INSTRUCTION Please read the instructions for application

Directive on the Selection and Placement of
International Students
on Associate and Bachelor's Degree Programmes
Purpose, Scope, Legal Basis and Definitions
Article 1 – (1) The purpose of this directive is to regulate the conditions imposed on
applications from International Students to Akdeniz University Associate and Bachelor's
Degree Programmes, and to regulate the principles and procedures for registration and
acceptance of International Students.
Article 2 – (1) This directive sets out the procedures for application and enrolment which
International Students must follow when applying to study on Associate and Bachelor's
Degree Programmes at Akdeniz University.
Legal Basis
Article 3 – (1) This directive was prepared on the basis of the 14th article of Higher
Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981
Article 4 – (1) The following terms have the following meanings in this directive;
a) The University: Akdeniz University,
b) The Senate: The Senate of Akdeniz University,
c) The Rectorship: The Rectorship of Akdeniz University,
d) Programme: Academic activities which are part of the Associate Degree and Bachelor’s
Degree of Akdeniz University,
e) Unit: Faculties, colleges, conservatories or vocational schools affiliated to Akdeniz
f) Student: Students registered with academic units which are affiliated to Akdeniz
University within the terms of this directive,
g) Candidate Student: Students who meet the conditions set out in Article 7 Paragraph (1) of
this directive,
h) Certificate of Residence: The document which confirms permission to reside in Turkey
for a limited time for foreigners.
i) AKUS: Akdeniz University International Students Examination
j) AKUS Executive Council: The Council which is authorized to administer the Akdeniz
University International Students Selection and Placement process.
k) Z Standard Score: A standard score the arithmetic mean of which is 0, and the standard
deviation is 1. It is calculated by taking the difference between a student’s raw score and
arithmetic mean, after which the difference is divided by the standard deviation of the group.
Determination and Announcement of Quotas
Determination of Quotas
Article 5 – (1) Quotas may be set for those undergraduate and graduate degree programmes to
which international students may be accepted. The Board of the unit concerned is responsible
for deciding whether students will be accepted or not, taking into consideration proposals put
forward by the Board of the Department or Programme concerning the number of the students
to be accepted. The final decision is made by the Senate, and the Senate submits its
suggestions to The Council of Higher Education for approval.
(2) This procedure is to be followed in the spring semester of each academic year to
determine quotas for the following academic year.
Announcement of Quotas
Article 6 – (1) The names of programmes to which international student may be accepted, as
well as relevant quotas and application conditions will be published in the International
Student Admission Guide, which is prepared by the Presidency of the Higher Education
Applications, Announcements, Selection, Placement, Registration, Turkish Proficiency,
Foreign Language Proficiency, Tuition Fees
Application Conditions and Announcements
Article 7 – (1) All applications will be accepted and evaluated on condition that the applicant
has either completed or is in the final year of their secondary education, and fulfils the
conditions listed below. If the candidate does not fulfil any of these conditions, the application
will not be accepted.
The applicant;
a) Is a Foreign Student,
b) Is a Turkish citizen by birth who was granted permission by the Turkish Ministry of
Internal Affairs to give up their Turkish citizenship, or is a child of such a person who is
below the age of 18, and who is registered on his or her parent’s renunciation of citizenship
document, providing they have in their possession documentary evidence of their rights under
the terms of Law No. 5901, and Article 7 (1),
c) Is a foreign national by birth, and who has also been granted Turkish citizenship
(dual nationality)
d) Is a Turkish citizen who has completed his/her secondary education in a foreign
country or in a Turkish school in this country (with the exception of the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus)
e) Is a TRNC citizen living in the TRNC, and has completed his/her secondary
education in the TRNC, and has an examination result in the GCE AL Examination.
(2) For the international student admission process, the equivalent examinations, minimum
scores for each examination and validity dates which are listed in Appendix 1 are taken as
being acceptable.
(3) Information about applications is published on the official website of Akdeniz University.
Applications must be submitted on the website of the University between the published dates.
Applications which are not made within the designated period will not be accepted.
Acceptable Examinations for Admission to Akdeniz University as an International
Article 8 – (1) Admissions for International students are decided on the basis of the results
gained in either the Akdeniz University International Students Admission Examination, or in
one of the examinations listed in Appendix 1.
(2) The Akdeniz University International Students Admission Examination:
a) This examination is administered by AKUS Examination Commission under the presidency
of the vice-rector responsible for Student Affairs. The Commission includes; the Director of
the School of Foreign Languages, the Head of the International Relations Office, the Head of
the Information Technologies Directorate, the Head of the Students Affairs Directorate, and
the Director of the Measurement, Assessment, Documentation, Application and Research
b) The AKUS Executive Council carries out activities which include; submission of
applications for the International Students Admission Examination, preparation of the list of
candidates and examination documents, and the announcement of results.
c) The examination will be held on a date determined by the Senate. The International
Students Admission Guide will be published on the official website of Akdeniz University
between the dates when the website is open for applications.
d) The examination includes multiple choice questions which are designed to measure the
strength of the candidate’s abstract thinking and Basic Learning Skills.
e) The results of applications will be announced on the Akdeniz University website on the
dates specified in the academic calendar.
