THE SERVICE Today's Services - High Street Methodist Church

Please join us for coffee and tea in the Wesley Hall following the 10:30am service.
Traidcraft goods and greetings cards will be on sale. If this is your first visit, we
invite you to sign the Visitors’ Book and collect a Welcome Pack.
Crèche facilities are available at the 10.30am service.
Please ask a steward for directions.
Sunday 1st February 2015 – Ordinary 4
Today’s Services
9.00am Holy Communion led by Rev Gary Homewood
10.30am Worship Service led by Mrs Kay MacKenzie
Tapes and CDs of this service are available if you are, or know of someone, unable to make it to
the service. Please ask one of the stewards if you wish to borrow one.
Please return CDs and tapes after use.
Pat Crowle
Pam Proctor & Pat
Peggy & David
Bible Reader
Pat Crowle
David Marks
Lois Roberts
The flowers are given in loving memory of my son GEOFFREY’s birthday by his loving
Monday 2nd
• Belmont Bible Study Group – Any newcomers interested
are welcome to join us. Please contact Ruth on 784630
Tuesday 3rd
• Toddlers 9.30am – 11.30am All First Floor
• Brownies 6.15pm in Bromley Room
• Guides 7.00pm – All First Floor
• Wesley Walkers – meet at 10.15am at Palmer Arms, Dorney
Village, SL4 6QW (SU 930 791) 3+ miles on the flat including
Jubilee River, Dorney Lake and Boveney Common.
Details from Tony Stock 01628 630907 or 07768 328316
Wednesday 4th
• Friendship Hour 2.30pm – 4.00pm in Bromley Room
• Cubs 6.30pm in Upson Room
Thursday 5th
• Art Workshop 10.00am – 12.30pm – Bromley Room
• Lunchtime Communion 12.45pm in CHURCH
• Beavers 6.00pm in the Bromley Room
• Guides 7.00pm in Upson Room, Bromley Room, Wesley Hall,
Room 2 & 3.
• Shelter Training 8.00pm in Choir Vestry
• Questors Bible Study Group will meet at 8pm.
Please contact Susan on 01628 626412 for more details.
Friday 6th
• Coffee Morning 10am – 12.00 noon Wesley Hall
– Jan Fenner
• Lunchclub - 12.30pm – 2.30pm Wesley Hall
• Scouts (Cardboard City) - 7pm until Saturday morning.
Saturday 7th
• Coffee Morning 10.00am – 12.00noon in the Wesley Hall
CHIME (Diana Phipps)
Meet Today
Our next Messy Church is 22nd February 2015
Congratulations to Dorothy and Michael Minors who celebrate their Ruby
Wedding this weekend.
Arts, Craft and Music Festival – After the success and hard work of last
weekend, I would like to thank everyone who was involved in any way with
the Arts, Craft and Music Festival. We achieved our object of celebrating
creativity, and revealed such a wealth of talents. Thank you all.
Ruth Daniel
Thank-You Huge thanks are also due to Ruth Daniel who shouldered much
of the overall responsibility for the weekend.
Family Forum – Will take place straight after next Sunday’s morning
Action for Children – Please return collection boxes to Bill or Jean Barnett
for emptying. Contact 01628 629 675
Circuit Week of Prayer – As part of the ‘Week of Prayer in the Circuit’
between the 1st – 7th February 2015, a special invitation is offered to ALL
MEN to join the Slough Men’s Breakfast Fellowship for the ‘Exploring
Prayer as Men’ session on Saturday 7th February, 8am at Ledgers Road.
This will be a time of Worship, Prayer, Fellowship and will be followed by
breakfast. For catering purposes, if you would like breakfast, please let
Andy Packer know by 5th February. (01753 522977, 07785 108574 or
[email protected]).
At St Mark’s Crescent Church on Saturday 28th February at
10am. Cost £5 (to be collected on the day). Open to any
women from the western circuits of the South East District.
Hot drinks and soup provided – please bring a packed lunch.
Some parking is available at the church and there is plenty of
street parking nearby. Places are limited to 50 – please
register in advance by phone (01628 626182). Please see
noticeboard outside sanctuary for further details.
KIDS FILM CLUB – Tuesday 17th February in the Wesley Hall
THE BOXTROLLS are a community of quirky, mischievous
creatures who have lovingly raised an orphaned human boy
named Eggs in the amazing cavernous home they’ve built
beneath the streets of a city called Cheesebridge.
Free entry, no need to book and open to all – just turn up and
Published by High Street Methodist Church Maidenhead
Minister: The Rev Gary Homewood Tel: 626668 e-mail [email protected]
Church Office: Tel: (01628) 628104
e-mail: [email protected]
Caretaker: Mobile: 07703 476 325
Church copyright licence no: CCL4890
Charity Registration No. 1129473
Copy to the office by Wednesday morning please