BCPPALO rOlBIKBF.XrRESS Snaday. Janaar; 1, 1M1 Gay, Patterned Window Shades New for Home Wood-Saving Chemicals Cut Often Eliminate Need Repair Costs For Expensive Drapes Varnish Named For Ancient Queen I F i x It Yourself = . , B I 1 -D Sa>s Hubbard Cobb: Varnish is really named for ft also to close up unused basement covering the top and sides of the nice, who was the wife of the King crates with thin sections of plywood. of Cyrene. Praying to the gods There are just as many useful ob- drain pipes. Push a wad of steel wool through You'll find that furniture polish1 is for her husband's safe return from a jects in this w#rld as there are usethe kitchen sink trap and it will re- lots easier to apply if it is warmed in war in Asia, the queen sacrificed Also Aid Conservation less ones. Oof of the most useful move the grease that accumulates in a container of hot water before ap- her beautiful hair and placed it u By FRANCES TROY SCHWAB that we know of is ordinary steel the line. Steel wool and kerosene As my part in possibly assisting an an offering upon the altar of Aphroplication. Of Natural Resources wool. Just loojk at all the things you will take the rust off of most anyeconomy program for this new ytar dite. An automatic draft regulator inwhen prices for everything are so high can use it for. thing and there is nothing like a wad Its mysterious disappearance darstalled on the stove pipe between By LYNN WOOD and show no signs of going lower, I Aside from cleaning pots and pans, of steel wool for removing encrusted heater and chimney will allow the ing the night was followed by its Special to Tht Couritr-Exprtu fcflpd to concentrate more than ever steel wool will also remove bad stains dirt from hoes, shovels and other fire to burn at a steady rate regard- "discovery" as a constellation of the Washington, Jan. 6—The millions from asphalt till and linoleum. Use a garden tools. on finding prodless of any variation in the chimney Milky Way—the Coma Berenices. now spent annually on the repair of fine grade steel wool and rewax the ucts that do a Her story was told by the Gratis draft. J wooden structures, boats, farm equipgood job cheaply. Miscellaneous who likened precious amber to ment and the like will undoubtedly be Although I'm You can make a nice non-slip Berenice's hair, because of ha color, sharply reduced within the next few committed to refinish for outside stops and porch Delay Is Costly •nd called it by her name. years because of recent advances in porting new arsairs by coating the wood with spar Hence the Latin word Vernix Painting is one of the things that the development of wood preservaticles—since that varnish and when it becomes tacky, and the later Italian form, Verntce. costs money to do without. Wear from tives. In addition, the conservation of is the nature of sprinkle on some sand or sawdust. Our word, varnish—a product of one of our most important natural my c o l u m n ' — Ordinary masonry flues can be weather is continually taking place. amber or other gum resins—has resources — our forests — will be inwhenever an old converted for use with gas burning If there is insufficient paint protection, thus come into the language over creased by about 10 per cent, which-is stand - by seems, furnaces by installing a stainless steel the building suffers. this fabulous trail. the present estimated drain on Amerworth recalling liner inside the flue. ican forests for this type of repair. to your attention Odd pieces of wallpaper make very because of i t s nice c o v e r i n g s for wastepaper During World War II, the critical values or because baskets. Choote from our line of need, for protecting valuable military area after the slain is out. Steel wool Frances Schwab s o m e n e w equipment against decay of wooden A M E R I C A N • YOUN«.STOWN wrinkle may have and a .little liquid paint remover are parts provided the impetus for rapid BRIQOS • CROSLCY Increased its usefulness, I shall give it development of satisfactory wood fine for removing oil paint and varImmediate Delivery preservatives. So successful were the nish, and steel wool by itself is swell Fitting this category quite neatly is for smoothing wood. It's especially results of the American paint industhe subject of window shades. There FREE KITCHEN PLANNING SERVICE try's efforts that the Navy made man- good on curved smarts which can't be hive