I r:O I rfuefr qo $o # ffi g6o-11004199 : REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 |l|tr.lf,l aar i 6oz elte of Sndto Uhe slgttt|Trt EXTRAORDINARY qFr u__<us 3_-.tl_qgc (D PART ll--Sectiotr 3-Sub,cection (i) nftrqn*rfiF{m {. N". FUtsLISHED BY AUTHORITY lrul ,lssR, rflit 2s,2015/tT 4, 1937 I?3I NEW DELHI w ftfr{ilq{ FrcRRCO ceqttqr Ttffi, zsqr{, zors ffi m.n FL 22a(n).<rn+ \ni rr: sqr+ q*<r{ irafr{q, 1 985 (i g8s +r ot y ft rr<r zo * vrc cFd q..r 9 ERr rec qrFcfr +r r*.r rG gs ha vc[.. FIFFI qffi cE ffi:s$fifi r"d Rq{r*fr, 1s8s + t{iD-f, s.{+ + frq qr} fiRfrkrftcq firf,r cfi :_ t, t . ( t ) |M fr qrq-{ qtq& g4 qq:rqrfr v<r4 (Bftq rtr}*) lM, 20 I 5 nEr qrgrnr a6 o** * er0q t rqrff d qrqnr z. srcfi qM qi rq:rqr* q{rf |ffi 98s (g(EcEK sir ft+rr+* * sc d s-.ilfud l. (2) t qrcfrq <r'rr{ fr 1 ftc{ ss * RS ffifasc frcq fr sftFnR-d fr.fi "53 qrqrq qrgrn; smk:_ fris- ts qqnr * a-{n qrt, qrqrd rrrTq c{ {r ftctd rrftrn *" * R-fl firfr qN-+ o-r< * d.cfu qr rq:sqr+ T..'{ nr qrc,r fr qrcrd rr qr* + fu{t( rfi frqr qrqrnr c<{ {s fi q-gt* t + Mfud srcfi d'sfu qr rcryqFfr cE|4 6r cr|d * ffic qr qrcr * qrcn, ilsrrrq vl tn t st{q t ftq fuqr qKrrtrt,, I |M ff sffid O s. sril ftsrr+ft * ft+q ser fr ffift-d fuqr qrwnr +. sm|Mhfi-+qss *,_ (i) l36E Gt2015 wftqq11y { "qfuft{q fr q-d{+ fr RRftd' (t) rreEt q* Fn}fud frqr qR.n; , * scftfi (ii) (3) ilr *"* scft{q "t t+l h fts *t^,""r*"RD ffifuil sqffi d cfrFfiR-d wrqn, qqk:- rflur r{ + x*tr *+fi fr s* sc dqr r€+ qqr s€ fr vqil fu{r Erqn *qr fr F{rq-r i{rg< anr ffft-c frqr qtgl F) qfr ft{q } il{d qrft }r+fi qrqn rqrur r{ h Rq qqftT{ (1 ) * iltd qr+fi * qrc +< vc6R ffi "(3) qnrm * B* \16 EqR Fc+ ff fts qcl ft qrq{ft r',r cmftrrqr;rft*ftqqsod. s. - 0 scfi-fi (tl d sqftqc (tm) * sc t 5l, rqift-d frqr wq{n fr< qs c-rK Sq: rqifr.fr sqft{q {) + q-{+ ffifud sqft{q fr Gid:qrft( fr{r qrq{n, qqfq .1 t I rS rrr< t Xt qrifi ft flft + erft-e * zr +r{Rrtd * dn-rla, srq-+ Brqft ft{q ss * sqft{q (1) + sffid qrqkr rlfior c{ qrfr cr {r{iw +t{r eqr qR FrrfRe s.qrl_fr{r * {r{rm rqrq qr rfr qroftqI vrrr ft dr< q t {Fiw fuqr qrdr t *qrqr qqqilqr sfl+ ar<r nfr-5 *{ a'< qjhorft qc {riq t qric+;fr qFn durr" (1 scfuq {ii) 61 6 (1--.,) "ftw +,- fttry {-.<} + ffiR-c fuqr ercrnr "ftw g-tr !F+€(' crdt h qrt'r<, s-{r-s-{r } .nt t, *qr {iq ifiTtr, qdt df sffiTfrqrqrq{n1 ss + sqft{q (1) + ss ftirqr{ff * frqq sz t "qfuftfi ft q-{(* + RRffiq' z swftqt{r+*+frqqs8,i6. 1iy wftw "(t ) 1r I * ftq, RrqRfu{ scRrq d {s frq[Irq-s + cT} srS t. vt * Rqr ffi (iD wftcq * (g) dEr qrqr scR{q qrdi cRrqrR-d ftqr qr$n, d ffiftd ftqr qr(r|nr qsk:- qrH qffi m }qq + {idq +, ET{T qrft ft{td xrfunr{ qr ffi :qrr+ TErf {r src{ * er{< ffi-d r{ ftqr w\Frn.' (4) + frq frFTRRT 5 +, sqffi * clM{ ftqr qgrn, as6;- ft{id rr&+'n qz +r r*r qr+fi * $fr Fq rcr a-0t <rn sd e6i";y d rrqc ftqr in\nrn +sr ft Rrrfi argm anr ffic ft'cr qrgt (4) w ft{q h e-te qrft n-+{ ffid nB-rn c{ + frq scft{q (1) h il{t qr+dn + {rM +< vctn * \'d E-ER tc} ft ffq. {} qrqlft r" "(3) e. sffi|ffi+ft{q, 59d. scfr{q (1) + scfr{q (t+) * 6T * Sc, mqifr( frqr