1 May 2015 Contents Northwest Commodore’s Corner Race Report Race Registration Form Officers 1 2 4 3 Northwest Catalina Regatta Catalina Regatta June 20th!!! Tom Madden Hopefully by now you have all been out for at least one sailing adventure. I mean one where you actually uncovered the sails, shut off the engine and propelled the boat solely on the power of the wind. OK: if not, you still have a few weeks to get ready for the NW Catalina Regatta on June 20th. Yes, it will be pretty much the same format as last year. I already have the race committee chair, committee boat and venue ready to go. Letters soliciting gifts for the event have already gone out, and our first haul-‐out is already in hand. So mark your calendars, send in your applications, and join us for a great day of racing, camaraderie, and a fine dinner. This year we are going easy on the volunteers who usually sweat over cooking brats and burgers all afternoon, and we are going with pizza. Supplement that with some potato salad, maybe some coleslaw, and there you are: instant party! Races again are planned for three round-‐the-‐buoy races, with the first race starting at 10:30AM. If the wind cooperates at all, we will get three races in and be back at the docks mid afternoon for refreshments and raffle activities before dinner. I have again managed to talk Kirk into MC’ing the event, and with Monique’s help and encouragement, we should have a great time raffling off the items and presenting the trophies. 2 Boats lining up for the start of one of the races in the 2012 CAPS Regatta. Such great fun to race against other boats of the same make and size. (More or less) So now is the time, the Registration Form is in this newsletter, or you can get on the site (CAPSfleet1.com) and get your registration form there, then send it to me! Racing all day is only $35 per boat, and for the dinner is one $15 per person! However, the price for the event and the dinner each go up by $5 if you don’t get them in by June 12th. (And it makes it really hard on the race committee to set the classes and assign the ratings for the boats). See you all out there! Tom Madden And off they go! 3 THE ALL CATALINA ASSOCIATION OF PUGET SOUND 2015 Officers Commodore Ken McKenzie (425) 823-2849 [email protected] ViceCommodore Tom Madden (206) 382-8308 [email protected] Treas./Sec. Nancy McKenzie (425) 823-2849 [email protected] Newsletter Dick Eagle (425) 885-2823 [email protected] Measurer Tom Madden (206) 382-8308 [email protected] Dave Fend (206) 650-8795 [email protected] Safety Focal Jim Fielder (206) 790-9947 [email protected] Historian Sally Hamel (206) 364-6606 [email protected] Cruise Webmaster Hospitality 39th Annual Northwest CATALINA REGATTA June 20, 2015 ails $35 RAFF Silen LE – Gre t at Pr Majo Auctio izes r ma r n — i n H e aul o Silen t Auc store & d uts! e t a i on on ler do $ 1. S h— g t n lyi e 12 — 00 tic b n kets iggie item ors – CH EAP! s $40 n. tio F un 13th istra 80 J Norough June m reg 783-83 — Th after d fro 206- m G : N n CI tratio On orermineaddenaol.co A t R regis de om M nm@ e b e T ena Pr to call j s e ns ail: s s o Cla uesti or em DAY le R U T Q A S ilsho CYC Sh rson t a DINNoEwR l a e m pe t-d n 15 per 6 PM si erie at only $ h — $20 t d Camara r after June 13 or Racers f o t s er! On Breakfa njoy the dinn l a t n e Contin e to race to e n’t hav You do Please join us for the 39th Annual Northwest Catalina Regatta. The Regatta provides spirited family-oriented racing for all Catalina Yachts. No fleet or club membership required. Racing, dinner, awards, program and raffle all on Saturday, June 20th. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED FOR RACING AND MEALS! REGISTRATION FOR RACING AND DINNER SIGN-UP ON BACK Headquarters will be at Corinthian Yacht Club, (“V” Dock) Shilshole Bay Marina, Late registration Saturday 7:30-8:30 am. BE THERE! Further details and registration: http://capsfleet1.com REGISTRATION FORM Racing and Dinner 39th Northwest Catalina Regatta June 20, 2015 Skippers’ meeting will be held at CYC Shilshole (“V” dock) at 8:30 am on Saturday. All skippers or a representative of each boat must attend. (Crew welcome) Racing: Catalina Model ______________________ Yacht Name: ____________________ Sail Number ________________ Owner/Skipper’s Name ________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip_______________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________Cell _______________________ PHRF Rating (NFS)__________PHRF Code __________(if known) Additional information required (only if no known PHRF NW rating): Main size? (if not standard) ________ Largest jib/Genoa size? (%) ________ Standard or Tall rig? ________ Keel type? (wing/fin) ________ Propeller type? (folding, 2 or 3 blade)________ Registration fee: $35 on or before June 12, 2014 ($40 on or after June 13)$__________ Insurance: By registering for this regatta, the entrant certifies that the sailboat has liability insurance currently in effect covering property damage, personal injury, and death, in an amount not less than $300,000 per occurrence; and that the policy covers racing activities. Signed: ______________________________ Date _______________ Dinner Reservations (6 PM): Number attending ____ @ $15.00 each $__________ ($20.00 on or after June 13th) Total Amount Enclosed $___________ Please make check payable to CAPS Mail to: Tom Madden 4211 Greenwood Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 Sorry, NO REFUNDS because the food will already be purchased based on the number of reservations! 