, V' u'tF/ a CAPO3'TISSO SWEETTO c'Tis Fc so sweetto trustin Je-sus R te lJIn , A F ! F J . ' Lri f# \, NO_TH|NG BUTTHE BLOOD c( ^'"aF c ffJlf,l,eit,'if,Bnofts?/#jjJl, What can makeme wholeaoain Nothin'but the bloodof Jesu"s iust to take Him at His word c ctE F c justto restuponHis promise CFGC justto know"thussaiththe Lord" C/B C DIF# G How lv'e proved Him o'er and o'er! c c/EF C Jesus,Jesus, preciousJesus! CFGC O for grace to trust Him more! cFc OhhowsweettotrustinJesus C Lr il iJt rir \;, Justto trustHis cleansingblood cc/EFc J u s ti n si mp l efa i thto p l u n g eme 'Neaththe healingcleansing flood \, l- Y CHORUS cFc Yes,tissweetto trustin Jesus C Dm D/F#G Justfrom sin and self to cease c c c/EF iust fromJesussimply taking CFGC l=ifeand rest. and iov and oeace CHORUS cFfr l'm so glad I learnedto trustThee Dm D/F# G C PreciousJesus,Sa-vior,Friend c c/EF c And I know that Thou art with me CFGC Wiltbe withme to theend CHORUS r C\- E a* O preciousis the flow That makcs mc ruhitc as qnn\^, G 6 9Lt l-t. C No otherfountI know 2 L Nothin'but the bloodof Jesus G At" C For my pardonthis I see Nothiri'but the bloodof Jesus For mv cleansinqthismv olea Nothiri'but the b'foodof Jesus Thisis all mv hopeand peace Nothin'but the bloodof Jesus This is all mv riohteousness Nothin'but thebloodof Jesus C c AmAC L 6 A/h C^C 06,t04.t2012 ArnazingLoveChords(ver2) by Hitlsongstebs @ Wimate GuitarArc*rive lnazing (yer Love Cbords + -------Tabs Archive I U1t1ffate Guitar I http://www-ulXirnate-gultar.com/ ll guitar I Over 300.000 guitar; forumsl f columns and guitar .+ ------- - pro 2l by Eillsongs your *1 source and bass tabsl for tabs ! Also | | lessons. news, ------------ I I * Artist: Hillsongs Sonq: Amazing tove i don't really know the Hitlsongs vers.ion, at my church and this is how we play it. Amazing but I'm in the praise and worsbip band Love By Hillsongs C, E, C, G (x2) intro: cFce Itm forgiven, because you were forsaken cFcc you were condemned 1'm accepted, CFCG I'm alive and we1l, you're spirit FGC Because you died and rose again Anazing love, how can you ny that king it would is wit,hin rne be die for GC me rc Amazi.ng love, It's In I rny joy to FGC all i do know itt s true G honor you i honor vou c5'cc I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken cPce you were condemned I'm accepted, CFCG I'm alive and we1l, you're spirit FGC Because you died and rose agai-n Amazinq that love, how can it you my king Amazi.ng 1ove, It's my joy to f would is within me be die know it's G honor you for GC ne true urrrvw.ultimate4uitar.cDm/print.d|pndS'l 1490/?transpose=-7 1f2, 0f10/.no'12 Cre Comel{w ls The TkneTo WorshipChordsby BrianDoerksentabs @ UlfrnateGuitarArdrive Nor IE fra Eire fo florship Chords by Briaa Docrhgcn + - your Ultinate Guitar Tabs Archive http: / /www. ultimate-guitar .com/ over guitar, 300,000 guitar pro #1 source and bass tabs! for tabs! Also I lessgns, I I I news, ::l:t::_ ::i_11:::_::::t:l____ Artist: Brian Doerksen S o n g : C o m e N o n I s T h e Time c cone, just c Come, just To Worship Csua4 C worship Dm? F t h e time t o g i v e y o u r h e a r t Cgurl