James B. Castle High School Knightly News Volume XXVIII Issue 7 VISION “A Learning and Caring Community That Works Together For The Benefit Of Its Students To Be College and Career Ready And Where All Are Committed To Excellence” April - May 2015 MISSION “We Are Dedicated To Foster A Connection Between Living And Learning” SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT 2015 – Grade 11 NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES WHICH INCLUDES PHONES ARE ALLOWED IN TESTING SITES. F.Y.I….Hawaii is among 21 member states (plus the U.S. Virgin Islands) leading a Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium that developed a new assessment system to measure whether students are meeting the Common Core for Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA), and are on-track for college and career readiness. Hawaii students in grades 3-8 and 11 will take the Smarter Balanced Assessments for the first time in spring 2015. Smarter Balanced assessments offer students: •More complex problems and challenge them to support their answers with explanations and evidence. •The ability to mark test items for review, take notes on a digital notepad, use calculators and other tools in certain sections, and also pause the test. The Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) replaces the Hawaii State Assessment (H.S.A.) from this school year. There are several major changes to this new test: 1) using only Common Core Standards; 2) testing Grade 11 students; 3) test given only 1 time; and 4) 21 other States are using the same test. What remains consistent is that this test “adapts” according to how well the student is doing, and adjusts accordingly. Each question is weighted according to the degree of difficulty. The test will be on Mathematics and English Language Arts. It is broken down into 2 segments: 1) Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), and 2) Performance Task (PT). Prior to any student taking the Performance Task segment of the test, they must participate in a scheduled Classroom Activity, which will be given prior to the Performance Task. Both segments of each test must be completed to receive a comprehensive score, and both tests have a limited time span to complete the test. If the tests are not completed within their time span (45 days for the CAT and 10 days for the PT) the student will not get a score, and the student will not be represented in the “Participation” nor “Scoring” contribution towards our StriveHi rating. Testing will begin on April 20 – May 1, 2015. Using “Best Testing Practices”, we will be testing only in the morning hours. Each student will be assigned a “Testing Period” and a “Testing Site”. Students will go to the same site at the same time every day for 10 consecutive days. To ensure best results, please make sure that your child gets a good night’s rest, eats breakfast, and attends school daily and on time. Due to the secured information on these tests, please keep in mind, that Electronic Devices (e.g. cell phones), that allow you to receive and/or send information, take photos, or record will not be allowed in the testing lab. All students will check in their belongings prior to being seated in the testing labs. Any student who is caught with any device on them, regardless if they are on or off, will have the device removed immediately, and the student will be immediately removed from the testing lab and the contraband item will be turned over to an administrator. The worst scenario regarding Electronic Devices is to photograph the test, and post it. The school will be fined $10,000.00 and this fine “could” become a student obligation. You will be receiving a “Parent Informational Booklet” along with a “Parent Letter” and a “Testing Schedule” in March. Please review the information given in the booklet, as well as the information given in the letter from our Principal, Ms. Alaiasa. If you have any questions regarding testing, please call Alicia Rogan, Test Coordinator at 233-5600 ext. 2291 PARENTS & STUDENTS – Incoming Freshmen; and 2015-16 Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors… Looking for Something For Your Teen To Do This Summer? Monday, April 27, 2015 6:30pm in our library Parents & Guardians welcome! We’ll give you some suggestions on how-to make your teen’s summer worthwhile and interesting, AND how-to-stay-on-track-with school: • Gain hands-on experiences in the real world; • Explore what Windward Community College and other post-high school facilities have to offer high school students AND graduating seniors; • Learn the ‘tricks’ to improve your score on standardized tests (SAT prep at CHS); • Paid internships right here in our community (applications & contacts available); • Work Permit information; • Volunteer opportunities close to home or in town; • Online skill-building sites; • ‘Summer Bridge’ - Transition into Castle High School easier; A collaboration between Windward Community College, Castle’s College & Career Resource Center, Castle’s Summer Bridge Program, Achieve 3000, “Families & Friends of Castle”, and PCNC. Questions – 233-5600 ext. 2236 / [email protected]. Knightly News Page 2 April – May 2015 March 2015 22 23 - CPAC: ‘Footloose’ 3:00p CLASSES 24 25 - Class Council Meeting@ lunch FACULTY MTG. @ Cafeteria 1:503:30p 26 KUHIO DAY – NO SCHOOL RESUME 27 28 - GRADES DUE 9AM TO REGISTRAR - CPAC: ‘Footloose’ 7:30p FACULTY MTG. - ‘Footloose’ 7:30p April 2015 29 - CPAC: ‘Footloose’ 3:00p 30 FACULTY MTG. @ Library 5 31 - Class Council Meeting@ lunch 6 - FFC Meeting 6:00 pm Library Check out Castle High’s ‘Official’ Facebook Page www.facebook.com/Castle HSKnights 1 7 - Class Council Meeting@ lunch 2 DEPT. MTG. 8 FACULTY / DATA TEAM MTG. EXTENDED MTG. 3 - KSA Meeting -School Spirit Day - College Fair @ Convention Center CC: STAFF MTG. 9 - Senate Meeting 10 FACULTY MTG. - Ultimate Site Mtg. 3:15 p Office Conf. Rm. 4 -SATURDAY SCHOOL 8-10AM 11 - CHS’s Annual Elementary Speech Festival - SENIOR PROM @ Hawaii Prince Hotel - SCC Mtg. 5:30p Library - Project Grad Committee Rm. 35 * 6:30p 12 19 13 14 - H.S.A. Smarter Balanced Assess. Window Opens - Class Council Meeting@ lunch 20 21 - Class Council Meeting@ lunch 26 27 28 - ‘Rhythm of Life’ Dance Concert 3:00p - SUMMER OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGH SCHOOLERS 6:30p Library - Class Council Meeting@ lunch 15 16 17 18 - ICC Meeting FACULTY MTG - SATURDAY SCHOOL 8-10AM 22 23 24 25 SLC FAIR / DATA TEAM EXTENDED MTG - Senate Meeting FACULTY MTG - Spring Beautification -‘Rhythm of Life’ Dance Concert 7:30p -‘Rhythm of Life’ Dance Concert 7:30p 29 30 1 2 - MANDATORY PARENT MEETING – Project Graduation 2015 Student Participants 6:30p Cafeteria - CLASS COLOR DAY - SATURDAY SCHOOL 8-10AM FACULTY MTG LEADERSHIP MTG - ‘Rhythm of Life’ Dance Concert 7:30p - ‘Rhythm of Life’ Dance Concert 7:30p May 2015 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - ‘Rhythm of Life’ Dance Concert 3:00p - FFC Meeting 6:00 pm Library - Class Council Meeting@ lunch TEACHER & STAFF APPRECIATION LUNCHEON - Senate Meeting DATA TEAM EXTENDED MTG - Ho’ike 2015 7:30p Auditorium - Ultimate Site Mtg. 3:15 p Office Conf. Rm. - Ho’ike 2015 7:30p Auditorium - Project Grad Rm. 35 6:30p 10 11 12 - Class Council Meeting@ lunch - SCC Mtg. 5:30p Library 13 FACULTY MTG 14 15 16 - ICC Meeting FACCULTY MTG - SATURDAY SCHOOL 8-10AM - SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT 7pm Audi. - Band ‘Aloha’ Concert -KSA Induction Ceremony 5:30p 17 18 19 20 21 22 FINALS TESTING WEEKS 5/18 – 6/1 * See period schedule on page 3 24 25 MEMORIAL DAY No School 31 PICK-UP FOR PROJECT GRAD ATTENDEES 1 26 27 -Yearbook Distribution 2 LAST DAY FOR SENIORS 3 QUARTER 4 & 2ND. SEM. ENDS FACULTY MTG. Students Last Day 23 - Band Banquet 28 29 30 Seniors Mandatory Practice on Field Seniors Mandatory Practice on Field GRADUATION 5:30p Field PROJECT GRAD to Follow 4 5 6 Teachers Last Day Knightly News Page 3 April - May 2015 SENIOR GRADUATION SONG PRACTICES – Starts April 23rd! No show = (1) less seating ticket for commencement ceremony. Remember: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Be on time!! Auditorium doors open Girls* 7am. 7:15• Auditorium doors CLOSE at 7:50am EXACTLY 7:15am! 