Final Scientific Program

 24th April, 2015 Program 09.00am to 10.00am Registration
10.00am to 10.15am Welcome Address
Dr. Alexander Thomas President, CAHO 10.15am to 10.30am Plenary Session 1: Opening Session Chair: Dr. Nandkumar Jairam Chairman NABH, Chairman & Medical Director Columbia Asia Hospital. Co Chair : Dr Nagendra Swamy President Manipal Health Enterprises, Group Chief Medical Services, Chairman Quality Council MHE. Key Note Address: Mr. Prashant Hoskote Senior Director, Quality and Service “Cost of Poor Quality” Excellence ‐ Max India Group of Companies
10.30am to 10.45am NABH: Current and Future Plans
10.45am to 11.00am NABL: The Imperative for Quality in Diagnostics
11:00am to 11:15am Key Note Address: Vision for Healthcare Quality Movement in India Q/A
11.15am to 11.30am Dr. K.K. Kalra CEO,NABH Mr. Anil Relia Director, NABL Dr. R.P. Singh Secretary General, Quality Council of India 11.30am to 12.00pm Tea break Parallel Hospital Session : Session 2: BEST PRACTICES SESSION: Measuring and Evaluating Clinical Quality
Session Chair: Dr. Vijay Agarwal Treasurer CAHO, Executive Director Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, Ghaziabad, UP Co Chair‐ Dr Ravi Karanjekar, Associate Vice President at Wockhardt hospital Mumbai, Lead Assessor NABH & Chairman National Board of Quality Promotion(NBQI) 12.00pm to 12.15pm Clinical Data Analytics for Evaluating Clinical Outcomes Dr. Sandeep Budhiraja Clinical Director, Max Healthcare Group of Hospitals 12.15pm to 12.30pm A Hospital Experience in Capturing NABH Indicators
Dr.Vikas Manchanda Chief Microbiologist CNBC Hospital 12.30pm to 12.50pm Clinical Outcomes
12:50pm to 01:00pm Q/A
Dr. Ajai Kumar Chairman and MD, HCG Group
01.00pm to 01.45pm. Parallel Hospital Session :: Session 3: Session on Medicolegal Issues Chair: Dr. Arun Aggarwal, Director‐Professor ENT and Ex‐Dean Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi Co chair : Mr Govind Hari, Chairman Administration Pushpagiri Vitreo Retina Institute, Secunderabad Chairman and Managing Director Pushpagiri Healthcare Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. Panel Discussion on Medicolegal Issues Dr. Harsh Jauhari, Chairman, Deptt. of Renal Transplant Surgery, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, NewDelhi Dr Purvesh Parikh Director of Precision Oncology, Medical Oncology and Hematologist, Asian Institute of Oncology, Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai 1.45 to 2.30 p.m. LUNCH BREAK
Parallel Hospital Session: Session 4: BEST PRACTICES: Session on Infection Control Chair: Dr. Raman Sardana Sr. Consultant Microbiology and Chairman Infection Control at Apollo Hospitals Co chair: Mrs Upasana Arora Director Yashoda Superspeciality Hospitals, Assessor NABH and Assessor CII 02.30pm to 02.45pm. Infection Control
Dr. Sanjeev Singh Medical Superintendent AIMS, KOCHI, Kerala 02.45pm to 03:00pm Linen Management: Importance in Infection Control
Mr. Maurizzio Casol COO, Servizi Italia, Italy 03:00pm to 04:00pm Parallel Hospital Session: Session 5: Hospital Showcase session: Chair: Dr. Prem Nair Medical Director at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi Co chair – Dr. Nabin Pattnaik Vice President CAHO, CEO Dr Pattnaik Laser Eye Institute, New Delhi Oral Presentations on Abstracts
Redesigning the ENT and Eye Outpatient Services Using Dr Shroff’s Charity Eye Hospital, Delhi
Lean Sigma to Improve Throughput Efficiency at Tertiary Care Eye Hospital A Retrospective Study on Impact of Preventive CMC Vellore Maintenance and Calibration on Breakdown Maintenance of Biomedical Equipment Measuring the Deployment of Patient Safety Policies
Max Healthcare Mortality Meeting‐ An Untapped Resource For Improving Max Healthcare the Governance of Patient Safety Using White Board as Patient Communication tool.
Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh, Delhi
Public Private Mentorship Model for Quality Improvement KHSDRP, Karnataka in Selected Government Hospitals in the State of Karnataka 04:00pm to 04:15pm Special Talk: Role of Technology in Patient Connect, Visit and Engagement Krishna Prasad Chitrapura
CEO & Co‐Founder Qikwell Technologies India Pvt. Ltd 04.15pm to 04.45pm Parallel Hospital Session: Session 6: Interactive session with CEO NABH Chair: Dr Pawan Kapoor Interactive Session with CEO, NABH and Team
Dr KK Kalra CEO, NABH 04:45 Onwards Tea DAY 2: 25th April, 2015 Program 09.30am to 10.00am Parallel Session Hospitals: Session 7: Hospital Showcase Session Session Chair: Dr. Girdhar Gyani Director General, AHPI, Former CEO, NABH Co chair: Dr S Murli Oral Presentations of Abstracts
Reducing Medication error : Method Adapted Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, Gaziabad Multidisciplinary Approach to Improve Compliance to Fortis Hospital, Mohali
Surgical Prophylaxis Engineering Innovation for Automation in Cardiac Catheter Reprocessing 10:00am to10:10am 10.10 am to 10.30am. Fortis Hospital, Mohali
Special Talk : Nursing Led Initiatives for Patient Engagement Col. Binu Sharma
Special Talk: Innovation in Healthcare Dr. Kanav Kahol Vice‐President and Chief Nursing Services at Columbia Asia Hospitals Division Head, Affordable Health Technologies Division at Public Health Foundation of India 10.30am to 11.00am. Tea Break
Plenary Session 2: Luminary Session:
Session Chair: Dr. Alexander Thomas President, Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organisations, President, Association of National Board Accredited Institutions,Executive Director, Association of Healthcare Providers ‐ India Co Chair: Dr Arati Verma Secretary General, CAHO, Senior Vice President, Medical Quality, Max Healthcare 11.00am to 11.20am. Balancing Quality and Finance Dr. Devi Shetty Chairman and Founder, Narayana Health(Narayana Hrudayalaya ) 11.20am to 11.35am. Entry Level Standards : A Game Changer Dr. Somil Nagpal
Senior Health Specialist, The World Bank 11.35am to 11.55am. Innovative Strategy in Primary Care
Dr. Srinath Reddy President, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) 11.55am to 12.15pm. Attaining Quality through Skill Development
Dr. NareshTrehan
Chairman & Managing Director, Medanta ‐ The Medicity
12:15pm to 12:35pm 12:35pm to 12:45 Address by Guest of Honour
Challenges to Healthcare Industry: The Way Forward TBC Dr Girdhar Gyani
Director General, AHPI, Former CEO, NABH 12.45pm to 01.05pm. Award Session 01.05pm to 1.25pm. Release of E Module on Communication Skills 01:25pm to 01:30pm Vote of Thanks
Wolters Kluwer Dr Arati Verma Secretary General, CAHO Senior Vice President, Medical Quality, Max Healthcare 01.30pm to 02.30pm. LUNCH BREAK
02.30pm to 03.00pm Valedictory