The Canterbury Common Men`s Golf League was established in

The Canterbury Common Men's Golf League was established in 1999
by residents of the community, for residents of the community, so they
could enjoy the friendship of other residents while playing a game they
love, golf. The League plays on the Canterbury Golf Course every
Tuesday morning with the first tee time being 8:00 A.M. 0r 8:30 A.M
depending on the month. The course is 9 holes weaving its way along
the shore of Lake Scugog and through the beautiful back yards of the
homes of Canterbury Common.
Golf Committee:
The committee is comprised of eight to twelve members of the
community who volunteer to organize and manage the Canterbury
Common Men's Golf League. They are responsible for establishing the
guidelines for play, preparation of teams and scorecards for each
week's play, recording and maintaining records of scores and
handicaps, identifying the weekly prize winners and all other functions
involving the league.
Golf League:
The Men's Golf is intended to be fun, not too serious but with a little
competition thrown in. Whenever there is competition, there needs to
be some rules and guidelines for play. The golf committee makes every
attempt to create guidelines to suit various levels of play. Generally, the
rules of golf are followed with the occasional adjustment. All male
residents of Canterbury Common are welcome to join the league
regardless of their golfing prowess and enjoy the fun and camaraderie
of their neighbors. League play begins in May of each year and ends
the last week of September.
League Membership:
To be a member of the Men's Golf League you are required to be a
resident in good standing of Canterbury Common. A resident in good
standing means you have paid your annual property assessment to the
Canterbury Common Residents' Association.
Annual Golf Registration:
During the month of April each year, the Men's Golf League holds its
annual golf sign-up meeting at The Centre. The golf committee for the
new season is introduced and the golf program is provided to each
member and the plans for the new season are reviewed. At this time
you sign up for league play for the current season and pay your golf
membership fee of approximately $40.00 The fee covers the expenses
for golf prizes, some of the monthly luncheons and special events
held. E-mail addresses will be collected at this time to facilitate
communication with the membership.
2014 we have introduced a new website for sign-up, yearly golf
schedule, handicaps and weekly winners. The Website is
administered by 4 committee members for 2014 they are Larry Fagel,
Elmer Carr, George Clapham and Dave Sparling.
Website User Detail
Sign In Page:
The sign in page is shown automatically when one points their web
browser to
The currently available next event is identified on the page with the
associated dates.
There are three things needed to login:
1/ Scroll and click to select your name
2/ Type your password
3/ Click “Login” to login
If you miss a step or type your password incorrectly you will be gently
reminded of what you did wrong.
Proceed with the following:
1/ In the outlined box near the bottom of the page is a prompt to
“Scroll and click to select your name” next to an arrow that points to
the list of currently registered players. This is a standard computer
scroll box where you can use a mouse or cursor up/down keys to
position to your name. Click so we know who is making the choices.
2/ Normally the “Type your password” box requires you to type your
password! On the FIRST TIME ONLY your password will be four zero
digits as in 0000.
On this first time only the “Change Password Page” will appear
allowing you to pick the password you would like to use in the future
for this website. You can make it whatever you choose as it is not
related to any other password you may use for any other purpose
including the main Canterbury Commons website.
Please note even administrators of the website CANNOT read
player's passwords. If forgotten, ask an administrator (Larry Fagel,
Elmer Carr, George Clapham and Dave Sparling.)to make the
website treat you as if you had never logged in before and you can
choose a new password.
Select Page:
Once successfully logged in you will be directed to here.
This page is similar to the login page in that it shows the current next
event's detail. Just above it you will see “Welcome Your Name”
Below the event description is the box offering you your choice of
golfing or not, and there will optionally be another box asking you
whether you will be eating lunch or dinner as appropriate.
There are up to three things you need to do to make your selections
1/ Do you want to golf at this event (Yes please or No thanks)
2/ Will you be making it for lunch (Count me in or Can't make it)
3/ Click when ready to Submit your selections.
For your information there is a “List of Players attending this event”
shown below the previously described selection boxes.
The fine print: Your current selections are identified by a filled in
circular icon. Click anywhere on the words to the left of it or in the
icon itself to change.
You can alter your selections any time up to the cutoff by simply
repeating the process to this point.
After each weekly game (usually late Tuesday afternoon) the new
handicaps and winners will be posted under the appropriate headings
on the upper right side of the website.
When finished the polite thing at this point would be to click on
“Logout” on the upper right of the web page, just under “Website
Tee Times:
On registration day we will be collecting e-mail address for all who
have them. On Sunday afternoon the tee times for the following
Tuesday's golf will be forwarded by e-mail to each member (with an
e-mail address), and on the bulletin board outside the Pro Shop for
the player's information. A copy will be given to the Pro Shop so they
can allocate a block of Tee times on their computer.