qrg{n efl.r {fl (t+) * qqfr ftqftfuc scfr{c * dd,srR-il ftqr qrq3n, qqk :(i) r* qrifi ft $ft fi mftc t s-dr{ ga: rqift-c gqfr{q } scft{q (1) + sRTfu{ ffid xre+n l-t erft ild'$ t qrdrt i{rfrfr'qr ffirqrftFRT{qfr at<t$<pi{< ftqrvrmt frqrw arg*e wwt qffi qri+n qq diiq i arcr nfu5 *t r;u * qRe *rnr" "(t) mn * Xt zr h rfertc, qrq-q qq6 ftqq 56 +trn aqr cR Mft( rqq-*n +r{ffit q'r lqn II-Eaqs (iD 3(i)l tJl{it ifl {qq? : sl€nnq 3 scFf{q (is) S',- (O'ft{q * scFt{q ) t RF€y crdt. fr ffiR-d Fh.{r qrq{[ @ '*rr gw r*+rc' crd * F{rq T{ iftn {-qs qrgfir, qrd d tftenR-c 9. ssftciry;-afr+ftq{oo*,(i) "qftfrcr fi q-S(* + RRffie' cr<) + ffiftd ftn qqrn; (iD 1s. ss '\ft{r T6 t-+€t' {rd gqilM*frqqor (i) "rftm g-e tii) "qDfr{q 1 (1 1. 3-q6 qrg* crd * + Ffi{ qr ,tcr q-{{ff qKfi,, rre<} d qffi{ ftq1 qnr.n1 +,_ r**rc * qn fi tq R;qr qrqrn, tr< rftqr qF qrgd, {rd qil + C,frEe" ffd +} ffiftc ftqqr+fr + ftrc 62 n, frrr gw +n-ec' qrdfr sffid ftcr ingrnr fr.qr qr\nrr t sr+ q-<, q-{r_q-{r + .il+ t, rfrc.r cft.lrrrfud fuq.' nflq.r', {-s ffi * ftq{ 6a * FTrc q<, ftqRfue ftqq r} rffid fuqr qrqn, srqk :"64 {rrqr+q€rd 51ssr{a.-ft-qr{ dhrft *r vqrtr{qrffi qfrft{q, 1940 (1940 T,r 23) t 3rft{ 6nrs rq q}trfu qt< rtrrr{ m{fi ftTq, 1945 (Frt Ec* fi} cqr{ 19a5 } ftq{ s-qr ,rtr A+ qft{, {rq Fc+n am qs ftR-r ftgu ss <rq il +qA Afiq + qR Tbr frrft rrg-*nfr anr, rqn frt,T+ qrt+{ ff r-tr * *gr< ffffi * qm me * rq:rqrff qEr{ * ser<{ q6 qi.,Ti qr-q u-ffi t t FhEq rq:xqrff q<r{ * s-ffr<{ Tr cr{Sq. +{q irsqn. vt t .n * sffi{ st{c tfrSln0frfiqrC.n; Tc{ T{ qk ft trq t q}q?r R{Tq * Rq cre-f.{ fiffi, ar{q+ 1 + ftREq rrr:cqr+ c-<tfr * sdTrfi } Rq irrr${ qrt t'.G fr 5{ erq+ urgr *'racd +t nr (2) ffi {rq + qffi ftrieor q'r qr<srr+ xrfunrt (Frt Eqit Ts+ qrcr( v-trrn xffi o-{r Tqr_A^scfr{c (1) t RF€g, r+d ygq rq:cqrft q-{d ff hr i rrffE qrq{T+; * ffrft" + {r+i, (w-a1 * wrrrf efrrn,t<t*qlcrr+ r<rdft<rrqt qnrc+m, .,*t*{. qqFrff I[ft^frlT Rffi'enil + Try + frq sserd q* v<rfr ft qrer *< ftff Rffidr ara sR( *icnie+ * aq q1m 1 2. s-s .iq * ff wr-*r Qcr* t ni gs, qr?cr aRr, Et q-(ld fi qr{r ff +q trqr RRtrs 6trn B <rq + RRqlTrd am RfrFle ft w s#r (3) so lrq:sqr+ rcrfr ff qnr, \rd E{ d \rd e-g*frrrrft era RRFFa ff qr qinft, f{-trrc-{ xre+ft ar<r q-dlft qrfr +G qrq q-f*M + {dRd ft qrqrft .l * * 1 3. "65. sq ffi H fi * frrr 65 + frq ftrqfrkc ftcc e6 q1 * qqr rqr {*+.q.{r frr ) qfu rcr t s-{ *sr ff srq-+ ftcr W "R+ ftC srq+ qrgw * crt ri*qrur +t r+r r<r4 * cfts{TFf( frcT qrC.n, crclq:_ qft+ +rrqrfi Tflf + s-nr€ + frq qrg* + s..r RRfu ftsr qrq sF ilt+ rqr sc * qr nr ffi _ - T< E( sqft{q + q?ft{ q*{r<sr ff q}fi q( arsfr * $T( r{clq{ r<;n drnr (2) sqFf,{q (1) *e-ec q+f-d qFk +Erq-+ qqt _ il{r Fh Rrq-6 qrg< 6r<r RR€q ft.qr qrgl (3) 6r Rzf, ss * {Rq qr6 ff r{fu + dffi{ . ffid ffiff Rft t rqrff Ai fi ilrfte + 180 R-{ fi Rs{ w sq dqrrft}t qrq-d{trn cAil Erfi ftqr qrq.nr 4 fl{E cAuTIE oF I}TDIA.EXTRAoRD (+) rR ffir {R"ii, cR +t A fr, c( €-sr< t,G * qrqrfr {.