C as you are to worship DD7 f a5 you are before your God Come, now i s G Come, nos i s c I + the time to c Cotre c t One day evrry tongue will eonfess you are God rc One day ev'ry knee wj-1l bow fAD treasure remains Still the greatest Fg For those who g1adIy choose you nou END -----+ +--------is I This file I of the song. I or research. +--------- the author's You may only Ultimate-Gui.tar .Com @ 20L2 own work use this chords diaqrams Add rcre chord diagro''e to l---l---l---l---l---l l-1-l---l---l---l---l l---l-3-l---l---l---l l---l-2-l---l---l---l l---l---l---l---l---l l---l---l---l---l---l the ligt: h? F h rrr@l@Tnbrtspe-2 I I I -----+ Show/hide E B G D A E and repreaenta interpretation their for private file study, scholarship, o o o o o x B B c D rr E l-1-l---l---l---l---l l-1-l---l---l---l---l l-1-l-2-l---l---l---l t-1-l---l-.-l---l---l l-1-l---l-3-l-*-l---l l-1-l---l---l---l---l oE oB oG oD oA oA .. ; | -2- | --- t--- t --- t --- | | -1- | --| --- I -3I --- | --| ---.1 --| -'- I --- | --| --t --| --| --- I --| --t'--I --I --- | --| --| --| --I --- | | | I | o o o o x x ,n II lI INTRO: C V E R S E1 : ,CDG There D G.IB GlB C D G.IB G/B is Love that came for us CDG Humbled to a sinner's cross c D Em Yo u b r o k e my sh a me a n d si nfulness cDc ( Back t o I n t r o ) Yo u r o s e a g a l n vi cto rj -o u s V E R S E2 : CDGIB F a i t h f u l n e ss n o n e ca n d e n y GCD elE Through the storm and through the f i r e G c D En T h e r e i s tru th th a t. se ts m e fr ee DCDG Je s u s C h r i st w h o l i ve s i n me CHORUS: DG D Y o u a r e stro n q e r, Y o u a re str onger EnC S i n i s b r o ke n , Y o u h a ve saved m e GD It is written, Christ is risen cDc J e s u s Y o u a re L o rd o f all VERSE3: c D G No beginning and no end CDG Yo u ' r e m y h o p e a n d my d e fense cDh You came to se e k a n d sa ve the lost D CDG Y o u p a i d i t a l l - u p o n th e cr oss CCEBD G GIB D D /B BRIDGE: c S o l e t Y o u r N a me b e l i fte d DGC/B Be lifted higher D D/E* Be lifted hiqher h higher Amazlng Love CFCG I'm forglven,becauseyou wereforsaken cFcc I'm accepted,you werecondemned CFCG I'm allveand well,your Splrltllveswlthin Fcc Because Youdfedandroseagaln. CFC Amazlng lovc, how can tt bc Cc That You'my KIng would dlc for mc cFc Amazlng lovc, f know lt,s true Ce It's my toy to honour you G FG C In all f do, I honour you, Jesus,you Are Worthy GEm Jesus,Youare mercy,Jesus,you are JusUce CDG Jesus,Youare worthy,that ls what you are €Em Youdledaloneto saveme, you roseso you couldralseme CDG Youdld thls all to makeme a chosenchlldof God Chorus: CDG Worthyls the Lambthat oncewasslaln CDG To recelveall glory,powerand pralse CDEm Forwlth Yourbloodyou purchasedus for God CDG Jesus,Youare worthy,that ls what you are Brldge: c youare my klng Jesus, c youaremy klng Jesus, c Jesus,you are my klng c Jesus, youaremy king Brldge: Am Em Perfectsaolflcecrushedby Godfor us CD BearlngIn Yourhurt all that I deserve Am Em MlsJudged for my mlsdeedsyou suffered sllently CD The only gulltlessman in all of history [Chorus2x] [Verse1]
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