The league provides the scorecards each week already made up into
teams with each player's name listed and their handicap. Each player is
required to check in at the Pro Shop and the player whose name is
listed on the top of the scorecard will pick up the card, tabulate the
score for each player and be the team captain responsible for a
reasonable pace of play for his group. ONLY enter the gross score for
each player on the weekly scorecard. Also ensure the scorecard is
signed at the end of the round and put in the box at the Pro Shop.
Player Handicaps:
The Men's Golf Committee will maintain fair and accurate handicaps
based on a player's individual stroke play at Canterbury Golf
Club. Handicap adjustments will be made on a weekly basis, except
during the Club Championship play. It is important for each player to
complete stroke play on each hole in order to submit a valid game score
for handicap purposes. During match play competition, only the
handicap difference on each hole between the two opposing players will
be used on the hardest rated holes first. Gimmies are not permitted
during league play.
Maximum Hole Score:
The committee, according to the Equitable Stroke Control system of
scoring, will adjust each player's gross score.
Equitable Stroke Control (ESC):
This is the downward adjustment of individual hole scores for handicap
purposes only in order to make handicap more representative of a
player's potential scoring ability. ESC sets a maximum number that a
player can post on any hole depending on the player's Course
Handicap. ESC is used only when a player's actual score exceeds the
maximum number based on the table below. There is no limit to the
number of holes on which a player may adjust their score. (This
adjustment is not to affect the outcome of the current day's game
Course Handicap:
thru 9
10 thru 18
19 and over
Maximum No. Strokes on Hole:
4 over par
Handicap Holes:
Based on the "official" rating, as determined by the Men's Golf
Committee, each hole has been rated according to its difficulty. The
handicap strokes that are awarded to each player will be assigned in
order of the most difficult hole and in sequence down to the least
difficult. When appropriate, the handicap stroke for each player or team
will be recorded on the scorecard according to this method. Refer to
competition scorecard for the ratings of each hole. A player with a 6
handicap will be awarded one stroke on each of the six most difficult
holes. A player with a 10 handicap will be awarded one stroke on each
of the nine holes and a second stroke on the #1 most difficult hole
Flight Competition:
Flight competition is a separate individual stroke play (net) competition
and points will be awarded during the eleven weeks of flight play.
Players playing during a competition week will be grouped in 4 handicap
flights and players will compete against those in their flight for individual
points. Points will be accumulated throughout the golf schedule. The
player accumulating the most points using the best 7 of 11 weekly
points format will be the flight winner. Trophies will be awarded to the 4
flight champions. If two or more players are tied for the first place in their
flight, they will be required to play a tie-breaking 9-hole play-off round. A
committee member will be assigned as a golf rules official for such playoff round. The Men's Golf Committee will tabulate the flight competition
points and separate competition standings will be posted throughout the
season. Should a tie occur for a winning flight score during weekly play,
the points will be split between the winners.
The points awarded to each flight will be as follows:
1st place: 4
3rd place: 20 points
2nd place: 30
4th place: 10 points
It is anticipated that there will be 4 flights as follows that represent a
fairly equitable split amongst the members.
13 & up
For the purpose of the competition only, players will be locked in to
their respective flight as of May 31st and will remain in that flight for
the duration of the Flight competition. New members are required to
complete 5 league games to qualify for play in the Flight Competition.
Upon completion of those 5 games they will be entered into the
appropriate flight and compete in the flight competition.
Designated Prize Holes:
Each week, one par 3-hole will be designated for a "Closest to the Pin"
prize and one par 3-hole for a "Birdie Hole". Should a carryover exist
for the birdie hole, the same hole will continue to be used until a player
scores a birdie on that hole. On the Luncheon days on the last day of
each month there will be 5 closest to the pin holes with the winnings
being distributed at the Luncheon.
Club Championship:
This is an individual competition using stroke play. Championship
trophies are awarded for low gross, and low net winners. The
competition takes place over three consecutive weeks with the scores
from the best two out of the three rounds used to determine their final
result. A rain date will be designated on the league schedule. Players
tied for 1st/2nd Gross/Net after completion of the two rounds must play
a tie-breaking 9-hole playoff round. A committee member will be
assigned to keep score and to officiate during the playoff round. To be
eligible for play in the Championship, a player is required to have played
a minimum of 10 golf games in the men's league to establish a
Gimmies: Each player must play his ball into the hole (NO GIMMIES).