*fiur + cft{iAer * Rq qR{r qrfr qrcr wft{q (r) * q-{n qfff. qft ar<r fr{c ftR + c-{+ wr5c rs Rur tfrqrq-+ qrgww* +r<uil *qq;n'<i +rfrfrqqre+,(m-rr t qk sq+ Enr rqrftt rq 1sy ointfc q1Red, rR wncn +{ furQd e+ ffir q+tr$r <q qr;tt Rz-{ i-fr rqc ftlr fi vsifi tr ft wftqq 11y I vrm ft e} {6 ETrqrnl * r{T qr'ft qr?r + fr{-€ qfi-{ Ffu{, qrcd rKfir{, F(tr riTm{, <rqs Rqm * t vcfi *< t rFf-c qr_ qq fi qffi * qrcc cwr< * erq-< qR{ t +i } tr +r I fr , * qqei w q?cr * {(fud frq qr+ ft drfrq t so fu+ * fta< fi qrqrft (7) q+{ * mwr * vnr w qacr ff xR * {qr{ Ftft d{ft ffi R-{r"6 qfi. 3rft{ fi w wR-cq 1e1 '-+tr qfr#q q* ffi qk Eiq aF* * wqrq *Fr wraw+ R-€a q+{ fr, W qr?n fr, fi Tt t, Sfu{<ur, witr<q qr frRfu{.rur nr {vr urtn, *vr a-6 *r vr*, qrftr 6tnr .ftrrfr, tr q{ q-+d T+tft + qr{, qi-d g. a{terT-{n ft{q + st{c t, gcr{ ft (8) xTf*nrfr, qffie ftilq-( TgT qftra-r + 1 a cF fFET, |M * d t rm:irr Grrrrnr "l ftq.q os+ t RqRl?ir r-q+ ift:enR-c frql. qrqin, qqr q{rilT{fr qr{* r {Rft€qm:qqrffr<rfr*m'q, Rrc, sq*{r, qvvfrq}+qq'Trqul 6 + sffifr st{s + frq frqr qr1nnt.' 15. gR |M t ftcq oo + scft{q vt1nn, qch:- 1ty * wn w, ftprRfue sqRcq d sfrFnR.-d ft* |M * r{ef-c qr} rr* Fift fi s*q + frq +i fr qk Frfi * qq:xqrff q-<r{ qe ild s* E-+Fiqt't* n-qcs-+e s{w*Rgtvrrr<* q-<r{fr{qi+ S"otfo-S9* ftq +ffi sv t xrF1e q-{ "(1 ) 1 s4s ad rq fr e-gq* 1 t hcr Erdi. t . RRFq r*vqrft vEr{ * t+q qwrq vrr + t sffifl st{s + Rr TGn nnqrlTt' 16. gq{ iM w fi-+t a d,r I h errq q<, ffirfua + ft{q 67 sqftcq d cR€qrR-d fr{r qrgrrr, qqk:_ "(1) wr:rvrfi T<rd * ctR-d qrtt ff sr<.<rffiq qrqmr0 ild ilfi Tfi ff qrqrft qc cs fr ifrfr qrfr * srr E-o qi + sd 6 * *r w+ srq sq-dRrfr efr fr , *fuc qrc m rs e.n ft q-dt[-ff r.tr t d FfrEq rFr:sqrft q-<rfr m cfuc-{n, q-ddFq-d srFrkr rn qtrrfFTfi ffid qacm +{f, Vil + i sF{fud strd * ftq E frff qrq{nr Erfr qt ft, wgq+ 1 * RF& rq:rqrft q-<rf +r qrcr t er€r h ftq qfo4Qq ftcc sg qrgw t dafe sn-+ ara Mr yrfuor< l-t * qrt ftc Er+ t qTq fr frqr qTq{nl 1iy 1 I 1+y r €tr ) M r ffi wfrrq 13y 6 ffifte frqr qrg.nr 17. gq ffi ff irtq* u aqT rrr * (ii) ffifrr fuqr ErCfir ls, . d. g{-1 1 ol 1/2201 2-\r{ft-r4 {g {r<r{ror Erg, q*< qfu{ L I qrq il-q!-s 3(D] ft'q4 : nrn qftq+qr qrcd 16r {sFl? : ryrcr t srqFtRur <rqqu, Bnnsrwr, qFr-tr, Er!-s-3, sc-e.-s (i) 5 * Fqi=n r+ fiqr, 1985 fr + iiiFid c-flfim fr.r€ * nsr sr< d f{ifi 26 qaq6q, rssz ff qfuW-ir {.786(it), 10 3r{rRT, 1983 ff6T.qr. {. 5%(q), 14 frtrq(, i993 fffl.qr.fr.d.t4B, R-ri+ z+ sffiW{, r99+, sr.+r.fr. S43, 14 n..{ft, tggs, sr.+r.fr. 82, f{is 14 gqrt, tggs, sr.or.fr. 5b6(sr), R{tT 12 q{qt tggo, qr.+r.R. 2s(q), R-{is 4 T{qr, rggo, vr.+r.R. 5g9, fr{is 2s q{ 1997, qr.6r.fr. qr.sr.R. {. 837(!r), 350(q), Fi{i6, 19 cr{, 2002, w-+r.F. 214(q), F{is 14 r|{rdr, 2002, {r.{.r.ft. 763 (q), ftrir zr _ s..c{ft, 2003, w.+r.ft. 11s(sT), fu{is 26 s-c{fr, 2003, qr.{T.ft. 129 (sD, R-{iT 17 qr{, 2gg3, qr.6r.ft. 217 (q), R-{i{ s({fr, zoo+, qr.{T.fr. 95(B{), R-{is zs q-€ft, zoos, qr.6.r.R. 104, k{i-{ 22 Rtrq(, 200s, qr.{r.R. 736 ({), Fqio ts qq{(, 2006, qr.+r.R. oag (B{), 1 s€O, 20oB {r.t,r.R. {. 2(q), gqd, 2olo, 6r.qr. 1661(q), R-qis rr q*q, 201 j, il.qr., 739 (aD, fu{is 21 Wr,2011, rn.