Yorventure Yorventure Environmental Body Ltd is an independent not-for-profit Environmental Body that distributes grants to community and environmental projects through the Landfill Communities Fund with landfill tax credits generated by Yorwaste. Projects must be within 10 miles (as the crow flies) of one of the 5 active or closed Yorwaste landfill sites. Yorventure has three level of grants 1. The Small Project Fund considers grants from £1,000 up to £5,000. The Yorventure grant must fund between 50% and 100% of the entire project cost. 2. The Main Project Fund considers grants from £5,000 up to £50,000. The Yorventure grant must fund between 50% and 100% of the entire project cost. 3. Challenge funds for larger grants up to £250,000 are also announced from time to time. Types of project 1. Community: public parks and general public amenities The project must be for the provision, maintenance or improvement of a public park or another public amenity at a single identifiable site address. The intent of the work to be undertaken must be to provide, maintain or improve an amenity for the general public. A “public amenity” is any space, facility or building that can be enjoyed by the general public for leisure, recreation or entertainment. General public amenities include: Museums Village halls Village greens Public play grounds Sports fields and facilities Libraries Skate parks. Community centres Public rights of way / footpaths Scout or Guide huts Cycle paths Nature reserves Country parks Bridle ways Church Yards Museums Community projects that benefit as many members of the community as possible will be favoured over those that offer benefit to a restricted number. Projects which have secured matched funding will be favoured. 2. Environmental: conservation or promotion of biological diversity The project must be for the protection of the environment, and for the conservation or promotion of biological diversity through the provision, conservation, restoration or enhancement of a natural habitat, or, the maintenance or recovery of a species in its natural habitat, on land or in water situated in the vicinity of a landfill site. For further details and guidance please go to http://www.yorventure.co.uk/
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