Masses Monday – Saturday 10am
Sundays 10am & 11.30am vigil Saturdays 7.30pm
Sat 2ndrd 7.30pm – Paddy McCabe, Killynebber [Month’s mind]
Sun 3
10am – People of the Parish
11.30am – Joe & Bernadette Young &
deceased of Young family, Drumcrave
– Breege Tully, Drumcrave
– Donal & Margaret Kennedy, Rossa Place
Mon 4th 10am – Tommy, Jason & Martin Joseph Doyle,
College St & deceased of Smith family,
River St & Coleman Rd
Tue 5 10am – Cathedral Donors
Wed 6th 10am – Kathleen McCabe, Sean Hill & Bridget Darby
Thurth7th 10am – John Bruen, Yonkers New York
Fri 8 th 10am – Bernard, Bridget & Mary Margaret Smith
Sat 9
10am – Jack & Annie Cosgrove, River St
7.30pm – Madge, John & Sean McCabe, Billis
– Patrick & Eileen Graham, Tullacmongan
– Aiden Conaty, Highfield Rd
Sun 10 10am – People of the Parish
11.30am – Mary & Jimmy Veale, Keadue
– Joseph Reilly, Jnr, Latt & Joe Reilly, Snr
– Margaret, John & Oliver Cassidy, Owen Roe &
Margaret Cassidy, Highfield Rd
Mass Sunday 12noon
Sun 3rdth 12noon – No intentions
Sun 10 12noon – Jim Keaney, Donegal
Drumlane [mother of Christina Reilly, Poles]
who died recently.
St Peregrine ("The Cancer Saint") St Peregrine's feast day
will be celebrated this week.
Mass will be said on
Wednesday 6th May at 7.30pm in Butlersbridge for all the sick
and in particular for those who are suffering from cancer. All
are welcome to attend.
Alcoholics Anonymous 18 meetings in Cavan town weekly.
Contact 01 8420 700 for details of times and venues.
Alzheimer tea day is Thursday 7th May & Cavan Alzheimer
Society are having their tea day in the reception area of the
Farnham Hotel, Main St., 10am - 4pm. All welcome and
please bring your friends along. Proceeds go to help the
running of their Day Centre. Please note there will be no
Support Group meeting on Thurs 7th May but we will meet
again on Thurs 4th June.
Further details from Claire
0879002603, or Carole 0872240963.
Aware helpline 1890 303 302. Helping to fight depression.
Cavan CYMS church gate collection in our Parish this
weekend 25 / 26 April. All support appreciated.
Cavan Singers, choirs of Loreto College, St Patrick’s College,
Breifne College and The Royal School present a recital of
Vivaldi’s Gloria in Cavan Cathedral on May 7th at 8pm.
Tickets €10 / €5 from Cavan Gifts or members of the choir.
Cavan Social Services annual outing takes place from 15 – 19
June to West Cork, staying at the Celtic Ross Hotel,
Rosscarbery visiting Kinsale, Cork city and the English
market. All in cost €334pps. Contact 087-8228097 or 0872939922 if you wish to book. Tai Chi classes continue on
Tues 10.30am for 4 wks in Day Centre. Contact 086-3680066.
Daffodil Day raised €24,575!! Thanks to all concerned.
Gam Anon & Gambler’s Anonymous meetings in Cuain
Mhuire, Ballybay on Sundays at 8pm.
ICA Cavan meet in Day Centre, Wed 6th May at 8.30pm
Irish Wheelchair Assoc. church gate collection this weekend
2nd/3rd May in our Parish. All support much appreciated.
Paul Myles Memorial 5k Run/Jog/Walk from Drumalee
Cross, beside Orchard Bar on Bank Holiday Mon 4th May at
noon. Proceeds to "Alzheimer's Society Day Care, Cavan" &
"Friends of Drumlin House". Register on the day from 10am.
Masses Sunday 10am
Friday 7.30pm
Sun 3rd 10am – Maureen Hayes, Alacken
– Tony Higgins, Drumalee
Fri 8th 7.30pm – Benny & Susan Smith, Glassdrummond &
deceased of family
Sun 10th 10am – Available for intentions
Masses Wednesday 7.30pm
Sunday 8.30am & 10.30am
Sun 3rd
Wed 6th
Sun 10th
8.30am – No intention
10.30am – Brian Johnston, Cullies
– Niall Keogh, Rockcross
– Patricia Smith, Butlersbridge
7.30pm – St. Peregrine Mass for the sick
8.30am – Available for intention
10.30am – Deceased of Brogan family, Corracreeney
Masses Tuesday - Friday 7.30pm
Tuesday & Thursday 8am Sunday 9am
Sun 3rdMay 9am – Don Fannon & Burns family, Jubilee Tce
– Deceased of Young family
Mon 4th 7.30pm – No Mass
Tue 5th
8am – Available for intention
7.30pm – Edel Quinn
Wed 6th 7.30pm – Jade Rudden, Keadue
Thur 7th
8am – Available for intention
7.30pm – Bernard, Roseann, Susan, Margaret &
Owen O’Hagan & deceased of family,
Fri 8
7.30pm – Helen & Eugene Timoney, Farnham Rd
Sun 10th
9am – Available for intentions
C.A.P.S.: Cavan Autism
Parents Support Group are
looking for ladies to take part in the VHI Ladies Midi Marathon
on Bank Holiday Monday June 1st in Dublin. Proceeds will help
provide much needed Easter, Summer & Halloween camps and
various activities for children with Autism in Cavan and
Monaghan. If interested contact Bernie at 086-3540899.
Pieta House, Lucan - The Centre for the prevention of selfharm or suicide is available to anyone who is feeling down and
depressed. Contact 01-6010000 Mon - Thurs 9am-8pm; Fri
9am-5pm; Sat & Sun 10am-2pm.
‘Darkness to Light’ 5km walk takes place on
Saturday 9th May at 4am from Market Square.
Register at or at the
Farnham Arms Hotel, Cavan - Thursday 7th May
from 6pm - 8pm. You must print your receipt and
bring it with you to get your T-shirt on the morning.
Positive Age are now taking bookings for a 5 Day Trip to
Cardiff in Wales from 1st to 5th June. Cost €490 pps, srs
applies. This includes bed, breakfast, 3 lunches, evening
meals and admission charges, entertainment, return ferry &
coach travel.
Bookings to 049 4380725 Monday to
Friday 9.30am to 1pm by 5th May.
Samaritans Telephone 1850 60 90 90 if you want to chat to
someone who has time to listen.
The Carers Association are providing the QQI (FETAC) Level
5 Care Skills Module in Moynehall on the 28th May. This is
one of the mandatory modules towards the Full Healthcare
award. Patient Moving and Handling training provided. For
more information contact the training unit on 057 93 70221.
Vincent de Paul - annual church gate collection takes place in
our parish next weekend (9/10 May). All support much
Anyone wishing to purchase an old style school desk is asked to
contact Fr. Ultan at the Presbytery.