View Rep Report - Canadian Quilters` Association

British Columbia Regional Reports
BC Coastal
Karen Killins-Robinson
CRANBROOK QUILTERS’ GUILD - With a new executive committee starting in the fall many exciting
things are on the horizon. This summer we've challenged our members to work with a youth on a
quilting/sewing project. Be it a grandchild or neighbour the youth in our community are our future
members and often the recipients of our wonderful craft. No truer appreciation can be given to
something unless they are educated on the process. The second challenge we've put out for the
summer is to finish at least one UFO. We can't wait for show and tell this fall!
FRASER QUILTERS’ GUILD kicked off the new year in September with 32 members. We are working on
a sampler quilt after the meetings to improve our piecing skills and learn new methods for old
techniques. The second Tuesday of the month is our regular meeting with a pot luck lunch then the
workshop. The fourth Tuesday of the month is PHD (Projects Half Done day) where members either
participate in a small project demo or work on their own projects. Each member is requested to
provide at least one small quilt to be donated to the Cancer Unit or Children's Hospital. Members are
currently getting things organized for our Annual Quilt Show, held the second Tuesday of May.
MODERN QUILT GUILD (MQG) (Victoria) is the newest quilt guild in Victoria established in Sept. 2013
and we now boast a membership of over 90 people. With a focus on modern quilts and fun, we offer
a monthly meeting and block lottery, sew-ins, swaps with guilds across Canada, free fabric
challenges, and our charity outreach program is making quilts for a teen shelter. Come join us!
AFTER 7 SEW N' SEWS - Members beat the winter blues by attending the annual retreat. A Quilt Block
Contest was part of the fun and the winner will earn the right to choose the block for the next retreat!
Members enjoyed an informative trunk show by Diane Jannson followed by a weekend workshop.
Our monthly Saturday Sewcials continue at various locations including a local quilt shop and O'Keefe
Ranch. Members are often working on floating star charity blocks. If trimming blocks is necessary
prior to putting the blocks together, the points of the stars will not be eaten! If you are in the
Okanagan be sure to check out our quilt room at O'Keefe Ranch.
The TIMBERLANE QUILTERS' GUILD (Powell River) enjoyed a season of demos and workshops
culminating in our Celebration of Quilts show in March. New methods of appliqué and paper piecing
were demo-ed. Daphne Greig led two workshops and our Mystery Quilt weekend was a sell out. The
Beyond Binding workshop in February was inspiring. We held our annual Community Quilts weekend
in October and because of their popularity we had two weekend quilting retreats. The results of our
Canadian, Eh! challenge project were displayed at the quilt show and many members took part in the
Build Me a Garden month-to-month challenge.
NANAIMO QUILTERS’ GUILD - Other parts of Canada may still be getting late snowfalls through spring
Here on the west coast we are more likely dealing with rain....rain that has been falling for months on
end. In summer the sun shines, guild meetings wrap up and the focus will be on enjoying the season.
Quilting is still on our minds as Nanaimo Guild is preparing for our Quilt Show June 2016. Cindy's
Threadworks has passed the five year mark in business and we are grateful for her expertise and fun
products. A membership trunk show proved fun and inspiring at our April Guild meeting.
BC Interior
Catherine Henderson
CARIBOO PIECEMAKERS QUILTING CLUB (Williams Lake) held the Jean Andersen Memorial Quilt
Show in April in honor of their founder. They are doing a Block of the Month challenge for which each
block maker enters their name for a chance to receive all the blocks at their wind-up pot luck in May.
FERNIE QUILT GUILD members finished piecing a Judy Niemeyer pattern with instructor Martha
Penner for their raffle quilt. They are making 140 goodie bags and mug rugs for the East Kootenay
Quilt Conference on April 30, 2016. For the summer quilt challenge, members will blindly choose a
crayon and make a quilt using that colour.
KOOTENAY QUILTERS (Nelson) made Grandmother's Dream quilts, valentine projects, and reviewed
paper piecing. They exchanged blocks with quilters in Nelson, New Zealand. Their bi-annual quilt
show will be October 2-3, 2015 and raffle quilt tickets are selling.
