Office oftot Dvati MOST IMMEDIATE 27(?5" CCIY,) by.•". Dn1 ... • .. No. 5/8/2015-CS Government of India Ministry of Corporate Affairs ***** 414 (Illtret, cly No. Ntikr/Date...1 To 5th Floor, 'A' Wing Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Dated, the N May, 2015 1. Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India. 2. All Chief Secretaries to the State Governments/Administrators of Union Territories. 3. Chairman, CBDT/Chairman, CBEC. 4. Director CBI/Director, National Investigation Agency (NIA). 5. Secretary, CCl/Registrar Competition Appellate Tribunal/ Secretary, CLB, New Delhi. 6. Director, SFIO, New Delhi Subject: Filling up of the post of Director General in the Competition Commission of India DIRECTOR NEW DELHI (CCI), New Delhi, on deputation basis. Sir, (1,1I am directed to say that it is proposed to fill up the post of Director General in the Competition Commission of India (DG, CCI) at its headquarters at New Delhi, under the administrative control of this Ministry. The particulars of the post, scale of pay, and the eligibility requirements, are set out in Annexure-I. 2.The person to be appointed as Director General shall be a person of integrity and outstanding ability with experience in investigation, and knowledge of accountancy, management, business, public administration, international trade, law or economics. 3. The person selected will be appointed on deputation basis. Pay will be regulated in accordance with the Department of Personnel & Training's OM No. 2/29/91-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 05.01.1994, as amended from time to time. The period of deputation including the period of deputation in the same or some other organization/department of the Central/State Government shall not ordinarily exceed three years as prescribed in Para 8.1 of the instructions issued by DOP&T in this regard vide their OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010. The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation basis is 56 years on the closing date of submission of applications. 4. The terms and conditions of the incumbent of the post of DG, CCI will be regulated by Competition Commission of India ( Number of Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General other officers and employees, their manner of appointment, qualification, salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service) Rules, 2009, as amended from time to time. —p,..ti3C1;wlegsit •••• •••• ...ONO IMO down rr ,••• ••••• ••• `i- *". , otql • akill'4* 1, V ), P. Pers-I, 213 - Sri/ 5. The DG, CCI shall be eligible for general pool accommodation till a separate office and residential complex for the Commission is constructed. If he/she have been allotted residential accommodation under general pool, he/she shall be eligible to retain the facility of Government residential accommodation. 6.It is requested that applications of eligible and willing officers, whose services can be spared immediately on selection, may kindly be forwarded through proper channel in the prescribed proforma at Annexure-II duly accompanied by the following documents, to Shri J.B. Kaushish, Under Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, 'A' Wing, 5 th Floor, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 latest by Friday, June 26, 2015. (i) Verification of the particulars of the applicant officer from his service records, in-,luding vigilance clearance certificate, in the prescribed proforma, appearing at the end of Armexure-II; (ii) (iii) (iv) Attested photocopies of up-to-date