39th NORTHWEST CATALINA REGATTA 2015 Organizing Authority The Catalina Association of Puget Sound (CAPS), in conjunction with Corinthian Yacht Club Seattle, is the organizing authority. Rules, Eligibility and Event Classification This regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing, (RRS) 2013 - 2016, this Notice of Race, and by the Sailing Instructions. All Catalina sailboats are eligible to race in classes, subject to a three boat minimum in each class for separate starts. Beginners are encouraged to participate. This Regatta is designated Category A. This is a non flying sails event. All boats participating in the races must have current liability insurance coverage of not less than $300,000. This insurance must cover racing. Measurement Although not required, it is preferred that skippers/owners of all competing boats have a valid PHRF NW rating certificate. Boats lacking a current PHRF rating certificate will be issued a rating by the CAPS Fleet Measurer prior to the event. Those boats without a certificate are requested to submit additional boat information with the Entry Form. Requested information to assign a rating will be: Catalina model, main and jib sail sizes, standard or tall rig, keel configuration, and propeller type. Any major modifications to the boat that will affect her speed potential (such as keel modifications) must be disclosed at the time of registration. Entries All entries shall be submitted on the official entry form and received no later than June 12, 2015. Entry forms can also be found @ www.capsfleet1.com. A waiver of liability form must be signed and submitted along with the entry form. Entry fees are: $35.00 through June 12. On or after June 13, the entry fee will be $40.00 Late entries may be accepted at the clubhouse up to the skippers meeting Saturday at 8:30A.M. Entry fees are nonrefundable. Check-In and Competitors’ Briefing Each skipper/owner or his/her representative must check in with Catalina Association of Puget Sound (CAPS) at the Corinthian Yacht Club, Shilshole, 7755 Seaview Ave. NW (“V” dock), no later than 0830 hours on Saturday, the morning of the race. In addition, please check in on the water by passing the committee boat and hailing with your boat name and sail number. Sailing Instructions The Sailing Instructions will be available on the CAPS website and to all entered competitors on Saturday morning, the day of the races. Changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted on the official notice board located on the west side of the club to the right of the exterior entrance no later than 0830 hours on the day they are to take effect, and also announced and available at the skipper’s meeting. Courses and Racing Area The Regatta will be sailed in the waters of Puget Sound, outside of Shilshole Bay Marina. Courses will be at the discretion of the Race Committee. Schedule of Races Three races are scheduled, of which one must be completed to constitute a series. Race date is: Saturday, June 20, 2015. First Warning Signal is 10:25 hours. First Division Start is 10:30 hours. Scoring The Low Point Scoring System, Appendix A, will apply. Time-On-Time correction will be used. There will be no throw-away race in this regatta. The scores for all races will be counted in determining a boat’s finishing place. Prizes Skippers will be awarded trophies for first, second, and third places in those classes with five or more entrants. Trophies for first and second will be awarded for classes with less than five boats. Berthing Guest moorage is available at the Shilshole Bay Marina. Call the Port of Seattle @ (206) 728-3385 for further information. Hospitality The Corinthian Yacht Club will be open Saturday morning, June 20, at 7:30 A.M. Skippers and their guests are invited to the Club. A coffee and doughnuts will be served at the clubhouse @ 8:00 AM for skippers & crew. A pizza dinner will be served around 6:00PM at the clubhouse for $15.00 per person, reservations suggested. On or after June 13, 2013 the dinner cost will be $20 per person. A silent auction will be held for major items donated to the event. The silent auction will close prior to the start of the raffle. A raffle will be held upstairs after dinner. The Corinthian Yacht Club has a no host, full bar.
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