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 • No parking in auditorium parking lot. Boys* Girls* Student parking will open at 6:30am. If MAY 7:157:15you park in auditorium parking lot, you 7:50am 7:50am will be asked to move your car, which 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 may cause you to be late for practice. Boys* Girls* • If you arrive after the doors have 7:157:15closed, you will be allowed in but 7:50am 7:50am remain “absent” (deduction of a ticket). 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • Excuse notes WILL NOT be accepted. Boys* All* • Obligations must be cleared prior to 7:157:15song practice, at 1st recess only, or you 7:50am 7:50am may lose a ticket. Office opens 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7:30am; can’t pay obligation on All* All* morning of practice. 7:157:157:50am 7:50am • You must have your current 2014-2015 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 CASTLE ID with you for admittance. Field Field Replace lost ID in Rm. 6 at recess Rehearsal Rehearsal (Tues. & Fri.) for $5. All* GRADUat Gym at Gym • You need to be present, on time, and in 7:15ATION Approx. Approx. 7:50am your assigned seat, otherwise you will 8a-12p 8a-12p 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 be marked absent. FIELD PRACTICES - MANDATORY attendance; failure to attend may result in being removed from the ceremony. • Castle High School’s Commencement Ceremony Saturday, May 30, 2015 * 5:30 pm (sharp!) * Castle High Field REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION IN GRADUATION CEREMONY…Your child’s senior guidelines are NOW in effect. The school may revoke your child’s privilege of participating in Commencement Ceremony under any of the following circumstances – Class A, B, or C offences. DONATIONS FROM PARENTS / COMMUNITY...We would like to ask for: Cases of water and snack donations for the May 28 & 29 field rehearsals. Our seniors are on the field from 8am to noon. Please drop water & snacks off in the main office or Room 41. Donations of: ti leaves, red ginger, white anthuriums, red mangrove flower, yellow milo, red and yellow hanging lobster/crab claw, white crepe ginger or any hearty flower that are either red, maroon, yellow or white. Drop off will be on Friday, May 29 from 2:30 – 4:00pm at the locker room near the basketball courts. ‘Thanks’ PARKING OPTION…Open parking is available on a first come, first served basis at the student parking lot and baseball outfield. Handicap parking will be at the student parking lot on a first come, first served basis. Upon entering the parking lot, the placard and ID of the placard owner must match, and the ID individual must be in the vehicle. The parking behind the cafeteria and auditorium are for cars with parking passes ONLY; Island Parking will monitor. SPECIAL SEATING OPTIONS…If special seating is needed for persons with wheelchairs/walkers/canes, please contact Nelson Chee (233-5600 ext. 2218 / [email protected]) ASAP so arrangements can be made. TICKETS…Students will receive (6) seating tickets - pending attendance at all song practices, with an extra ticket given if they turned in their guidelines on time. Seniors will receive their guest seating tickets Friday, May 29th at mandatory song practice. One ticket per body, no matter person’s age! DAY-OF TIMELINE… Graduates report to gym from 3:00 - 3:45pm. Doors close at 3:45pm! Bleacher seating will be for ticketholders ONLY. Be in your seats by 5:10pm…or you’ll have to wait to be seated until AFTER the graduates’ processional to the field. Graduates Processional from the gym onto the field 5:20pm Gates to stadium seating will close at 5:10pm for processional AND Re-open after graduates are seated and anthems are completed (about 5:40pm). Ceremony concludes (6:30pm). Leis and gift giving to follow in basketball