+r.fr. 470 (q), R-{k 2s Rqq(, zor r, qr.+r.R. 905(!0, f{it 1 {qr{, 2014, nr.tl.R. 426(9{) rsr R-{is 5 q'({ft, zor s, vr..m.fr. 74(sT) + diFid {{ift-il frc ,rs *r R-qio ta i-"iiNiSTRY OF FINA,NCE (llcparimcnt oi RevenuG) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 25th March, 2015 G.S.R 224(E).-In exercise ofthe powers conferred by section 9, read with section 76, ofthe Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985), the Central Gov€mment hereby makes the following rules further to arnend the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotsopic Substances Rules, 19E5, narnely:- i. (t) These rules may be called the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotopic Substances (Second Amendment) Rules, 20t5. (2) They shall come into foice on the date oftheir publication in the Official Gazefte. 2 fn the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Rules, 1985 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), for rule 53, the following rule shall be substituted, namely:"53. Gcncrrl prohibition,-IrnPort into and export out of India of the narcotic drugs and psychotopic substances is prohibited except with an import certificate or export authorization issued under the provision itthis Chapter. Provided that import into lndia or export out of India of the narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances specified in Schedule I ofthese rules shall be for the purpose mentioned in Chapter VI[A.',. 3. 4. Rule 53A ofthe leid nr1s5 s5.11be omitted. In mle 55 ofthe said rules, - (i) in sub-rule (l), the words ,.specified in the schedule ofthe Acr (ii) for sub-rule (3) and sub-rule (4), the following sub-rules shall shall be omittedi be substitute4 namely:_ "(3) Every application for an import certificate shall be in such form and manner and provide such details as may be specified by the Narcotic Commissioner. (a) A fe9 ofrupees one thousand shall be paid to the Central Gov€mment alongwith the application under sub-rule ( I ) for issue of each import certificate under this rule.". 5. In rule 56 of the said rules, - (i) sub-rule (l) shall be renumbered as sub-rule (lA) and before sub-rule (lA) so renumbered, rhe following sub-rule shall be inserted, namely:- "(l) The Narcotics Comrnissioner shall issue or deny the import certificate refened to in sub-rule (l) of rule 55 within a period of twenty one working days from the date of receipt of an application completed in all resPects and in case the import certificate is not issued within the stipulated time period or denied, the Narcotics Commissioner or any other officer authorised by him in this regard shall inform the applicant the reasons thereof.": l= tt aVf g-- i 6 rHE - GAzErrE oF tltDlL (ii) in sub-rule (lA), - (a) thc words'.referred to in sub-rul6 (l) IxMoRDINARY [PARr tr--sEc' 3(DI i of rule 55" shall be omitted; of (b) for the words "Collec'tor of Customs", wher€ver they occur' the words "Commissioner Customs" shall be substituted. Act" shall be omitted' In rule 57 ofthe said rules, the words "specified in Schedule ofthe 6. In nrle 58 of the said h I rules,- (i) for sub-rule (l), the following sub-rule shall be substitute4 namely:- "(l) No narcotic drug or psychotropic substance authorization issued by the rules."; l rrri"g'";"ity shall be exPorted out of India without an export tle consignment, in Form No. 5 appended to these in respect of namely:(ii) for sub-rule (3) and sub-rule (4), the following sub-rules shall be suhituted' and manner and provide such application for an export authorization shall be in such form "(3) Every i I I i t details as may'be specified by the Narcotic Commissioner' alongwith the application under (4) A fee of rupees one thousand shall be Paid to the Central Govemment (t) for is"ue ofeach exPon authorization under this rule'"' sub-ruie 8. lil rulc 59 of thc said rules'(i)sub'rule(l)shallberenumberedassub.rule(lA)andbetbresub-ruie(lA)sorenumbered,therbilowing sub-i-,rtc shaii bc msened namsly:..(l)TheNarcoticscommissionershallissueordenytheexportauthorizationreferredtoinsub.rule(l)of of receip of an application completed in all rule 5t within a perioa of twffi""" *.tiif"g a"yr toi U9 aul the is not issued within the siipulated time Period or denied, respects and in case the the applicant the inforrr shall "utfto.i^ioi "*po; him re-garo in tnis by ol"uo:y Narcotics Commissioo", reasons thereof."; (ii) in sub-rule "til;;H;;;th;;it"d I (lA)' (a) the words 'tefened to in subrule (l) ofnrle 5E" shall be bmitted; o)forthewords..collectorofcustoms'',thewords..CommissionerofCustoms''shallbesubstituted. 9. ln rule 60 of the said rules, - (i) the words "specified in Schedule ofthe Acf' shall be omitted; (ii)forthewords..Collectorofcustoms',,thewords..CommissionerofCustoms''shallbesubstituied. 10. In rule 6l of the said rules,- (i)fortheworcls..Collectorofcustoms'',thewords..CommissionerofCustoms''shallbesubstituted; (ii) the worrls "specified in Schedule ofthe Acf' shall be omitted' Customs", wherever they occur, the words ll. In rule 62 of the said rules, for the words "Collector of 12. be substituted' For rule 64 ofthe said rules, the following rule shall "Commissioner of Customs" shall be substituted' namely:- ..64'MsnufrctureofPsychotropicsubstences.{1)Nopersonshallmanufrctureanyofthepsychoropic and Cosmetics Rul€s' 1945 with ire conditions of a licence grant'd under the Drugp (23 of 1940)' bv an authority 194-0 p^gt cosmetics Act, trr" rs+5 ;ilrif;JJ*J"t,r,. (hereinafter referred t" "ia substances except in accordanc€ i"-iitg" "f n"g. ^ in a Sate appoint€d by the Contot State Government in this behalf: ProYidedthatalicencetomanufactureapsychotropicsubstancespecifiedinSchedulelshallbeissuedonlyfort}e purposes mentioned in Chapter VIIA: Pmvidedfirrthert}atrheauthorityincharyeofthedrugcontrolinaStateshallconsulttheNarcoticsCommissioner I' i.;; " li;;.* io .