Through E-mail Urgent/Time Bound No. DPAD-II/2015/S /5/2/2015 CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Government of India, 5-B, 7'h Floor Kendriya Karyalaya Parisar, Lodhi Road New Delhi-110 003 Dated :17.03.2015 CIRCULAR Please find enclosed following letters/O.M./Clarifications received from Pr. Accounts Office, M/0 PPG&P and Postal Life Insurance, Deptt. of Post through PAO/CBI on the subject mentioned against each for information and necessary action : Letter No. & Date Subject 1 3(2)(1)/R&RRules /TA-II/2014/91 dtd. 11/02/2015 2 PI/FundA/c/S. Tax/2014-15 dated 17.02.2015 3 LI/GA/Service Tax/2014-15 dated 14.01.2015 O.M. Reg Correction to remove difficulties in Form GAR 13 (Pay Bill)andGAR17(PBR)of Central Govt.Accounts (R&P) Rules 1983 Clarificationoncollectionof Service Tax from all PLI/RPLI insurants (except J&K) w.e.f. 01.01.2015 Regarding collection of Service Tax from all PLI/RPLI Insurants w.e.f. 01.01.2015 S. No . Letter received from Deptt of Expenditure, MoF, CGA, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi Deptt of Post of the Director,PLI,7, Koilaghat Street, Kolkata, 700 001 Postal Life Insurance, Deptt of Posts, 2.It is requested that DDO of your branch may please be directed to ensure strict compliance regarding inclusion of Aadhaar No. in GAR 13 (Pay Bill) (Inner Sheet of GAR-13), GAR 17 (Pav Bill Register) and collection of Service Tax from all PLI insurants (except J&K), who has opted deduction of PLI/RPLI from monthly salary w.e.f. 01.01.2015. Encl.: As above. (Vidyadhar Jha) Administrative Officer (A) CBI : Head Office : New Delhi Telephone No. 011- 2436 6028 (1)All HoBs ( Local & Out Station Branches) Programmer, System Division. It is requested to upload the circular on CBI website. (3) Assistant Programmer, CBI, Head Office to circulate the above amongst all CBI Branches through e-mail. (4) PAO, CBI, New Delhi , !}.r"4=-3 Oy'... ~~ .•• < ·I'··-~ VOl .... ~J".....•.•........ L.••••J,. ··• .• ~ Most Urgent Time Bound PAY AND ACCOUNTS OFFICE CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION TH 7 FLOOR, CBI HQ BUILDING, CGO COMPLEX LODHI RAOD NEW DELHI-ll0003 Date: 12.03.2015 No PAO/CBI/pre-Check/Circular/2014-15/1JfJ3t5 To, The Dy. Director (Amn.) CBI, HQ, New Delhi Sir, Please find enclosed following letters /O.M/Clarifications received from ProAccounts Office, M/o PPG&P and Postal Life Insurance, Deptt. of Post on the different subjects for your information and onwards transmission to all CBI branches local as well as outstations for necessary actioni-pl~ , ,---- - [ s'N.~er 1 I I No & D~te 3(2)(1)/R&P Rules/ TA11/2014/91,dt 11/02/15 I I Received f~~---- OFFICE MEMORANUM REG Correction to remove difficulties in Form G.A.R 13 (Pay Bill) and G.A.R. 17 (Pay Bill Register) of Deptt of Expenditure, CGA, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi the _ __ 1-2--- r _ _ A/C/S.Tax/ 1·2014-15 dt 17.02.2015 I I I I 3 1 I I Government Accounts I Clarification Rules 1983 on collection of Service Tax I from all PLI/RRLI insurants wef 01.01.2015. -1 Li/GA/Service __L 2014-15 1)~ Encls : Five Tax/ dt 14.01.2015 Regarding col!;cti~n-of-S~~~'I-c-e-T-a-x-from all PLi/RPLIlnsurants Deptt (except J&K) I 'kL\) ~~, Central ----- j (Re~ipts~Payments) PI/Fund l Subject ~~ 01.0_1._20_1_5 I -----j I _ of post of the Director, Postal Life! Insurance 7, Koilaghat ! Street, Kolkata-700001 Postal Life Insuran~e, 1 -'-_D_e-'-p_tt_of Posts. J PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL PUBLIC GRIVEANCES AND PENSIONS, B-WING, 3RD FLOOR, LOKNAYAKBHAWAN, KHAN MARKET, NEW DELill. No. Pr. AO/PPG&P/CirCular/2014-15/2 Dated 09th March, 2015 1b t: To PAO/DPAR, ~PAOICBI, PAO/UPSC, PAO/CAT & Cabinet Affairs, New Delhi. (' ~Iease ~ ~< find enclosed herewith following letters for information and necessary action. ~ '\ Letter no. 3(2)(1 )/R&PRules/TAII120 14/91, dated 11102/2015 Ii PI/Fund A/C/S.Tax/20 dated 17/02/20 IS 14-15, Subject Received From OFFICE MEMORANDUM reg Correction to remove difficulties in Form G.A/R. 13 (Pay Bill) and G.A.R. 17 (Pay Bill Register) the of Central Government Account (Receipts & Payments) Rules, 1983 Clarification on collection of Service Tax