and tennis courts. Project Graduation Participants – check-in at the gym 7:30pm. Parents - Pick up starts at 9am Sunday, May 31 at the auditorium: Last names A – K (9:00am) and L – Z (9:30am). REMINDER TO PARENTS / OHANA…Please: - NO posting of signs on fences, basketball structures or poles (hand held signs only); - NO coolers - NO reserving spaces with mats or caution tape; - NO staking things into the ground; - NO confetti cannons/blasters!; - NO umbrellas up during the ceremony; - NO noise makers or horns at all times – families can NOT hear their graduate’s name called! Knightly News Page 4 Substitute School Security Position Available Must have security license and be available 7am – 3:30pm. Please contact Vice Principal Winona Enesa 233-5600 ext. 2200. April - May 2015 You know the songs, the dancing is amazing, and the live band rocks! The 80's are BACK! Castle Performing Arts Center presents… FOOTLOOSE March 20-29 Fridays & Saturdays at 7:30p Sundays at 3p $5.00 MCDONALD COUPON BOOKS Coupon books are available from a member of Project Graduation 2015 committee OR Kathy Martin in the library / 233-5600 ext. 2236. Please support this Project Graduation 2015 fundraiser. …CHS DIGITAL MEDIA STUDENTS…Who placed in Windward District’s 2nd. Annual video contest ‘Be Pono, Be in School’! 1,700+ students created, scripted, directed, shot, starred in and edited their 30-second video entries stressing the importance of daily attendance and on-time arrival. Winning videos best depicting attendance as crucial for student achievement and graduation. • Secondary Individual Category: First Place (a tie) Castle High School’s Raleigh Harris & Olomana School’s Isaiah Ruiz; Third Place - Kalaheo High School - Hayley Ikeda. • Secondary Group Category: First Place - Castle High School - "Bored with School"; Second Place - Kailua Intermediate - "When You Ditch"; Third Place Kahuku High & Intermediate - "Saturday School". …CHS HOSA STUDENTS…Who competed at H.O.S.A. State Convention (2/10 – 11), demonstrating Knight Pride and Professionalism throughout the competition. Out of 27 students, 15 placed within the top 3 for their events; they are eligible to compete at the National HOSA Leadership Convention later this June. Garrett Cho tirelessly worked behind the scenes as a Leadership Intern and was voted by the entire Hawaii HOSA chapter to become the Hawaii State VP of Programs! Special thanks to coaches & alumni for volunteering time to help students practice for various events throughout the year: Sandy Linskey, Lynn Yoshizaki, Pam Wakukawa, Ferlino Carinio, Devon Tanaka, Troy Peiler, and Lauren Caulkins. CHS students who placed are… • Cho, Garrett – Pathophysiology - 1st place - HOSA State VP • Donaldson, Hailey - Nutrition - 1st place • Hata, Janice – Nutrition - 2nd place • Hata, Emily - Human Growth & Dev. - 2nd place • Melnyk, Anastasiya - Human Growth & Dev. - 3rd place • Imamura, Lisa - Clinical Specialty - 1st place • Kam, Jaslyne - Job Seeing Skills - 3rd place • Imamura, Kim - MRC Partnership - 1st place • Lafitaga, Rachel - MRC Partnership - 1st place • Lum, Marissa - MRC Partnership - 1st place • Okada, Lorie - MRC Partnership - 1st place • Tanigawa, Alyssa MRC Partnership - 1st place • Tyler, Laura - MRC Partnership - 1st place • Takasato, Lauren - Sports Medicine - 1st place • Zamora, Teah - Biomedical Lab. Science - 2nd place Castle students Jacob Yamaguchi and Caitlyn Bright portray Ren and the preacher's daughter Ariel. Also joining the cast are 43 more students from eight different schools on Oahu! Tickets - $15 adults / $10 students, seniors and military. Tickets available online with no fees at www.showtix4u.com. …CHS STUDENTS ARTISTS…Who are part of the (23) semi- finalists chosen for Congressional Art submissions – Shelby Mendes with her "Hands Tryptic" and Rj Sigel with his "Skate Tryptic". Also for ‘Youth Art Month’ there were101 winners chosen from 738 artwork pieces submitted and CHS’s Skylaire Harris's charcoal drawing "Eyes" was selected! Awards ceremony is (3/28) at