been so many good variations of done with orditary sandpaper. Steel BUDGET PAYMENTS datory the preservative treatment of blinds—Venetian and otherwise—on wool and denatured alcohol are fine all wood used in landing craft, PT the marker for these past years that SHOWROOM O f EN THURSDAY EVENINGS for removing shellac from floors. boats and other wooden hull vessels. some people seem to have forgotten Take some tteel "wool and mix it Not Confined to Any Area that a roller shade is a perfectly pracwith iron cement and you have a the Plumber Wood rot, and decay can be de-combination which is tops for patching tical and inexpensive method of prefined as the digestion of unprotected cracks in cast iron equipment. Pack venting the intrusion of sun, darkness Turpentine will remove paint stains 1441 GENESEE S T . Quality w r i t siru. 1930 T A . 2 1 1 4 wood by attacking fungi. While wood steel wool into holes around the out- from fabrics if you catch the paint end prying eyes. So trted-and-true in action that ant gay colors, suited more for bed- be popular with the younger fry. rot may be more prevalent in south- side basement walls and you won't before it has had a time to set. there can be no argument about their rooms, kitchens and children's rooms There are also some fruit and flower ern and humid climates, it is by no have to worry about rats and other Ordinary orange crates can be means confined to these areas. Can- rodents getting Into your home. Use made into attractive end tables by absolute workability, so clean, simple than for living rooms, perhaps, and combinations in good colors. # ada's present annual expenditure for end sensible in looks—window shades by virtue of their patterns, seem to Will Withstand Washing . repair of decayed wood also runs into sow get the go-by much of the time me to eliminate the need for draperThe fabric the shades are made of the millions. in spite of the selections they offer. ies. That makes them especially ecoBesides good fabric shades, plastic nomical and attractive for children's is good and strong and its surface will The first manufactured wood preshades of excellent quality are general- rooms where the less furniture and withstand soap and water wiping with- servative material was creosote, introly available and besides the conven- furnishings around, the better, and the out danger of the designs disappearing duced for this purpose about 100 tional white, tans and greens, a ohoice less to keep in order, the more restful or the material softening. l*ve experi- years ago. Creosote, however, is apmented, in fact, with a scrub brush plied mainly to wood which is buried in solid "decorator" colors may also for all concerned. and all was well. The laminated plasA l l ALUMINUM AWNINGS and CANOPIES be obtained. A cowboy theme in masculine tic rollers used are considered more in the ground, such as telephone poles and fence posts, or, where there is no Patterns Are Gay browns, yellows and reds on a white durable and foolproof than the old N o nead re f w l soaked re twe ek.a objection to its color. h u n l i n j your hwtise keyl Hove • A series of new designs just brought background would be the choice for wood ones which were subject to wtaeter aluminum doer sBBBBJ The newly developed wood preservout by a wall-known manufacturer of the son of the family; a mother goose- eventual warping. The shades come tomorrow Gives yaw BawawawBw atives are favored for other purposes. sun r a m , m e w wr eiewt . . . S» window shades gives special point to Inspired pattern in pink, blue and in standard sizes of 36 inches wide by Some of the most effective of these nothing o f the feewvfy it adds tw the topic. They are printed inaatai' btack on a white background ought to six feet long. home Exclusive parental George Abraham u a trained specialist who practices what he preaches. are known chemically as zinc or copp a n a l i . lifaviaaa awtwawSBaB per napthenate and pentachloro- He invites readers to send in as many questions as they wish. Address htm w i d e telor aalacwaw. Th. Naaiaatwl E I like a practical new serving tray phenol. These modern preservatives, in care of The Courier-Express. Each enquiry will receive prompt attention. made of irridescent-colored aluminum with their power of penetration, not batter act because it does not stain or scratch; only kill whatever invading fungi may MEALY