Annual Performance Appraisal Reports for the last five years; Integrity Certificate duly signed by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary; Certificate to the effect that no major/minor penalties have been imposed on the official during the last ten years, duly signed by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary. 7.Applications received after the last date, or incomplete in any respect or those not countersigned or not accompanied by the documents/information as mentioned in pars. 6 above, will not be considered. This vacancy circular is also available at the website of this Ministry, i.e. as well as on the website of Competition Commission of India (CCI) i.e and the website of the Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) i.e faithfully, (Nhouhan) Director. Tel No: 23384470 Annexure-I Particulars of the post, scale of pay and eligibility requirement: 1.Name of the Post 2.Scale of Pay & Eligibility Director General, Competition Commission of India (DG, CCI) In the Pay Band of Rs. 37,400-67,000/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- or Pay Scale of Rs. 67,000/- (annual increment @ 3%) - 79,000/For Pay Band of Rs. 37,400-67,000 + Grade Pay Rs. 10,000/(1) Officers of the Central Government or State Government holding: (a) AnalogouspostsinCentral Government/State Government on regular basis; or (b) Posts in Central/State Government with two years' regular service in the pay band of Rs. 37,400-67,000 with grade pay of Rs. 8,900 or equivalent; (c)Posts in Central/State Government with three years regular service in the pay band of Rs. 37,400-67,000 with grade pay of Rs. 8,700 or equivalent; or For pay scale 67,000 (annual increment @ 3%) 79,000 (1) Officers of the Central Government or State Government holding: (a) Analogous postsinCentral Government/StateGovernmenton regular basis; OR (b) Posts in Central/State Government with three years regular service in the pay band of Rs. 37,400-67,000 with grade pay of Rs. 10,000 or equivalent; Persons to be considered for appointment should possess integrity and outstanding ability with experience in investigation and knowledge of accountancy, management, business, public administration, international trade, law or economics. Annexure-I I Applications for the post of Director General, Competition Commission of India (CCI) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Full name & designation (in BLOCK letters) Date of birth Dateofretirementunder Central/State Govt. rules. Educational Qualifications Particulars ofspecialized qualifications and experience, if any (a) Present post held (b)NameoftheOffice/ Organization/ Institution (c)Date from which present post held on regular basis. (d)Service to which the officer belongs indicating the batch, in case the applicant belong to an organized service. (e) Scale & Pay of the post (f) Payin thepresent post, whether ad-hoc or temporary, orquasi-permanent or permanent. (g)Nature of work handled in the present post. (h)Incasethepresent employment isheldon deputation/ contract basis, please state:(i) Thedateofinitial appointment; (ii) Period of appointment on deputation/contract; (iii) Name of the parent office/ organizationto whichtheapplicant belongs; -27. Past experience (in chronological order) : Office/Orgn./Instt. 8. Post held To From Scale of Pay Nature of duties Remarks : Place Date (Signature) Name Contact Tel. No. Certificate (To be furnished by the Employer) Office 1. 