the Capital building; students’ artwork will be on display at the Capital building (3/7-28). Check our website: http://castlehs.k12.hi.us. …CHS STUDENTS…Josh Weible and Maverik Hudson for their participation in the Windward District’s Science and Engineering Fair at WCC (2/1314). Both of their projects were selected to move on to the State Science and Engineering Fair which will be held at the end of April. …CHS HISTORY DAY EXHIBITORS...Hi’ilani Alina-Kamark, Spencer Kerkau and Chelsey Oda! Their exhibit, “Robert Oppenheimer: Father of the Atomic Bomb” is one of three exhibits moving on to the State History Day Fair. The following students also did an outstanding job representing CHS at the Windward District Fair: Katie Ahern, Madison Audette, Majesty Greer, Ashley Hill, Jordyn Manzano, Mia Shelbourne and Kaylyn Yee. Their exhibits are on display in the library. Go Onipa’a House! --Arlene Greco, Faculty …NEXT SY KSA ELECTION RESULTS...Class of 2018- President for next year is Natasha Pang Kee Shimabukuro and Vice President is Rene Hutchins; Class of 2017 President for next year is DeAnna Essman, Treasurer is Kanoe Keliikuli-Grace and Secretary is Mariah Ahtoon-Apilando; and next year’s Knights Executive Board President is Jacqueline Noborikawa, 1st Vice President is Carissa Yoshimori, Corresponding Secretary is Hunter Jinbo and Treasurer is Cera Soma. …CHS STUDENT ARTIST…Nadine Yokohama for being recognized for her artwork for 2015 Scholastic Art! Her piece was chosen as one of the best artworks in the state! Awards ceremony will be held (2/21) from 46pm at the Hawaii State Art Museum; her work will be on display until (4/10)! The Knightly News is a monthly publication published by James B. Castle High School and Families & Friends of Castle 45-386 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kaneohe, Hawai`i 96744. Knightly News Page 5 April - May 2015 SENIORS - Be Proud of Your Accomplishments! This is an invitation to Families & Friends of Seniors to attend Castle’s annual ‘Senior Awards Night’ * May 13 * 7pm * in the Auditorium. Seniors - Please complete the ‘College Acceptance & Scholarship / Awards’ form which Mr. Chee will hand out in Social Studies classes; form will also be posted: http://castlehs.k12.hi.us/ . --Nelson Chee, C & C Counselor PARTNERSHIP WITH ‘BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS’ BBBS is accepting applications for 10 more students to participate in the Castle Online Mentoring Program. Students will work 1:1 with an adult mentor via online discussions an in person meetings to develop knowledge, skills and awareness towards becoming college and career ready, achieve greater self-esteem, and continue to be motivated to achieve academic success. This is a really wonderful opportunity for students who need encouragement to following through with their dreams. They are seeking 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. Mentors are back ground checked, commit to a year, and have a college degree. This program is a way for busy professionals to be role models. Sometimes students do meet with their mentors in the College & Career Resource Center during lunch or after school. Students participate in group outings and community service such as Make a Difference Day at CHS. If you know of student who could benefit from this mentorship experience refer them to our CCRC (Rm. 39) for applications and more information or contact Mrs. Daniel (695-4556 / [email protected].) Check out: http://www.midweek.com/hawaii-community-news/windward/windward-oahu-coverstory/mentorsconnect-online-person/. --Amanda Miyamoto, Transitions Coord. YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION… Seniors who pre-ordered their yearbook will receive their books first on Friday, May 22, right after school at the cafeteria. Picture I.D. is required to pick up your book. Freshmen through juniors who pre-ordered a book can pick theirs up get theirs on Tuesday, May 26th, right after school at the cafeteria. Picture I.D. is required to pick up