21ST ANNUAL ALL-AMERICAN COUNTRY HOEDOWN FESTIVAL June 5, 6, and 7, 2015 Campbellsburg, Indiana The Campbellsburg 2015 Festival Committee is at work again planning our annual “All-American Country Hoedown Festival”. The 2014 festival was a huge success! We had a bit of bad weather but for the most part it was a terrific festival! We are hoping to once again exceed our expectations. The 2015 festival will begin with the Senior Day Luncheon on Friday, June 5 th, during the evening the festival will take off with the Queen Contest and the Street Dance! The festival will continue on through Sunday, June 7th. We have many activities and events planned this year, too numerous to list here, but there will be something for everyone to do and enjoy! We wish to extend to you an invitation to join us this year and secure booth space. We are striving for this year’s festival to be a big success and beneficial to all of us. If you require assistance or have questions, feel free to contact me: Nina Webb- Festival Chairman 5 North Franklin St Campbellsburg, IN 47108 812-755-4251 or cell # 812-896-7979 [email protected] Thank you and we do hope to hear from you soon! ALL-AMERICAN COUNTRY HOEDOWN 21st ANNUAL FESTIVAL at CAMPBELLSBURG IN CRAFT / COMMERCIAL BOOTH APPLICATION June 5, 6, 7, 2015 Name________________________________________________________________________________ Name Company /Organization ____________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________State ________ Zip ____________________ Phone ____________________________________ Fax _______________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe items featured and to be sold: (INCLUDE PHOTO IF FIRST YEAR ATTENDING) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Space Options: ALL SPACE OPTIONS REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL $20 DEPOSIT FEE (see policies and procedures # 12) Fee: $20.00 per 10 x 10 space/no electric___________________________________________________ Fee: $40.00 per 10 x 10 space needing electricity______________________________________________ Fee: $80.00 per 10 x 20 space/ electricity ___________________________________________________ Fee: $20.00 PER 10 X 20 MAX FT/no electric space for Non-Profit______________________________ VENDOR SPACE FEES FOR MORE THAN 10 x 20 FEET/ ELECTRICITY: 20 x 20 FT. SPACE - $140.00 ____________________________________________________________ 20 x 40 FT. SPACE - $200.00 ____________________________________________________________ EACH ADDITIONAL 10 FEET - $10.00 EACH LIMITED SPOTS WITH ELECTRICITY Applications must be received by May 1st, 2015 – Reserve your spot early, as space is limited. Applications received after the deadline will only be accepted, if space is available. Please sign and return this form and your check or money order made payable to the: All-American Country Hoedown Festival PO Box 4, Campbellsburg, IN 47108 DISCLAIMER: In consideration for the following, I for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators waive and release any and all rights for claims for damages I may have against any of the sponsors (Town of Campbellsburg, Campbellsburg Betterment Committee, All-American Country Hoedown Festival Committee Officials, Campbellsburg Parks Board and / or other organizers) of this event known as the 20 th AllAmerican Country Hoedown in Campbellsburg, IN, which may arise as results of my participation. I have read and will abide by all of the policies and procedures as presented: __________________________________________________________ Signature (Required) _______________ Date OFFICE USE ONLY DATE PAID _________ CHECK ________AMOUNT PAID _____________ SPACE (S) ____________________________ ELECTRIC REQUIRED YES _____ NO ______ ALL-AMERICAN COUNTRY HOEDOWN 20TH ANNUAL FESTIVAL at CAMPBELLSBURG Craft/Commercial Booth Policies and Procedures June 5, 6, 7, 2015 The All-American Country Hoedown Festival Committee welcomes you! Please take a moment to read the following rules and regulations before submitting your application to ensure a successful event for everyone involved. To save space for the rest of this document the All-American Country Hoedown Festival Committee will be referred to as AACHFC. LOCATION: Campbellsburg is located on State Road 60 between Salem and Mitchell, Indiana. Salem is approximately 10 miles east and Mitchell is approximately 14 miles west of Campbellsburg. We are 45 miles northwest of Louisville, KY and 45 miles south of Bloomington, IN. 1. This agreement is for craft and commercial booth vendors. Acceptance for all vendors will be at the discretion of the AACHFC. 