from all PLl/RRLI insurants (except J&K) w.e.f. o l.0 l.20 15 Dlo Expenditure, CGA, Bhawan, Nayak Lok New Khan Market, Delhi. Dlo Post, Office of the Director, . Postal Life Insurance 7, Koilaghat Street, Kolkata-70000 1. Yours faithfully, Encl: As above JtJain) Sr. Accounts Officer ------ - - JI 1)/R&PRulesfT A-11/20141 linistry of Finance / rtment of Expenditure "''-'''''u \_/ontroller General of Accounts LokNayak Bhavan, Khan Market New Delhi-11 0511 Date: tL-02-2015 Office Memorandum Subject:- Correction to remove difficulties in Form G.A.R. 13 (Pay Bill) and G.A.R. 17 (Pay Bill Register) of the Central Government Account (Receipts & Payments) Rules, 1983 In exercise Government correction of the powers Account conferred (Receipts to the Central under & Payments) Government Account rule 198 of the Central Rules, (Receipts 1983, the following & Payments) Rules, 1983 has been made: Correction Slip No, 43 (i) In Form G.A.R. 13 (Pay Bill) (Inner Sheet of GAR-13): 1./-\ "Aadhaar "Column No." may be inserted after Column 1 "Serial No. of posts". (ii) !n Form G.A.R. 17 (Pay Bill Registerl A row "Aadhaar No." may be inserted below the row :t_.I.P No.". I ~ ~ ..--J----:. c)~.. ~ ,,;:~ \',. \\ \ \\!) y. / ,-----Y ,\:> .D "y \~. f\' iJ c:» 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. :> ,....- »> ,.. (Chandan Mishra Dwivedi) Deputy Controller U f~ General of Accounts _~--. All Pr CCA~I C-GA,sl CAs of Ministries I Departments . The Comptroller General of-India, Bahadur Zafar Marg, New Delhi PAGs, LOK Sabha Secretariat! Rajya Sabha Secretariat! President Secretariat/Election Commission, Delhi Director of Accounts, UTs AdministrationAndaman & Nicobar lslands/Oadra and Nagar, Haveli/ Darnall & Diul Lakshadweep. The-AG(A&E), LJt of Chandigarh Administration. . PAO (Audit), 0/0 AG(Audit), AGCR Building, IP Estate, New Delhi-2 All Sections in CGA Office. Sr. A.O. (ITD), 0/0 CGA for upioading on the website of CC3A. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS, OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, POSTAL 7, KOILAGHAT STREET, KOLKA~ 1" JCE PVFund AlC/S.Tax/2014-l5 To ~ (1) All the Coniroller of Accounts, Ministry/Department concerned.(58 No.) (2) All Postal (3) All Postal the DDl1 (PLI) Circlecc~ncerned.(23 No.). the DA( ), Accoun s Office (23 No.) . 17.02.2015 7/~ IV( / !J cC"· 0 P. r q .e---o-;a-e---v~ D' !,&~ lJ' I )..{ ~c tA.J19 /) (,.i?:- 1,·e~ /L 7,,' i fTV-.1l~ iJ jd'-cP~l I ~.ik I 1'1' /y r:~ . tAl(JV'-}~ c"-"-~/ ,21- cor ~y~ o ::: f ./ I .fJ.>"~LIv0..cL~" 8./ 1V. Sub: Clarification on collection of Service Tax from all PLIJRPLI insurants (exceptJ&K) '\ 1) ,(2,,{L,v\ w.eJ.01.01.20l5. Sir, Please refer to PLI Dte, New Delhi letter No 29-09/2013-LVSer.Tax/Sales office letter of even No. dated 24.12.2014 on the above subject. Tax dated 23.12.2014. and this 2. In this connection, clarifications received from the PLI Dte vide their letters dated 09.01.2015 and 12.02.2015 respectively on the various queries raised are given below for your information and circulation to all concerned please :- . Ser. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) c:. I ---- --- Query raised Whether service tax is to be recovered in respect of new policies w.e.f. 01.01.2015 and existing live policies prior to 01.01.2015? Whether Service Tax is to be collected on all arrear Premia relating to period prior to 01.01.2015 but paid on or after 01.01.2015.? If an insurant has already paid advance PLI premium before 01.01.2015 relating to the period after 01.01.2015, whether service tax is to be recovered for the proportionate period from 01.01.2015 onwards? Clarification Yes. Service tax shall be collected on all policies that existed prior to 01.01.2015 and new policies on or after 01101/2015. Yes. Service Tax is to be collected on all Premia collection being made on or after 01.01.2015 even if the Premia belongs to the period prior to 01.01.2015. i Service personnel employed in Jammu and Kashmir are routinely transferred from peace area to field area and vice versa. In such a situation, whether the service Tax or Sales Tax shall be collected? Whether service tax is to be recovered on an individual's total