LOG CABIN QUILTERS’ (100 Mile House) Waste Not Want Not
quilt show is July 11-12 at Interlakes Hall in Bridge Lake, BC on
Hwy 24. They make quilts for fire victims, premature babies at
Kamloops Hospital, a raffle quilt for the Interlakes Volunteer
Fire Department and lap quilts for chemotherapy patients in
100 Mile House.
NORTH STAR QUILTERS’ SOCIETY (Kimberley) had workshops on postcards and vintage quilts and a
jelly roll race in March. They continue making wall hangings of heritage buildings in Kimberley. A
raffle quilt is underway and the annual quilt show is May 25 -June 7, 2015. They are touring
members’ quilt studios to share ideas about use of space.
ORCHARD VALLEY QUILTERS (Kelowna) finished its year with a quilt show; participation in a Creativity
and Aging show, attendance at the Gathering of the Guilds in Osoyoos and Quilt Canada in
Lethbridge. The 2015/16 quilting year will bring tutorials, workshops, community work and outreach
programs with the local high schools.
OSOYOOS QUILTERS held a 3-week Mad About Quilting show at
the Osoyoos Art Gallery and hosted 200 quilters for Gathering of
the Guilds where they announced their raffle quilt winner. They
made textured lap quilts for dementia patients, kitty bags for the
cat shelter, 3 quilts for Roots of Empathy and a baby quilt for the
Canuck Place Children’s Hospice silent auction.
SAGEBRUSH QUILTERS enjoyed Diane Jannson’s Borders Quilt and Linda King’s Modern Lone Star
Quilt workshops. Katja Marek described her on-line Millefiore Quit-Along classes and graciously
signed copies of her book The New Hexagon. Members completed 8 quilt tops in a disappearing
nine patch race. Check out their new webpage
SHUSWAP QUILTERS’ GUILD enjoyed a 9 patch block exchange, demos on marking your quilt for
quilting and photographing your quilts, making black and white bowtie blocks for Gathering of the
Guilds and tablet bags for Quilt Canada. They contributed over 45,000 inches to Lollygagging to
Lethbridge, celebrated the New Year's Baby with a quilt by Blanche Hartnett and made quilts for
the Healthiest Babies Possible program.
VERNON SILVER STAR QUILTERS donate pillows to the Vernon Mission Shelter and over 100 quilts
annually to Vernon Jubilee Hospital NICU, Vernon Women’s Transition House, North Okanagan
Emergency Support Services, and North Okanagan Family Resource Centre and BC Ministry of
Children and Family Development both of which help aboriginal children, teens at risk and children in
sexual abuse counseling.
Alberta Regional Reports
Cindy Simpson
BATTLE RIVER QG is busy making comfort quilts. Sixty were made in 2014 with the majority going to
the Camrose Women’s Shelter. Monthly demos as well as precut blocks are pieced for comfort quilts.
A mystery quilt was also completed in April.
BIG HILL QG We have had a fun year with several sew days
and a weekend and weekday relaxing retreat in October at
Camp Ursa in the mountain foothills. Great sharing of projects
and ideas with helpful members. Baby challenge material was
given to members and can see by the photo the wide variety
of colours, patterns, and quilting. The baby quilts are donated
to the Foothills Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Calgary.
COCHRANE QG is having their first ever quilt show Oct. 17. Please check the CQA/ACC calendar of
events for more details.