Ball Out of Bounds: If a ball is hit ‘out of bounds' at any place on the
golf course (tee-box or other place) whether the course is (staked or not
staked), the player shall play his next shot from the spot where his ball
first left the area of play (within 2 club lengths of the point where the ball
left the general play area) and count a one stroke penalty.
Ball Hit Towards Homeowners Property: If a player hits a ball
towards a homeowner's property, one or more players in the group
should yell "fore" to alert anyone who might be on or near the property.
Rain Day Policy: When it is raining prior to the start of the golf on
Tuesday morning, the decision to play must be made by 8.00 a.m. The
decision to cancel or play the game will be made by the golf chairman or
his designate. The telephone line at the golf course will be open and
available for members to call to confirm whether play is on or
off. Should players play on a cancelled rain date, the scores will not
count for prize money for that cancelled date.
Sand Traps: When a player's golf ball lands in a sand trap which hasn’t
been recently raked, the player may mark, lift and rake the area where
the ball landed. They must then place the ball back to the location
marked and play their next shot, no penalty.
Water in Sand Traps: If your ball rests in a puddle of water, you may
move the ball to another location WITHIN THE SAND TRAP and play it
from there, no penalty. If the sand trap is completely full of water or
unplayable throughout, the ball can be dropped outside the bunker
leaving the bunker between your ball and the hole no closer to the
green, no penalty.
Wet Fairways/Muddy Ball: (applies to designated Lift/Clean/Place
days only). The player may pick up his ball, clean and place the ball
back in the same area, no closer to the hole. The Men's Golf
Committee will declare and post written notice on those days
where the Lift/Clean/Place rule applies.
Water Holes: On holes 2 and 6, either re-hit the ball from the tee with a
one stroke penalty or hit from the place of entry to the hazard with a one
stroke penalty. On hole #7 either re-hit from the tee with a one stroke
penalty or drop your ball in the designated drop zone taking a one
stroke penalty. On #7 this applies whether the ball went in directly or hit
the bank and bounced into the water.
Scoring: The first player on the provided score card keeps score and
along with the second person on the card attests to the accuracy of the
scores in the signature spaces at the bottom of the card. All shots must
be counted even if one goes more than double par, this keeps the
handicaps accurate and evens net scores.
Memorial Tournament: Should a 1st place tie occur for the Low
Gross/Net trophy, the winner will be determined by the player who had
the best score during the last 6 holes; if still tied, the best score over the
last 3 holes; if still tied, the best score on hole #9.
Club Championship Gross/Net: Should a 1st/2nd place tie occur
upon completion of this competition, a 9-hole playoff round shall be
played to determine the winner. A member of the committee will be
assigned to keep score and to officiate the match.
Weekly Cash Prizes: Should a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place tie
occur during weekly team play, the prize money would be distributed in
the following manner. If 2 teams tied for 1st, the teams would share 1st
and 2nd place money. If 3 teams tied they would share 1st, 2nd and 3rd
place money. This is extended to those matches where 4th place
money is awarded.
Total cash awarded per week approximately $50.00 based on a 4
Closest to pin and 1 putt birdie hole $10.00 per week. Cash prizes
during Luncheon day tournaments to be determined. During
Tournament events on luncheon dates all par 3 holes will be designated
closest to the pin and the birdie hole will be eliminated during these
events. Cash payout during luncheon day's play will be determined by
Funds from rainout dates and where payouts are made to teams
with less than 4 players will be retained in cash pool.
League Trophies (14)
League Championship low gross
League Championship low net
Memorial Tournament low gross
Memorial Tournament low net
Flight Competition Winners in each of the 4 groups
Monthly Luncheons:
On the last Tuesday of each month, a luncheon is held at The Centre
requiring each member to pay a fee which will be determined at the start
of each golf season to help cover the cost of the food. All golf members
are invited to attend including those past members who for health
reasons are unable to continue play in the league. The weekly golf
sign-up sheet posted for the last Tuesday of each month includes a
column where each member, active and non-active, wishing to attend
the luncheon must sign. If a player/non player signs up for a luncheon
when a fee is required, he must pay the fee whether he attends or
not. If a member or former member wishes to cancel his luncheon he
must inform the specified committee member by noon the Sunday
before the luncheon otherwise he has committed to pay the luncheon
fee. A special Memorial tournament/luncheon tribute is held annually on
the last Tuesday of August to honour former Men’s Golf League
members who have passed away in the previous year. Trophies will be
presented to the winners at the annual banquet.
The Men's Golf League is available to all residents of the Canterbury
community, so get your clubs polished up and come join us.