-- ; Dally P r e f * - l l and Raymond, Rome, and two The funeral will be at S>45 Utica Teacher — : Utfea, Wednesday. June Friday from the Rogenka Fu.ONjaDrV-Mri BnwV.aCogJ sisters, 'Mrs. Flossie Webster, neral Home and at 9 from St. To Participate ' Talartwia - * John Tatontwlcr M IW fin, U, of 3857 Prospect St, Oneida, and Mrs. Nejlie Robins,{ Joseph-St. Patrick Church. Bur Mtehoti Vf„ Tuetaay from Booden» Munnsville. Nicholas J. Cardinale. of 1204 Funeral Home and St Stonljlovi Churcti widow of George Coffin, died 1 wnare a requiem Mow was altered by The Ladies Chorus of the Maple St., a teacher at Roscoe The funeral will be at 1 to-P will be in St. Joseph's Cememe Rev. ArWn Ajlaldonlk, Bearers: June 3 in Oneida City Hospital. Utica Maennerchox will sponConkling School, has been se- George Jusxklewiu. Jacob Woikowici, She was born in Cleveland, morrow Jrom the Alge%HammUl tery. Joseph Kociynski ond John Tolento. sor its third annual luau dancw lected to participate in the Na- Burlot wos In Holy Trinity Cemetery daughter of Tartutus and Mary Funeral Home, Vernon. Burial Calling hours are from 7 to 9 from 10 to 2 Saturday in the tional Science Foundation Institonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 NEW YORK - James HenryWilson—Mrs. Ruth E. Wilson, of Verona lane Rowe -She lived in Oneida will be in Bernard's Bay CemMaennerchor Halt, -flr Auert tute for teachers of mathemato 9 tomorrow. Beach, Monday from the Heintj Fu-•-• for the past 20 years. She was etery. — Rand, the inventive ge-nius who tics at San Jose State College, neral Home and Sf Ann s Church, Ave. e? where' a requiem Mast wos offered married to Claude Beebe. He- Calling hours are from S to 4 Mrs. Thomas Carville, chairSan Jose, Calif. by me Rev. Frederics: Prevost. BearMRS. NEAL D. GOCHEE was a oofounder of the Sperry died in 1928. She later was mar- and 7 to 9 today. ers: Bert Fldlee. Albert Hooper, Rob- man, said the Manhattan Trio Rand Corporation, died June 3 The institute offers a program ert Wlilloms. Ernes* Hill, Bernard ried to Mr. Coffin. He died in ROME - Mrs. Carol Blount at Freeport, Grand Bahama Is- of full time study from Septem- Salerno, and Chet Brennon. Burial wos will provide the music Mrs, in Mt Olivet Cemetery with final 1W2. | MRS. MICHAEL PAUL Gochee, 33. wife of Neal D. land. Rand, who retired in 1959, ber, 1968 through June, 1969. absolution Reginald Rahn is co-chairman. . by Fofner Prevosf She leaves a son, Elden Beebe, Mrs. Josephine Paul, 61, of Gochee, 3307 Laurel Oak Court. was 81 years old. Each participant will receive a MOOOnOOOOOOOOOOOtt Oneida; five daughters, Mrs. 1220 Kemble St., wife of Michael Atlanta, Ga., a n d a former sUpend and allowances for travWillis (Ida) Dorn and Mrs. Paul, died June 4 in her home. Rome resident, died June 1 in He began his business career el and book expenses. Thinking Ntw Wallpaper ? Howard (Jessie) Eaton, both of Dr. Gerald C. Gant, coroner, Georgia. by borrowing 110,000 to found Come M CNM See Oneida; Mrs Frank (Edna) said death was due to natural Besides her husband, (son of the Kardez Company, which Nu Sigma Psi sorority will Noxel, East Moline, 111.; Mrs. canses. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Gochee Sr., was based on his invention of a meet at 8 this evening in the Charles (Dorothy) Coffin, Cleve- She was born in Poland. She 8102 Turin Road, Rome), she filing system. From that begin- home of Mrs. Theresa Vendrtti I0W WITH OUR SALES STAFF land, and Mrs. Preston (Edith) attended schools there and came leaves her parents, Mr. and ning and through • series of of 1831 Rutger St. Formerly ef N. V. Wallpaper C*. Nodecker, Sherrill; three step- to Utica as young woman. She Mrs. Frank Blount, Senoia, Ga.; mergers, there emerged the Clarence n*» bean consider** "Mr. Wallpaper" by thousand* ef Central f*mm Vorfcera for many year*. sons, George and Charles Cof- was employed as a spinner in a daughter, Julianne; two sons, Sperry Rand Co. with sales exHe will be pleased to help jrev with ye«r eeiectlen fin, both of Cleveland, and Clif- the former Mohawk Cotton Mills David and Donald, and two sis ceeding $1 billion. from our Wallpaper Dept. Cooper—Squirt cooper of St. Petersburg, ford, Constantia; a step-daugh- for 26 years, retiring in 1945. ters, Mrs. Jack Humphrey, SeFlorida, Monday from the Owen* Funeral Home, Clinton, with the Rev ter, Mrs. Mabel Englebrecht, She attend St. Joseph and St. noia, and Mrs. Arnold Donald Jonathan Rebekah Lodge will John F. H. Gorton, rector of St. Jarne* lac Cleveland; four brothers, Clar- Patrick's Church. Epl»copol Church, officiating. Bearer*: son, Tampa, Fla. meet at 8 this evening in Jona- Jotepn "HOME OF PALAOthtO PAINT*" Word. Kenneth Word, Thomas ence and Benjamin Rowe, both Besides her husband she Funeral arrangements are'in- than Hail, 1405 Miller St. Mrs. Jonet and Kenneth Hemming Burial 3 1 5 M . I K K M ST Fort, h— Parking — Prion* RA 4 - 5 1 1 1 wa» in Klrklond Cemetery wltr- comof MunnsviUe; Otis, Little Falls, leaves a son, Henry, Utica. Gertrude Eiselman will preside. mittal complete. by Father Gorton MRS. BESSIE COFFIN Funerals James Rand Dies at 81 Luau Planned Clarence Hoke EX-PRIME MINISTER DIES •-Former Prime Minister Sir Walter Nash el New Zealand 4jed yesterday in Wellington, New Zealand. He was M. (AP Wire photo.) Funeral Jones & Gurlev Fact-finder Is Appointed WESTMORELAND — A state fact-finder has been appointed to take part in the Westmoreland Central School contract dispute with the teachers. Spencer D. Parratt, a Syracuse University professor and a consultant to state, local and national government departments, was appointed by their State Public ^Ejnployment Re latlons Board (PERB). Negotiations were conducted last night in the school and will continue tonight. Representatives of the teachers and the administration kept a tight silence DO the status of the dispute Parratt will investigate the causes of the disagreement and make recommendations befoee the time for the budget vote Tuesday Usually, under the machinery for settling disputes under the Taylor Law, a me^iatorjsjirst appointed to help reach a vol nntary agreement, The appoint" ment of a fact-finder is usually the second step. The fact-finder has power to bring both negotiating teams together and make public recommendations if he thinks they will help MRS. LORETTA B0WB^ ^—— ONEIDA—Mrs. Loretta Dowd, 514 Broad St., widow of Louis Dowd, died June 4 in- .Oneida City Hospital. - . • She was bom in Oneida, [laughter of James H., and Elizabetlr Dorarr Riley. She -was graduated from Oneida. High] School and Cortland Normal School. - -, At one time she was a teacher | In the Pelham schools. She lived in Oneida for the past nine years. The couple had lived in Cortland before coming here. Mr. fDowd died in 1959. She was a member of St. Patrick's Church and Oneida City Hospital Auxiliary She leaves a ^on, J. James, Svraeuse; a si9tcf. Mrs. .1. Don aid (Agnes) Smith. Oneida, and! a brother, Charles E. Riley, A wonderful selection of sizes and comforts now 'specially priced in.pairs. Machine washdry, odorless, dustlessu mildew resistant. All -finished size. A GraciuuK Tiible Setting Says So Much About You! ironing; colorfast. With reversible cushions, adjustable skirts. Made with DuPnnt <+rwtrh Qfrvreco. The funeral will be at 9 Friday from—the Camphell-Dean Funeral Home and at "9:30 at St. Patrick's Church. