Saint Augustine Cathedral 5th Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 Parish Mission Statement The Catholic Community of St. Augustine Cathedral, nourished by the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit are sent forth to proclaim the Good News of God’s love for all people. As a Parish Community we will put this into action by continuously developing a Pastoral Program that reaches out to meet the needs of our Parishioners and community. 192 S. Stone Ave. • Tucson, Arizona 85701 • Tel (520) 623-6351 • Fax (520) 623-0088 • Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 - 5 / Friday 9 - 4 ST. AUGUSTINE CATHEDRAL CLERGY & STAFF DIRECTORY Rector: Rev. Gonzalo Villegas x115 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Vealumun P. A. Mom x117 Capuchin Priests: Rev. Robert Kose • Rev. Andre Weller Rev. John Francis Samsa Deacons: Keating Ackerley • Salvador Carmona, Charles Gallegos • Jesse Soto Office Manager: Margie Marrufo x102 Secretary: Norma Madril x101 Receptionist: Cecilia Metz x118 Compliance Officer: Terry Gill x116 Diocesan & Cathedral Director of Music: Carlos Zapien x114 Maintenance: Gloria Ramos • Cecilia Metz REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Spanish Mass English Vigil Mass - Organist (Fulfills Sunday obligation) ORGANIZATIONS & COMMITTEES Altar Server Society: Sylvia Kamei Eucharistic Ministers: Liz Aguayo Events Fundraising: Leilani Gomez Finance Council: Joe Ladenburg Grupo de Oración: Zolia Rosales Keep Cathedral Grounds Beautiful: John Jacome Knights of Columbus: John Badilla Pastoral Council: Liz Aguallo RCIA: Deacons Charles Gallegos & Gene Benton St. Vincent de Paul: Justin Castillo & Jim Deters Usher Society: Luis E. Kamei Guadalupanos: Juan Carlos Martinez COLLECTIONS March 8, 2015 Sunday Collection Received: $6,933.94 2nd Collect: Charitable Works: $1,930.81 Today’s 2nd Collect: Easter Flowers/Liturgical Expenses Thank you for your continued and generous support of our parish. GOD BLESS YOU! Sunday 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass - No Music Spanish Mass - Mariachi English Mass - Choir English Mass - Choir Spanish Mass - Coro Weekday English Masses 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Monday - Friday Holy Days (except Christmas & New Years) 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass English Mass Spanish Mass Sacrament of Penance 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Saturday VIVAMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Dios que tanto nos amas, danos un corazón nuevo en estos últimos días de la Cuaresma, un corazón marcado e impregnado con tu amor, a fin de que siempre podamos discernir tu voluntad y acceder a hacerla, aun cuando necesitamos experimentar algún tipo de muerte. Y que en esa muerte confiemos que tú harás brotar una vida nueva. Derecho de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. 2 PARISH INFORMATION THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sunday/Domingo 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:30 pm English Mass For People of Parish Spanish Mass †Jose Guadalupe Lazo English Mass †Santiago Tellez English Mass †Connie Aguirre Tellez Diocesan Choir Rehearsal English Mass †Sandra Rivas & Answered Prayer Monday/Lunes 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:15 pm 3/23/15 Daily English Mass Health of Myrtle Nord Daily English Mass Grandson of Mary J. Mitchell Lenten Span Mass †Diana Dunk Tuesday/Martes 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:15 pm 3/22/15 3/24/15 Daily English Mass Health of Myrtle Nord Daily English Mass †Esther Davila Lenten Span Mass Health of Clotilde Soto Wednesday/Miercoles 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:15 pm Daily English Mass †Bert Ramirez Daily English Mass Max & Alec Mitchell Lenten Span Mass †Gustavo Gamez Thursday/Jueves 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:15 pm 3/27/15 Daily English Mass †Mary Reyes Daily English Mass Children of Mary J. Mitchell