Chapter 6 (Class Slides)

Are Conditioning Laws General?
W. J. Wilson, Psychology
March 30, 2015
Taste Aversion Learning ⇒ Problems
Garcia’s taste aversion seemed to differ from traditional Pavlovian
• 1-trial learning
• long CS-US interval
1-trial Learning
. . . is not uncommon e.g.,
passive avoidance (Wilson &
Cook, 1994)
Examined effects of
ACh-blocker scopolamine on
passive avoidance in rats.
• Scop impaired acquisition.
• Scop impaired recall.
• No evidence of
state-dependent effects.
Long CS-US Interval
Revusky: long CS-US delay explained by no interference.
Lett: long delay learning in T-maze if interference was prevented.
Learned Safety?
Does pre-exposure teach
• food is safe?
• latent inhibition?
Best(1975) → Latent Inhibition
• Sacc + Saline → No Illness
• Saline → Illness.
• — Sal becomes CI.
• Or, Saline pre-exposuse then ⇑.
• Pre-exp caused Latent Inhibition.
Reinforcer Re-valuation
Change hedonic value of US after learning?
• e.g., pair taste with morphine, which leads to aversion, then
make the rat an “addict” such that it desires morphine.
• Aversion to taste is still there.
• (Compare this to the “Klaxon” study.)
Compound Potentiation
• Recall overshadowing: less salient stimulus gets no associative
strength — more salient CS gets it all.
• Odor - illness learning very difficult
• BUT: Taste + Odor leads to strong aversion to odor. Where
is overshadowing?
• Sometimes overshadowing does occur, and sometimes
potentiation happens in other kinds of learning.
Relative Validity
• AX+ BX- (correlated condition)
• AX+ AX- BX+ BX- (uncorrelated condition)
• When X is tested, more CRs to X in uncorrelated than in
correlated, even though in both cases X is reinforced 50% of
• Holds across many species: honeybees choose uncorrelated
• Totally unpredicted by R-W
Successive Negative Contrast
Or, Crespi effect
• Small reward seems even smaller if it was preceded by a large
• Crespi (1942) rats running for 256 pellets run slower when
switched to 16 than do rats running for 16 all along
• Rats running for 1 run faster when switched to 16 than do
rats running for 16 all along (“elation”).
• Negative contrast happens in honeybees and rats, but oddly,
not goldfish.