The EDMONTON DISTRICT QG has a vibrant charity program. Although members make quilts and other
items for charities throughout the year, 50+ members recently gathered for a day of creative effort to
make quilts for The Little Warriors-Be Brave Ranch, one of our chosen charities for this year. At our
Charity Project Retreat some people chose to work with kits that had been prepared from donated
fabric, often working in teams of 2 or 3; some completed bindings on already-quilted pieces; some
brought the quilts they had initiated at home and finished them off at the retreat. The 45 finished
quilts, plus others that had been donated earlier in the year, were presented to The Little Warriors
organization at the February general meeting. The EDQG has a long-standing relationship with the
Department of Human Ecology at the University of Alberta. The Endowment Committee raises funds
to put toward scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest in
textiles. The scholarship fund has been on-going for nearly 20 years! This year, two graduate
scholarships, each in the amount of $1900.00, have been awarded, with two more undergraduate
scholarships yet to be announced. We are very excited to host Edmonton's Festival of Quilts, June
13-14, at the Central Lions Senior Citizen Centre. This is a fabulous venue with two gymnasiums full
of quilts, a beautiful atrium full of quilts and classes with Elaine Quehl, full of quilters. Our Breakfast
Trunk Show will get us started on Saturday morning. The annual EDQG quilt challenge will feature
12" x 12" quilts with the theme Home. With demonstrations and a vendor market, it will be fun and
activity-filled. More information is available on
The ST. ALBERT QG held a quilted postcard workshop and then did an exchange of recipe postcards.
We were asked by the city to display our Poppy Challenge items at the Remembrance Day Service.
We have made quilts for Basically Babies and the Be Brave ranch for children affected by sexual
abuse. Now we are busy planning for our annual April Retreat, Workbook Weekend and of course
our upcoming Quilt Show and Quilt Walk to be held in late September to celebrate our 35th
anniversary as a guild.
The QUILTED MOUSE QG (Calgary) will be in the Chautauqua tent at Heritage Park’s Festival of
Quilts May 23-24. Stop by and visit us as we help celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Quilt
Community Showcase, formerly called the Gathering of the Guilds. We will be running a slide show of
our previous shows; The Trail that Binds and COLOUR. Heritage Park is the theme of our 3rd
Annual show being held at the Fish Creek Library May 31-June 1st.
Saskatchewan Regional Reports
Jaynie Himsl
LLOYDMINSTER LOG CABIN QUILTERS’ GUILD were pleased to welcome several new members in the fall.
They were soon involved in the planning for our quilt show in late October. Who would have thought
our show would have to compete with a balmy plus 24 degree weekend? Our viewers’ choice winner
was Valerie Habetler with her beautiful three dimensional quilt.
Our guild meets once a month on the first Monday. At every meeting there is a demonstration of
techniques or products by either a guild member or invited guest. We have several beginning quilters
who look forward to these demos.
We are once again offering a Mystery Quilt project to the guild where the participating members will
be given the instructions in six separate stages. The final “mysteries” will be displayed at our wind-up
in May.
Our November three day Quilting Retreat was enjoyed by those who were able to withstand a sudden
blizzard. The annual Guild Christmas pot luck supper and gift exchange was, as always, a fun social
We have held two great “Quilt ‘til You Wilt” events with many new tips and methods shared amid
laughter and yawns.
Our January Tote Bag workshop instructed by guild members, Anne Reiniger and Janet Ulan, was
a success resulting with new bags for “show and tell”.
In February we were delighted to host the CQA/ACC “It’s Time for Colour” travelling quilt show
featuring quilters from across Canada in aid of The Children’s Wish Foundation.
We will be looking forward to another three day Quilting Retreat in April to complete some of our
unfinished projects.
The MELFORT NORTHERN LIGHTS QUILTING GUILD has a membership of approx. 26 quilters who meet
twice a month. The second meeting of the month is for charity quilting. We are often given fabric from
folks in the community, which we sew into quilts for charities. To date we have presented
approximately 42 quilts to Group Homes, a program called
Kids First, and many quilts to cancer patients in the hospital
who are receiving Cancer treatment. Our sewing days are
mixed with laughter and chocolate which makes the day well
PRINCE ALBERT QUILT GUILD - One of the highlights of our winter season was a two day retreat held
February 27 and 28. There were 28 quilters piecing and quilting and enjoying each other’s company.
Friday evening, Gail Kenzle-Taylor, did a mini workshop on making placemats with fat quarters. On
Saturday everyone worked extremely hard practising their free motion quilting. This class was
facilitated by Trish Falk Saturday morning. On April 18 we held a tea and mini-show where we
showed off our work from this year. It is always amazing to see the quilts we have created displayed
all at once and in one
place. We wound down
our year with the
completion of our Round
/Row Robins and the
fourth pattern for
"Seasons of the Year".
