THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE FIRST ANNUAL AWARDS Your entry will be amongst the best cannabis grown and will be evaluated by our industry and cross judges. We pride ourselves on the complete transparency of our scoring system. Participants will have total disclosure of all scores, scoring cards and laboratory results after award ceramony is complete. The following rules and guidelines will be used to direct our 2015 medicinal cannabis competition. COMPETITION POLICIES AND GUIDELINES The closing date for last receipt of entries is: MAY 21st-22nd, 2015 - Drop off location will be emailed 1 week prior to closing date. With your entry you will receive one - Sunday pass to the C2 Expo and awards ceremony. Only Three (3) Entry’s for flower are allowed, if you think you’re the Best Take 1st, 2nd and 3rd Only one entry, per category of Concentrate and Edible, is allowed per business / entity. We will be taking entries in the following categories: • Flowers • Concentrates / Hash • Edibles Final scores, for all categories, will be derived from two aspects. The first aspect will be the judges’ score. This will account for 75 percent of the final total. The remaining 25 percent will be based on the results of the laboratory testing. Entry’s May be made at FLOWERS • • • • • Flowers will be given a score of 1-10 for each of the following categories: Taste, Smell, Appearance, Effects, and Burn Quality. Laboratory results for the entry will be given a score of 1-10 based on THC, CBD, and CBN levels. Each flower entry requires 13 grams. We pride ourselves on not collecting unnecessary product. Each judge will be given 1 gram sample for judging. The remaining 3 grams will be used for laboratory testing. Please separate your 13 gram entry into 13 individual bags / containers of 1 gram each. Please do not label the smaller individual bags. HASH AND CONCENTRATES • • • • • Concentrates and hash will be given a score of 1-10 for each of the following categories: Taste, Appearance, Color, Smell, Effects, and Residual levels. Laboratory results for the entry will be given a score of 1-10 based on THC, CBD, and CBN levels. Each flower entry requires 13 grams. We pride ourselves on not collecting unnecessary product. Each judge will be given 1 gram sample for judging. The remaining 3 grams will be used for laboratory testing. Please separate your 13 gram entry into 13 individual bags / containers of 1 gram each. Please do not label the smaller individual bags. EDIBLES Edibles will be given a score of 1 - 10 for each of the following categories: • Taste, Effects, Visual Appeal of Edible, Visual Appeal of Packaging, and Accuracy of Labeling. • Please note labeling must include ingredients, proper dose/serving size, accurate cannabis level in milligrams and company name. • Laboratory results for the entry will be given a score of 1-10 based on THC, CBD, and CBN levels. Entries will also have microbiological screening. • • • • Each judge will be given one single serving for sampling. The remaining serving will be used for laboratory testing. Each entry requires 7 single servings/doses. We pride ourselves on not collecting unnecessary product. Please separate your 7 individually labeled single servings. Any edible requiring refrigeration or freezing must be properly packaged in a cooler or with ice packs. PLEASE NOTE Participants will receive full disclosure of their scoring after the judging has closed and all calculations are completed. This includes judge scoring and laboratory THC, CBD, CBN and microbiological testing. We feel this is imperative in order for us to make advancements in our field. All entries must be submitted with a valid Michigan Medical Marihuana card. Registration entry fee is due at the time of registration. All entries require a completed entry form at the time of drop off. Entries will be pre-screened at the time of the drop off. The entry will not be accepted if any contaminants are noted. Any entry found to have been tampered with, adulterated or doctored in anyway will also be disqualified from the judging process. The top ten entries in each category will be tested at the laboratory. Any entry that does not pass microbiological or contaminant testing will be disqualified. Entries that have incidents of mold, bacteria, or pesticides as identified either by either the competition committee or our partner lab will be automatically disqualified and the competitors immediately notified. We strive for absolute fairness and integrity of our competition. To ensure this C2 cannot allow any customized container for any entry, in any category. This may include, but is not limited to: dab dishes, blown glass jars or any personalized items. Anything that could potentially reveal a specific participant will not be accepted. All entries must be brought in standard containers only. All entries in non-standard containers will be asked to be repackaged, or else will not be accepted. To insure fair testing all entries must be submitted in a plain/standard container. I.e. Ziploc bags, Tupperware. Disqualification will be privately handled between C2 and competitors solely through the phone number provided. Regrettably, C2 cannot offer refunds; this includes the unusual event of disqualification. We will be judging over a six-week period. Judges will meet each week to receive new entries and discuss the previous week’s samples. All judges’ results are final. Entry’s May be made at First place winners of all contest categories will receive a HIGH FIVE award. 