your book. A list of names of those who pre-ordered will be posted by room 29 and at the café. Only people whose names were on the list can get their books on these two days. Pick up after May 26th in Rm. 29 until the end of school. Didn’t pre-order a book? You can purchase one for $50 cash only (student dues and fees must be paid first) starting Wednesday, May 27th during A-period at room 29. We have a limited number to sell, so don’t wait! --Kelli McDougal, Faculty FINAL REPORT CARDS… For students in the 9th-11th grades: report cards will be mailed home ONLY if a self-addressed stamped envelope is submitted to the Registrar's Office. Envelopes may also be submitted to the homeroom teacher or to Box 127 in the main office. Please include the student's name on the envelope. Report cards will also be available for pick-up during the last week of June from 8:00am -12:00 noon at the Registrar’s Office. –Darcy Wakayama, Registrar READY TO TRAVEL?... Bonjour! Ciao! Do you have a Passport? A few seats opened up to Travel to London, Paris, Florence, Switzerland, Rome and Capri this June 8, 2015. Log on to www.eftours.com and check out tour 1437663YM to see if this may be a great way to spend some of your summer nights and days. Questions please call Bev Vierra (808-389-7529) and leave a message. –Bev Vierra, Faculty E-SCHOOL SUMMER REGISTRATION… Watch for more information in upcoming A.M. Bulletins, Weekly E-bulletins, or Castle’s website: http://castlehs.k12.hi.us/. Classes fill up quickly. See your counselor for more info; student registers. Cost is $90 for 1/2credit and $180 for 1 credit. –Jordan Gross, Counselor CASTLE ‘HO’IKE’…Please join us for our 21st Annual ‘Ho’ike’ at Castle's Ron Bright Theater on Friday, May 9th. and Saturday, May 10th. Again this year we will feature over 200 Castle students in concert featuring the music of Tonga, Samoa, Tahiti, and Hawaii. Tickets will be available from any music or dance student, and can also be purchased at the door. Come join us for an evening of celebration and culmination of a year of study and practice! --Dawn Cone, Faculty AUDITIONS…The Castle Performing Arts Center and Castle DanceForce announce auditions for the Castle Dance Ensemble! This dance company performs all styles of dance at school and community events. Auditions will be held on Thursday May 14th in the dance room from 3:305:30pm and are open to Castle students of all ages and all abilities, including incoming 9th graders. Please call me 2335600 x 2253 for more info. –Natalie Uehara, Faculty “RHYTHUM OF LIFE”…A contemporary dance concert showcasing the art of resiliency, April 24, 25, & 26, and May 1, 2, & 3, 2015. Show times are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 3:00pm. Don’t miss Castle’s talented dancers – DanceForce - in a performance of various dance styles inspired by resilience. The Arts & Media SLC will also be presenting projects as a part of our collaborative unit, including various art projects and public service announcements. All tickets are $10 reserved and can be purchased on line with no fees at www.showtix4u.com. For additional information please call 233-5626. Thank you for your support of Castle DanceForce and the Arts & Media SLC! --Natalie Uehara SUMMER ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE… 6-week program June 15 – July 24 for Community College Bound Hawaii High School Graduates. Students gain math credits, hands on engineering projects, learn about sustainability related engineering. Accepted students awarded full scholarship for tuition and lunch. Stop by CCRC-rm-38 for more info. Application Due (4/13); go to: www.hawaii.edu/ike . –Amanda Miyamoto, Transitions Knightly News Page 6 April - May 2015 PARENTS – OF FRESHMEN & JUNIORS… Only 2.1% of parents statewide so far have returned your School Quality Survey which was mailed home in February! Can’t locate your hardcopy to complete and return? Go online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Parent_MIDDLEHIGH. Parent input deadline is March 