Prince Albert Quilt Guild enjoys the travelling quilt show "It's Time for Colour"
RIVERS EDGE QUILTERS (North Battleford) Members of our Guild recently enjoyed a Mystery Quilt
class taught by Debbie Burwash of Corner House Quilts in Macklin, at our three day quilt marathon.
We have also had a Raggy Log Cabin class taught by Ilene from Ilene’s Quilts Plus in Unity. We
have enjoyed getting together to make quilts to be given to various charities in our community. A
special thank you to Jaynie Himsl for the presentation of the CQA/ACC Traveling Quilt Show. We
are looking forward to spring and classes taught by members of the guild.
SASKATOON QUILTERS’ GUILD is always bringing new and creative ideas to their membership. The
Guild enjoyed the traveling trunk show from CQA/ACC and the great presentation from Jaynie
Himsl, CQA/ACC’s Saskatchewan rep. The Guild will enjoy learning about how “Rulers Rule” with
Veronica from Veronica’s Quilting Supplies; all about Batiks and their use from Mami's Sidedoor
Country Quilts; woman safety issues from Constable Dawn Epp of the Saskatoon City Police and
how Kathleen O’Grady, a well-known fibre artist, designs fashions and other fibre arts using many
techniques especially the use of Indigo.
A very interesting portion of the Guild meetings has been devoted to introducing the committee
members and their quilts. Several members have also presented trunk shows that have
demonstrated their skills and passion for quilting.
The yearly retreat for the Guild featured four instructors who provided new ideas: English paper
piecing; free motion sampler with a Zentangle whole cloth; two new technique classes to get the
imagination flowing called ‘Bloomin Colors’ and ‘Wonky Houses’.
The members are all geared up for the Guild’s big quilt show in October “Shooting for the Stars”.
TISDALE QUILTERS’ GROUP - Following our pot luck supper December 11th, 17 members exchanged
2½ inch WOF strips in red & green Christmas fabric. We were to use them to make a quilted item &
bring it to show & tell. Only 2 patterns to receive for the block of the month quilt. The pattern
construction was demonstrated by a member at the first meeting of the month. One meeting, Val
Furber demonstrated how to hand quilt. She use a thimble that has a ridge around the embossed
tip. She showed her whole cloth quilt she made in 10,670 hours. Beautiful. Eileen Bone showed us
how to tie a quilt & the quilt she had tied. February was about templates & their use. February 10th,
our regional representative Jaynie Himsl brought the CQA/ACC Traveling Quilt Show. 100 people
came to Caleb Village Condominium to view the quilts. Jaynie brought some of her work. It was
enjoyed by all.
January retreat.
Manitoba Regional Reports
Isla Marsh
Herbie, the Little Blue Suitcase, started the travels of It’s Time for Colour quilts in Manitoba in
January. Not the best time, normally, but this year January was an exceptionally good month for
travelling about the province. The quilts were seen by enthusiastic quilters and friends at three
retreats (the MPQ retreat, Pinawa, and Winkler), guild meetings in Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie,
Brandon, Morden and Kenora, a Winnipeg Embroiderers' guild meeting, two satellite groups
meetings, and several smaller showings. Frequently the viewers commented on the workmanship
and designs of the quilts and expressed appreciation that the show had been brought to them, as
otherwise many would not have had the opportunity to view them. Many were also surprised at the
way the quilts fitted into the suitcase for easy transport.
Equally popular were the cards. It was hard to keep up a supply. Quilts and cards proved to be a hit
wherever they went, with viewers pleased that the proceeds were going to the Children's Wish
Members at the MANITOBA PRAIRIE QUILTERS’ meeting in September viewed a segment – Quilt Nation
20,00,00 and counting - from the CD “Why Quilts Matter”. This year's executive and committee chairs
were introduced. The November meeting featured a presentation by the Immigrant Centre, which
provides services for those new to Canada. MPQ member Corina Coombe has set up a quilting
program at the Centre.