-ur""tut" u psyciotopic substance specifred in Schedule to as the Licensing Authority) shall dnrgs contol itr a.state O:reiTfter referred b"f"* (2) The authority in charge of consult the Narcotics Commissioner of th€ psychofopic wi& regard to the assessed annual .req"". "1"11 -"-l.tTl requirement of such (l) in the county and taking into account the substances in bulk form refened io in sub-;le *Urtun.. ,.quired fo'r supply to other manuhchrers outside psychoaopic substances _in the Sai", tfr"-q"*tity "i su"t, shall for ,"r"o*bt"-io"*4ry to'be held by a manufacturer, the state and the quatrbty or ruJf ,u-uo-* required rIFI qRit i6't ll-qo:g lllFrt : l{{ttlFul the manufacnrer in the speciry, by ordcr, the limit of the quantity of such substance which may be manufactu€d by Stale. in a year shall be The quantity of the said psychotropic substanc€ which may te manufactued by a licensee licence the "' issuing time of intimai"O Uy ttt" l,loenciag Authority to the licensee at the (3) 13. For rule 65 ofthe said rules, the following rule shall be substihrted namely:- ..65. R€gistration and sribmission of r€turns.-<l) A person who has been issued licence to manufactu€ one or in the form and more p.ycho:tropic substances shall register with the Narcotiis Commissioner for each ofthe substance! mamer ss may be sp€cifred by the Narcotics Commissioner. provided that the r€quirement of registration under this sub-rule shall be comptied within a period of one hundred - and eigbty days Aom the dat€ of coming into force ofthese rules. (2) A person who has registered with the Narcotics Cornmissioner under sub-nrle (l) shall {ile quarterly rctum with the l.iarcotics Commissioner in such form and manner as may be specified by the Narcotics Commissioner. I I (3) The return for a quarter shall be filed before the last day ofthe month following that quarter' (4) If the retum for a quart€r is not filed before thq du€ date by a PeBon reSistercd under sub-rule (l), the Narmtics if any' may Commissioner may issue notice ro explain the reasons there for and after considering tlte reasons submitted, pass orders for revoking the registration. ; (5) The registation .,nidcr sub-r.rle quartsrs is dot filed. (6) (l) shall be deemed tc be revoked, if the quarterly rehlm for three successive (4) may bc rna.le to the secre.!'a!-y, covcnmcnt of India or any other officer, not below the rank of Additional Secrehry to the undsr sub-rulc Aur appeal against an ordcr passed 'Revenuc Ministy of Financ",-Deparunent of of such order' Govemment of India" autirorized by him in this behalf, within thirty alays from the date of commrmication (7) Every memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by a copy ofthe order appealed against' (8) The Appellate Authority shall, after making such further inquiry as may be considered necessary' pass such orders as it thirG fit, confirming modiling or annulling the order rypealed against' June, July F.xplanotion.- Fq tE purposes of this rule, the expression "quanet'' shall be January to March, APril to !o September and Octob€r to December ofevery year.". 14. In rule 65A ofthe said rules, the following proviso shall be inserted ,,providecl that sale, purchase, consunption or use for the purposes mentioned in Chapter VIIA.". 