Plagiarism Policy and Procedures

Owner Training Coordinator
Version: 2.0 Last Amended: August 2013
Plagiarism and Cheating Policy
1. Purpose
CAN maintains high standards of academic integrity and does not support either plagiarism
or cheating by any students enrolled in its courses. Steps will be taken to ensure that all
assignments submitted are checked to eliminate any suggestions of plagiarism or other forms
of cheating.
2. Definitions
In a study environment, cheating means to act dishonestly in any way so that the assessor of
the work accepts what a student presents as genuinely representing his/her understanding of,
and ability in, the subject concerned. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and refers to copying
ideas and materials without acknowledging the source. CAN will not tolerate plagiarism or
cheating, and a penalty may be imposed if a student is found guilty of either.
It constitutes cheating if a student:
• uses notes or other resources without permission during formal testing
• hands in someone else’s work as his/her own (with or without that person’s
• hands in a completely duplicated assignment
• lifts ideas and materials from a source without the author’s knowledge
• works with one or more individuals on the method or approach needed to answer a
task or question (either telling others or asking others for this information);
• works through an assessed task or question and writes the answers with other students
so that the submissions are very similar in content, structure and style;
• uses any part of someone else’s work without proper acknowledgement
• steals an examination or solution from a trainer.
It is not cheating to:
• discuss assignments with trainers or other students to understand what is being asked
• hand in work done alone or with the help of staff
• get help to correct minor errors in spelling, grammar or syntax (sentence construction)
• discuss assignment requirements and course materials so that a student can better
understand the subject (this is, in fact, encouraged)
• submit one assignment from a group of students where this is explicitly permitted or
• use other people’s ideas where they are acknowledged in the appropriate way, such as
referencing using footnotes, end notes or any other recognised system of referencing.
It is important to note that the integrity of a group project is the joint responsibility of all
members of the group. Therefore, if cheating of any kind is found in a group project, all
members of the group will be held responsible and will be subject to disciplinary processes.
Copyright 2014 © Cantillon Institute Pty. Ltd. | Policy and Procedure
Version: 2.0 Last Amended: August 2013
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3. Penalties for Cheating
CAN will not condone cheating and plagiarism under any circumstances. If a student is
suspected of cheating, the trainer(s) concerned will investigate to establish evidence to
support the suspicion. If there is no clear evidence available, no further action will follow.
If there is evidence to support the suspicion, the trainer(s) will notify the Training
Coordinator and the student will receive a letter regarding the plagiarism offence and the
penalty to be applied. The student will have the opportunity to counter the allegations made
against him/her via the Complaints and Appeals process and form.
Once a student has provided further information, the trainer may come to one of two
• It is a minor or unintentional offence and the student will need to undergo an
alternative form of assessment, such as a short oral assessment, which may involve
talking about the work or questioning. To undertake this alternative assessment,
published re-assessment fees will apply.
It is a serious offence and the student will fail the module. Repeated cheating – minor
or serious – will result in failure of the module plus a record on the student file. The
college may also choose to cancel a student’s CoE.
Students will be advised of all penalties in writing.
4. Appealing against a Cheating Charge
If a student is found guilty of and penalised for cheating and believes that the accusation is
unjust, he/she has the right to appeal against the charge. This appeal must be lodged in
writing, using the Complaints and Appeals form, within7 days of the penalty being imposed.
The appeal may be lodged against:
• the process
• the decision
• the penalty.
The appeal will be investigated and the student concerned will be advised of the outcome
within a week of your appeal.
5. Responsible Officers
Training Coordinator – overall execution of the policy
Trainers – identification and investigation of plagiarism and cheating
Copyright 2014 © Cantillon Institute Pty. Ltd. | Policy and Procedure
Version: 2.0 Last Amended: August 2013
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