At the Go Green Auction, held at the January meeting, a total of $598.00 was raised. MPQ added a
further $500.00 for a total of $1098.00 to go to Corina Coombe to help defray the cost of sewing
machines for the classes at the Immigrant Centre.
The second CROCUS QG Conference is being planned for April 11-12 weekend. It’s Time for Colour
quilts were displayed at the January meeting.
MPQ members, Susan Selby and Valerie Wilson will be displaying their works in the People and
Places Fibre Art Show in Selkirk at the Gwen Fox Gallery March 3-28.
Ontario Regional Reports
Ontario North
Marvella Smith
NORTHERN LIGHT QUILTERS' GUILD (North Bay) has sent a note from Janice Stewart, who is the
president of night guild in North Bay, concerning an important meeting in May of 2015. They have a
day and night guild. We will be having a very important event Saturday May 9, 2015 in which all the
north guilds get together and have a luncheon and show and tell. North Bay will be hosting it and we
would like the southern guilds to attend! It is great networking - a great exchange of ideas-techniques and a chance to expand the Quilting community. We travel to Bracebridge - Huntsville
and Orillia and area all the time and a group of us rent Miss Be Haven Farm house every year. The
drive is about 1 hr 15-30 min so we would like you and your members to consider coming. There will
be door prizes, entertainment and lots more. If you are interested, please contact Janice at
[email protected].
HALIBURTON HIGHLAND QUILT GUILD has grown steadily over the past few years, as has the
opportunities for learning and sharing. But so has the inventory. Adding new cupboards for storage is
keeping them busy (plus the housekeeping involved) and they’ve purchased two safety step ladders
for the Sew and Share section of the meetings. The year end is approaching quickly and following
the Annual General Meeting in May, there will be a few changes to the executive and committees.
PINE TREE QUILTERS’ GUILD OF MUSKOKA (Bracebridge) is planning a trip to the Mennonite Relief Sale
– Quilt Auction in New Hamburg on Saturday, May 30, 2015. Many of you are not aware what this
yearly event is about. The Mennonite Churches in southwestern Ontario started this back in 1967,
responding to the increase need for worldwide relief related to hunger, natural disasters, poverty etc.
The merchandise and services are donated, allowing all monies raised to be used towards these
needs through the Mennonite Central Committee.
Show and Sale 2015 at the Royal Kingston Curling Club, 130 Days Road, Kingston, Ontario; June
12-14 (Friday 10am - 7pm, Saturday 10am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 4pm) with admission $6 (children
12 years and under who are accompanied by an adult are admitted free). Quilts Kingston 2015 will
feature hundreds of traditional and contemporary quilts and wall hangings; demonstrations of quilting
techniques; Care and Repair of quilts (Bring your quilted treasures that need some TLC; if you don't
know what to do, we'll guide you on what to do.); Quilters' Boutiques; Quilts for sale; Merchants' Mall;
Door prizes; Display of "Quilts by Children" - 14 years or younger; The Sir John A Macdonald
Challenge; Tea Room; Display by the Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts; Display by the Limestone
Loopers, a Kingston rug hooking group. Visit for more information.
The TRENT VALLEY QUILTERS' GUILD is having a very busy and productive
year. This year we celebrate our 25th anniversary. A quilt consisting of
104 stars signed by members was created.
At the end of 2014 we lost our meeting facility. Executive got busy and
found the guild a new meeting place in the Brighton Community Centre,
not far from where we met before.
The guild is busy getting ready for our quilt show in June. This show is
put on every third year. With 150 members it is a large and fabulous
show. The feature artist this year is our very own Marilyn Edmonds.
The show will run June 6th & 7th. Details are on the guild's website.
Ontario South
Joan MacIntosh
YORK HERITAGE QUILTERS GUILD - This year the York Heritage Quilt Guild held its show,
Celebration of Quilt XII, November 14 and 15th at the Toronto Botanical Gardens. The show
venue paled in comparison to the vibrant colours of the over two hundred member quilts. The
Show was a grand success, with over 1200 visitors, good food, and twenty vendors.