BUGS — This is a good yard, or you can use the branches to ewrtrwy anal tjive yaw complete • w n i n f a n d Buutiful "Crimson Kin*" Hat stays clean and shiny with ordinary be present, but act as a barrier against time to fight mealy bugs. They are protect tender garden plantings. A n d w e ' l l d a w»r stwst t o f i v e standard width soap and water washing. Its solid col- future attacks. pests about one-sixth of an inch long, Anchor the tree in a corner of the Swtall dwww [ .95 tedelivery. Blooms Almost 2" Across ors are bright but not decorated, and door canopy stay. » b e — a r eeeet Hi The zinc sod penfachlorophenol covered with a white waxy substance garden. Then tie pieces of suet or Fer Fret EsHantes Amazing new variety you've its whole underside is coated with ny- types are colorless. Surfaces treated that makes them look like tiny puffs little bags of seed to its branches. merer seen Before (I never did lon plush to keep it from harming the Completely Installed of cotton. Yoii usually find them in This will attract Winter birds, and Rl. 0141, Rl. t i l l , M i . Foil, t f l l with them may be coated with vareither 'til a few weeks age). furniture or bric-a-brac it may be set nish or other clear material. In the angle made by leaf and the stem. will encourage them to nest around Special introductory offer sent to yon by mail. Blooms as down upon. In a choice of red, green, painting over treated surfaces, the These fuzzy white bugs are sucking in- your homes. large as silver dol- blue or gold, it is round and one foot usual painting practices should be sects, closely related to scale* insects. Without birds, gardening would be lars! Warn blush observed, la addition to protect' pink tinged with in diameter. Control: ThJi pest does not like a almost impossible since each bird orchid. Huge ing the wood specifically against bright green / / you wish to know the trade rot, they aid in the retarding of spray of water. By tipping your plants feeds on hundreds of insects in the upside down and spraying them in the garden. The more birds you have l e a v e s . E v e r- names and where to purchase articles blooming variety. termite infestation. bathtub you caaj discourage the mealy around the home, the fewer weeds 1 ulll send you mentioned in this column, address Application may be made by brush, bug. In the home, insecticides aren't you'll have. The tree sparrow alone budded plants—or your enquiry to Frances Troy Schwab, just about to bnd. in care of The Buffalo Courier- spray, soaking, or dipping or by a too effective in Combatting mealy bugs. will eat one-quarter-ounce of weed Very special Si ea.; commercial impregnation process. Where infestation is severe you'd be seed a day. And on this basis, in an 2 for SI.75; 3 for Express, Buffalo 5, N. Y., enclosing better off burning the plants. agricultural state such as ours, tree $2.3*. I pay postage on cash a self-addressed stamped envelope for While the latter is probably the best orders, or will ship C O.D.— method, brush-treating at the time of sparrows alone annually consume Mealy bugs can be killed by using you pay postal charges. Money reply. Be sure to specify which item construction is effective. over. 800 tons of weed seed. alcohol. Simply dip a brush in alcohack guarantee. Return in 10 is of interest to you. You can also cut branches from Care must be taken that the ends of hol and touch each cotton-like mass. days If not pleased. To order cut out coupon below. lumber are well saturated with pre- Try not to get any on the leaves. the discarded Christmas tree and use servative. In treating plywood, which Never rub the leaves with alcohol. them as shelters over azaleas, boxTrue - Phenomenon is always susceptible to decay if it's FUCHSIAS-4This item is usually a wood and other tenfter shrubs. This Asbestos is a true phenomenon of near moisture, all edges should receive nature. It is a rock which can be a generous coating of preservative. tree or a shrub in their countries of protects them from Winter sun scald origin, but in this country they are and intense cold. Because of alterspun into yarn, and the yarn thus •Iseminglea, III. J spun can be woven into a soft, flex- These preservatives are available ia cultivated as a house plant. Fuchsias nating freezing and thawing temperible cloth that will not burn. It is most paint stores under a trade name, like a