15. In rule 66 ofthe said rules, for sub-.rule namely:- ofa psychoaopic substance specified in Schedule I shall be only (l), the following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:- 6(l) No person shall possess any psychotropic substance for any of the purposes covered under 1945 rules, unless any ofthe said purposes under lhese rules: possess for such substance he is lawfullyauthorized !o hovicled that possession of a psychotropic substance sp€cified in Schedule mentioned j JL 16. b Chapter I shall be only for the puPos€s VIIA.". In nrle 67 ofthe said rules. - (i) for sub-rule (i), the following sub-nrle shall be substituted, namely:- c(l) No consignment of psychotopic substance shall be transported, imported ir er-State or exPorted interState unless such consignmenf ii accompanied by a consigDment note in Form 6 appended to these mles and in the manner as provided hereinafter: hovided that a psychotopic substance specified in Schedule l1 i exported inter-State only for the purposes mentioned in Chapter I shall be transported, importod inter-State or VIIA: Provided turther that a psychotopic substance specified in Schedule I shall be transPorted for export out India only after an export authorization is issued by the Narcotics Commissioner under rule 59'"; of (ii) sub-rule (3) shall be omitted. 17. Schedule ll and Schedule III ofthe said rules shall be omitted. [F. No. N-l 101122012-NC-II] SATYA NARAYANA DASH, Under SecY' i L t 8 rlD cAzETrE oF INDIA:EXTRAoRDINARY llqf ll-sql(Dl Note.- The principal notifcation was published itr the Gazette of India, Extaordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section O vide number G.S.R. 837(E), dated fte l4th November, 1985 and subs€quently anended vide notifications numbers S.O. 786(E), dated the 26th October, 1992, S.O. 599(E), datcd th€ l0th August, 1993, c.S.R. 74E(E), dated rhe l4th December, 1993, c.S.R 543, dat€d the 24th October, 1994, G.S.R. 82, dated the l4th February, 1995, G.S.R 556(E), dated the l4th July, 1995, G.S.R 25(E), dated the l2th January, 1996, c's.R 509(E)' dated the 4th Novernber, 1996, G.S.R 350(E), <tared tlre 25th June, 1997, G.S.R. 214(E), dated the l9th Ma,rch,2002, c.S.R 753(E), dated l4th November, 2002, G.S.R. ll5(E), dated the 2lst February, 2003' G.S.R 129(E)' dat€d the 26th F€bruary, 2003, G.s.R 217(E), dated the lTth March, 2003, G.s.R. 95(E), dat€d the 4th February, 2004, G.s.R. lo4(E), dat€d the 25th February, 2005, G.s.R. 736@), dated the 22nd December,2005, G.S.R. 639 (E), dacd the l3th Oc6b;r,2006, c.S.R. 2 (E), dated the lst January,2008, S.O. 1661(E), rlated the l3th July,2010, S.O. 739 (E), dat€d the I lth April, 2011, G.s.R. 470(E), dated 21st June, 201 l, G.s.It 905(E), dat€d 28th December, 201l, G.s.R. 426(E), dated lst July, 2014, and G.S.R. 74(E), dated 5th February, 2015. @IndiaPress' - and Published bv th€ Controller Ring Roa4 Mayap'ri, Ncw Delhi-l 10064 ofPublicstions' Dclhi-l10054'
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