March Mammal Madness Round 1: Sexy Beasts Match Up Kangaroo vs. Megaloceros Winner Kangaroo Wolverine vs. Bongo Wolverine Lion vs. Bighorn Sheep LIon Daeodon vs. Olive Baboon Daeodon Rationale/Details Kangaroo: swift kick, long & sharp claws, quick & agile, chambered stomachs to help digest grass, multiple sets of teeth Megalocerso: antlers for defense, slower than kangaroo, antlers developed for sexual selection Wolverine: sharp claws and crushing jaws, can handle snow Bongo: main predators are hyenas, lions, leopards, females raise young, primarily nocturnal, groups of 1013, lives in African forests Lion: stalk, strength, and speed, home turf in plains of Africa, mane functions in sexual selection, usually 2-7 males take over a pride Bighorn Sheep: when not in rutting season, population separates into female and male groups, males rutt with horns in intense head-butting, the horns can weight more than the rest of the skeleton combined, found on rocky cliffs in alpine regions, Daeodon: eats primarily succulents, home turf advantage, slashes with tusks, 12’ long, 2200lbs, Baboon: eats fruits, raids crops thus targeted by farmers, in Africa, males quite larger than female, large teeth, Brown Bear vs. Vervet Monkey Brown Bear Gigantopithecus vs. Koala Gigantohpithecus Amphicyon vs. Yellow-Bellied Marmot Amphicyon Brown Bear: omnivores, used to be in Mexico through Europe and Siberia, increased interaction with humans w/increased human encroachment, Vervet Monkey: 2’ primate, S & W Africa, highly socialized hierarchies determined by size and familial status, mainly vegetarian although diet expanding due to human interaction, Gigantopithecus: fossilized ape that lived in SE Asia from 8 million to 100,000 years ago, males larger than females, only fossils are teeth and mandibles and estimated to be 880lbs, Koala: males make vocalizations to, attract mate, gigantopithecus, flees “battle”, males larger than females, have gut bacteria that allow them to digest the toxin in eucalyptus leaves Amphicyon: shearing, teeth like dogs, vertebral column/tail like cats, and short limbs & feet like bears carnassials Elephant Seal vs. European Hare Elephant Seal (premolar teeth), Europe, lived 23-16 million years ago Marmot: eats grasses, suns itself, doesn’t fight rather has an alarm call and retreats in a burrow, live in matrilineal kin groups (mother-daughtersister), found in Rocky Mts to CA Elephant Seal: male-male competition often kills pups due to inadvertent crushing, vie for mates by slashing back and forth with their teeth, home turf advantage European Hare: Engage in Fisticuffs for mates,
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