Maryland Advanced Research Computing Center Jaime E. Combariza Associate Research Professor Department of Chemistry Director MARCC Johns Hopkins University 1 Industrial partners IT@JHU 2 Big Data Opportuni:es Advance Research Leadership in Big Data Retain/ACract Top Researchers Secure Federal Funding Partnerships Innova@on, Compe@@on and Produc@vity 3 Loca:on/Bayview 4 HPC data center? Investment 5 Science DMZ @ JHU 40Gb/s Latrobe PHA 100Gb/s Clark CRB Malone CIDR CIDR HoRNET PH NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure 6 HPC Resources & Model •Approx 19,000 cores and 20 Petabytes KSAS:10 M Quarter storage WSE: 10M/Q SOM: 6 M/Q PH: 6 M/Q UMCP: 6 M/Q Reserve: 1.8 M/Q 7 Hardware Count 648 Descrip@on Compute nodes, 128GB RAM, 24 cores, 2.5GHz Haswell processors 50 Large memory nodes, 1024 GB RAM, 48 cores 48 GPU nodes, 2 Nvidia K80 GPUs/node, 24 CPU cores 2 PBytes 14 Pbytes High Performance File System (Lustre) ZFS File System RPeak ~900 TFLOPs, RMax=562/610 TFLOPs (top 5, US universi@es) 8 Governance •Facility Governing Board (3 members JHU, 3 members UMCP) Mission and Direc:on •Scien:fic Management CommiCee (4 faculty members from JHU and UMCP). ★Policies ★Alloca:on models ★Goals Jointly operated and used by JHU and UMCP 9 Training and user support •HPC resources •local •Xsede •Introduc:on to Linux •Effec:ve u:liza:on of HPC resources •Scrip:ng and task automa:on •2D-‐Data Visualiza:on •Data Management •Parallel Programming (MPI, OpenMP) •Scien:fic domain (Chemistry) 10 Timeline Done •Data center: End of November Done •Network install “mid December” •Hardware deployment Feb 1 -‐ end March, 2015 •Training April 2015 •Produc:on system: On-‐going 11 “Condo” Model 12 Co-‐Loca@on •Space u:liza:on •Proper cyberinfrastructure •Precise guidelines and policies •Cluster/server hos:ng and management •Cluster/server hos:ng •Data with restric:ons 13 MARCC: •State of the art HPC facility (current and future needs) •Develop an HPC ecosystem: Foster collabora:on and advance research agendas ✴Develop or improve tools for effec:ve data analysis ✴Resource to aCract and retain top researchers ✴Facility to properly house HPC resources with different requirements (Co-‐loca:on) ✴ •Show success for con:nued support 14 Informa:on •[email protected] •Web site 15 16
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