The YHQG members are always volunteering and willing to educate about quilting. This
year, members have partnered with Quilts at the Creek for a show - July 19-19, 2015 at
Black Creek Pioneer Village. Please come and visit us for our fourth annual Quilts at the
Creek show. We are thrilled to partner again with Black Creek Pioneer Village to display
quilts outdoors in the sun and waving in the breeze.
Quebec Regional Reports
Carol Jiles-Davis
SOUTH SHORE QUILTERS’ GUILD – Since resuming in September with 63 members, the SSQG has
been going non-stop with Demonstrations (Rulers) , Workshops (Iron Caddy – Hexies – Christmas
Decorations), Quilt Registry and a very successful Quilt Show in October 2014. Interested members
are hard at work on a Row Robin quilt to be completed by year-end. Our most important get together
this year was to put in a full day on a Quilts of Valour
quilt – a labour of love for all involved.
retour en septembre, la SSQG et ses 63 membres
n’ont pas chômé avec les démonstrations (règles), les
ateliers (“Iron Caddy”, hexagones, décorations de
Noël), les enregistrements de courtepointes et une
exposition de courtepointes très réussie en octobre
2014. Les membres intéressées travaillent d’arrache-pied à l’exécution d’une courtepointe “RowRobin” qui doit être complétée pour la fin de l’année. Notre plus important rassemblement de l’année
a été une journée passée à la création d’une courtepointe “Quilts Of Valour”; un travail d’amour de
la part de toutes les participantes.
New Brunswick Regional Reports
Gail Fearon
AKERLY-CAMBRIDGE NARROWS QG started quilts for A Walk Through Nature Quilt show to be held in
August. A sampler table runner was used for a review of machine quilting in February and needle
felting with Carol Goodman was scheduled for March.
CHOCOLATE RIVER QG (Moncton) had Susan Delaney and Beth Sears organize Friendship Star
blocks for a quilt given to Crossroads for Women in memory of Marie (Ree) Defina. Applique
techniques by Loretta Cole from Spruce it up Quilting filled the program for February.
COTTON MILL QG (Fredericton) had members working on BOMs and hand quilting a charity quilt for
January and February. Workdays in March included baby quilts for the neonatal unit, crumb catchers
and wall hangings for the local nursing homes.
FREDERICTON QG held workshops in Diamond Delight by Susan Marks, Using Color Value
Successfully by Lee McLean and Crazy Eights by Monica Washburn. Programs included Victoria
Quilts, Helpful Tools, Gadgets and Quilting 101. Symphony of Spring Quilt Show will be held April 24
& 25, 2015 at the New Maryland Centre.
GORGE QG (Grand Falls) members made decorative Christmas stockings for local senior homes and
manors. A Beginner’s Quilt Course was held in January to encourage new members. The fee
included membership in the guild. A Pincushion and scrap catcher workshop by Ginette
McLaughlin was held in February. A Victoria Quilts workday in March had 20 kits sewn, quilted and
bound. Four members held a Heritage Day Display at the Perth-Andover Middle school showing
students the progression of quilting from necessity to art form and displaying the tools both vintage
and modern.
GREATER MONCTON QG focused on continuous strip paper piecing and ‘paperless’ paper piecing in
January along with how to pack for a retreat and setting goals. How to Quilt tops was the program for
February and an annual quilt retreat had a theme of “Hari-Kuyo” , Japan’s Memorial Service to
Broken Needles.
KESWICK RIDGE QG held workdays for Hospice quilts in January and February. Donna Young from
Fredericton provided a trunk show in February. A four day retreat was held at the Villa Madonna in
early February. Sew into Spring-Resort to Quilting Quilt show will be held May 22/23, 2015 at the
Riverside & Resort, Mactaquac, NB .
MARCO POLO QG (Saint John) is preparing for their biennial Quilt And Fibre Arts show to be held May
1 & 2, 2015 at NB Museum, Market Square, Saint John, with members using the time to complete
entries for theme “A Whale of a Tale”. Tablet carriers for Quilt Canada 2015 was the workshop in
early February.