number of PLI policies or each policy wise? How the fraction of service tax is to be rounded off? Whether excess service tax recovered due to excess recovery of PLI Premia or any other reason can be r.efunded to the Insurant? }DL ----------------------------------------- No. The Service Tax/Sales Tax is to be collected on all deposits being made' on or after 01.01.2015. If someone has already paid advance Premia before 01.01.2015 relating to the period after 01.01.2015, Service Tax/Sales Tax is not to recovered for the proportionate period of 01.01.2015 onwards .. Service Tax/Sales Tax is to be collected with reference to the Circle where the policy exists. If ".the policy exists in Jammu and Kashmir Circle, Sales Tax on Premia shall be collected even if it is being deposited in other Circle. (i) Service to recovered policy wise. (ii) After calculation of service tax of each policy, if the service tax including education cess amount is arrived at a part of a rupee consisting of paisa then .•if such part is fifty paisa or more, it shall be increased to one rupee and if such part is less than fifty paisa, it shall be ignored. No. Recovered service tax can be refunded only after approval of the competent Service Tax Authority. Contd ... 2/- Pt -2(g) (h) What is the account code in which the service tax (including education and higher education cess) is to be booked? While calculation the Service tax including the education and higher education cess (@ 1.545%) in respect of monthly PLl premium of Rs 32 is arrived at as 49.44 paisa. In this case, any service tax shall be whether recovered or not? The accounting Heads will be as under :- 00440185 (i) Service Tax - 00440298 (ii) Education Cess (iii) Secondary & Higher Education Cess - 00440426 - 0040 (iv) Sales Tax No. since the service tax payable is below fifty paisa, it shall be ignored vide clarification issued by the Service Tax Department vide their ST Circular No 53/2/2003 dated 27.03.2003. This issues with the approval of Director, PLl Kolkata. Yours faithfully, -Wt:rt"'ll) Copy to (B. Pattanayak) Sr. Accounts Officer Mob: 8902425823 1. Chief ACCOWltsOfficer, - For information w.r.t. PLl Dte letters dated 09.01.2015 and 12.02.2015. PLl Dte, New Delhi 21. 2. PAO (ASC) - For information w.r.t. their letter No CIPLl/485/Gen.Corr CGDA, Bangalore . dated 16.01.2015. Intemal All GOs - For information. All Sectional SS - For information. SS (Sch Control) - For circulation to all those PAOs from where PLl (OTL) Schedules and DB figures are being received in each month. Notice Board. --W. ;11> 11 (B. Pattanayak) Sf. Accounts Officer I )4)stal _,ifel.1Stll~"1t ..•~\ :.'). 'Insuring ,.w,~", .••., •••• .1\ Ilee Lives, Ensuring Future' ".,V( Department of Posts Office of Chief Postmaster General, Delhi Circle, New Delhi-ll000l. Ph:-Oll-23620831,23518121 [email protected] To "MOST IMPORTANT" The Accounts Officer Pay & Account Office C. B. I., AGCR Building New DELHI-ll0002 No: Li/GA/Service Dated-l-l-U 1-2015 Tax/2014-15 Kindly refer PLl Directorate letter no. 29-09/2013-LI/Ser.Tax/Sales Tax dated 23.12.2014 (copy enclosed) regarding above cited subject, wherein, it has been decided by the competent authority to collect the Service Tax on insurance premium from all PLI & RPLI policy holders w.eJ. 01/01/2015. "The Service Tax @ 3.09% (including education and higher education cess) of the gross premium during the first year and @ 1.545% (inclu~ing education and higher education cess) on subsequent years i.e. second year onwards (rounded off to nearest rupee) is to be collected from the Policy Holders separa~ly and a consolidated receipt issued for the total amount i.e. premium + service tax". it has also been decided that "All the DDOs, who deduct the PLI premium from the salary of their employees should also recover the Service Tax every month and indicate the same in all their record". ..J..