KOC Lenten Dinner Lenten Span Mass †Gustavo Gamez Via Crucis en Español en la Iglesia Palm Splitting behind Church Stations of the Cross in English Saturday/Sabado 7:00 am 9:00 am 5:30 pm 3/26/15 Daily English Mass †Francisco Espinosa Daily English Mass †Nellie F. Pain Lenten Span Mass †Gustavo Gamez Friday/Viernes 7:00 am 12:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:15 pm 5:45 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 3/25/15 3/28/15 Spanish Daily Mass †Gustavo Gamez Young Adults Lenten Retreat - Parish Hall English Vigil Mass †Valencia & Montano Families PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS Mike Abril Loraine Aguilar Amalia Alvarez Gerry Bartlett Benjamin F.A. Bicknese Alma Caballero Irma Carmona Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo Julie Castro Pete Confrey Dolores Corrales Norma Corrales Carmen Fraide Zonkey Gamez Tomas Garcia Michelle Gutierrez Guadalupe Hernandez Guillermo Hernandez Charley Koisk Frank Mendez Pat Mendoza Aida Owen Maria Pereira Judy Pralin Josie Ramirez Jaime Roybal Ernie Sanchez Clotilda Soto Grace Soto Amie Tetlowski Mary Trujillo Cathy Vega Teresa Verdugo Louis V. Vuenamea If you are interested in placing an advertisement for your company in our Bulletin, please contact Claudia Borders at (520) 298-1265 If you are interested in placing an ad/link for your company on our WEBSITE, please contact the parish office. PARISH NEWS 3 VIA CRUCIS 5:45 pm cada Viernes durante Cuaresma en Español 7:00 pm every Friday during Lent in English KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LENTEN DINNERS March 20 & 27, 2015 4-8:30pm Parish Hall PALM SPLITTING March 27th at 5:30pm YOUNG ADULTS LENTEN RETREAT March 28th, 2015 (1 Day) 9:00am - 5:30pm Cathedral Hall For All Young Adults (ages 18-34) Lunch NOT provided You’re on you own! DECORATING COMMITTEE We have to start getting ready for the decorating of the Church for Easter. We are forming a Decorating Committee and want to invite anyone willing to help. If you are interested, please call the office and give your name, or call Guadalupe de la Torre at 302-2459. We will be happy to have you! Thank you for your support. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION No Class on March 30 & 31, April 2, 4, 5 because of Holy Week & Easter. There will be an Easter Vigil Rehearsal in the church for those to be baptized for parents and godparents on April 4th at 9:00am. Baptisms will be in the church on Easter Vigil at 7:00pm on April 4th. 4 60” SMART TV RAFFLE The Fundraising Committee is selling raffle tickets for the 60” Smart TV in the Cathedral office during the week and after Masses outside in front of the office. The tickets are 1/$10 or 3/$20. RIFA DE TELEVISION INTELIGENTE DE 60 PULGADAS El comité de recaudación de fondos tendrá venta de boletos de la rifa de un televisión inteligente de 60” pulgadas despues de las misas de la mañana en frente de la oficina y en la oficina durante la semana. Precio de boletos son 1/$10 o 3/$20. RELIC CHURCH BENCH RAFFLE 1/$10 or 3/$20 RIFA DE BANCO DE LA IGLESIA RELIQUIA 1/$10 o 3/$20 ST. AUGUSTINE GIFT SHOP The St. Augustine Gift Shop in the Cathedral Office has expanded their religious merchandise! Come in and visit us. TOUR OF THE BEAUTIFUL CATHEDRAL St. Augustine Cathedral, A shining jewel in the desert Tours of this beautiful cathedral and its grounds are available by appointment. If you are interested in bringing your students, youth groups, senior citizen groups or civic groups, please contact the office at 520-623-6351 for scheduling. Our docents are prepared to take you back in history! PARISH NEWS 2015 PARISH CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE Dear parishioners, After meeting with the parish capital campaign consultants committee, we decided to start the strategic plan to personally meet and ask the following people and organizations to make a pledge to the Parish Capital Campaign. These people include the parish staff (especially, I as the