SACKVILLE QG presented 14 baby quilts to children in need from a Christmas outreach .A cobblestone
workshop was held in January and a pineapple workshop in March. A Quilts display and Tea will be
held May 9, 2015.
SUSSEX VALE QG doubled up workshops due to inclement weather cancellations in January. A
Chinese Auction raised some funds in February and a trunk show featuring Susan McEachern’s
amazing applique was held in March.
W OODSTOCK QG is in the midst of preparation for A Kaleidoscope of Quilts to be held May 1 & 2,
2015 at the Civic Centre Field House, Woodstock. Ongoing programmes include comfort quilts for the
ill and those affected by fire loss. Each month, skill sharing from members has been featured.
QUILT GUILD - Notre guilde a dû annuler les réunions du mois de janvier et février dû à la mauvaise
Pour le mois de mars, nous avons lancé, par courriel, le “Défi des carrés/Squares Challenge”.
Chaque membre est invitée à faire un ou des carrés qui sont un défi personnel et les apporter
ensuite à la réunion. Les patrons seront partagés entre les membres et deviendront une banque pour
la guilde.
Nous sommes présentement en contact avec la guilde d’Edmunston et nous prévoyons des visites
mutuelles soit au printemps ou à l’automne.
Our Guild had to cancel their January and February meetings because of the bad weather.
In March we challenged the members via Email with the “Squares Challenge/Défi des carrés”. Every
member is invited to sew one or more square which are challenging for her and then bring them to
the meeting. Patterns will be shared between members and will become the Guild’s Blocks Supply.
We have contacted the Edmunston’s Guild and we plan mutual visits either in spring or fall.
Nova Scotia Reports
Dorinda McCully
THISTLE QUILT GUILD (Pictou County) Remembering Our Veterans With Warmth That Lasts. Joyce
Eaton came up with the idea of making quilts for members of the Veterans’ Unit of the Sutherland
Harris Memorial Hospital in Pictou, NS (a residential care facility for veterans). It was to show
appreciation for the sacrifices they made in acting as the protectors of our country and way of life.
The finished quilts will remain with the Veterans’ Unit and not become the property of the individual
residents. There is a quilt, made to measure, for each bed in the unit and a beautiful quilted wall
hanging featuring silhouettes of soldiers and poppies for remembrance that will decorate their
recreation room.
Joyce enlisted a number of friends to help out. The ladies provided their own supplies, made the quilt
tops, and many did their own quilting. As the work progressed this generous personal project
became a project of Joyce’s guild, the Thistle Quilt Guild in Pictou County. A few quilts were sent out
to be machine quilted. Norma MacCara quilted quite a number herself. She is practicing with a new
quilting machine and welcomed the opportunity to add to her experience. Another member made
labels for the quilts.
Arrangements were made to present the quilts as a group. The event took place prior to
Remembrance Day since there are other things for the Veterans to think about and do on that very
significant day. Dennis Chipman, activities director for the facility, was our gracious host for this
On November 1st, 2014, Thistle Quilt Guild members provided snacks so guild members and
veterans could meet and chat over a convivial activity. As you can see from the pictures, the weather
was pleasantly cooperative and those present enjoyed the event.
Members who contributed quilts: Joyce Eaton, Heather Campbell, Joan Watters,
Mary Wadden, Marlayne Tedford, Linda Brand, Sheila Munro, Myla MacDonald,
Jocelyn MacDonnell, Connie Murphy, Carol Ann Johnson, Isabelle Mason, Wilma
Jenkins(2), Gloria Turnbull, Anne
Mattie, Carol Francis, Shelley Tye,
Gertie Anderson, Linda Crosby,
Donna Thompson, Claudette
Campbell, Debbie Bowen.
Photos by Kate Anderson.
A few quilts for the veterans.