~) - -c ~ ~~", '''; ~J ~ ; ~vr. (ci"~ tt/ .' bY' c)'1 ~ "A In view of the above, you are therefore, requested to recover the Service Tax from salary of a PLI Policy Holder (w.eJ. from January-2015) at the rates mentioned above and dicate the same in our office retord as well as in PLI recover forwarded / to this office in hard copy as well. as in soft copy. PLI customer ~r~~~a tax imposed '" ,00 C) In your office should also be made aware of collection of service tax, which by Union Government and not by Department of Posts. please contact to this office through email @ [email protected] In case of any query, and contact no. 011-23620831. , J~ ~f'V Kindly acknowledge .: the receipt of this letter. .. -------~.3~----- - Asstt. Divisional Manager (PLl) Delhi Circle, New Delhi-ll0001 I GOVERNM~NT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONSIAND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMEI'"T OF POSTS ~/O CHIEF GENERALMANAGER, POSTALLIFE INSURANCE DIRECTORATE NEW DELHI 110 021. I ~ 29-o912~13-Ll/5er_jaxISales Tax I To: .AII Heatls ~f Circles (,BY name) Sub.! ' CoH~ctlon of ServIce iaX"from all PLI/RPLi i05uranj Ref: PU Dte Ir. No. 29-29/2.004-1I dt 1,' /10/2007 (cop dtd I 23/12/2014. (except J & K) w.e.f. 1/1/2015. enclosed). • A~e.ntiOI'l is invited to the ab~~e circular i~ whi~h recovery of service tilX. from individual policy holders was stopped fr9m 1/11/2007 and the declsion of Postal servlIS Board to meet the liabilitv on Service Tax from the PLI Fund/RPU fund was communicated. 'rr 2. . Th~ issue has been re-examined in the light of e increasing out-go from the PU Fund / RPLI Fund. IROA guidelines i,$sued to indisate separately the amount of p~emium and service tax collected from individual poticv holder and piso collection of. service tax by Lie and other j surance companies from their policy holders, It has now been decided by the Competent Authority to collect th Service Tax on insurance premium' from all EfLI & RPLI policy holders w.e.f. 01/01/2015. ' 3. The Servlce Tax @ 3.09% (Including education an higher education cess) of the gross prernlurn during the first year" ard @ 1.545~f. (Including education and hlghe education cess) on subsequent years l.e. second year onwards (rounded off to nearest rupee) is to be collecte from the Policy Holders separately and a consolidated racelpt issued for the total amount l.e. premium of service ax. " 4, The service tax Is to be collected every time the or mium is collected, be It monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually at the rates cited above. Insurants who pay the rem1um in the form of cheque (s) should be advised to Include the service tax. ccmponent also at the above prescrl ed rate in the value of the ~h!=qY,e, " 5. All concerned may please be instructed to colle the above mentioned service tax and show the same in the receipts issued to the PLI/RPLI policy ~Iders. At the end of the day, the PO records Should indicate, the premium collected and service tax collect d separately In all their accounts and consolidated accordingly. In all th~ returns to Postal Accounts Offices nd DPLI Kolkata pertaining to PLI and RPLI these two components sh9Uld be correctly reflected to Iacllitate a ount collected and amount depicted in departmental accounts and furtherbook adjustment with the Service Tax epartrnent, separately PTe Mysore is also being advised to make necessa respective module of its software. 6. changes in the Meghdoot software and NICDelhi in the 7. All ODDs who deduct the premium from the sal ry of their employees should also add the Sales Tax • component and recover the same every month and indlcat in all their records. pAP Offices and DPLI Kolkata will reflect the collections under respective heads'. 8. Prominent notices across the post offices aoo t this be exhibited for the information of policy holders/customers of PO. If found necessary, Head of the C rcle issue Press Release to bring this to the notice of ~u/ iJ.itu,Y,.;rs. customers in rural areas sh uid be "made aware of this levy, poiiteiy by the departmenial/GDS employees so that no adverse impact I created by collection of the service tax which is a tax imposed by Union Government and not by Department of P sts, ,lay This communicetlcn may be circulated among all co cerned. ,r' / Q ~ , ., '" ' '.;;,. '" .=" .~:, • As t. Oi . ianal Manager (PLI) 0/0 CPMG, Delhi Circle. New Delhi-nOOOl
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