(3) The results of International Students Examinations held by Turkish state universities will
be accepted for placements on condition that the university concerned sends the arithmetic
mean and standard deviation to Akdeniz University.
Assessment of Applications and Replacement Candidates
Article 9 – (1) Assessment of applications and replacement candidates will be carried out by
Akdeniz University.
(2) Applications cannot be considered if the candidate has achieved a lower score than the
minimum score listed in Appendix 1, or if the candidate cannot meet one or more of the
conditions listed in Article 7.
(3) Candidates who apply to Akdeniz University with examination results other than AKUS
examination results will be considered and ranked regarding the Z standard score.
(4) Order of priority for replacement candidates:
a) Candidates who have been awarded a gold, silver or bronze star from the
Olympiads, as attended and recognized by TUBİTAK.
b) Candidates successful in the Akdeniz University International Students Admission
c) Candidates who apply with examination results from state universities which hold
the International Student Examination, and which send the arithmetic mean and standard
deviation to Akdeniz University.
d) Candidates submitting examination results for examinations which have the status
of international admission examinations, or high school graduation examinations.
(5) Candidates will be selected by classifying all results from the highest to the lowest, and in
accordance with the published quotas. Candidates’ results will be converted into a Z standard
score on the basis of highest scores as defined in Appendix 1. If there are any candidates with
equal results on the list, the higher diploma grade will be taken into consideration.
(6) Regarding programmes which require special aptitude tests from candidates; applications
will be assessed according to the criteria which are listed in the directives of the programme
concerned. The results of the AKUS examination, results of any of the examinations listed in
Appendix 1, and the results of special aptitude tests will be taken into consideration, as well
as the order of preference submitted by the candidate. Candidates who apply for these
programmes must have reached the required standard in the International Students
Examination or one of the examinations listed in Appendix 1.
(7) Candidates can apply for a maximum of ten different programmes. In the placement
process, both the examination results and the candidate’s order of preferences will be taken
into consideration.
Education and Training
Article 10 – (1) Turkish is the language of instruction at Akdeniz University with the
exception of programmes which are listed as providing all courses in a foreign language or
(2) Students who have completed the final registration process are subject to the Akdeniz
University Regulations for Associate and Bachelor’s Degree Programmes and Examinations,
as well as directives issued by the related unit and the decisions taken by the Senate.
Announcement of Results
Article 11 – (1) The results of all applications will be announced on the official website of
Akdeniz University.
(2)A letter of acceptance will be sent to candidates who are eligible for registration by the
relevant unit. Using this letter, candidates are required to obtain their Turkish Student Visa
from a Turkish Embassy.
Final Registration
Article 12 – (1) Candidates who are eligible to study can register on the dates specified in the
Akdeniz University Academic Calendar by presenting the following documents:
(a) A notarized copy of their Student Visa
(b) A copy of their residence permit obtained from the local police station. The
original residence permit document must also be submitted.
(c) 6 passport size photos (4,5x6 cm) taken in the last six months
(d) Confirmed examination result from AKUS or Turkish state universities.
(e) Copies of the documents listed below, the authenticity of which must be confirmed
by a Turkish Embassy:
1) High school diploma and equivalency certificate
2) A translation into Turkish of the original transcript document, and a copy of the
3) Certificate of examination results.
f) Notarized copy of the candidate’s passport, and an authorised translation of the
g) A bank receipt which shows that the tuition fee has been paid to the relevant bank
account according to Article 15 of this directive
(2) Candidates who submit altered or forged documents, or who practice any form of
dishonesty in their application or entrance exams, will have their registration process
cancelled and any appropriate legal action will be taken.
(3) The details of registered students will be passed on to the Rectorship by the relevant units
in the first week following the end of registration.
(4) Any vacant places in the quotas will be announced on the official website of Akdeniz
University. The selection process for these places will be carried out in the second placements
period which is defined in the academic calendar. During this process, candidates who are
eligible for registration will be selected as a result of an evaluation of their grades, and their
registration will be completed.
Turkish Proficiency
Article 13 – (1) Turkish is the language of instruction at Akdeniz University with the
exception of programmes which are listed as providing all courses in a foreign language or
languages. An acceptable level of proficiency in Turkish is necessary to start education and
training with the exception of the candidates who are eligible for registration to the
programmes for which all courses are in a foreign language or languages. Candidates who are
required to submit a Turkish proficiency certificate must supply the required documents
according to the ‘Final Registration’ dates which are defined for relevant Units in the
academic calendar. The documents which are submitted after the Final Registration dates can
only be used for the following academic year. According to the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages, Turkish language proficiency levels, and the scores
of candidates will be assessed according to the criteria listed in Appendix 2.