ANNAPOLIS VALLEY QUILT GUILD - We have had a fun, busy, and productive year with our guild. Way
back in November we were treated to a day-long workshop by a talented guild member who walked
us through a Buggy Barn Star block. She offered various sizes to make and viewing the finished
products was a joy. Then, at our regular guild meeting, one of our very artistic members taught us
how to make Victorian Crazy Quilt ornaments. Many a tree and gift were enhanced by these
beautiful designs. December brought the annual Christmas potluck and fat quarter exchange – lots
of delicious food and conversation – a wonderful way to end 2014.
With winter full upon us, UFOs committed to becoming FFPs (Finally Finished Projects?), and the
challenge of getting these finished, we determined to take our January guild day to enjoy one
another's company and experience and work on our own projects. It was definitely a great day. And
snow, snow, snow – alas, we had to cancel our February meeting because the roads were
impassable. However, March dawned, clear and cool, and we managed to get our casserole carriers
from February completed, and learn some new tips, techniques, and quilting savvy at our monthly
meeting. With spring upon us, we have our meeting of the guilds in May and look forward to the
results of the two round robins that have been worked on all year and the finale of the mystery quilt
given in our blocks of the month. Our inches are being counted up and the monthly show and tell is
always encouraging and challenging. It is wonderful to see the talents of our members. Never a dull
HIGHLAND QUILT GUILD (Antigonish) had a busy winter and spring with many workshops and
demonstrations put on by guild members. They included: tablet bags for Lethbridge, a watercolour
wreath wallhanging made using iron-on grid material, Spicy Spiral table runner, appliqued pillow
wraps, reversible quilt as you go. As well, there were demonstrations of ideas for using fat quarters, a
"biggest mistake" round-table, ideas for using 2-1/2" strips, stations on techniques. A recycling project
in which members were to re-use or re-cycle some previously made item culminated in an interesting
show and tell on Earth Day. The annual guild retreat was held at Celtic Quay in late April, with
members working on individual projects, enjoying catered meals, and socializing with lots of games.
MAYFLOWER QUILT GUILD (Halifax) members have had the opportunity to enjoy a presentation and
trunk show by Ontario quilter, Heather Stewart. Several quilters were also able to take classes from
Heather through neighbouring guilds. Many members are looking forward to the fall Mayflower Pictou
Lodge Retreat featuring teachers: Karen Kay Buckley from Pennsylvania, Ana Buzzalino from
Alberta and Laurie Swim of Nova Scotia. For the June Pot Luck dinner, quilters rose to the
President's Challenge of creating a variety of Canadian provincial and territorial inspired quilted
NORTHUMBERLAND QG (New Glasgow) were kept very busy through the Fall with workshops and a
variety of activities including a Mystery Quilt, Victorian sewing case, machine quilting, hand applique,
pillowcase day, and "thinking outside the box", a 2 day workshop. Upcoming activities include a travel
case, portrait quilt, "tiny treasurers" sewing day, Delightful Dragonflies workshop with Karen Henry,
Halifax, and a quilter’s carryall and purse workshop to finish out the winter.
PARADISE VILLAGE QUILTERS kept busy. Working along with the Paradise Women’s Institute, we
made more receiving blankets for the Valley Regional Hospital, which were delivered in February.
One of our members put on a workshop for theOne Block Wonder quilt and we have been having
some wonderful pieces completed. We spread this workshop over 4 afternoons.
This past October we held our 15th Annual Gathering of the Guilds. Many local guild members
attended and we had a wonderful show and tell. We held a Silent Auction as a fundraiser and many
went home with some great buys. We continue to work on our Row Quilt Challenge and by all
accounts, with all the snow we’ve had, many quilt projects are being completed, and a few more
started as well.
Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Reports
Judi Kelloway
PIGEON INLET QG (Bay Roberts) started the year with a new executive in place and their annual Tea
Party. Five new members joined the guild with much enthusiasm. A Christmas dinner was held in
December and a Pot Luck in February - both events were well attended. Workdays are held twice a
month. For one workday, a member volunteers to instruct a set project and the other workday is a
time to work on their own projects. The Guild has taken on the initiative to make a WW1
Commemorative Quilt to recognize Newfoundland and Labrador's contribution to this war and its
100th anniversary.