soil that is medium rich, and atures, soils often heave during the the only rock that can be separated although their chemical names may the plants also prefer a window that's Winter, lifting the crowns of perennot too sunny. They must never suf- nials and shallow-planting bulbs. An into fibers and it is the only natural also appear on the label. Recently, treatment of such food fer from lack of moisture. Regular evergreen mulch helps prevent the source of fireproof fibers. . J containers as strawberry cartons and monthly feedings are helpful. soil from thawing. orange crates has been successful. CHINESE EVERGREEN — Also Next month you can prune your The use of these preservatives is called aglaonema. Here is a very satisfuchsia plants very hard. After the not confined to wood, however. The factory house plant for rooms having plants have stopped blooming indoors, effective treatment of rope, fighting i little or no sun. You can grow it in they need a real in a cool, dry place. nets, canvas, sand bags and other Withhold water, g i v i n g them just soil, or in just plain water. If you do textiles has been demonstrated. enough to keep fhe wood from drying. grow it in water, add a few small You can start new'plants from cut- pieces of charcoal to keep the water tings in Februsjry. Do not use hard sweet. The Chinese evergreen is of • i v - S S S s * * ' ••••'•• wood. Select cuttings with two joints African origin. It has large, glossy, • PWK MYACNTTM * Pflffi AZALEA MA "•*•'• ? • * • * • « • • • * . T h r e e different B^^M—-^aaa • • IIIIMI« , . . , ^R| kinds of blooms—all in glorious tones of and root them in sand. They root dark green leaves, and the plant sends * n N R T H J P * PLANTING MATERIAL f ^ B pink: Delicate, Vagrant HYACINTH, easily. Place them in two-inch poft out a bloom similar to a small green . Aim a as n r r o i A n v C M latTTD CI showy AZALEA, and crisp, fresh TULIP! until they male noticeable growth; calla. This plant does not like di*HRW JM HI rKM*lift r U M I C n <4> I All three are a special indoor-blooming then shift them to larger roots. Snip rect sun, and does well in hallways or Ceesytevw,, ^^m variety. I'll send everything—the bulbs. the ends off to make the plants bushy. room corners where other plants fail k p „_,, . f scan ***" Ordinarily, fuchsias are Spring and to grow. - • . at] Summer bloonitrs. Outside of these instructions. Soon your "Pink DUMB CANE—One of the finest Dream" Garden will be unfolding in seasons, you'll set lots of growth but foliage plants we know of is dumb all its beauty for you and your guests no flowers. When buds and blossoms cane, or dieffenbachia. It has soft, to admire! Clip this offer, to get it at fall off, the trouble may be due to handsome leaves that are variously this bargain price of only gl—or two "lei: too dry an atmosphere, or possibly spotted and feathered with cream, for 11.75! 'iii, '•"-'• ¥ * ' a A aW C too wet or too dry a soil. white or yellowing markings. If you E X T R A G#FTf with each Garden—far > limited SAVE THAT TREE — If you have this plant in your home, be very tune—I'm offering, at no added coat, a "start" haven't already burned your Christ- careful how you handle it. Dumb cane for a rare Tiffany Velvet (giant-bloom) iMa SKI, aVAUTVUl r a t i CATAIOO. AFRICAN VIOLET—the kind with great, toft mas tree, save it. It makes an ideal gets its name from the fact that it's NSW Off U S . It'i sacked w it* B ARC A1N OFleave* and blooms' When grown, it wilt equal FERS. Shaw* aad issasSSSa .maaiag new RED snack bar for He birds in your back- juice is very acrid and poisonous, plants coating $2 and up' To get thia eltra gift. RICH Strawberry, patmtcd Fowler M a s k daecontaining sharp crystals of oxalate 4 itaae taaliai, hardy Xkedodeadraa* and nun. THIS rtvnvy v r v t r TIN m, it#W I of lime. If the stem is chewed, it deedeef eMfavorite*aaa waw vetiesWe of FBUIT TREES. BLUBSEBBIES, BTRAvJBKRRIKS, causes the tongue to swell, causing RASPBERRIES, BOSKS, SHRUBS » • EVER. 1 temporary loss of speech for several GREENS. days. E X m a m c t COUNTS. O a r Mark la grown, Uses for Steel Wool KITCHENS IRELAND /imHTtONWMWim Come in <wtoft/tera//f... ors/row/ NEW GIANT BLOOM AFRICAN VIOLET SHADEMASTER NEVER BEFORE SO GREAT A V A L U E ! , JAMES OWEN ! rHi HEW, • • " * ? S S Mum-A- "A paradise of glowing color for your home!" | Hepraiess «f $w \ COM My PINK-DREAM