(2) The following candidates are not required to take the Turkish Proficiency Examination;
candidates who have completed their secondary school education in Turkey, and candidates
who have achieved the required examination result in one of the international examinations
which are accepted by the Turkish Higher Education Council.
(3) The level of Turkish proficiency of selected students is defined in the following terms:
a) AKUS Turkish Examination result
b) Pass grade in the Turkish Proficiency Examination held by the Akdeniz University
School of Foreign Languages at the beginning of the academic year.
c) Turkish Competency Certificate from the Akdeniz University School of Foreign
d) Turkish Competency Certificate awarded by the Turkish Teaching Research and
Application Centres of state universities.
e) Turkish Competency Certificate awarded by the Yunus Emre Institute
(4) Candidates who have reached the required standard (C2, C1 and B2) in the Certificate of
Turkish Proficiency may begin their courses at Akdeniz University. Candidates who have not
reached the required standard will, after registration, be given a deferment on starting their
courses for one year in order to improve their Turkish. Candidates will be allowed to start
their courses in the following year if they have been awarded one of the certificates listed in
Section 3 of this Article. Candidates will have their registrations cancelled if they fail to reach
the required standard in the Turkish Proficiency Examination in the two years following their
enrolment in the Turkish Education Programme.
Foreign Language Proficiency
Article 14 – (1) Candidates who have been successful in their applications to programmes for
which preparation classes are required, or to programmes whose courses are in a foreign
language, will have their foreign language proficiency level evaluated according to the
Akdeniz University Foreign Language Education and Examination Directive.
Contribution Margin and Tuition Fees
Article 15 – (1) The maximum and minimum levels of tuition fees for foreign students who
study at Akdeniz University are determined by the Administrative Board of the University in
accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers. The level of tuition fees will be
announced on the official website of Akdeniz University.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Article 16 – (1) Any kind of notification sent to students will be made in writing to the
address which they submitted during registration, or will be made by means of an
announcement sent at the unit to which student has applied. In the event of a notification
being sent to a student who has supplied an incorrect or incomplete address, or who has not
reported any change of address, failure to receive this notification and any consequences
which follow shall be deemed to be the fault of the student concerned.
Disciplinary Matters
Article 17 – (1) The student disciplinary process is applied in accordance with the provisions
of the Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulations.
Cases Not Mentioned in the Directive
Article 18 – (1) In cases for which no provision has been made in this Directive, decisions
will be taken in accordance with the Akdeniz University Regulation for Associate and
Bachelor’s Degree Programmes and Examinations, and the relevant regulations and Senate
Repealed Legislation
Article 19 – (1) Legislation which came into force on 02/04/2010, following decision number
06/52 of the Senate dealing with the Akdeniz University Foreign Students Admission
Directive for Bachelor’s and Associate Degrees, has now been repealed.
Launch of Directive
Article 20 – (1) This Directive will be launched at the time of its publication.
Authorisation of Directive
Article 21 – (1) This Directive has now been implemented by the Rector of Akdeniz
Accepted by Senate Decision 06/55 on 02.04.2014
Changed by Senate Decision 16/123 on 24.12.2014
Changed by Senate Decision 09/59 on 20.05.2015
Appendix 1
ABITUR (German High
School Final Examination)
High School Graduation
Examination/ No Expiration
ACT (American College
(American University
University Entrance
Examination/ Valid for 2
GCE(General Certificate
Education) A-Level
SAT 1 (Scholastic Aptitude
The Akdeniz University
International Students
Examination, and other
International Student
Examinations set by state
universities, the results of which
are sent from the relevant state
universities to Akdeniz
University, along with the
Standard Deviation and
Arithmetic Mean.
(To be accepted for the
relevant programme, students
(with the exceptance of
students who are ranked first
in their high schools) must
have a higher score than the
minimum score announced
for placement on the
Results achieved in the
International Scientific
Olympiads Recognized and
Attended by TUBITAK
A-level at 3 subjects at least one of
which is related to the programme
applied for
A minimum of 5001,100 points
depending on types
of points awarded
50 for
Programmes, and 30
for Associate Degree
Relative to the minimum score
Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals
High School Graduation
Examination/ No Expiration
University Entrance
Examination/ Valid for 2
Before this year the examination
result was valid for 2 years, but
from 2015 onwards the result is
valid for a period of 1 year only.
Valid only for the year in
which the application is made
* If it is necessary, Senate of Akdeniz Unviersity can chance
Appendix 2
Turkish Language
Proficiency Levels
To start courses
To start the Turkish Language