March 31, 2015 - California Landscape Conservation Cooperative

CA LCC NEWS ­­ Climate Commons Training, Home on the CA Range, Tribal Water Management Program, and more!
The California Landscape Conservation Cooperative
March 31, 2015
CA LCC News & Events
The CA LCC's vision
is to support diverse
and thriving
ecosystems through
lasting cooperative
Visit the CA LCC
website Visit the Climate
Visit the National
LCC website CA LCC Climate Commons Training
April 23, 2015 11:00 ­ 12:00 PDT
Deanne DiPietro and Zhahai Stewart, California Landscape
Conservation Cooperative Data Managers, will demonstrate how to
use the Climate Commons. The Climate Commons is the go­to online
library of climate change data and related resources, information about
the science that produced it, and guidance for applying climate change
science to conservation in California. Even for those well versed in the field, navigating through and applying
appropriate climate data and information can be a daunting effort.
Using a case study climate adaptation project, we will step through
how the Climate Commons can guide well informed decisions for
climate­smart conservation. This presentation will provide you the
knowledge to:
Research climate change literature relevant to your location or
subject of interest
Find and obtain data applicable to your work
Compare across the variety of decision support tools available
for climate adaptation
Sonoma County
Adaptation Forum
April 8, 2015
Sonoma, CA
Click here for more information or to join the webinar. Communicating
about Climate
Impacts and
Stakeholders in
April 30 ­ May 1,
Tiburon, CA
Bay Area
Conservation Biology
May 2, 2015
Berkeley, CA
Home on the California Range, Year 2100
This new article "Home on the California Range, Year 2100" tells the
story of climate change and California rangelands. Rangelands are the
largest land cover by area in California and maintaining them can help
mitigate the effects of climate change and drought. Through this article, you can find a new USGS publication "Integrated
CA LCC NEWS ­­ Climate Commons Training, Home on the CA Range, Tribal Water Management Program, and more!
National Adaptation
May 12­14, 2015
St. Louis, MO
climate and land use change scenarios
for California rangeland ecosystem
services: wildlife habitat, soil carbon,
and water supply" and access to the
science and online tool for this CA LCC
supported project. Open Space
May 14, 2015
Richmond, CA
Spatial Data Science
May 20­23, 2015
UC Berkeley
Understanding the
Ecological Value of
June 8­10, 2015
Arcadia, CA
Climate Change in
California June 15, 2015
Bishop, CA
American Water
Specialty Conference
"Climate Change
June 15­17, 2015
New Orleans, LA
Climate Change
Adaptation Planning
June 16­18, 2015
Bishop, CA
Other Events
Sonoma County Adaptation Forum
Attendees of the forum will learn how to make their planning and
decision­making climate­smart, share what they have learned with
others, and explore new and innovative solutions for adapting to
climate change. The full agenda, speaker info, and other details for the
first county level adaptation forum are now available on the Sonoma
County Adaptation Forum website. Webinar: Where's My Fish?
New Tools to Visualize Climate and Other Impacts on Marine Animals
April 21, 2015
10:00 ­ 11:00 AM PDT
Malin Pinsky of Rutgers University
and Jon Hare of NOAA
will describe a new web­based tool
that will help managers, scientists, fishermen, and the public track
shifts in the distribution of the nation's marine fish and other animals
with changing ocean conditions. The OceanAdapt website is the result
of a partnership between NOAA Fisheries and Rutgers University that
annually aggregates marine biological survey data from around North
America. Click here for more information.
Understanding Climate Change in California with Project WET
April 25, 2015 ­ Los Angeles
September 12, 2015 ­ Redding
September 19, 2015 ­ Fresno
Join the Department of Water Resources (DWR) Climate Change
Team for a day of learning about the basics of climate science, how
CA LCC NEWS ­­ Climate Commons Training, Home on the CA Range, Tribal Water Management Program, and more!
DWR is addressing these impacts in
regards to Californian's water supply, and
how the interdisciplinary activities of
Project WET can help integrate climate
science knowledge and skill back in the
Other News
$4.5 Million Program to Explore Agriculture
and Water Management on Tribal Lands
USDA­funded 'Native Waters on
Arid Lands' brings together
scientists, 1862 and 1994 land­grant
institutions, and tribal communities
of the Great Basin and Southwest
to address agricultural water
Program elements include:
Developing climate scenarios
and water supply projections
for tribal lands,
Considering the applicability of alternative water management
Integrating paleoecological data with tribal knowledge to
understand the impacts of a changing climate. Click here for more information.
Good Reads
California drought: Sierra Nevada snowpack hits
historic low ­ SF Gate
California's Most Significant Droughts:
Comparing Historical and Recent Conditions ­
CA Dept. of Water Resources
Scientists Tackle a Dual Threat: More Acid, Less
Oxygen in the Ocean ­ KQED Science
Photo of the Week ­ Vernal Pool Bloom
CA LCC NEWS ­­ Climate Commons Training, Home on the CA Range, Tribal Water Management Program, and more!
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California Landscape Conservation Cooperative | CA LCC | 3020 State University Drive East | Modoc Hall, Suite
2007 | Sacramento | CA | 95819