24. Please take a few moments to voice your opinions. --Administration Castle High Calendar By Periods – Includes Finals Weeks! Week of 3/23 - 3/27 Week of 3/30 - 4/3 APRIL Week of 4/6 - 4/10 Week of 4/13 - 4/17 Week of 4/20 - 4/24 Week of 4/27 - 5/1 MAY Week of 5/4 - 5/8 Week of 5/11 - 5/15 FINALS WEEK FINALS WEEK JUNE Week of 6/1-6/5 Per. 1, 3, 5 7 Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 2, 4, 6 HOLIDAY Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 2, 4, 6 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 HOLIDAY Per. 1 - 7 Per. 1 - 7 Per. 1 - 7 Per. 1 - 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 2, 4, 6 Per. 2, 4, 6 Per. 2, 4, 6 Per. 2, 4, 6 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 Per. 1 - 7 Per. 1 - 7 PER. 1, 3, 7 HOLIDAY Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 PER. 2, 4, 6 PER. 1, 3, 7 Per. 2, 4, 6 Per. 2, 4, 6 PER. 7, 5, 3 PER. 2, 4, 6 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 Per. 1, 3, 5, 7 PER. 6, 4, 2 PER. 7, 5, 3 Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 Per. 2, 4, ADV, 6 PER. 1, 5, A-per. PER. 6, 4, 2 PER. 1, 5, Aperiod PER. 1-7 PER. 1-7 Teacher Last Day SUMMER SENIORS & PARENTS OF SENIORS: If you have any balance remaining on your Meal Tracker Account, you may receive a cash refund ONLY on: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Funds will not be released without proper ID. For your remaining balance or to transfer your balance to a sibling (who is presently enrolled), please see Christian Lee-Tomita and Marietta Yee at the Info Booth in the Cafeteria during recess. Should you have any further questions please call 233-5628. All remaining funds not distributed by May 29, 2015 (p/u after school hrs), will be considered a welcomed donation to Castle High School. –Christian Lee-Tomita, Manager S U M M E R DO YOU PURCHASE ‘COKE’ PRODUCTS? FREE MON$Y FOR SCHOOLS! Go to www.mycokerewards.com and learn how parents and community can support CHS by donating points OR “codes” on bottle tops and carton bottoms from your purchases of Coke products, Dasani, Sprite, Tab, Fresca, Minute Maid and Powerade Products. Codes are inside bottle tops, 12-pack tear off lids, or bottom plastic of dansani water cases! Set up an account at www.mycokerewards.com for yourself to input codes and donate to James B. Castle High School. No time to input, then drop your coded bottle caps, cardboard codes or plastic wrap codes in Box 109 in the main office and we’ll input the codes. Free money for our school! –Kathy Martin, PCNC INCOMING FRESHMEN CAN EARN ½ HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT THIS SUMMER! For the past four summers at Castle High School counselors, teachers, and administrators have offered the Summer Bridge program to help incoming ninth graders with the transition into high school. The program offers students the chance to earn a half-credit in Study Skills. The students will study English, Science, Math, and Life Skills over the three-week course (June 8 – 30 * 8am-1pm). Classes are conducted in a variety of settings and through various learning styles, including classroom work, laboratory experiments, field trips, and camping excursions. Examples of lessons , activities, and projects done over the previous sessions include making salt water fish tanks, launching rockets, creating budgets, water quality analysis, working in lo’i, and beach clean-ups. Each year the number of students participating in summer bridge has increased from lowly twenty-five in the first year to over one hundred in the most recent session. Summer Bridge has been correlated by a decrease in the ninth-grade failure and retention rates (18% 7%), and students who have participated are on pace to graduate at a 93.6% (# of credits)! We hope to continue this pattern of growth of Summer Bridge and the results that have occurred at Castle High School. Watch for more info about this year’s program in Weekly E-bulletins & AM Bulletins! B R I D G E
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