pastor), ministry Leaders, non-parishioners who have a special spiritual and historical connection with the Cathedral who believe and are willing o support this project. Also with city wide organizations who also believe that the Cathedral is part of the future downtown development. In April we will ask you as parishioners to pledge as well. Further information regarding pledges and commitments will follow that will help you understand the process of pledging. To end with good news, a generous individual donated to St. Augustine Cathedral a property located at 4307 W. Gleeson Road, Elfrida, Arizona 85610-9015 on 3.2 acres. We have placed the property for sale. If you or if you know someone that might be interested in purchasing the property please contact Fr. Gonzalo Villegas at 623-6351 ext. #115. Proceeds of property sale will go to Parish Capital Campaign. I remind you that our goal is $500,000. So far, generous people have given $5,000. We have a long way to go but I trust because of good hearts we will reach our goal. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Gonzalo Villegas PARISH NEWS Campaña Capital 2015 ACTUALIDAD CAMPAÑA DE CAPITAL PARROQUIA Queridos feligreses, Después de reunirse con el comité de asesores de campaña de capital parroquial, decidimos iniciar el plan estratégico de conocer personalmente y pedir a las siguientes personas y organizaciones para hacer una promesa a la Campaña Capital de la Parroquia. Estas personas son el personal de la parroquia (en especial, yo como el pastor), líderes de ministerios, no-feligreses que tienen una conexión espiritual e histórico especial con la catedral que creen y están dispuestos a apoyar este proyecto. También con las organizaciones de toda la ciudad que también creen que la Catedral es parte del futuro desarrollo de la ciudad. En abril le pediremos que como feligreses se comprometan también. Habrá más información sobre las promesas y compromisos que le ayudará a entender el proceso de prometer. Para terminar con una buena noticia, un individuo generoso donó a la catedral de San Agustín una propiedad ubicada en 4307 W. Gleeson Road, Elfrida, Arizona 85610-9015 en 3.2 acres. Hemos puesto la propiedad en venta. Si usted o si conoces a alguien que pudiera estar interesado en la compra de la propiedad, por favor póngase en contacto con el padre Gonzalo Villegas al 623-6351 ext. #115. Las ganancias de la venta de propiedad irán a la Campaña de Capital. Les recuerdo que nuestra meta es de $500,000. Hasta ahora, las personas generosas han dado $5,000. Tenemos un largo camino por recorrer, pero confío en causa de buen corazón que alcanzaremos nuestro objetivo. Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Padre Gonzalo Villegas 5 ST. AUGUSTINE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL St. Augustine Catholic High School still has seats available for the 2015-2016 school year for grades 9-11. Please visit our website www.staugustinehigh. com or contact Katrina Powell at 751-8300. Financial Aid is available. The seats are filling fast so don’t wait, apply today! TUCSON INTERNATIONAL MARIACHI CONFERENCE Mariachi Mass Features Liturgical Music Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 10:00am AVA Amphitheater - Casino Del Sol Resort 5655 W. Valencia Rd. No Charge! Open to Public The mariachi mass is a beautiful fusion of culture and faith. This solemn celebration features mariachi musicians, dancers and vocalists in a colorful procession. Every year since 1983, thousands of students of all ages come from all over the country to learn from some of the best mariachi and baile folklorico masters. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WITHIN THE DIOCESE OF TUCSON The following vacant positions within the Diocese of Tucson are available as of March 9th, 2015. To view the announcements, job description and information on how to apply press control and click on (Employment Opportunities) on the Diocese of Tucson website (Link can be found on our website). • • • • • • • St. Mark Parish - Bookkeeper (Full-Charge) Santa Cruz Parish - Bookkeeper (Full-Charge) Santa Cruz Catholic School - Assistant School Principal Santa Cruz Catholic School - Teacher (Student Support Coordinator) Santa Cruz Catholic School - 3rd Grade Teacher Santa Cruz Catholic School - Middle School Math Teacher Santa Cruz Catholic School - Instructional Aide SUMMARY PROGRESS REPORT FOR ST. AUGUSTINE 1RA JORNADA VOCACIONAL “!Señor, soy Joven!” Sábado 21 de marzo, de 8 am a las 5 pm en la Iglesia de Santa Mónica. La Oficina de Vocaciones de la Diócesis, convoca e invita a jóvenes, hombres y mujeres de 14 a 25 años a participar en la primera jornada vocacional de la Diócesis de Tucson. Ven y descubre más sobre la vocación que Dios tiene preparada para ti; el matrimonio, la vida de soltero o soltera, el sacerdocio y la vida religiosa en un ambiente alegre, música, lleno de juegos, sorpresas y oración. Tu compromiso, buscar lo que Dios quiere de ti. Entrada Gratuita. Regístrate para saber que vendrás con tu nombre, dirección, teléfono forma de contacto llamando a la oficina de Vocaciones al 520.830.2531o mandando un correo electrónico a [email protected] 6 as of the end of day Friday, February 27 2015 Parish Goal: Pledge Total: Straight Gift Total: Pledges & Gifts Total: Pledge Percent to Goal: Total Fulfilled: Percent of Pledge Fulfilled: Pledge Balance Remaining: $56,500 $8,520 $3,394 $11,914 21.09% $4,899 41.12% $7,015 DIOCESE & WORLD NEWS 5TH ANNUAL POLISH NIGHT 6pm Saturday, April 11, 2015. St. Cyril of Alexandria Catholic Church Nicholson Hall 4725 E. Pima Enjoy Polish Food and entertainment by Lajkonik Polish Folk Ensemble with guest Arizona Balalaika Orchestra! $20 per person (tickets limited) For tickets contact: Lajkonik: 495.8959, [email protected] or www. (PayPal) POPE BACKS SECRETARIAT FOR ECONOMY IN BID FOR VATICAN REFORM Pope Francis has approved the statutes of the Secretariat for the Economy, giving an important victory to Cardinal George Pell in his quest for transparency and accountability in Vatican financial affairs. Cardinal Pell, the prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, had faced mounting opposition to his plans. Last week, Italian newspapers carried stories, based on leaked documents, alleging lavish spending at the new agency. Both the Secretariat for the Economy and the Vatican press office rejected those charges. During last month’s consistory of cardinals, several prelates said that the powers of the new Secretariat should be trimmed, preserving some of the autonomy traditionally enjoyed by Vatican agencies. By approving the draft statutes, Pope Francis chose not to accept those suggestions. The Crux web site notes that the statutes, as approved by the Pontiff, take back only one aspect of the sweeping authority that the Secretariat for the Economy had sought: the Secretariat will not supervise the Vatican’s real-estate holdings. Otherwise the statutes confirm the authority that DIOCESE & WORLD NEWS Cardinal Pell had sought. The Secretariat for the Economy is supervised by a Council for the Economy. The office itself supervises all Vatican financial transactions, and includes an auditor general with powers to inspect the books of any Vatican office. Catholic World News - March 03, 2015 CARDINAL TAURAN INSTALLED AS CAMERLENGO Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran has formally taken the oath to serve as camerlengo, the Vatican official who administers the temporal affairs of the Holy See upon the death or resignation of a Pope. Cardinal Tauran was appointed camerlengo last December, succeeding Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who resigned upon reaching the age of 80. The new camerlengo retains his current post as president of the Pontifical Council for InterReligious Dialogue. Catholic World News - March 09, 2015 ON PARISH VISIT, POPE URGES THE FAITHFUL TO ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR SINS, TRUST IN JESUS “We cannot deceive Jesus; He