CANADIAN SOLAR INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Campaign to Open Canadian Solar Markets Strategic Project Highlights PROJECT OBJECTIVE Develop supportive policy and regulatory frameworks and programs for solar energy in Canadian markets outside of Ontario. Contribution Required for Participation $ 5,000 Total Project Budget $ 130,000 Time Frame July 2015 to June 2016 INDUSTRY CONTEXT Canada has developed a globally competitive solar industry largely due to Ontario’s Green Energy Act. The Ontario market represents over 99% of the grid-tied solar PV in Canada today. Several provinces and territories are developing programs to specifically encourage the adoption of solar energy and represent significant opportunities for further growth. SCOPE OF WORK AND DELIVERABLES This 3-year project will aim to open up new markets to help Canadian solar companies grow and prosper. Research will be conducted to create a baseline assessment of the solar energy market in each province. These markets will then be prioritized based on market potential, current opportunities and barriers to growth in order to prioritize policy and market development activities. CanSIA will scale activities and be responsive based on political and other developments. DELIVERABLES COMPLETION DATE Market research to provide baseline assessment of opportunities to open new solar markets across Canada and prioritization thereof July to November 2015 Creation and initiation of Market Development strategy December to January 2015 Advocacy and Government Relations Strategy and Implementation Plan February 2015 Advocacy outreach campaign (Target Market Provincial Governments) March to June 2015 PROJECT RESOURCES The majority of project resources will be directed towards policy and market research. Government relations and communications expertise are also required to develop an advocacy strategy and implementation plan to ensure the industry develops and maintains relationships with applicable provincial governments throughout Canada. PROJECT-SPECIFIC OPPORTUNITIES Participants will have the opportunity to inform and tailor the Campaign to Open Canadian Solar Markets to ensure it aligns with contributing company priorities and the broader needs of the industry. Partici pants will receive regular briefings on market intelligence and will be asked to participate on an as needed basis in meetings with decision-makers from both government, crown-utilities and regulators. ALL STRATEGIC PROJECTS Contributing companies will be recognized as either CanSIA Influencers or members of the President’s Circle (if contributing to all projects) and will sit on project advisory committees. Project advisory committees will meet in person or by teleconference once per month, in addition to regular email communications. CanSIA will chair each initiative and provide a project manager to ensure that deliverables are met to the satisfaction of the advisory committee within each project’s timelines. Project decisions will be made through a consensus-based approach. Each project will have a budget exclusively funded through contributions from eligible member companies. This budget will be managed independently of other Strategic Projects and from CanSIA’s core operations budget. Contributions will be spent on research, consultants and communications materials as required to achieve the project’s deliverables and objectives. Transparency will be a major priority and critical to the ethical and effective use of member project contributions. CanSIA will provide monthly project budget updates summarizing the revenues and expenses along with a brief description of the status of the budget in relation to the project deliverables and objectives. Any remaining funds will be returned to the contributing companies or reallocated to other projects at the discretion of each contributor. To learn more about the opportunity to participate in this and other CanSIA Strategic Projects, please contact: Lisa Hatina, Business Development and Member Relations Manager, [email protected] 613-736-9077 Ext.230 or toll-free 1-866-522-6742 Ext.230
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