this week at Calvary Sunday (3.29.15) HOLY WEEK 8:40 am 9:00 am Entryway Prayer Time Worship | Nursery Children’s Sunday School Youth Sunday School Adult Flocks 10:15 am Guest Reception 10:45 am Worship | Nursery Preschool Church Time HizKidz | Adult Flocks 12:00 pm Guest Reception 5:30 pm Financial Peace University 5:30 pm KOK 5:30 pm Pathways 5:30 pm SEE Class: Worlds Apart 7:15 pm Basketball Pastor Tom Hovestol Tuesday (3.31.15) 9:00 am 9:00 am 1:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Over the Teacup Precepts (morning class) Line Dancing Exercise Class Healing Journey Precepts (evening class) Wednesday (4.1.15) 8:00 am 9:00 am 6:45 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday Prayer Group Bible Study Fellowship Tsame Choir Practice Thursday (4.2.15) 9:00 pm 3:30 pm MOPS Community Food Share Set-up Friday (4.3.15) OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 am Healing Journey 7:00 pm Good Friday Service Saturday (4.4.15) 9:00 am Men’s Prayer Group Palm Sunday Cordless hearing assistance devices are available at the Sound Booth. “Worship aids” (ear plugs) to dampen high frequencies for those with hearing sensitivity are available at the Info Desk. 2101 Gay Street | Longmont, CO | 80501 303.776.2400 [email protected] Su un nd day ay,, Ma M rc ch 29 | 9:0 : 0 & 10:4 10 0:4 :45 5 am upcoming events welcome! Welcome to Calvary Church! If you are a visitor, please fill out a yellow card and place it in the offering plate when it is passed or bring it to the Information Center in the Lobby. There are also Connect Cards available at the Info Desk you can fill out and let us know what Calvary ministries you are interested in learning more about. Financial Peace University There will be an informal gathering of guests following both worship services today in Room L-2, located right off the Lobby. Please join us! Pathways: to Life and Freedom sermon series The Be Good? Series will continue in two weeks. The sermon for Easter is “The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World.” TONIGHT @ 5:30 pm (Room C-1) Calvary Events TONIGHT from 5:30-7 pm (Room S-1) Topic: Face to Face - an overview of spiritual formation in counseling SEE Class: Worlds Apart TONIGHT @ 5:30 pm (Fireside Room) Topic: Dualism: Two Gods Listen Again If you’d like to listen again, sermons can be streamed at under the resources tab, or search ”Calvary Longmont” in your favorite podcast app on your mobile device. The Church Library has CD copies you can check out or they can be purchased in the Church Office for $2. The Sword The Sword for March is Romans 12:4-5. The Pastor’s Challenge verses are Romans 12:1-2. Extra copies of The Sword can be found at the Info Desk or for a fresh way to dig deeper into these verses, check out “The Verses Project” which gives visuals and songs for some verses. You can find a link to the site on “The Sword” page under the “Connect” tab. Renewed Hope March 31 from 6:30-8 pm, meets every other Tuesday (Youth Room) For more info, call Bea Sutorius at 303.678.8517 Good Friday Service Friday, April 3 @ 7:00 pm (Worship Center) Easter Sunrise Service announcements Childcare Volunteers for Easter We are in need of volunteers for childcare on Easter Sunday. Please contact Connie Salmen at 303.772.5917 if you would be able to help out at any of the Easter services. Holy Lands Tour 2015 A meeting designed to prepare for a planned trip to the Holy Lands (Jordan and Israel) is scheduled for, Sunday, April 12 at 3:30 pm in the Fireside Room. The topic of our session will be “The Country of Jordan and the Nabatean City of Petra.” All are welcome to attend whether you plan to go on the trip or not. If you would like more information please contact Tom Hovestol at 303.776.2400. Conversation Partners Calvary’s Open Door ESL program is growing and volunteers are needed to partner with a student on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Volunteers have the opportunity to build new friendships, reach out across ethnicities, and help non-native speakers build listening and speaking confidence. If you are interested, contact Holly Andersen at 720.280.0151. Sunday, April 5 @ 5:45 am (12566 WCR 1, Longmont) Please remember to bring your own lawn chairs Second Saturday Saturday, April 11 @ 9 am (Gym) Topic: Delighting in the Potter’s Purpose Raising Boys & Girls April 17 (7-9 pm) and April 18 (9-11 am) Topics: “Raising Girls,”“Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys,” and “Intentional Parenting” Register at family news Congratulations to Wesley and Megan Wright on the birth of their daughter, Violet Bell Wright, on March 1, 2015 weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces. Congratulations to Chris and Bethany Harvey on the birth of their daughter, Gracelynn Ann Harvey, on March 22, 2015 weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces. Condolences go out to the family and friends of Robert Johnston who passed away Saturday, March 21, 2015. A service was held for him Saturday, March 28, at Calvary Church. April 17 (7-9 pm) & April 18 (9-11 am) April 17 (7-9 pm) & April 18 (9-11 am) Taught by Sissy Goff, M. Ed., LPC-MHSP & David Thomas, L.M.S.W. Taught by Sissy Goff, M. Ed., LPC-MHSP & David Thomas, L.M.S.W. p at Calvary Church Register at 2101 Gay Street | Longmont | 303.776.2400 One adult: $30 Couples: $50 p One adult: $30 Couples: $50 at Calvary Church Register at 2101 Gay Street | Longmont | 303.776.2400 April 17 (7-9 pm) & April 18 (9-11 am) April 17 (7-9 pm) & April 18 (9-11 am) Taught by Sissy Goff, M. Ed., LPC-MHSP & David Thomas, L.M.S.W. Taught by Sissy Goff, M. Ed., LPC-MHSP & David Thomas, L.M.S.W. p at Calvary Church Register at 2101 Gay Street | Longmont | 303.776.2400 One adult: $30 Couples: $50 p One adult: $30 Couples: $50 at Calvary Church Register at 2101 Gay Street | Longmont | 303.776.2400
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