knows us in depth,” Pope Francis told the congregation at Mass during a March 8 visit to a parish on the outskirts of Rome. At the parish of Santa Maria Madre del Redentore, in a neighborhood, the Pope denounced the people who exploit the poor, protesting against “the injustice of unemployment and discrimination.” He added that the Mafia, too, uses poor people “to make them do their dirty work.” The Pope spoke at length about the importance of acknowledging one’s failings and relying on Christ’s mercy. Jesus can heal all ills, he said, except those of someone “who lets himself be seen to be good, to cover the hidden sins.” Before visiting the parish itself, the Pope stopped at a home for the sick and handicapped, operated by the Missionaries of Charity. “Jesus never abandons us,” he told the residents. “Never lose your trust in him.” Catholic World News - March 09, 2015 7 Easter Flowers IN MEMORY OR HONOR OF: In Memory of Anthony, Catherine, Stephen Bianco In Memory of Harry & Edith Dischert In Memory of Ed Malik In Memory of Jesus Alonso Denogian In Memory of Maria Eduwiges Rendon Cota In Memory of Alice E. Medina In Memory of Virginia H. Garcia In Honor of Roy & Judy Sender In Memory of Earl & Alma Kose In Honor of D. Maria Mejia In Memory of Maria (Miluchi) Jimenez In Memory of Juan Jose Ochoa In Memory of Valentin Vega In Memory of Irene & Jessica Zepeda In Memory of Mrs. Socorro M. Felix In Memory of Santiago & Juanita Burruel In Memory of David Norzagaray In Memory of Albert E. Blankenship In Memory of Alfonso G. Barraza In Memory of Refugio Arechiga de Barraza In Memory of Pedro M. Barraza, Jr. In Honor of Coltilde Soto In Memory of Armando G. Gill In Memory of Nellie M. Gill In Memory of Richard Ochoa In Memory of Terry Ochoa In Memory of Richard Ochoa In Memory of Guadalupe Cota In Memory of Estela Cota Orantez In Memory of Matilde Z. Cota In Memory of Jose Quintero Orantez In Memory of Albert B. Aguilar In Memory of Ana Maria Barraza In Memory of Jerry Galvan In Memory of Jerry Galvan THE NEW COVENANT When the prophet Jeremiah coined the term “new covenant” he was actually doing something quite radical. For the Jewish people, there was only one covenant, the one made between the Lord God and Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. For Jeremiah to suggest that God 8 SPONSORED BY: Norm & Kathy Dischert Norm & Kathy Dischert Jan Malik Josephine Denogian Rosario Cota Andres Medina & Family Robert Garcia, Daughters & Grandkids Fr. Robert Kose, ofm cap Fr. Robert Kose, ofm cap Herlinda Mejia Familia Torres Raul & Marcy Ochoa Raul & Marcy Ochoa Albert Zepeda & Family Irene Felix Ofelia Hernandez Ofelia Hernandez Elvia C. Blankenship Barraza Family Barraza Family Barraza Family Armando & Terry Gill Armando & Terry Gill Armando & Terry Gill Margie O. Marrufo Margie O. Marrufo Margie O. Marrufo Gilbert & Gloria Cota Joe C. Orantez Lydia Z. Cota Luis & Linda Orantez Aguilar Family Barraza Family Maria M. Galvan Familia Galvan would somehow supersede the covenant with a new one would have sounded audacious to Jewish ears. But in this way he is a predecessor of Jesus who, in the Gospel of John, is continually portrayed as superseding the past, establishing the reign of God in a new way. And in today’s Gospel passage, Jesus the “new covenant” speaks the language of his “new commandment” of love LITURGICAL when he tells of the dying grain of wheat, and of our own need to die to self in order to be raised with Christ. As Lent ends and we prepare to enter into Holy Week, the dying grain of wheat serves as an excellent symbol of the kind of dying and selfsacrifice to which disciples are called, a symbol of that new covenant written deep within our hearts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. RISKS I risk being wrong if I trust too much. But I risk living in torment if I don’t trust enough. —Anonymous LITURGICAL READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]. 9
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