. Krebs, C.J. Harper & Row , New York.Ludwig, J.A. and J.F. Reynolds, (1988) 63. Statistical ecology. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 64. Evolutionary ecology. Pianka, E.R. Harper & Row, New York. 65. Ecology, Ricklefs, R.E. and G.Miller. W.H. Freeman & co., New York. 66. The evolution of life histories. Theory and Analysis. Chapman & Hall, London, UK. 67. Fundamentals of Ecology. Odum E.P. W.B. Saunders publication, Philadelphia. 68. Basic Ecology, Odum E.P. Saunders publication, Philadelphia (1983). 69. Environmental Pollution. Laurent Hodges. Halt, Rinehart & Winston, New York (1977) 70. Fundamentals of Enzymology : Price N.C. and L. Stevens e.. Oxford New York. 71. Methods in Enzymology all volumes. 72. Protein Purification, Principles and Practice. Scopes, R.K. 73. Ferdinand, W. (1976) fundamentals of enzyme kinetics, Butterworths, London. 74. Enzyme by Palmer. 75. Chris Kent (2001) : Basics of Toxicology 76. Toxicological testing handbook 2nd Ed. Devid J.K. and Kit A.K. (2006 77. Modern toxicology (Vol. I,II &III) Gupta P.K. and Salunkhe D.K. (1985) 78. Fundamentals of Toxicology. Pandey, Shukla and Trevedi (2004) 79. Handbook of Toxicology. Thomas J.H. and William O.B. (1987) 80. Introduction to instrumental analysis-Robert Braun-McGraw Hill. 81. A biologist Guide to principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry-K, Wilson and K.H. Goulding ElBS Edn. 82. Experimental Biochemistry. Freeman, 2000. Clark & Swizer. 83. Modern Experimental Biochemistry. Boyer. Benjamin, 1993 84. Physical Biochemistry. Freifelder. Freeman, 1982. 85. Practical Biochemistry. Wilson and Wlaker. Cambridge, 2000. 86. The Cell-A Molecular Approach. Cooper. ASM, 1997 87. Introduction to instrumental analysis. Robert Braun. McGraw Hill 88. Biostatics. lewis . 89. Methods in Biostatics -B.K. Mahajan 90. Mathematical Biology- J.D. Murrey 91. Wildlife in India- V.B. Saharia 92. Wildlife in central India- S.K. Tiwari 93. R.K. Tondon Biodiversity Texonomy & Ecology 94. An Introduction to prevantology- M.P. Arora 95. Biodiversity and conservation- P.C. Kotwal 96. Statical methods, Snedecor, G.W. and W.G. cochran, Affilited East, West Press New Delhi (Indian ed.) 97. Introduction to Bioinformatics (2002) – AM Lesk Pub. By oxford University Press. 98. Bioinformatics – A practical guide to the analysis of genes & 99. Proteins (2001) -Ed by A.D. Baxevanis & B.F, Francis 100.Ouelletele pub. By A Jahn Wiley & sons publication, New York. 101.Introduction to Bioinformatics (2003) T.K. Atwood & D.J. Parrysmith. 102.Instants notes – Bioinformatics (2003) West head D.R. ParishJ.H. & Twyma R.M. 103.Pearson Education (Cell & Molecular biology in action series). ********************
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