GARDEN All seattoyou for only • *I9 95 ^^SSSTSSlZ £25 r NEW • GARDEN BOOK AgkfcaW Bsk^BBflBa^BBeM •»• — - - ^ — •— ^ —• - i Dipt. 23023, Bloominjton. Illinois Send mo "Pink Dream'" Gardens at your Special Price of only SI (two for $1.75), postage prepaid. Sent C.O.D. If you prefer. I enclose in Cash {J Check • Money Order Q send C.O.D.TJ Mm gaaiba aad awaked ay owr iraiaed SSsaMSJ t e a who aSS as • thai yaw gel ihr beat (teefe available. W f O U A S A N T U SATISFACTION. Sawd tar Catalog today aad araW pvoeaptly. Pleat* will be •hipped at pliallag limr. Catalog* to oar eoataaaara are oew ia law aaail. NEW FREE BOOKLET TELLS HOW YOU CAN HAVE A \ 0 f LAWN KELLY • M S . NURSERIES, INC Our new booklet profusely illustrated, briefly but clearly "plains new;, easy, simplified methods of T^. law* care—enables you to have a "show plsce" lawn »t low cost. Mail a post card today for your fee copy of "Belief Lawns". 4S1 SSAWLR ST.. DAMS VILLI. M.T. BBSS TVea 79 Year* • / Car rawer Saiufacitom ! • • • • • • • DRUMCLIFF COMPANY Dept. 177, Towson 4, Maryland I CLIP THIS «*. Living Room Bargain Sent by M a i H LAWN will guide I INDOOR BLOOMING FLOWER GARDEN • Complete with vase • Complete with Mil • 3 Different Flowers • Planted—Just water ORDER BLANK OWEN NURSERY. Dept. Illinois. [£: •UAAANTSS If a s * Vary timpiei CAJtE Wat Ufa fee GIVEN-Wonderful (•door Hyacinth A . a "•eeelal" we're O I V N a W I T H I V S R V O R . O S R a feast ant mammoth Hyacinth. Imparted. Vau'll ea. .mated tho way I t er-owi, Refrethlns. fragrant ana) very beautiful In your Hying ream. Seft rHwae, lee Bluet end Pure White*. WINDO "After Looking at every Type of Aluminum Awning We Chose m you to an outstanding lawn **ml . . . it's America'* most widely read lawn publication. Il tells how to keep your lawn at its best in any region from Maine to California. A New Jersey reader says, "LAWN CARE is jam-packed with good advice" . . . from Minnesota, " W e owe the credit for our lovely yard to LAWN CARE aid." Issued five times yearly LAWN CARE contains latest facts and seasonal tips. Best of oil, LAWN CARE h absolutely free. For a two year subscription without charge or obligation simply drop a card to for IB51 tts "SSg* its EX*** HADE W e invite you to look at AIRS H A D E and compare. Compare its sealed construction that affords complete protection from rain, snow, sleet and slush. •5^i^2!22 gist. binotion w.ndawa «4-FREEZf SIR SHADS without ^ # ^ £ £ = A n d . . . compare the lux* urious appearance of AIRS H A D E ' S solid color units that enhance the beauty of your home. O M d>C4KA> l SONS CO 70 Spring St., Marysvifle, Ohio A camPlate Booklet obligation. Write or phone for your copy today. el** Polo Al«e. California 2355 Bailey Ave. HU. 8030 feY0« T K l i l i the tmmmm " e o M P l . B T K • S H O R N " barealn ever 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 — w e n ssdBfwa teat stlntar. Wonderfolly beautiful and anjajrabla. S unusual flewartne bulk*, all planted— jurt unwrap ana watar them. Veu tat »l»ld tuwarwus paste* B g S O N I A . kaautiful n.wry seawlar, velvety G L O X I N I A e n * slant aalse* Qatar ASJAHVLLIS. Will srow ana bloom In Soars all winter, out So o n In sarins for taveral raart' enjoyment. An amazing buy far S 1 . Wonderful atfts. a sarwani S1.TB; S eerdent S2 5 0 . W a pay aM peases* If you tana ca*n, choc* or M . O . Vav pay Pastel owargaa an C O D . O l T V O O R • C o e s P L l T t O A R O t n ) NOW W M I L I T M I V L A S T ! EASY IfRlBit-— COT*-!****' - I "^w F.H.A. TERMS WEATHERGUARD Combination Window Co, 1131 Kensington Avi., Buffalo 15, N. Y„ AM. 3820 ,n .t \ All the newest and finest of the 1951 Introductions . . . and the best of your old favorites . . . Hendersons quality seeds, bulbs, sad plants. Everything you need for your garden in this handy 36page edition. v.i Gentlemen: I would like to know more about your generous Window Offer, at no obligation of course. Name.. W r i t e fee y o u r c o p y t o d a y 1 1* I Address If you re already a Henderson Customer, your catalog is ea the wsy to you. 2 tzmj ^j||gp^ I 9-1 Hendersen Bids-. 35 Csevtaitett St., Nwin York 7, N. Y. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com State. City.... Petar Henderson & Co. Phone. AIR SHTDI mr&mmm\ • ••••••••' .Best time to c o l l . . . . e • • • « •*•' • att&L
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