2. The vendor agrees that the AACHFC may revoke this Agreement at any time for any reason and that Vendor’s damages will be limited to refund of the fee paid. 3. This agreement is for space only. The AACHFC will not supply extension cords, tables, or other equipment. 4. Cancellations or No-Shows: No refunds will be given. 5. The AACHFC will provide general security after festival hours. The AACHFC will not be responsible for any equipment left on the festival site after tear-down Sunday evening. The AACHFC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items, equipment, etc. The AACHFC is not responsible for accidents or injuries. 6. All booths, equipment, and supplies MUST be removed after closing on Sunday evening at 7:00 PM. 7. Sharing, trading, or selling a contracted booth space is strictly prohibited without written approval from the AACHFC. 8. It is the responsibility of each contracted vendor to clean up around the contracted booth area on a continual basis throughout the duration of the Festival. Full trash bags must be placed at a trash pickup area. 9. Set up times will be as follows: Set up time will be on Friday June 5th from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM. Saturday from 6:00 AM until 9:00 AM. No vehicles in the exhibit area during the festival hours. 10. All booths must have a fire extinguisher easily accessible. 11. Special parking needs MUST BE CLEARED with the AACHFC PRIOR to your arrival. 12. DEPOSIT REQUIRED: All craft/commercial vendors must pay an additional deposit fee of $20 besides the booth space fee. This deposit fee can be paid in the form of an additional check or money order payable to the Festival. The deposit fees will not be deposited, unless the vendor leaves before 5:00 PM on Sunday. Vendors who stay until 5:00 PM or after on Sunday, their deposit check or money order will be returned to them. Deposit and booth rental fees paid on the same check will be deposited upon acceptance of the vendor application. If vendor stays for the duration of the festival, their deposit will be returned to them in the form of a check from the festival fund, after 5:00 PM on Sunday. 13. Non-compliance of the rules as outlined in this agreement or in further written notices will result in removal of vendor with no refund due. 14. Payment in full must accompany the application. Mail to the following address. Make checks payable to: All-American Country Hoedown Festival P.O. Box 4 Campbellsburg, IN 47108 15. Completed applications and payments must be received by May 1st, 2015 to secure your spot. Keep this information for your records. If your application has been accepted you will receive written confirmation no later than the 15th of May or a return of your application with full refund. 16. Booth Hours: Friday- June 5th –Optional, must be ready to go by 5 pm Saturday – June 6, 2015– All Vendors are required to open at 9:00 AM Sunday- June 7, 20145 – Vendors are required to be open from Noon until 5:00 PM or closing. 17. Absolutely no teardowns will be permitted prior to 5:00 PM Sunday, unless otherwise agreed upon by the AACHFC. Any vendor leaving before 5:00 PM Sunday will not receive their deposit back and could be on the do not return list for the following year’s festival. 18. DECORATING: All exhibitors are encouraged to decorate their booths with red/white/blue or American Flags. 19. Sponsor: This event is co-sponsored by the Campbellsburg Betterment Committee. Funds raised by this event are used for community projects. We are striving to present a show of high quality and reserve the right to refuse entries at our discretion. There will be an information booth set-up inside the Community Building, if any problems should arise. We do hope that you will be joining us this year. 20. RULES: Vendors must apply on the official entry form or a copy thereof. The AACHFC reserves the right to ask that any items be removed from your booth that may be deemed to be in poor taste. This is strictly a family oriented event. Vendors are asked to submit photos if at all possible of their work, especially if this is your first time to attend. 21. NO FIREARMS OR PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL WILL BE ALLOWED. NO INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS, SOUND SYSTEMS, BULLHORNS, OR MUSIC WILL BE ALLOWED IN BOOTHS. For more information please contact: Nina Webb-Festival Chairman [email protected] 812-755-4251 Cell #- 812-896-7979 or you can mail your questions or concerns to Nina Webb 5 North Franklin St Campbellsburg, IN 47108 The festival website is www.campbellsburghoedownfestival.org Our theme for the 2015 festival is “DAYS GONE BY” VENDOR SPACE IS LIMITED, SO PLEASE RETURN YOUR APPLICATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU! Nina Webb
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