1st prize: $1000 in your pocket! The High Five award and its bragging rights, our prestigious first place Trophy and Medal to show off, and a free entry into next year’s HIGH FIVE competition Plus 3 day –VIP tickets to next year’s C2 Expo. 2nd place: A second place medal Try again next year with a free entry into next year’s HIGH FIVE competition 3 day –VIP tickets to next year’s C2 Expo. 3rd place: A 3rd place medal 3 day –VIP tickets to next year’s C2 Expo. High CBD Awards will be given out for each category. Only First Place wins these awards! -Flower -Concentrate -Edibal HIGH FIVE HIGH CBD Awards: Get HIGH FIVE HIGH CBD Plaque, free entry into next year’s HIGH FIVE competition Plus 3 day –VIP tickets to next year’s C2 Expo. The awards ceremony will be held on the closing day of the C2 Expo. If a winner is not present, he/she will be contacted and the award mailed to the desired location. THE AWARDS Entry’s May be made at FLOWER ENTRY FORM Detroit, Michigan, June 12-14, 2015 Please complete this entry form and return it with 13 grams of your finest cannabis to the drop off location. One entry form must be filled out for EACH separate entry. You may enter only three (3) times in the Flower category. There is $ 250.00 fee, per entry, due at the time of registration. By Checking this Box, You agree to be valid registered Michigan Medical Marihuana Card holder. Please refer to the official rules and regulations on how to package your entry. By entering, you are agreeing to the rules and guidelines of the competition. Contact Name: _______________________________________ Contact Number: __________________________________ PERSON/DISPENSARY that should be recognized for cultivating this entry? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seed or Clone? _____________________________________________ Strain(s)? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Genetic background? ___________________________________________________________________________________ Sativa, Indica or hybrid? ___________________________________________ Sativa / Indica entry has to be >70% dominant Date of harvest? ___________________________________________ Entry’s May be made at (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE) PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR GROWING TECHNIQUES: Growing style? ________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Watering technique?____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nutrient program used (organic, synthetics, brand, etc.)_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Flowering time? _______________________________________________________________________________________ Curing process/time? ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Entry’s May be made at Thank you for entering the, HIGH FIVE Medical Awards in Michigan! We appreciate your participation and GOOD LUCK! EDIBLE ENTRY FORM Detroit, Michigan, June 12-14, 2015 Please complete this entry form and return it with 6 single servings of your finest edible to the drop off location. One entry form must be filled out for EACH separate entry. You may enter only once in each category. There is $ 250.00 fee, per entry, due at the time of drop off. By Checking this Box, You agree to be valid registered Michigan Medical Marihuana Card holder. Please refer to the official rules and regulations on how to package your entry. By entering, you are agreeing to the rules and guidelines of the competition. Contact Name: _______________________________________ Contact Number: __________________________________ PERSON/DISPENSARY that should be recognized for this entry: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe your edible: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Did you cultivate the cannabis used?________________ If no …..How did you obtain it? _____________________________ Strain(s) used? ________________________________________________________________________________________ Sativa, Indica or Hybrid used? _____________________________________________ Ingredients? __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cannabis level, per single serving, in milligrams? _____________________________________________________________ Thank you for entering the, HIGH FIVE Medical Awards in Michigan! We appreciate your participation and GOOD LUCK! Entry’s May be made at HASH AND CONCENTRATE ENTRY FORM Detroit, Michigan, June 12-14, 2015 Please complete this entry form and return it with 13 grams of your finest hash/concentrate to the drop off location. One entry form must be filled out for EACH separate entry. You may enter only once in each category. There is $ 250.00 fee, per entry, due at the time of drop off. By Checking this Box, You agree to be valid registered Michigan Medical Marihuana Card holder. Please refer to the official rules and regulations on how to package your entry. By entering, you are agreeing to the rules and guidelines of the competition. Contact Name: _______________________________________ Contact Number: __________________________________ PERSON/DISPENSARY that should be recognized for this entry? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Seed or Clone? _______________________________ Flower or trimmings? _______________________________________ Strain(s) used? ________________________________________________________________________________________ Sativa, Indica or Hybrid? ___________________________________________ Sativa / Indica entry has to be >70% dominant Curing process/time? ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Process of making hash? ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for entering the, HIGH FIVE Medical Awards in Michigan! We appreciate your participation and GOOD LUCK! Entry’s May be made at ALL ABOUT THE COMPETITION: HIGH FIVE AWARDS Rules, Regulations & FAQ - Please read the following Rules and FAQ carefully as rules are constantly changing with new discoveries, information and technology within the cannabis industry. How It Works 2015 Competition Categories for the HIGH FIVE Awards The Medical Cannabis competition will be in three categories; Flower, Concentrates, and Edibles. Concentrates (solvent extractions only) and Hash (all nonsolvent extractions, including water, dry siev, kiefs, etc.). are one catagory and only one entry per category, per entity. For the Flower category Entry’s may enter up to three (3) times, in any subcategory Indica, Sativa, Hybrid. If you think you’re the best and can sweep the flower, have at it, the best will win! We ask participants to base this on the high / stone of the entry as Judges typically will fault a Sativa entry that smokes like an Indica (and vice-a-versa). The Flower Competition is unique in that all sub categories of Flower will be judged against each other for the winner. Only one will win first place for flower. The Competition Director will use the lineages of strains provided on the entry forms as an aid in determining if your intended category placement is correct. (Please refer to the last page for examples of commonly miss categorized entries.) For flowers, we require 13 grams per entry. We ask that you label your entry clearly with the name of the strain, category and company name. This should be done ONLY ONCE on the exterior of the box/ bag/ container that holds your entry individual samples should not have any labels. ***Please separate your 13-gram entry into (13) 1-gram increments. These increments may be placed in either plastic jars or plastic bags. Please do not label the individual jars or bags of 1-gram increments as judging is conducted blind.*** Please understand that HIGH FIVE reserves the right to change the category of entry if the entry is deemed misplaced (i.e., a contestant is entering a Haze variety into the Indica category). If the participant has already entered a product into the category the entry is being switched into, the participant must then decide which one entry to submit. Important Notes on Concentrates & Hash Categories HIGH FIVE Competitors may enter only one entry into the Concentrates and Hash category. Also, please note these important new regulations regarding Concentrates: For Concentrates, we require 7 grams per entry. However, we now ask that all Concentrate entries come in onegram (1.0g) increments. We recommend using small glass vials for oils, liquids or any other viscous concentrates and using small plastic containers or parchment envelopes for wax or butter entries. *NEW RULE* Regarding Concentrates & Hash: All concentrate and hash entries must Be submitted in plastic containers, small glass vials or parchment envelopes. All containers must be unmarked. To ensure the fairness of the competition, H5 cannot allow customized containers such as dab dishes, blown glass jars or anything else that may reveal a specific competitor’s entry to judges. Any entries brought to registration that are not in standard plastic or glass containers will not be accepted. We ask that you place your 7 containers into a box or large plastic bag that is clearly labeled with the name of the product, category and company name. However, please do not label or sticker the individual jars, ONLY the bag or box you deliver them in. - ** Lastly, please be sure to see the rules below regarding disqualifications as a few directly pertain to concentrate entries. There will be no tolerance for adulterated concentrate products, whether by synthetic additives or organic compounds (terpenes, etc.) derived from anything other than the original starting extract material. Important Notes on Edibles The Edibles category is the most unique and perhaps toughest to judge. We do employ laboratory testing within the Edibles category as well, but this requires proper dosage labeling on all Edible entries so that the lab can provide our judges with cannabinoid levels for a single serving size (one person dosage). As such, here are the criteria by which Judges will be scoring Edible entries. Please take extra note of the labeling and packaging categories listed below. The following categories will be scored by Judges and account for approximately 75 percent of the final score; Food Appearance; Taste; Strength/ Effects; Product Originality; Healthiness. The following categories pertain to the products’ labels and packaging. These categories are simply scored “Yes/ No” This accounts for five percent of the final score. They are: Ingredients List; Dosage/ Serving Size; Potency Info; Clearly Marked Cannabis/ Medicine Label; Professional Packaging. NOTE: Edible entries will receive scores for both THC and CBD levels per single serving. Thus, participants MUST clearly delegate exactly how much of your product is ONE serving, Because if you do not the lab will not test your product. This score will account for approximately 20 percent of the final score. Lab testing of edibles is always done using an HP LC (liquid chromatography) machine. We test for THC, CBD and THC-A, all of which are worked into the equation for the final quantitative score. The THC-A number is used to deduce how effectively the chef was in his or her conversion of potential THC potency. We require 7 individually packaged samples for competitors entering the Edibles category. We ask that if you’re edible requires refrigeration that you bring it in a cooler (which we will try to return to you, but no promises). IMPORTANT: Please understand that the Edibles category does abide to the same “blind judging” process that the other categories do. As packaging will be judged after all sample judging is complete. This is due specifically to fact that packaging is an important component in the scoring this category. ** Notes Regarding Disqualifications: This page must be initialed and turned in with registration. ● ● ● ● ● HIGH FIVE reserves the right to disqualify (DQ) entries for any rules violation and in cases where H5 deems the entry, or practices of the competitor therein, to be against the spirit of fair competition. Entries that have high incidents of mold, bacteria, or pesticides as identified either by either the competition committee or our partner labs will be privately disqualified and the competitors immediately notified. If any entry is found to have been tampered with, adulterated or doctored in anyway using any synthetic or artificial substances, that entry will be disqualified. This includes, but is not limited to, any substance that did not originate from the original source material, including additives such as terpenes or oils, even when derived from natural or organic sources. This does NOT apply to entries in the “Edibles” category. H5 is not out to publicly embarrass any of our competitors and these rules are solely in place for the safety and welfare of our judges and the community at large. As such, disqualification will not be made public and will be privately handled between H5 and competitors. Unfortunately, H5 does not offer refunds in the rare event of a disqualification. * PLEASE NOTE: We realize that some companies, particularly breeders, seed companies and dispensary chains have multiple entities under their charge. In cases where multiple entities with the same owners, or same company names, or same parent corporation have multiple stores or companies entering, there must be different entries submitted for each. H5 will not allow the same entry to be entered more than once by related entities. This rule is actually in place to protect companies from competing against themselves as well as to help ensure the fairness and integrity of the competition. HIGH FIVE Fair Competition ACT. I the producer will not enter into the competition more than my allotted amount of entry. A total of (3) Flower Entry’s (1) Concentrate Entry (1) Edible Entry. I will not knowingly or unknowingly allow other entity’s to enter my products falsely in order to change the odds, in doing so I understand that is a violation of the competition and agree to forfeiter of any prize money and or awards received illegally and the runner up will be named victor. If by any chance the producer breaks these codes of competition they will no longer be allowed to enter into any future HIGH FIVE AWARD competitions ever. I the producer __________ Initial. Have read over the rules of the competition and agree to abide by them. ***Please turn in with registration form. This page is mandatory for completion of registration.*** FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions What Are Entries Scored On? The five categories to be scored by each Judge are as follows: Aroma; Taste; Visual Aesthetics; Stone/ High; and Burn ability/ Flush. The three categories on the Lab side that will score are very basic and are as follows: Potency (THC levels); Medicinal Properties (CBD levels); Cure/ Age/ Storage (CBN levels). This scoring is based solely on lab results. Points are awarded in each category based on a scale that gives scores of 1 through 5 for the various ranges of cannabinoid levels. Please take note of some new additions to the scoring rules: ● HIGH FIVE awards CBD Awards at the Medical Cannabis Competition for those entries that test highest in CBD (cannabidiol). Because we do not have enough CBD rich entries to award 1st, 2nd and 3rd in every category, H5 awards a CBD Award in each of the three category types – meaning one CBD award to a flower, one to an edible and one to a hash & concentrate. The order of those Awards will be decided by merit at each event by the H5 staff. ● It should also be noted that the laboratory has been instructed to test for contaminants as well. Entries bearing any amounts of mold, mildew, etc. will be automatically disqualified (DQ). DQs will not be publicly announced, but competitors will be privately notified of the situation. There is no refund for a DQ entry. ● Please be sure to read the above section entitled “Edibles” for information on how this category will be judged as it varies significantly from the Cannabis and Concentrates categories. ● Also, please be sure to read the above section entitled “Concentrates” as new requirements have been added to that competition category. How Many Judges Are There? There are 9 judges total. 5 for Concentrate and Edibles. The H5 Competition Director oversees all Judges and Category Coordinators as well as the intake and processing of entries, the judging process itself, score tabulations and finalizing of winners. Who Are The Judges & How Are They Selected? All Judges are experts or professionals from Counter-Culture industries. We go to great lengths to ensure that the Judges selected have demonstrated exceedingly high levels of cannabis knowledge and are extremely dedicated to both the cause and the task of judging. How Long Do Judges Have To Judge? This is perhaps the most heavily questioned aspect of the competition – the length of the judging period. Judges will have a minimum of 2 weeks to complete their judging. Who Will Be Conducting The Lab Testing? Iron Labs LLC
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