2. particularsgivenby Certifiedthatthe have been verified from his Shri/ Smt/ Km service record and found correct. has CertifiedthatShri/Smt/Km serviceinthepostof rendered years of in thepayscaleof Orequivalent/ grade/ post 3.No vigilance case is either pending or being contemplated against him/her. Place Date Signature of the forwarding authority Seal: 4-itsA1-5/8/2015-Tftk-RLT aTR-d- 4-1 4 clik ch104c1-)14141(.1z1 ** * 5at 9T,fir, r, 9-rtru74, 2015 1. 34.1-47 41.0411 ,k t4-111c1el . / id."51711- 2. Mil ilo-4-1 414 clilii/RtET I.rzla-17 C21141011 3°4 1e-cb 3tt-{ 3. 31t7fa-T,zf 1 T 8J61)/ 31174411- ' 4. rf -tuT, TrIstrzri I t1(7 -3i-1 1T) 5. flRcl, A43.1*(D•t-cii, AfJP:Ftti3i cif 3iftrur/ Hi !lel"611 g ,faT-4- Vt-t)3°Trt.31t, ai it-FA' 6. fdwzl: 31-R---4ta ceiaTtrd- 3Trzifier (443r*, cri Tzr- cri'4P4ra- 3Trtir-4- ITT 513-FT 3T-61-71, e.0 Z §31-r f 5 ti HAIW4InFkiPchi3-Tr-{-41-4 Vf" -p--rdr 3Trzi1ar (4ft-4m*ai f rc r (ire] I el 41 gr IP a <)(10-1e1Icrt 3 2. tra-0110) trriffr 3Tita-I1311Geftl 3.T I er lar aTIT t I H619TrPeic-d.AIA clkiI 6zria P.0101.1 3 Fzli*ff ol d lI f 3T-lard 347 6ccrt oe404-114, Ash u211tiu1,3i —dtruerzi ftitr zir Alai 0- 1 311 17 riT Per-cf itzfr .7i1 l'dli ITO-T 1;ft-A-Tur 3. TIT-4417171 'TT mrrR211fchieneM 411401 4-i(cA1 2/29/91 -M. (ackri-ii) i 05.01.1994 3TTITTf4fAzftl-ff 0 ,3 111 4-11c11cr-eicleli Cffaf4zat 31 —di 374 d1 Ocd tfoTrxr a1cri=dfA-zp-a-3rdit Ft-a-, 4444)cfturrr fa-3-Tr-sr Jai 17/06/2010 cm 4.41 em 3i 211 41.4cbli4141101 ZIT 4-{1. 8.1 er Writa- 3 Rzi4t1" Algal NETT 6/8/2009-M. (dc-1.1-II) alitzfaT tf 011 air # 31-ftw cri6) cin I Afdf4zliatr{ 3ritr---d-xr 311 AJ-11 3iraa .31 d11 56 atl- 4.g=1-611ch, 44)3TT q 3Trzitar ITT q14-ci ccjftr ZIT 4-161-> 3:161- ftz.r,ft-a. tr grTtzr cifd-p=rtA 1- , 3174 - 31-ftwf3-41- 3117 chALIIRd-TI J) 1:7-Fr, 2009, alT4 +1.1-R1-4-14-1Q-1 zrzrrTrulltra-, t„cINF fzf0c1)1 5.41413i-r--1 -cr 3r 411H-41W-131f" mr-a-r-4trzr trftTR. r f -Frrui- 0.1r cici, 0711 z112,•411 ,1-ild-d4 1aTtfM- 3TrafFfT dm! 6)- at 0 6 311-d171 ,f-licfa 31I FT Trft.Tr 011 ,11 Tu-A-trri- erg-rri 6.3T ufri- MT!. $ ,94-) mftwrftzi1 Trizr 31ar tiefricicci-46 I:R=4kt uter ftit-ff qficb-r-xfr 26 oki, 2015 cicii 41-41. tar 3R Ned 4,14ct-)14 di4Ie iftlr, tf9--o-r del, 21H-4) 31-4, , , it7t-110001 c 544cl-ri TritTi# # (i) syn V I ftta- cil-rwicr a1 3iltrwrt1 3fitl#ZEI ¶ cRuA Tritff; (ii) ita# 31q1-cT Gil 41 di Li eirill;r0t4 1. 3.if#1;rPTP-a1t)-11 1-1 1 trichd1 zfi (iii) Frra-Tita. --gf 3T R:fid- 31 *1 =4RT 0-; (iv) *4i 31-Przr Tr cr-Frur rn- 1 3Tfer --rft 'TT fera# -41" a-1511$1Tf cri6diU 3I Z13cr 6R:Truft-d- 7.31fd-gf 11:4IT3T-41ri CITt7a.?TT it#1-1=1. gf 3171:ff Zir ftzrr TRITZrfil4 i4r147 6 # rrfFr FFFTUT 016i 61, izr-{fcri6) itzrr .711gdll t).11.<LII*C. 3nfiff CfraTtfttf 31711-11 (443ftc)611 ,4-11*C 314-ff 3117. 41041 I q1UT 1:434171-r t)ei4-11*. 3-ft .Tzieirstr ara-a-zr, -at 4- 1 (ocicrIlci vanlir: 011-23384470 3.1 (1 es a ri a,- cio4-110 3T 31tiliT3it . 2. r-r----rcrip-i 4-161P vr, grT-Atzr crid-T41A 31-rzifiTr (ttlt, i-Marr-g) dciaia11Q1 3117- riNFT er tg 37400-67000 .bt-W + a)s er 10000 .t,4Q ZIT adcridim 67000 .t,i.iy (ma . acfricIf3% trt.) - 79000 ,bi-IL 4 ts. 37400-67000 PTV + tg 4 10000 wqv t f4v (1) i +lich1.4 7 i1.3- .1 iftchNT 31filtr at ifzififra- 31r-TIT IR- i-loifri cg ur4 ut; (-) .t—tro-dzrr ,o,,-.1.k.Hcbli gr zri(Z_) 1 --,r.4.,-, ,k-Rchlt ZIT ikrel Iiiciili # 4 tg 37400-67000 .t.Lig + It 8900 ,t,t-tv ZIT +14-Icle-41 "1" izAzli51ff .4401ft; 7 r-r 117Tzt (TO i -TrA 4-)a -cifichRitioq-i i-RciiR gr 8700 ,t, Lly clgleilori (1) ZIT +1 ,Hcil, c-4-I d 5 4 t 37400 - 67000 .t, t-iq + d)5 1)- tra trz cilo air Q- fzr17:ra. 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