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. Cortland. .' } Calling hours are from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 tomorrow. • Contemporary Prints of greer/b'je or brown/gold. Solids of olive, brown, gold, blue, green, melon. Colonial prints of ^green, brown or r»6. --— —.---. ?- Service for 8 (55 pc.) Service for on a convenient Hunger's charge account AWARD TO BE GIVEN The Exchange Club of Utica will present its Eighth Youth Recognition Award at its noon meeting tomorrow in Hotel Uti ca Tred" Swanson will "have a representative f r o m " Wetrnore £mw*>\ ffw the sward.-In other jj business; tou Cook wiU prei'wu the Championship G r a m m a r School Baseball Trophy. —r^: 2 for * 2 9 We show Svo patterns from our exciting collections: Featured: "Madeline": pink roses and buds,, leaves in dart and light willow grey. Platinum trim, coupe shape by Mikau^Above right: 'Inverness' : floral pattern in , glittering tones of blue in a graceful design: platinum edge. —— "Madeline": Buy £meraldj European white goose down; striped -cotton ticking; 20x26. Regularly ea.. Si8. 12 (95 pc.] "Inverness": Service for 8 (45 pc.) " Service for 42 (92 pc.) jack of ONE trade . . . ; and master o74t.r ~ Some stofs* £ • » *»H you practieally anything?" But when it comei to surgical equipment, see a ipe)cialiit, y a m local Madlcdl-Surgical Supplier hat tHe> training to your need axactty. 5-Pc Tea Set by International ¥f« feature The LUMEX Walk-A-Matic The glowing lustre of silverplare that charms every setting. Our traditional service 'ncludes a large coffeepot, teapot, matching suyai and lleaffie-i -ytfth elegoTttty -chased tray. . Followt normal nmee~ menu . . . walking'a aafer, mora aomfartablo 5 pc. Set $65 ', .' A M P - O T H E R QUALITY; • E N G I N E E R E D LUMEX W A L K W b and P A R E N T AIDS. Maka sura •Ka LUMEX nama it on the P'od' u e t — i f * * a bait andortamant! PROFESSIONALS ONLY MAN AGREE . . . TO SEE IS THE YOUR LOCAL MEDICAL-SURGICAL ., MOHAWK HOSPITAL ____...EQUIPMENT Inc. JlOOU MOAD SL, DIAL 797 0570 UTICA «»RL* AJURICAB PRINTS I T T L M ii.t«.niein.r r SUPPLY OR RENTAL DEALER JJ Open Sappnire: Firm European white goose feathers; biuo/pink floral •iti^wej, JU27.—Requ'a » for * 1 8 TTT eO«TtMfO«»*T PRINTS • OT AVAILAtLt IN rrtcet 44. W. H A « « «ar u ••*•'* f y si m IT i l a r t l JxtnrtK m ^m - / Diamond: Super-soft European white goose -,d o w n , cotton mterlmed, zip b:ue/white sliTjed uiiiei Las»e, 2U27. Regularly ea., $ o . . 2 for,»33 Opal: Medium soft 75% European white ..goose dowr,-75% white goose feathers. Blue/ white striped cotton ticking; 21x27. Regt'aHy ^ a . , $22. ..: : ___^.l for » 3 0 _ J N o t Shown) _ .__.' - ' „L_ Garneh 25% white goose down, 75% white waterfowl feathers for firm comfort. Regufa^r_."1y ea., $18. ^ - ^ 2 for » 2 # International Deep^ilver in 5 Patterns ^ ^ Y o u r choice of 5 patterns in a beautiful 48 pc. service for 8 ;.__plus.8 »Cd teaspoons free, Handscrre '^arnish-res'stant chest^$l5. ~T7r^^^^T^iZ:rr^Z^ % ^: - : ^ P<=. Service for 8 T,n\oy the convenience $125 Hungers Mon.-frJ.-*-*Q>* Sal. 9 to 1 • • * . SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS i Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com of a charge account _ 'JSP
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